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One Piece/Characters/Straw Hat Pirates: Difference between revisions

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* [[Butt Monkey]]: Constantly a victim of (comical) abuse from his crew mates due to his stupidity, and he frequently ends up in strange situations that keep him from fighting.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "I'm gonna be Pirate King!"
* [[Cement Shoes]]: Arlong did this to him in their fight. Surprisingly, the [[Kryptonite Factor|normal vulnerability to water of a Devil Fruit user]] did not stop his stretching abilities, allowing townspeople to stretch his head out of the water so [[CPR: Clean, Pretty, Reliable|they could give him CPR when he drowned]].
* [[Charles Atlas Superpower]]: Thanks to the [[Training From Hell]] his grandpa put him through, he's strong enough to destroy steel with his bare hands, knock out large sea monsters, and ''push apart two buildings he was stuck between''. And that's not even using his Devil Fruit ability.
* [[Chaste Hero]]: Though he knows what romantic relationships are, he just isn't interested... [[Epileptic Trees|maybe]].
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* [[Compelling Voice]]: A manifestation of his [[Pure Awesomeness]]. It used to be involuntary and basically limited to really desperate shouting. He doesn't need to actually speak to use it anymore.
* [[Confusion Fu]]: Luffy, unlike the other characters, seems to fight freestyle. Being rubber makes this befitting. It even turned into an advantage against Eneru, who can read minds. Luffy simply ricocheted his moves off a wall, making it impossible for anyone, including himself, to predict their path.
* [[Cross -Dressing Voices]]: Voiced by a woman in both the original Japanese and both English dubs.
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: Often both a badass ''and'' a moron at the same time.
** He actually tries to weaponize his idiot nature in the Eneru fight, in order to defeat his mind-reading. It works, but he also becomes too stupid to remember to attack.
* [[Cursed With Awesome]]: Like all DF users, he's gained incredible powers at the cost of never being able to swim and being branded a freak forever. Not that either of these facts bother him, though.
* {{spoiler|[[Dead Little Sister|Dead Older Brother]]}}: {{spoiler|[[Tear Jerker|Twice]]}}.
* [[Death Glare]]: He always stares down enemies, and when pissed gives these. Two particularly intense faces occur, 1st was right before he defeated Lucci with his [[Rapid -Fire Fisticuffs|Jet Gatling]]. And the 2nd one was to Jinbe while he was having a truly epic [[Freak -Out]] on Amazon Lily.
** {{spoiler|Later becomes one of his regular abilities thanks to Haki}}.
* [[Defeating the Undefeatable]]: Many of his opponents. Eneru is probably the best example, as he spent most of the Skypiea arc proving how strong he was.
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* [[Expy]]: Of [[Dragon Ball (Manga)|Son Goku]], in a spiritual sense. Oda said he designed Luffy based on what 'manliness' meant to him as a child. Incidentally, Luffy met Goku in the ''Dragon Ball x One Piece - Cross Epoch'' crossover. He even got to ride on the Flying Nimbus.
* [[Flash Step]]: When using [[Super Mode|Gear Second]].
* [[Freak -Out]]: When {{spoiler|he recovers from his [[Heroic BSOD]] and realizes Ace is truly dead}}. In the anime, he also freaks out {{spoiler|when Kuma scatters his crew}}, and when {{spoiler|Ace is killed}}. The latter example is [[Nightmare Fuel|particularly terrifying]], to say the least.
* [[Friend to All Living Things]]: At one point, he was able to befriend a ''{{spoiler|Kraken}}''.
** {{spoiler|[[Chekhov's Skill]] and [[Chekhov's Gun]]}}: {{spoiler|And thanks to that, now said Kraken is helping him in the fight against the New Fishmen Pirates. [[Curb Stomp Battle|Not that he or his crew really needed it, but still.]]}}
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* [[Generation Xerox]]: He has been compared to Gold Roger by multiple people who've encountered him. Given his simple outlook on life and violence towards anyone who hurts his friends, he can also be seen as a [[Generation Xerox]] of Shanks.
** According to [[Wholesome Crossdresser|Ivankov]], Luffy is very similar to his father, Dragon.
* [[Go Out Withwith a Smile]]: Just like anybody else with D. as their middle initial, he's prone to this trope. Notably, he smiled before Buggy almost cut his head off at Logue Town.
* [[Good Old Fisticuffs]]: He fights predominantly with his fists, although he discovered an attack involving blasting [[Pure Awesomeness]].
* [[Heavy Sleeper]]: Seems to be a family trait.
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** [[Heroic RROD]]: His Gear Second {{spoiler|pre-[[Time Skip]]}} shortens his lifespan with each use, and will eventually wear him out if overused. Gear Third also might count, although it only shrinks Luffy temporarily after each use, with no mentioned long-term effect.
*** When Ivankov gave Luffy his "miracle treatment" to heal Luffy of Magellan's poison, it took an additional ten years off Luffy's lifespan. Add this to the Gear Second, and the regular damage Luffy takes, and Oda seems to be strongly implying that Luffy will die young.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: The original one is also [[Dragon Ball (Manga)|Krillin]] and [[Yu Yu Hakusho (Manga)|Koenma]].
** Italian Luffy was [[Naruto|Gaara of the Desert.]]
** American Luffy took over as Gohan in ''[[Dragon Ball Kai (Anime)|Dragon Ball Kai]]''.
* [[Hilariously Abusive Childhood]]: Child abuse isn't funny... except when it involves [[Refuge in Audacity|throwing the child down a ravine, leaving him in the in the wilderness]], and [[Crosses the Line Twice|attaching enough helium balloons to him to make him float into the sky]], all for the purposes of increasing his survival skills. After hearing about it, his crew immediately realizes just where Luffy got his strong will to live from.
* [[Hollywood Healing]]: His battles only leave story relevant scars, like his trademark one under his eye he got in Chapter 1 or {{spoiler|the new X shaped scar Akainu gave him}}.
* [[Hot -Blooded]]: In fine Shonen fashion. He's a more tranquil version, however.
* [[How Do I Shot Web?]]: As a child who had recently eaten the Gum-Gum Fruit, Luffy was rather unskilled with his stretching powers -- especially when compared to his mastery at the start of his journey. His signature Gum-Gum Pistol? His first attempt bounced off the ground and back into his own face.
* [[I Gave My Word]]: His word is the greatest thing he can give. He takes it seriously. How serious? He promised Robin he'd be her friend forever, so when she was taken from him, he went on a rampage resulting in the complete annihilation of a World Government island, thousands of dead mooks, and a staggering two hundred MILLION increase in his bounty.
** He also ignores his word when he feels like it. He gave his word to Hachi repeatedly that he would not mess with a World Noble no matter what happened. He totally kept his word.
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* [[Idiot Hero]]: One of the poster boys.
** In a bit of a subversion, Luffy is actually quite smart for a Shonen Hero, and not just in combat; he has shown an understanding of basic physics, social skills, survival skills, and politics. The 'Idiot' part comes from his simple outlook on life; while he understands that the current of Reverse Mountain has a scientific explanation, he prefers to just call it a "Mystery Mountain" because it's easier and more fun. That sort of description extends to several other subjects.
* [[I'm Not a Hero, ImI'm X]]: Invokes this with Jinbe. He says he likes heroes, but he knows he's a pirate.
* [[Immune to Bullets]]: They simply bounce off, though in the beginning of the series he claimed to still not like getting shot.
** Considering how often it's happened since then, he probably got used to it pretty quickly.
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** {{spoiler|When he uses Armaments Haki, his body turns [http://www.mangareader.net/one-piece/605/11 dark and shiny], as if his rubber body has gone through a form of vulcanization.}}
* [[Kiai]]: See the end of his fight with Rob Lucci.
* [[Knuckle -Cracking]]
* [[The Leader]]: A combination of Type III (Headstrong) and Type IV (Charismatic). Has some shades of the Levelheaded Type II, but only when the situation is truly dire.
* [[Leeroy Jenkins]]: Does this whenever he's NOT trapped somewhere and can't fight, but the most notable straight example was at the beginning of the assault on Enies Lobby, where he actually took off full speed into the heart of Enies Lobby during the middle of planning, causing his allies to nearly be wiped out. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPqKRPU3aXM Perfectly summed up here.]
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: Possibly the fastest and most agile member of his crew, he also has incredible durability and strength. [[Word of God]] is that only Zoro matches his physical power.
* [[Like Father, Like Son]]: While not spending any of his childhood with his father, he has nonetheless taken after him with his will and dangerous unpredictability, and both are stakes in the World Government's side.
* [[Magnetic Hero]]: Directly acknowledged by Mihawk:
{{quote| It's not some kind of special power, but he has the ability to make allies of everyone he meets. And that is the most fearsome power on these high seas!}}
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* [[The Messiah]]: Really became obvious during the Whitebeard War, although it was alluded to after the Enies Lobby Incident.
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: Has plenty of fan girls in-universe and in real-life.
* [[My Greatest Failure]]: {{spoiler|[[Wham! Episode|The Death of Portgas D. Ace]]}}.
* [[Nice Guy]]: [[Berserk Button|Just don't touch]] [[True Companions|any of his friends]], [[Trademark Favorite Food|his meat]], or [[Nice Hat|his straw hat]].
* [[Nice Hat]]: It's even on his Jolly Roger!
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** Hell, after the [[Time Skip]], all he has to do is glare at most weaker opponents and they're on the ground, foaming at the mouth.
** Taken to new, ludicrous extremes when, in chapter 634 of the manga, he {{spoiler|knocks out 50,000 members of the New Fishman Pirates with nothing but a Haki-powered gaze!}}
* [[Rapid -Fire Fisticuffs]]: His Gatling, Pistol-Shotgun, Storm, Fireworks, Cannon, Jet Gatling, and Jet Cannon techniques.
* [[Real Men Eat Meat]]
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The red to Zoro's blue, although Zoro can be a little red sometimes.
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* [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill]]: {{spoiler|Lately, after the timeskip, he uses Gear Second attacks for ''everything''. Considering how strong he already is and the fact that he has Haki, his normal Gum Gum attacks should be more than enough to solve his problems, rather than senselessly shorten his lifespan to beat a few minor enemies}}.
** {{spoiler|He may not have the drawback post-time skip. Still this trope though, as he doesn't ''need'' to go [[Super Mode]].}}
* [[Third TimesTime's the Charm]]: Against Crocodile, though there is a case to be had in his confrontations with Eneru and Rob Lucci.
* [[Time to Unlock More True Potential]]: By the end of the first half of the series, approx. time around the Sabaody Arc, his skills and power are simply no longer enough to beat anybody or anything stronger than a single Pacifista, (with the support of his entire team at that...) and considering Hancock, his "Love Interest" ([[No Hugging, No Kissing|I use that term lightly]]) could smash dozens of them in one hit, that really, really was quite pathetic. {{spoiler|Thankfully, he got better and after two years of training, he can now also defeat a Pacifista in a single hit (along with a giant KRAKEN, for that matter...)}}
* [[Trademark Favorite Food]]: Meat. Any kind of meat. ({{spoiler|Although he's not as fond of seafood, as revealed by the Fishman Island arc.}}) Eating it even makes him stronger, and if he's not fighting or playing, he's always seen eating meat.
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** Swings into Type II and III territory occasionally.
* [[Badass]]: One of the more prominent examples in the series.
** [[Badass Arm -Fold]]: [[media:zoroblood.jpg|In this pic,]] which completely cements his [[Made of Iron]] credentials.
** [[Badass Baritone]]: He has the deepest voice in the crew, and is undeniably [[Badass]].
** [[Badass Boast]]: From chapter 642:
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* [[High-Pressure Blood]]: Has an infinite supply of it.
* [[Hollywood Healing]]: [http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=226 "Band-aids heal everything."]
* [[How Dare You Die On Me!]]: Implied to be a source of angst involving the best friend he never got over. It's especially heart-wrenching when you consider that the other Straw Hats were at least assured they were unconditionally cared about by their own loved ones, no matter how tragic the circumstances.
* [[Improbable Age]]: One of the biggest badasses in the series is 19?
* [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]]
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* [[Power Glows]]: Occasionally, he will glow when he performs any of his more potent attacks as well as creating illusions, thought of by Kaku as being the power of his spirit.
* [[Quit Your Whining]]: Says this to Chopper after he gets forcibly taken into Foxy's crew as a result of the Straw Hats losing the first round of the Davy Back Fight.
* [[Rated "M" for Manly]]: Taken as far as possible.
* [[Razor Wind]]: His Tatsumaki and Pound Hou techniques.
** {{spoiler|After the [[Time Skip]], his Tatsumaki gets mixed with [[Do Not Touch the Funnel Cloud]] as well.}}
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* [[What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic]]: His attacks often contain references to Buddhism and mythical demons. Ironically, Zoro himself claims to be atheist.
** Also, references to sushi. Like Oni Giri (Demon Slash).
* [[What Exactly Is His Job?]]: [[Fanon]] typically pegs him as the First Mate, but this has yet to be explicitly stated in-story.
* [[What You Are in The Dark]]: Zoro fully intended to sacrifice himself as part of a deal with Kuma to spare the rest of the Straw Hats. When he made this deal, he was under the assumption that everyone else was unconscious.
* [[Wisdom From the Gutter]]: Zoro is ''the one'' to impart knowledge about how a pirate should behave within their group; aspects such as respect, roles and trust are brought up by him when the Straw Hats are in the middle of some inner conflict as seen during the Davy Back Fight and Water 7. Interesting to note is that Zoro only does this when Luffy, the Captain, isn’t the one voicing this out or he is also participating in the turmoil; the exact course of action a First Mate would take, if they ever had one.
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* [[Cat Fight]]: Gets into these all the time, but her fight with Kalifa in which Nami herself is scantily clad and getting rubbed all over [[Fan Service|by the buxom, fishnet-fond Kalifa using her]] [[It Runs On Nonsensoleum|"Slippery wet soap powers"]] takes the cake.
* [[Cowardly Lion]]: Less than Chopper and Usopp, but she does not have the fear immunity that the rest of the crew have.
* [[Dangerously -Short Skirt]]: Twice. The first was [http://images.wikia.com/onepiece/images/6/6e/W7.jpg in the Water 7 arc], when she didn't fight at all. The second was [http://images.wikia.com/onepiece/images/a/a6/Nami_PerfectClimaTact.JPG in the Enies Lobby arc], where she more than proved her worth as an [[Action Girl]].
* [[Elemental Powers]]
** [[Blow You Away]]: {{spoiler|Enemy face, meet tornado in a stick.}}
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* [[She's Got Legs]]
* [[Ship Tease]]: She's been seen to be quite fond of Usopp from times to times. She wept after he left during the Enies Lobby arc and was the most adamant to defend him against Zoro when he came back. She also {{spoiler|buried his face in her chest when they meet each other after the [[Time Skip]]. Keep in mind she would have never do that for any other male of the crew.}}
* [[Shouldn't You Stop Stealing?]]
* [[Surrounded By Idiots]]: Just before the crew entered the Grand Line, Oda was asked who had the highest and lowest IQ of all the characters introduced so far; he replied that Shanks's first mate, Captain Kuro, and Nami were the smartest, but he couldn't decide which characters were the dumbest because almost every other character is an idiot or a [[Cloudcuckoolander|space case]].
* [[Tattooed Crook]]: Very important to her backstory, and hot.
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* [[Teen Genius]]: When we are first introduced to her, she is eighteen and knows the ins-and-outs of sailing various kinds of ships, an almost entirely instinctive knowledge of climatology and meteorology, and an incredible knack at cartography that she had been refining since she was only ten years old. [[Word of God]] states she was the third smartest character introduced in the East Blue Saga. The other two were pirates with years of experience, one being the first-mate of one of the most powerful men in the world. So yeah, she's smart.
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: Tomboy to Vivi's Girly Girl, though it's all relative as neither is very tomboyish or girly.
** Also the more [[Hot -Blooded|passionate]] and [[Tomboy|headstrong]] of the two ladies aboard the Thousand Sunny, although her hobbies are much more girly than Robin's, whose are just... ''weird''.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: Every time she gets a new Clima Tact (i.e. in Alabasta, Enies Lobby, and after the timeskip), but special mention needs to go to her after the timeskip, where she electrocutes ''a whole bar'', takes down Fishman soldiers (who are 10 times stronger than normal humans, mind you) like they were nothing, and even displays the ability to make herself invisible with mirages to steal a very important document from Fishmen on power-increasing steroids. Also, she doesn't seem to be a coward anymore -- except for the fight against the Kraken. For example, she doesn't even flinch when having a gun pointed against her temple.
* [[Took a Level In Kindness]]: Gradually as the series has gone on, but especially after the timeskip. {{spoiler|From forgiving Hachi, to immediately hugging Usopp and Chopper when they reunite, to even immediately forgiving Jinbei for letting Arlong loose on East Blue,}} she's come a pretty long way from the [[Jerkass Facade]] she started out with.
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* {{spoiler|[[Green Thumb]]:}} {{spoiler|After the [[Time Skip]], he's able to fire off things ranging from man-eating plants, to seaweed, to bamboo spears.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Fantastic Flora]]}}: {{spoiler|Some of the Pop Green plants are quite strange, such as a plant that has a bouncy bubble on it and a wolf-shaped bushes, the bulbs of which release ''shock waves''.}}
* [[She Is All Grown Up|He Is All Grown Up]]: ''[[Hello, Nurse!|Hello]]'', Mansopp!
* [[Heavy Voice]]: Has one after gaining weight on the Bowin Islands.
* [[Improbable Aiming Skills]]: He's able to take out soldiers several hundred yards away while standing on the roof of a building that's a good couple hundred feet tall. While it was very windy. With a goddamn slingshot/staff thing.
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** {{spoiler|Seems to be going back the other way. Both the [[Creepy Crossdresser|Newkamas]] and the Mermaids seem to like him a lot}}.
* [[Hopeless Suitor]]: He seemed like this back when Nami was the only girl around he could try to woo most of the time. This changed once other ladies joined the crew and it became more and more apparent he'd hit on anything with shapely hips and a nice rack.
* [[Hot -Blooded]]: Usually when the ladies are in danger or he's sufficiently angry, he gets so [[Hot -Blooded]] that he actually [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PGMyg5hY04 bursts into flames] for comedic effect. It's also the author's explanation for him being able to pull off Diable Jambe, breaking the laws of physics in the process. [[It Runs On Nonsensoleum]] indeed.
* [[Humiliation Conga]]: To sum up, {{spoiler|he was defeated by Kuma, sent on a island full of Drag Queens, is accidentally mistaken for a crossdresser by the inhabitants, chased along the whole island, forced to fight the "Queen" in dress and make up, humiliated and tricked into becoming a crossdresser himself. Thankfully, he got better.}}
** {{spoiler|Let's not forget how he was forced to admit that his poorly drawn Wanted Poster is actually him in order to get Ivankov to tell him about what happened to Luffy. This is such a monumental strain for him it actually results in ''[[Blood From the Mouth]]''.}}
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* [[Real Men Wear Pink]]: He cooks with a pink panda decorated apron.
** It's funny you... *cough* *cough* [[Wholesome Crossdresser|mentioned pink]]...
* [[Sharp -Dressed Man]]: A suit is his standard form of attire, usually only wearing more casual clothes during transitions between arcs.
* [[Smoking Is Cool]]: Both TV English dubs dealt with this by either editing his cigarette out altogether ([[FUNimation]]), or by turning it into a lollipop ([[Four Kids4Kids! Entertainment|4Kids]]).
* {{spoiler|[[Super Not-Drowning Skills]]}}: {{spoiler|He has an underwater version of [[Double Jump|Sky Walk]] called "Blue Walk" and is said to be as fast as a fishman, which is pretty fast considering they're the ''third fastest swimmers in the sea''}}.
* [[Supreme Chef]]: Makes some of the best damn food you'll find on the Grand Line. And he joined the crew to fulfill his dream of finding some mysterious and awesome ingredients that can only be found in the All Blue, so he can cook even ''better''.
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** {{spoiler|Not so much after the [[Time Skip]], it seems. He's already faced down a particularly vicious [[Everything's Even Worse With Sharks|Shark Fishman]] without losing his confident grin for a second.}}
** {{spoiler|Luffy raising the fear level to one of the four emperors was too much even for the new Chopper.}}
* [[Cross -Dressing Voices]]: Being a [[Ridiculously Cute Critter]], naturally he's voiced by women.
* [[Cry Cute]]: Being a bit of a scaredy-cat, and very, very cute, he does this a lot.
** {{spoiler|He seems to have to gotten over this Post-[[Time Skip]].}}
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* [[The Medic]]: His role in the crew as doctor.
** [[Combat Medic]]
* [[Mighty Glacier]]: His ''[[Top -Heavy Guy|Heavy Point]]'', ''[[Megaton Punch|Arm Point]]'' and ''[[Attack of the Fifty Foot Whatever|Monster Point]]'' forms.
* [[My Greatest Failure]]: When his mentor/father figure Dr. Hiriluk fell ill, Chopper tried to nurse him back to health. He only succeeded in getting him killed.
** Possibly [[Subverted]]: Apparently, Dr. Hiriluk ''knew'' the mushroom was poisonous, but used it anyway to hasten his death, as he had a terminal illness, in addition to making his adoptive "son" feel good about himself. Then he [[Heroic Sacrifice|blew himself up at Wapol's castle]] before the mushroom could kill him.
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*** [[Fridge Logic|But... He still doesn't have a tail.]]
*** [[MST3K Mantra|So what?]]
* [[Super -Deformed]]: A result of his [[Art Evolution]].
* [[Super Drowning Skills]]: He likes to jump in the water to save Luffy, forgetting that ''he can't swim either''.
* [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]: Brought on by using three Rumble Ball [[Voluntary Shapeshifting|transformations]] in a short period of time.
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* [[Cool Shades]]: Part of her post timeskip attire. Usually wears it [[Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs|over her head]], but she was recently seen wearing it during the fight in Fishman Island.
* [[Creepy Good]]: Robin is one of only two members of the Strawhats to have killed in the past (she used to be an assassin and [[The Dragon]]). She is the only member who still uses her powers to kill, and frequently makes morbid comments about death. Her power to grow body parts from any surface also adds to her creep factor.
* [[Dangerously -Short Skirt]]: Miniskirt, specifically.
* [[Dark Action Girl]]: Her powers enable her to break your back or neck with very little effort, even if you beg or cry for mercy.
* [[Distress Ball]]: Slammed with this one. A full fifth of the series is spent on a storyline involving the Straw Hats trying to save her from a life of imprisonment and inevitable death at the hands of the World Government. And on the off-chance that ''that'' wasn't enough, {{spoiler|Kuma}} blasts her to a frozen and inhospitable island where she's {{spoiler|made a slave of the World Government anyway}}, and forced to work on the construction of a massive bridge. [[Designated Victim|The poor woman just can't get a break]].
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* [[She's Got Legs]]
* [[Shiny Midnight Black]]: Her hair, black with [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|blue]] highlights.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Her look after the timeskip may remind people of [[Tomb Raider|another]] [[Adventurer Archaeologist]].
* [[Statuesque Stunner]]: She's 6'2 (6 feet and 2 inches tall), dwarfing all of the other Strawhats except Franky and Brook, who keep in mind are themselves 7'5 and 8'8, respectively. This is not a very impressive height in the One Piece world (see the [[Our Giants Are Bigger]] trope for a full diagnostic on height variations in the One Piece world), but would be ''huge'' if she were a real life woman.
* [[The Stoic]]: Like Zoro, [http://www.mangafox.com/manga/one_piece/v46/c442/13.html she is much more reserved than most of the crew], and unlike the others, has not had a single [[Face Fault]] -- this is lampshaded in one of the anime's ending themes.
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* [[Tempting Fate]]: Her somewhat macabre sense of humor often unnerves her companions.
* [[Wrestler in All of Us|There's a Wrestler in All of Us]]: Robin specializes in submission locks and her most common form of attack is taking down an enemy from a distance in this manner using her powers. After the [[Time Skip]], she even takes it up a notch and one of her moves involves making a [[Doppelganger Attack|clone]] of herself to take down the legs in a submission hold while she herself performs a diving-neck snap. [[Muscles Are Meaningless|On a Fishman twice her size]]. A Fishman who, like all Fishmen, is said to naturally be 10 times stronger than the average human. [[Precision F-Strike|Damn]].
* [[Thigh -High Boots]]: Occasionally.
* [[Tsurime Eyes]]
* [[Weak but Skilled]]: Robin is no stronger than your average athletic human woman. However, skillful use of her Devil Fruit powers enables her to take on foes much bigger and/or much more powerful than she is.
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** He was also created after Eiichiro Oda heard all of Kazuki Yao's voice work as Jango and Bon Clay, specifically designed to give him a permanent casting role.
* [[It Runs On Nonsensoleum]]: His cyborg functions are powered by carbonation! So is the ship he made, for that matter.
** It may also serve as an [[Incredibly Lame Pun]] and a joke on [[Steampunk]], since the most popular brand of cola is [[Real Life|Coke]] and [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Coke_%28fuel%29:Coke chr(28)fuelchr(29)|coke]] is a type of fuel that was used in steam engines.
* [[Only Known By Their Nickname]]: He was renamed by Iceberg who found his real name silly. Everyone has called him Franky ever since.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: Abandoned by his pirate parents and adopted by Tom, who died when he was a young adult.
* [[Power Source]]: He's gotta have his Cola.
* [[Ridiculously -Fast Construction]]: Played for laughs several times during the Thriller Bark arc, when, among other things, he built a bridge [[Rule of Funny|with flower motifs and frills]] in the time it took the others to blink, and built a staircase leading up to super-giant Oars as fast as another crewmember was able to climb it. Best shipwright/carpenter/engineer ever.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Franky's cry of "Yatte Yaruze!" ("Let's Do It!") during the Oars fight when the Straw Hat pirates 'dock'. Kazuki Yao is famous for [[Dancougar|Fujiwara Shinobu of Dancouga]], whose catchphrase whenever the Cyber Beast Force formed the Giant Robot was... "Yatte Yaruze!"
* [[Sand in My Eyes]]: Often brought to ([[Manly Tears|manly]]) tears by sentimental backstories. He always denies it.
** Dammit, he ain't crying!
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