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Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers (animation): Difference between revisions

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* [[Beam Me Up, Scotty]]:
** "Should work with no problems."
** By the way, [[Shout -Out|Dale says, "Beam me up, Scotty"]], in "Dale Beside Himself".
** Contrary to popular belief, Chip and Dale are never stated to be brothers, in the show or in any other Disney canon.
* [[Beat Them At Their Own Game]]:
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** When confronting Su Lin.
* [[Be Careful What You Wish For]]: "A Lad in a Lamp", complete with the [[Reset Button]] at the end.
* [[Bee -Bee Gun]]: "Risky Beesness".
* [[Beneath the Earth]]: Where Darby Spree from "The Last Leprechaun" lives, as do the other leprechauns.
* [[Berserk Button]]:
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* [[Big Eater]]: Bink in "Adventures in Squirrelsitting", and of course Monterey Jack, especially when it comes to cheese.
* [[Big Fancy House]]: The Clutchcoin house in "The Carpetsnaggers", for example.
* [[Bird CagedBirdcaged]]: Chip, Dale and Gadget are trapped in a bird cage placed in rising water by a tribe of beetles in "Zipper Come Home".
* [[Blessed Are the Cheesemakers]]: At least, to Monterey Jack.
* [[Blinding Bangs]]: K. Sera.
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** What the Rangers have to do for themselves in "An Elephant Never Suspects".
** When Dale becomes Rubber Bando and is framed for crimes he didn't commit in the episode "It's A Bird, It's Insane, It's Dale!".
* [[Close -Call Haircut]]: Monty in "Mind Your Cheese & Q's".
* [[Clothing Damage]]: Parodied. Whose dress is ripped in an action scene? {{spoiler|Dale's.}}
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: Dale in many episodes.
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* [[Conservation of Ninjitsu]]: Gadget vs. Bubbles' [[Ninja]] [[Mooks]] in "Case of the Cola Cult". Granted, she is heavily armed and doesn't know Ninjitsu, but the principle is the same.
* [[Context Sensitive Button]]: Many controls of the Ranger Plane and the Ranger Wing.
* [[Convection, Schmonvection]]: It's apparently not the slightest bit hot a pair of tongs' length above a barbecue grill ("Gadget Goes Hawaiian").
* [[Conveyor Belt O' Doom]]: Used in "Adventures in Squirrelsitting" and "Pie in the Sky".
* [[Cool Garage]]: Gadget's old home in a World War II bomber plane wreck, complete with dozens of death traps against intruders and a dynamite-driven catapult for her father's plane.
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** This has to be taken literally with Nimnul's flying iceberg in "To the Rescue". It's so cool that it doesn't even melt on its several-thousand-mile flight.
* [[Cowboy Bebop At His Computer]]: Whoever wrote the official German descriptions for the show and the episodes in particular [[Did Not Do the Research]]. [[Critical Research Failure|At all]]. Zipper is sometimes described as female although we could probably name two episodes which could show them otherwise even without any audio), Monty is sometimes named by his English name, sometimes by his German name, Gadget is sometimes named by her German name, sometimes by [[Darkwing Duck (Animation)|Gosalyn]]'s German name (which she was definitely not given in any language), and so forth.
* [[Crash -Course Landing]]: The Rangers manage to pull off not a "simple" landing, but a frieking planetfall and touchdown with a NASA experimental space plane. After about five minutes in a simulator (and crashing twice there).
* [[Crash Into Hello]]: Tammy and Bink's mother gets to know Chip and Dale when they crash into her place.
* [[Crazy Prepared]]: Gadget has on her person, among other things, a parachute, an inflatable raft, a glass cutter and a lighter. Being a Rescue Ranger kinda justifies it though.
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** Chip and Dale do this for "The Fat Cat Stomp". In fact, it can be seen in the full opening for the show.
** Dale as "Tootsie" in "S.S. Drainpipe".
* [[Cross -Dressing Voices]]: Chip and Gadget were both voiced by [[Tress MacNeille (Creator)|Tress MacNeille]] (though, for Chip, you wouldn't know it from hearing at first since Tress's voice was placed at a higher pitch to match the original voice actor for Chip from the old Donald Duck cartoons).
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: Dale, especially in "S.S. Drainpipe" and "Le Purrfect Crime".
* [[Cult]]: The Cola Cult in "Case of the Cola Cult".
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* [[Cute Kitten]]: Spunky in "Catteries Not Included", Boots in "Gorilla My Dreams".
* [[Da Chief]]: Sergeant Spinelli.
* [[Damn, It Feels Good to Be A Gangster!]]: Rat Capone and his lackeys.
* [[The Danza]]: Dev Ross as the TV aerobics trainer Dev in "Battle of the Bulge". See also [[Ink Suit Actor]].
* [[Dark Fic]]: Many of the most famous [[Fan Fiction]] creations in the Rescue Rangers fandom fall into this category. ''Rhyme and Reason'', ''Gadget In Chains'', [[The Nowakverse (Fanfic)|The Nowakverse]] stories including ''Under The Bridge'', the ''Chip Noir Dale'' series, in fact, also ''[[Of Mice and Mayhem (Fanfic)|Of Mice and Mayhem]]''.
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* [[Epunymous Title]]: "Song of the Night 'n Dale".
* [[Eskimo Land]]: "A Chorus Crime".
* [["Everybody Laughs" Ending]]: Some episodes end with this; others don't.
* [[Everyone Looks Sexier If French]]: Désirée D'Allure from "Love Is a Many-Splintered Thing".
* [[Everyone Loves Blondes]]: Gadget is loved by Chip, Dale, [[Furry Fandom|and most of the fans actually]].
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* [[Fake Band]]: Iron Goose in "Risky Beesness".
* [[Fake Nationality]]: Lots of characters from all around the world meet a pretty much 100% American voice cast.
* [[Fake -Out Make -Out]]: Lahwhinie with Dale (once) and Chip (twice) in "Gadget Goes Hawaiian", Gadget in disguise with Dale in "Double 'O Chipmunk".
* [[Fake Rabies]]: In the pilot arc, Fat Cat gets Plato out of the way at one point by spraying his mouth with whipped cream and stuffing a visitor's lapdog into the middle of the mess.
* [[Fan Art]]: ''And how!''
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** [[The Smart Guy]]/[[The Chick]] - Gadget
** [[Team Pet]] - Zipper
* [[Flame War]]: Some extremely ugly wars about [[Ship -to -Ship Combat|which chipmunk Gadget will end up with]] have nearly torn the fandom apart on at least two occasions. Since then discussing the topic seriously is still somewhat of a taboo.
* [[Flight]]: "Kiwi's Big Adventure".
* [[Flying Broomstick]]: It's a vacuum cleaner that Winifred rides in "Good Times, Bat Times", but she's a cleaning woman from around 1990 after all.
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* [[Genre Savvy]]: Chip in "Pound of the Baskervilles".
* [[Geographic Flexibility]]: What the heck do a barrage ("A Creep in the Deep"), the Chrysler Building ("The Carpetsnaggers"), the World Trade Center ("Robocat"), the Bob Hope Airport ("To the Rescue"), the Los Angeles Town Hall ("To the Rescue"), and LAPD police uniforms do in one and the same city?
* [["Get Out of Jail Free" Card]]: Nimnul, although he may just be ''really'' good at breaking out of jail.
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]:
** The infamous "red dress scene".
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* [[Hair of Gold]]: Gadget, Lahwhinie.
* [[Hair Reboot]]: Queenie can do that within a second or so. Unless the plot requires otherwise.
* [[Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow]]: Sort of parodied ''and quoted'' by Winifred when she steals the police chief's wig with her [[Flying Broomstick|flying hoover]].
* [[Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal]]: The male part of the cast and many incidental characters.
** [[Lampshaded]] in "A Fly in the Ointment" when Gadget and Dale switch bodies and Gadget dons a small paper cup to cover her (that is, Dale's) lower half.
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** Heroes Are Wanted By Redheads: Tammy is attracted to Chip, and Foxglove is attracted to Dale.
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: Chip and Dale must have been spending an eternity together even before they became Rescue Rangers. (Though it has been hinted in comics before this series at that they're related, this is probably not canon to the show.)
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: Lots of occurrences.
* [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl]]: Monterey Jack and Gadget are the friendly variety of this.
* [[Hula and Luaus]]: "Gadget Goes Hawaiian", only little hula, but a big luau scene and tourists and surfing and volcanoes. Justified that the episode takes place behind a hotel, and the volcano is fake, a deliberate tourist attraction.
* [[Humanity Ensues]]: When Harry the wolf is turned into a human and Nimnul almost pulls a [[Wolf Man]] in "A Wolf in Cheap Clothing".
* [[Human Ladder]]: Although not done with humans but animals instead, this is the subject of merchandise such as the Electric Tiki statue. Of course, it also appears in the show on several occasions, for example, in "Fake Me to Your Leader" when the Rangers sans Zipper have to press an elevator button.
* [[Hundred -Percent Adoration Rating]]: Queenie, albeit only for her own swarm.
* [[Hypno Fool]]:
** Everyone exposed to the hypnosis device in "Parental Discretion Retired" believes they're chicken.
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** Cassandra/Zipper/Queenie.
** Monty/Désirée/Errol.
* [[Lucky RabbitsRabbit's Foot]]: Monterey Jack of has one among his many good luck charms. Bear in mind that he's a mouse, and the rabbit's foot is quite large in comparison to him. Chip comments that it couldn't have been very lucky for its previous owner...
* [[Luke Nounverber]]:
** Gadget Hackwrench.
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* [[Message Board]]: The biggest and oldest one is [http://www.theacorncafe.org the Acorn Cafe]; it is here where the [[Big Name Fan|Big Name Fans]] meet. The Chip 'n Dale (both classic and Rescue Rangers) fan portal [http://www.chipndaleonline.com Chip 'n' Dale Online] has its own large forum.
* [[Message in A Bottle]]: All Hands tries to contact Captain Finn this way in "A Creep in the Deep".
* [[Mid -Air Bobbing]]: Way too many occurrences to list.
* [[Midair Repair]]: Overdone by Gadget in "Bearing Up Baby" when she rebuilds the plumbing of an RV into a sort of rigid lanyard to rescue it after it falls from a cliff. Within seconds.
* [[Mind Control]]:
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* [[Non Dubbed Grunts]]: More than 95% of Zipper's dialogs in the German dub remained English.
* [[Non-Fatal Explosions]]: The blowing up of the kitchen door in "Zipper Come Home" is only one example.
* [[Non -Singing Voice]]: Dale (usually [[Corey Burton]]) has Will Ryan as his singing voice actor. Chip is fortunate enough, for [[Tress MacNeille (Creator)|Tress MacNeille]] can sing.
* [[Noodle Incident]]:
** Monterey Jack and Gadget's father were once friends that broke up over something that happened in Zanzibar that involved cheesebread.
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* [[The Power of Friendship]]
* [[Power Walk]]: Almost, at the end of "To the Rescue". See the screengrab in this article.
* [["Previously On..."]]: The syndicated version of "To the Rescue".
* [[Private Detective]]: Sureluck Jones. And Chip.
* [[Prophecy Twist]]: "Seer No Evil".
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* [[Ranger]]
* [[Rapunzel Hair]]: Gadget's hair goes down to her tush. Together with its poofyness, it ''might'' be hazardous in an environment such as a workshop.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: Played straight with Tom when Fat Cat switches his game cartridge about making friends to a violent war game, and changes his eye color from yellow to red.
* [[Redheaded Hero]]: Tammy.
* [[The Renaissance Age of Animation]]: CDRR is a good TV show example.
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* [[Seers]]: Cassandra from "Seer No Evil".
* [[Shadow Discretion Shot]]: Dale vs. Su Lin in "Song of the Night 'n Dale".
* [[Shape ShifterShapeshifter Baggage]]: The Fleeblebroxians in "Dale Beside Himself" can shapeshift into anything, no matter how big or small. DTZ, for instance, transforms into both a dragon a dozen times as tall as Dale as well as into Dale.
* [[She Cleans Up Nicely]]: Gadget in her red dress scenes proves this to be true.
* [[She Is All Grown Up]]: Referenced/used in the meeting scene in "To the Rescue, Part 3":
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* [[Ship Tease]]: Done on many occasions, both for Chip+Gadget and for Dale+Gadget, but also for potential 'ships involving one-shot characters. "Good Times, Bat Times" takes the cake, however, with its quite intense Chip+Gadget and Dale+Foxglove [[Ship Tease]].
** The comics heavily hint at Dale+Foxglove being an [[Official Couple]]
* [[Shout -Out]]: So many, the show is practically [[Reference Overdosed]]. Go [[Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers (Animation)/Shout Out|here]] for specifics.
* [[Show Some Leg]]: Gadget's red dress is tailored that way.
* [[Show Within a Show]]: "Red Badger of Courage", "Flash the Wonder Dog", the "Dirk Suave" movie series, several comic book series.
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* [[Smug Super]]: Dale as Rubber Bando. It's not until he's framed for stealing world monuments that he loses his smugness.
* [[The Smurfette Principle]]
* [[The Song Remains the Same]]: "You're the Best Bee for Me" by Irweena & the Stingers isn't translated into German [[What Song Was This Again?|whereas all other songs including the theme song are]].
* [[Space Does Not Work That Way]]: Whenever the Rangers travel through space.
* [[Species Surname]]: Mole, Rat Capone, Sugar Ray Lizard, Arnold Mousenegger, Conrad Cockatoo, Mr. Starfish, Canina LaFur.
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** Buffy's toy tank driven by Dale in "Out of Scale" and the raygun tank prototype in "Double 'O Dale" are tanks all right. Also, tanks are used to try and fight Nimnul's giant bugs mistaken as aliens in "Fake Me to Your Leader".
* [[Team Chef]]: Monty.
* [[Team Switzerland]]: The so-called Neutrals (as opposed to [[Ship -to -Ship Combat|Pros and Antis]]).
* [[Techno Babble]]: Gadget's ramblings do not always make sense.
* [[Temple of Doom]]: Where Heinrich von Sugarbottom has his secret base in "Chocolate Chips".
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* [[Took a Level In Dumbass]]: Dale in several episodes.
* [[Took a Level In Jerkass]]: Chip in several episodes.
* [[Top -Heavy Guy]]: The animators seemed to love this trope.
* [[Toros Y Flamenco]]: "When Mice Were Men" is built around this.
* [[Trademark Favorite Food]]: "chEEee''EE''ee'''EE'''ee'''''EESE'''''!"
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* [[Tunnel King]]: Ming-Ting and Ting-a-Ling, the pandas from "An Elephant Never Suspects". The moles from A Lean on the Property also count.
* [[Tuxedo and Martini]]: Double-O Dale - sans Martini, of course, but his role model Dirk Suave and the gimmicks built into his tux make up for this.
* [[Unhand Them, Villain!]]: Fat Cat does it to Tammy and Bink in "Adventures in Squirrelsitting".
* [[The Unintelligible]]: Zipper.
* [[Unnamed Parent]]: Tammy and Bink's mother.
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