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*** In general, bad ("demonic") powers tend to corrupt people; hence why Phoebe got [[Drunk On the Dark Side]] in the series 6 episode "Witch Wars" when she absorbed all those demonic powers from an athame. The fire starter's situation might be different, since [[Witch Species|he's meant to receive those powers]] and likewise, they had good reason to doubt Phoebe's morality given that her past self had fire powers and was evil. Furthermore, Piper was [[Mama Bear|very biased]] and so could easily have been talking out of her ass.
* [[Bare Your Midriff]]: Phoebe's belly button deserved its own billing in the credits. The other sisters weren't so shy about it either.
* [[Balancing DeathsDeath's Books]]
* [[Baleful Polymorph]]: The sisters get turned into other things quite often across the entire series. An evil-powered Piper turns a couple of people into pigs wearing blankets. Phoebe also turned a particularly chauvinistic advice columnist into a turkey twice and a pig once.
* [[Battle Couple]]: Piper and Leo (after he becomes an elder). Lightning bolts and explosions everywhere!
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** And again at the end of Season 8 {{spoiler|with the Halliwells on one side, and Billie and Christy on the other, with everyone boosted by the power of the Hallow.}}
* [[Beard of Evil]]: Many demons sport goatees. So do [[Evil Counterpart|Evil Counterparts]] of good characters.
* [[Beauty, Brains, and Brawn]]: Although the respective characters change due to [[Character Development]] and cast changes. The first seasons have Prue (Brains), Piper (Brawn) and Phoebe (Beauty). In later seasons, it's Piper (Brains, after she got promoted to eldest sister), Phoebe (Brawn, especially when she uses [[She Fu]]) and Paige (Beauty, being the sister with the least experience).
** More accurately, it started out in the ways described, but the [[She Fu]] turned out to be infectious (except for Piper, though she has her exploding power) and they're all played by Hollywood hotties anyway, so really it ends up being the one with the ''most'' of X quality.
* [[Becoming the Mask]]: Belthazor, who was originally charged with stealing the Book of Shadows and/or killing the Charmed Ones, manipulates Phoebe in order to get close enough to do so. Over time, he ends up falling in love with her and does (an albeit temporary) [[Heel Face Turn]].
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** Season 7: The Avatars for the first half of the season and Zankou for the second.
** Season 8: The Triad{{spoiler|, succeeded by their protegé, Christy.}}
* [[Birth -Death Juxtaposition]]: [[Kid From the Future|Chris]] dies and is then born. ([[It Makes Sense in Context]].)
* [[Black and White Morality]]: You are either good or you are evil. Yes, you have to choose and then there's nothing in between. The only ones who don't follow this are the [[True Neutral|Angel of Death]] and the [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|Avatars]], but they are an entire class of their own, ''not'' something in between.
** To break it down: witches are good, demons are bad. More specifically, anyone who are allies with the Charmed Ones and they like them, they are good. Anyone else is bad. Even the neutral ones because you can't trust anyone who is neutral.
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* [[Blessed With Suck]]: Leo, as a Whitelighter/Elder, has considerable power, but almost never does anything except orb and heal.
** Until he [[Took a Level In Badass|Takes A Level In Badass]] and learns how to shoot lightning.
* [[Blonde, Brunette, Redhead]]: The season 5 finale turns the sisters into Greek Goddesses. Paige had red hair at the time and Phoebe's was turned blonde with Piper keeping hers brown. Paige hersef also cycled through all the colours having black hair in season 4, red in season 5, blonde in season 6 and brown for the rest of the series.
* [[Blondes Are Evil]]: Quite a few blonde evil witches pop up, including a trio of blonde sisters who served as another set of [[Evil Counterpart|evil counterparts]] to the sisters.
** Paige even makes an in-joke when episode when looking back into Phoebe's past when she was temporarily corrupted by evil notes that she was blonde before considering that she was evil.
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* [[Deliver Us From Evil]]: Inverted with Phoebe's pregnancy, where her demonic child was turning her evil.
* [[Demonic Possession]]
* [[De -Power]]: Leo. First he became a Whitelighter, then an Elder, then an Avatar, then finally [[Brought Down to Normal]] permanently. [[The Last of These Is Not Like the Others]].
* [[Die or Fly]]: When Paige develops healing power to save Henry.
** More literally than not in the case of Phoebe, who spontaneously levitates out of danger (indeed, its how she got the power to begin with).
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* [[Fetus Terrible]]: Played straight for Phoebe's child, who was the offspring of a Charmed One turned (temporarily) evil, and the Source of all evil. It was slowly corrupting Phoebe, even granting her a power she had in her past evil self. Inverted with Piper's, however. Not only would hers become a powerful force for good, but Wyatt would protect Piper even when he was still in the womb.
* [[Feuding Families]]: Paige had to deal with this in season six. Interestingly, not only is the reason for their feuding something concrete and recent (the death of one family's daughter) rather than something vague that happened generations ago, but the feud is resolved relatively peacefully after it's [[The Reveal|revealed]] that the reason everything was escalating was because {{spoiler|the ghost of the dead girl was keeping it going out of a displaced sense of vengeance}}. Paige's [[Love Interest]] from this episode (the same one the ghost wanted) even hangs around for a while, alternately being a source of help or danger depending on the episode, until his attempt to get rid of his family's bad karma ended up [[Halfway Plot Switch|endangering Phoebe]] (and even [[Two Lines, No Waiting|exposing the magical world to her boyfriend]]).
* [[Finger -Snap Lighter]]: Many, many demons. However, the very first flaming finger seen was being used by a good witch to light candles, all the way in the first episode.
* [[Fire and Brimstone Hell]]: Not all the underworld looks like this (most of it being just dark caverns and tunnels), but select places do.
* [[Fireballs]]: Again, demons just looooove using them. There are more good characters that use fireballs than [[Energy Ball|Energy Balls]], though.
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* [[Forgotten Phlebotinum]]: The spirit board, which was used for all of three episodes before disappearing in season three until it finally resurfaced for one last use in season 8.
* [[Fountain of Youth]]: One is being guarded by nymphs, but is really more of a [[Healing Spring|spring]]. Another one shows up, and this one actually looks like a stone fountain. Irritatingly enough, Piper says "But that's just a myth!" when confronted with the second one, even after having come across the first one. To be fair, she and her sisters had promised the nymps from the first fountain that they would keep its exsistance a secret
* [[Four -Girl Ensemble]]: Although not all four Charmed Ones were on the show at he same time (since Prue [[McLeaned|died]] before Paige was introduced), the sisters still fit this trope. Paige was [[The Ditz]], Piper was the [[Deadpan Snarker]], Phoebe was the [[Informed Attractiveness|sexy one]], and Prue was the wise [[Cool Big Sis]].
** Before Paige, Phoebe played a combination of the sexy one and The Ditz. Once Prue passed away, Piper took on her role as the wise Cool Big Sis but still had her Deadpan Snarker traits intact.
* [[The Sixth Ranger|The Fourth Sister]]: Paige
** [[One -Shot Character]] Aviva tries to be this in a season 1 episode with this title. {{spoiler|Of course, she was under [[More Than Mind Control]]…}}
* [[Freaky Friday Flip]]: Phoebe and Paige in "Enter the Demon".
* [[Freudian Slip]]: In the episode about the Sandman, Piper lets it slip that dreams are just "harmless, <s>erotic</s> [[That Came Out Wrong|exotic]] fun".
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*** Somewhat tangential, but one shouldn't forget that in the similarly-disrupted evil balance, the same sort of [[Disproportionate Retribution|mutilation]] was enacted for such trivial niceties as saying "Gesundheit" when someone sneezed.
*** Essentially, the point being made was that Good and Evil cannot tolerate the others' existence, and therefore in a world dominated by one, any act (no matter how minor) that runs contrary to the ideals of either is punished harshly. It is the mix of the two that provides tolerance and temperance.
* [[God in Human Form]]: After becoming an Elder and then an Avatar, Leo eventually gets depowered and mindwiped and is plopped somewhere on earth to live as a human and find his purpose. Then one [[Batman Gambit]] would [[Out -Gambitted|foil another]], and he would come back home.
* [[Godiva Hair]]: Lady Godiva herself shows up in an episode and Phoebe dresses up as her at the end of the episode.
* [[Good Feels Good]]
* [[Good Guy Bar]]: P3.
* [[Goo -Goo Godlike]]: Wyatt. Even in the womb, he was protecting Piper from a souped-up Cole. After he was born, his powers just kept growing.
* [[Grand Theft Me]]: There is a lot of possession going on throughout the series.
* [[Great Big Book of Everything]]: The Book of Shadows is the former [[Trope Namer]].
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* [[Happily Married]]: Piper and Leo (for a while, and, if the epilogue is anything to go by, again).
* [[Headless Horseman]]: Almost causes the end of [[Wizarding School|Magic School]] in "The Legend of Sleepy Halliwell".
* [[Heads -Tails -Edge]]
* [[Healing Hands]]: Whitelighters and Elders. Inverted for [[Evil Counterpart|Darklighters]], who can kill through touch.
* [[The Heartless]]: The Shadow, the Source and the Hollow. Cole became host to each power once.
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* [[Hot Witch]]
* [[Housewife]]: Phoebe gets turned into a [[Bewitched (TV)|Samantha Stevens-esque]] housewife by way of a magical ring. She did mention that ''[[Bewitched (TV)|Bewitched]]'' was her favorite show.
* [[How Do I Shot Web?]]: It usually takes the sister a variable length of time to master their powers when they're revealed. Particular credit goes to: Phoebe, who never was able to fully master her empathy power before it was taken from her; and Paige, who took ''5 whole seasons'' before she learnt how to heal.
* [[Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad]]: It depends on whether you view the sisters as human or nonhuman. If they're nonhuman, the trope is inverted in the case of Prue, Piper, and Phoebe (human dad/nonhuman mom). If they're human, the trope is played straight in the case of Paige (human mom/nonhuman dad). If they are human, Piper's sons and Phoebe's children have this trope apply to them, as well. Whether they're human or not, the trope is inverted in the case of Paige's children, since she married a "mortal" human, Henry, and is half Whitelighter (and thus, technically, nonhuman). Of course, Paige, as well as Piper's sons Wyatt and Chris, is half dead person, so I'm not sure how that works, but their fathers are still nonhuman. Brandon, the half-warlock from the first season, played this trope straight as well. It was inverted in the case of Cole, whose mother was a demon and his father a human.
* [[I Cannot Self-Terminate]]: Cole, having absorbed many [[Mega Manning|powers from hell]] to return to Phoebe, only causes problems for her and her sisters, so she ends up divorcing him. He also finds that his powers have made him [[Nigh Invulnerable]] and, as such, rendered him unable to kill himself from the grief. So he starts causing trouble for the girls to get them to [[Suicide By Cop|vanquish]] him.
** Only to [[Subverted Trope|subvert]] this trope when he explains that {{spoiler|he just wanted to try whether he really was indestructable}} and goes [[Ax Crazy]] for good after the confirmation.
*** Cole didn't explain anything. He wanted to die and was quite miserable that nothing could be done to make it happen. Now, he was told by the Avatars that this was the case and cryptically said as much to the sisters, but it was quite clear that Cole was hoping against hope that they were wrong.
* [[Identical Grandson]]: Though subverted in one episode where Leo attends a WWII veterans' reunion as his own identical grandson, even though he obviously wasn't.
* [[Idiosyncratic Episode Naming]]: The name of almost every episode worked on more than one level--each often included a [[Incredibly Lame Pun|terrible pun]] which was at least peripherally relevant to the plot point/MonsterOfTheWeek, unless the name of one of the sisters was somehow worked into the title. At the same time, most names were ''also'' puns which played off of a [[Shout -Out]] to another famous title or work. While just about anything was fair game, the most common contenders were works of literature, rival TV shows, classic films, and well-known songs, often oldies.
* [[Idiot Ball]]: The later the seasons, the more these tend to be thrown around.
* [[I Just Want to Be Normal]]: All the FRICKIN' time! Yes Piper, I'm talkin' to you.
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*** ''[[Put On a Bus To Hell|Or ever again]]'', (un?)fortunately.
* [[Meet Cute]]: In a [[Clip Show]] episode, Coop describes Phoebe and Cole's meeting as this. It consisted of Phoebe nearly roundhouse kicking Cole, who catches her leg.
* [[Memory -Wiping Crew]]: The Cleaners.
* [[Mind Over Matter]]: Prue's power, then Paige's.
* [[Mirror Universe]]: Featured in the double episode "It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad World".
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* [[Mundanger]]: In "Sight Unseen", a mysterious stalker turns out to be an ordinary human and not a demon at all.
** And in "Dream Sorceror", the titular villain isn't actually a sorceror, but a scientist who built a machine that can project himself into other people's dreams and kill them, [[A Nightmare On Elm Street|Freddy Krueger style]]. Apparently if you die in your dreams you die in real life.
* [[My Grandson, Myself]]
* [[Necromantic]]: Inverted in "Necromancing The Stone". Apparently Grams fell in love with a Necromancer, whom she had to vanquish. He was stealing spirits in order to keep himself firmly on the living side of the line between life and death. When he comes across Grams, he tries to convince her to let both of them be resurrected by using the spirits of the Halliwel line during baby Wyatt's christening.
* [[Never Say Die]]: Although "kill" and "destroy" belong to their vocabulary, the sisters seem to prefer to "vanquish" demons.
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* [[Nigh Invulnerable]]: In season five, Cole and Piper. Piper reveled in it ("I'm unbreakable, dude!"). Cole? [[I Cannot Self-Terminate|Not so much.]] They were blasting each other in the episode "Y tu Mummy Tambien" and Leo [[Lampshade Hanging|mentions how pointless it was]].
** An invincibility spell shows up in the episode "Little Monsters". Paige cast it on Darryl, and it made him pretty much [[Immune to Bullets]]. While one wonders why they don't use it more often, it also had the side effect of inflating one's ego, reminiscent of when Prue was infected with the sin of Pride nearly killing her. Plus it turned his strength up to beyond Herculean levels and when we last see him before Paige goes to fix it is surrounded by his broken things in his office because he couldn't control his new found strength.
* [[Nipple -and -Dimed]]: Part of Phoebe's nipple actually made it on the air in the episode "Sight Unseen". In a scene at the club, the dress she's wearing fails to cover her up and part of the nipple is visible.
* [[No Cure for Evil]]: Whitelighters can't heal evil. This becomes an issue when Leo tries to heal Cole - it cues Leo in that Cole isn't quite human.
* [[Noir Episode]]: "Charmed Noir." They even have parts of it in black and white.
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* [[Part-Time Hero]]
* [[Personal Gain Hurts]]: [[Anvilicious|Oh, how they drill this one in...]] It's practically the [[Trope Namer]].
* [[Pirates]]: Type 1. They're also [[Pirates of the Caribbean|magical undying cursed pirates]], of course. To be fair, the films are given a [[Shout -Out]] when Phoebe asks if they're "hot [[Johnny Depp]] pirates".
* [[Place of Power]]: Halliwell Manor conveniently sits atop a nexus of magical power. Several times demons have broken in and tried to take it for themselves.
* [[Playing Cyrano]]: Coop, for one of Phoebe's coworkers.
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* [[Subbing for Santa]]: When Piper became the Angel of Death.
** Paige was once turned into a nymph to replace one that just died.
** ''Charmed'' also had many inversions of demons and warlocks and other bad guys [[Victor Gains LosersLoser's Powers|stealing the powers]] of good magical creatures for their own gain.
*** Just to name a few:
**** A Demon steals Cupid's ring and starts breaking up relationships in revenge.
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**** A warlock stole the powers of a Whitelighter in order to get into heaven and kill all the elders.
**** A demon once used a Sandman's dust in order to bring the Charmed One's dreams to life.
* [[Super -Hero Speciation]]
* [[Superhuman Transfusion]]: One episode dealt with a doctor [[Freak Lab Accident|accidentally]] getting injected with the Charmed Ones blood. [[All Your Powers Combined|he gained all their powers]] but was [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity|driven insane by them]].
** Crossing mortal blood with a magical creature's come back in a later episode where it creates [[The Virus|a deadly virus]].
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* [[Vapor Wear]]: Half of the time the sisters don't seem to have any concept of bras.
* [[Verbed Title]]
* [[Victor Gains LosersLoser's Powers]]: Demons and warlocks and some other magical entities naturally able to steal the powers of other magical beings by killing them.
* [[Villain Teleportation]]: Demons usually either shimmer or use flames. Warlocks would just disappear or 'blink'. Also, note while villains have the most varieties of teleportation, it's the good kind of teleportation - orbing - that appears most often.
* [[Wedding Smashers]]: "Prue, get your astral ass ''back here!''" yells Piper, just as Prue ruins the wedding.
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** So… Agent Brody vs. the Avatars was a showdown of [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|Well Intentioned Extremists]]? Thank goodness there was a [[Take a Third Option|third possible outcome]] to that match.
** Dr. Williamson after he became infected with the sisters' blood.
* [["What Do They Fear?" Episode]]: Whenever Barbas is the [[Monster of the Week|Demon Of The Week]], this is the basis of the episode. Well, he ''is'' the [[Exactly What It Says On the Tin|Demon of Fear]].
** Also inverted in Its A Bad, Bad World, where Barbas is the Demon of ''Hope''
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?]]: In Season 3, it was hinted that Cole was working for the Triad for something in return. At the end of the season, it was revealed to be his father's soul, which they had somehow acquired years earlier. However, after obtaining his father's soul, it is never stated what Cole did with it and is never mentioned again.
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