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** [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJlBycCWh8A Brokeback 1776]
* The recent ''21 Jump Street'' film. Is. Rife. With. It. Mostly it's Tatum on Hill, but Hill does get pretty slashy with Tatum too. The result is it's only more hilarious to watch!
* ''[[Twenty Eight28 Days Later (Film)|Twenty Eight Days Later]]''. Pretty tame ho yay vibes with West, but there's a scene in question where one of the soldiers (the name of whom is escaping me) is gloating over what he's going to do to Selena -- and it very, very creepily feels like he's also threatening Jim.
** The hints between Jim and Major West were intentional, at least according to the director's [[DVD Commentary]].
* ''[[Three Hundred]]'' is full of this, but it's at much greater levels in the original comic. In both film and comic, a Persian messenger turns up to Sparta and demands the Spartans give up, mentioning that the Athenians hadn't yet submitted to Xerxes. In both versions, Leonidas calls the Athenians '[[Boys Love|boy lovers]]'; in the movie, his wife is present, but in the comic book he's surrounded ''entirely'' by men. In history, Athenians and Spartans often ribbed each other like this (though it's questionable as to whether the actual Spartan form of pederasty was chaste or sexual). Think quarreling brothers (which adds a whole 'nother subtext now...) This was addressed in the letters page of the original run. A reader pointed out that there's plenty of evidence of homosexual activity among the Spartans. [[Frank Miller]] responded that there was also evidence that they lied about it and he stood by his dialogue. (Incidentally, according to [[The Other Wiki]], said "reader" was [[Alan Moore]].)
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** Not helped by the fact that on set, the two actors appear to be comfortable giving each other piggy back rides. D'aww.
** In "With A Little Help From My Friends", well... um, there's not much you can say. It doesn't help that for all the verses like "What do you see when you turn out the light?"/"Can't tell ya, but I know it's mine", they're both grinning like loons. And though Max is certainly a would-be Casanova in behaviour, he's only actually cohabiting with Jude.
** It seems like it had to be intentional when Jude says, "I love the bugger," considering that "buggery" was originally used to refer to [http[wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bugger |anal sex.]]
* ''[[Aladdin (Disney)|Aladdin]]'': Some of the Genie's actions towards Aladdin could be considered flirtatious. But then again he's a very playful genie.
{{quote| "Oh, Al. I'm gettin' kinda fond of you, kid. Not that I wanna pick out curtains or anything."}}
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** ''"If I were a woman, and I were not around, I should be in love with Rick."'' Mm-hmm.
* Kratt/Le Chiffre in ''[[Casino Royale (Film)|Casino Royale]]'' (Kratt's his henchman, the [[Bald of Evil|bald one]]. Mostly on the entirely overscrutinised basis of the occasional look, Kratt's status as henchman... henchperson... and the fact that if Bond got to have someone good looking come over and kiss him on the cheek, it seemed like something parallel was being set up for Le Chiffre's when Kratt walked up behind him at the table. Way to distract an entire table of poker players, Mads. That, and Le Chiffre's girlfriend sucks. And really, he doesn't care much about her either, judging by his lack of alarm at her impending dehanditation.
** ''[[Quantum of Solace (Film)|Quantum of Solace]]'', meanwhile, has Bond/Mathis. The scene where {{spoiler|Mathis dies}} is more or less ''completely identical'' to a similar scene between [[Doctor Who (TV)|the Doctor and the Master]], who have the honor of needing their very own [[Foe Yay]] [[Foe Yay/Doctor Who|subpage]].
* ''Center Stage'' has two straight male ballet dancers (!) who are competing romantically for the female lead, but they give each other an awful lot of lingering glares and do a lot of symbolic dick-measuring in rehearsal studio and onstage. Arguably [[Foe Yay]], although they don't outright fight.
* ''[[Charlie Bartlett]]'' is full of this between main character Charlie and friend Murphy, and later in in the film between Charlie, again, and principal Nathan Gardner (who is also the father of Charlie's girlfriend).
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* The 1970's killer vehicle film ''[[Killdozer]]'' is rife with this sort of thing. To begin with, it's a bunch of manly construction workers on an island with no women. Dutch is a bit... attached to Mack, and when Mack bites it Dutch descends into alcoholic nutsville and talks about how he and Mack used to go swimming together. Kelly and Dennis' relationship to one another seems like bitter exes, giving a new perspective on the scene where Dennis breaks his ankle while running and has to be helped by Kelly, filling a role normally reserved for a female love interest.
* In an early, lesser-known (but very suspenseful) [[Alfred Hitchcock]] film called ''The Lady Vanishes'' a bunch of people are staying together at an inn in central Europe. There's a pair of middle-aged English gentlemen who seem to be very close friends; the hotel is overbooked, so the two men end up sleeping in the maid's room. At one point, when the maid storms in and starts to change, they look away without any interest whatsoever. Later, we see them sitting in bed--one [[Shirtless Scene|isn't wearing a shirt]] and the other isn't wearing pants! They may just be [[Heterosexual Life Partners]], but the subtext was pretty damning.
** The characters were named [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Charters_and_Caldicott:Charters and Caldicott|Charters and Caldicott]] and they were so popular in the movie that they appeared in other British thrillers like ''Night Train To Munich''.
* Lawrence and Ali in ''[[Lawrence of Arabia]]''.
** Very much intended. To quote David Lean's obituary: "As to the suggestion that the film was pervasively homoerotic, [David Lean] said: 'Yes. Of course it is. Throughout. Lawrence was very, if not entirely, homosexual. We thought we were being very daring at the time: Lawrence and Omar [Sharif, who played Ali] , Lawrence and the Arab boys.'"
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** Wait, there's a way to watch that movie and ''not'' see that? The only fans of that film were a). in it for the teenage psychos and ho yay, or b). in it for the Leopold and Loeb references and ho yay. High points include Richard's jealous bedroom freak-out and the way our Charming Antagonists seem far too comfortable in each other's personal space. The whole business with Lisa just looks like Richie's seriously, seriously compensating -- he's such an over-the-top cad, if only to compensate for his metrosexual fashion sense. But wow -- talk about [[Slap Slap Kiss]].
** Somewhat more disturbing, in retrospect, if you take into account {{spoiler|potential future [[Prison Rape]] for poor Justin. Who is now stuck in the big house ''alone'' and without Richie. Ergh.}}
** The abandoned cabin in the woods where they meet in secret because their friendship is forbidden to talk about their hopes and dreams, come up with plans, and drink a lot of absinthe and do drugs ''totally'' isn't [[Make -Out Point]]. We swear. (Also, the photographic composite of Justin's and Richie's faces just looks like a prediction of [[M Preg|what their kids would look like.]])
* ''[[My Blue Heaven]]'': The two male leads troublemaker Vincent "Vinnie" Antonelli and FBI agent Barney Coopersmith show this in one scene in the form of this exchange after Barney saves Vinnie from gangsters.
{{quote| '''Vinnie:''' You saved my life.<br />
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'''Prince Humperdinck:''' [''sincerely''] Tyrone, you know how much I love watching you work, but I've got my country's 500th anniversary to plan, my wedding to arrange, my wife to murder and Guilder to frame for it; I'm swamped.<br />
'''Count Rugen:''' [''also sincere, with a worried look''] Get some rest. If you haven't got your health, then you haven't got anything. }}
** And Inigo and Fezzik are so adorably married. Their rhyming game! And the way they smile at each other! And when Fezzik takes care of Inigo after his epic bender! They're basically two halves of one useful, adult person. There's the [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl|Huge Guy Skinny Guy]] thing, but let's just [[Squick|not think too hard]] [[Hot Skitty -On -Wailord Action|about that]]. It's not that they're ''doing it'', it's that they're [[Heterosexual Life Partners]] to a mind-boggling degree.
* Carter and Rosie of the [[Disney Channel]] original movie ''[[Princess Protection Program (Film)|Princess Protection Program]]'' had plenty of "Oh, just kiss already!" moments, including a scene on a bench swing by a lake (belching notwithstanding.)
* ''[[The Producers]]''. Seriously, just... ''The Producers''.
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*** The original movie (with Zero Mostel and [[Gene Wilder]]) has [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ERAV57bqaU the scene] where Leo becomes hysterical when he thinks Max is going to jump on him. The dancing in that scene is quite homoerotic.
* ''[[Pulp Fiction]]''. [[Samuel L Jackson|Jules]] and Vincent. "Don't gimme that look, I can feel your look."
* ''[[Queen Christina (Film)|Queen Christina]]'' starred rumored bisexual Greta Garbo as the titular [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Christina_of_Sweden:Christina of Sweden|queen of Sweden]], who frequently dressed like a man, never married, and was also rumored to be bisexual or a lesbian. With a set-up like that you'd expect it to have some [[Ho Yay]], and you'd be right to. The real Christina is suspected to have had a love affair with Ebba Sparre, one of her ladies, and there's pretty much no other way to interpret their relationship in the movie. They kiss several times, and when Christina discovers that Ebba wants to marry a man she flies into a rage. Then when Christina is [[Sweet Polly Oliver|mistaken for a man]] at an out-of-the-way inn, a serving wench makes it very clear she's available. And the other way around, the Spanish ambassador Antonio certainly [[Sweet On Polly Oliver|seems interested in "him,"]] and agrees to sleep in the same bed with the "young man" before finding out he's a she.
* ''[[The Quick and The Dead]]'': Gene Hackman and [[Russell Crowe]]. Yes, as a matter of fact, it is [[Squick|kind of icky]].
{{quote| "I always wanted to fight you, Cort. Ever since the first time I saw you. It's just this... ''itch'' that I had to scratch."}}
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** Rocket is very hands on with all the girls, especially Babydoll and Blondie.
** "I don't bite (too hard)" is said outright by Rocket.
* Another example can be observed in the science fiction movie ''[[Sunshine (Film)|Sunshine]]'' (which is directed by the very same director as ''[[Twenty Eight28 Days Later (Film)|Twenty Eight Days Later]]'') between Capa and Mace, not only but the most obviously during their final scene. Danny Boyle, again, said it was intended to be a pretty homoerotic moment.
* [[One Word]]: ''[[Superbad]]''.
* If you have no idea what's coming up, the first conversation between Judge Turpin and teenaged Anthony in the 2007 film version of ''[[Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (Film)|Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street]]'' makes Turpin (fairly intentionally) sound like he's hitting on him. Hard. Not even in a good way, more of the [[Squick|'I've got candy in my van' kind of way]]. And then it goes somewhere else entirely, to mixed amounts of relief and [[The Woobie|woobiefication.]] Also, due to the amount of body contact necessarily in giving someone a serious shave (and naturally, slitting a throat) all the scenes with Turpin and Todd himself could easily be recut for totally non-existent subtext.
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** In a [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wly1CHI86sA deleted scene], Charles projects Erik in drag (yes, you read that correctly) and remarks, "You've never looked more beautiful, darling."
** Even better is the "It's ''good'' isn't it?" just before. Technically he's talking about his telepathy, but really Charles, you seem a bit too pleased with yourself.
** Surprised the beach scene hasn't been mentioned. There's [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNg-VKICZUI a video] combining the visuals with the audio of another [[Doctor Who (TV)/Ho Yay|notably homoerotic]] duo: the Master's {{spoiler|death}} in the ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' episode [[Doctor Who (TV)/NS/Recap/S3 E13 Last of the Time Lords|"Last of the Time Lords"]]. It works eerily well.
** In the truck where Charles mentally renders the soldiers invisible, Erik's hand is on the inside of his thigh. Yes, really.
** Darwin and Alex (Havoc) have their little moments. There is a scene where Darwin places his hand on Alex's stomach, and just a few seconds before Darwin dies, who does he reach out to? Alex.
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