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Sayonara, Zetsubou-sensei: Difference between revisions

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* [[Actor Allusion]]:
** [[Akiko Yajima|Rin]] usually shows up with her ass facing the camera, in the same vein as [[Shin Chan]].
** One chalkboard gag also features [[Hiroshi Kamiya|Nozomu]] drawn in the style of [["On the Next..."]] ''[[Bakemonogatari (Light Novel)|Bakemonogatari]]'', and one scene where he brought a flight simulator in class even depicts him in a [[Mobile Suit Gundam 00|Celestial being]] spacesuit, with a Tieria lookalike behind him. Another instance might be the naming of the series. The second season is ''Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei''. Compare with the second season of ''[[Natsume Yuujinchou]]'' likewise being called Zoku, and note that their protagonists are voiced by the [[Hiroshi Kamiya|same guy]].
** A quick shot early in the anime shows Nozomu reading ''[[Honey and Clover]]'', where he voiced one of the protagonists.
** Sensei's old friend happens to like girls with pony tails. The old friend is voiced by [[Haruhi Suzumiya|Kyon]], who also likes pony tails.
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* [[Awesome Anachronistic Apparel]]
* [[Battle Aura]]: Chiri exhibits one a la ''[[Dragonball Z]]'' in Episode 2 of the first season, because cutting cake is [[Serious Business]].
* [[Beauty, Brains, and Brawn]]: In the anime, Nozomu attempts to exclusively categorize everything as Liberal arts, Science or Athletics.
* [[Berserk Board Barricade]]: Subverted, as Kafuka and Nozomu build one to lock in Kiri. Nozomu seemed to be doing it as [[Reverse Psychology]]. Kafuka's just crazy.
* [[Best Beer Ever]]:
** Nozomu in the second ending to ''Zan''.
** Maria once with "children's beer".
* [[Big Breasts, Big Deal]]: Most visible is Kaere, who -- behind her cries of "I'll sue you!", is Type 4. None of the other girls, most of whom are well-endowed, seem to care all that much, making them Type 3.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: It's not really last minute, but the opening episode of ''Zan'' features this as Chiri leads the other main heroines in freeing Nozomu.
* [[BLAM Episode]]: More like a BLAM ''series''.
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* [[Driven to Suicide]]: Nozomu, at least once an episode. Though when he almost does die, he is rather angry about it. However, this behavior was slowly dropped from sight as other character quirks become the center of jokes.
* [[Dysfunction Junction]]: Everyone except for, apparently, Nami. Though at times her extreme normalcy could be [[Logic Bomb|a dysfunction in its own right]].
* [[Early -Bird Cameo]]: Mayo appears in background scenes prior to being introduced.
* [[Epileptic Trees]]: In-universe lampshading:
{{quote| Even the author didn't think of such things when they were drawing it... Guess there are people who pointlessly distort something that deeply.}}
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** Entertainingly, most of the characters' gibberish fits their personalities somehow. Itoshiki-sensei's most commonly repeated word is 'bure' - twisted - from Season 1's opening, and Abiru uses mostly 'shippo' (tail).
* [[Gaussian Girl]]: About [[Once Per Episode]] or more, the character will focus on a (generally female) character about to speak, and they will be framed in soft light and sometimes [[Bishie Sparkle|sparkle]].
* [[Girls With Moustaches]]: In one chapter a bunch of [[Otaku]] reject normal women for having "subtle facial hair" (also a case of [[Minor Flaw, Major Breakup]]).
* [[Good Parents]]:
** Ironically, given the suspicions that he's an abuser, Mr. Kobushi is actually a very caring dad who has a close relationship with Abiru. Granted, one might question his seeming endorsement of her tail-pulling hobby.
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** Mayo Mitama... and she [[Karma Houdini|always gets away with it]] because no one would want to judge her based on appearance.
** Chiri becomes more and more of this as the series goes on, starting to carry around a shovel and making frequent references to killing people. At one point she ends up in the Sengoku period and tries to declare herself the ruler of Japan -- by killing everyone else.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]
** [[Hiroshi Kamiya|Nozomu]] is a decidedly more masculine [[Mobile Suit Gundam 00|Tieria]] and an older [[Digimon Frontier|Kouji]].
** [[Yuko Goto|Abiru]] and [[Tomokazu Sugita|Ikkyu]] are [[Suzumiya Haruhi|Mikuru and Kyon]], respectively.
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* [[Hot Springs Episode]]
* [[Hot Teacher]]: Both Itoshiki and Chie. Chie is more of a [[Ms. Fanservice]], but Itoshiki constantly has girls falling for him (why is he in despair is a good question).
* [[How Do You Like Them Apples?]]:
** Kafuka is shown holding a "symbolic-looking" apple in ''Bangaichi's'' version of ''Zan's'' opening theme, ''Ringo Mogire Beam!'' ("Apple Plucking Beam!")
** Apples seem to be a [[Trademark Favorite Food]] for Maria, and when she's first introduced and receives gifts from her classmates, she's presented with "[[Death Note (Manga)|Ryuk]]-brand apples.
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* [[The Klutz]]: In Episode 9 of ''Zoku'', Chiri attempts to be a "proper" dojikko, with horrendous results.
* [[Konami Code]]: During the opening for the [[Magical Girl]] Spoof Meru's [[Improbable Weapon User|phone]] uses this code (must be [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsyydNv4iq8 game breaking]).
* [[Last -Episode New Character]]: Two, as of season 1 -- Ai, who claims she didn't show up earlier because her presence could be a detriment to both her class and the show's ratings, and Mayo. Both made cameos in Episodes 1 and 11.
* [[Lethal Klutz]]: Chiri tries to be a normal klutz, but ends up as one of these instead.
* [[Limited Wardrobe]]: Nozomu is nearly always seen wearing kimono and hakama, and most of the time that he isn't, he's sporting something else retro and Japanese. The same goes for his nephew Majiru (who lives with him) and Matoi (whose fashion sense is dictated by whomever she's obsessed with). Notably averted by most of the other characters, though.
* [[Literary Allusion Title]]:
** Every single chapter title is a reference to a work of literature, albeit in parody, and with the meaning twisted beyond all recognition.
** The series's title itself is a [[Shout -Out]] to ''[[Goodbye Mr. Chips]]''.
* [[Loads and Loads of Characters]]: Well, there's the four Itoshiki siblings (sans the missing fifth and eldest), said missing sibling's only son, their butler, 22 of Nozomu's 32 students, his two fellow teachers, his "old-time" friend, and a host of other [[Drop in Character|Drop In Characters]].
* [[Love Dodecahedron]]:
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** Kiri taking up residence at Nozomu's home, although she subverts it by doing the cooking and cleaning.
** Matoi, for [[Stalker With a Crush|obvious reasons]]. She may not have been in her ''own'' house since the first season.
* [["Previously On..."]]: Every episode of ''Zan'' opens on a "the story up to now" recap told in pop-up storybook format. This would be all well and good, except that none of the stories being told have actually ''happened'', or indeed make any kind of sense. The stranger part? All taken from the manga itself.
* [[Psychotic Smirk]]
* [[Pun-Based Title]]: The second season's title is prefaced with "Zoku", which is sees fairly common use in the titles of sequels. ''That'' "Zoku" (続) translates to "continuation". The "Zoku" used in ''this'' case (俗) is a mark used in dictionaries to denote slang terms and vulgarities.
* [[Real Joke Name]]: Dr. Mikoto Itoshiki's name resembles "zetsumei" ("death") when written horizontally, a fact reflected in his rather small pool of patients. Anytime it's mentioned ends in a [[Head Desk]] moment.
* [[Red and Black And Evil All Over]]: Used in a parody of James Bond to mark the villain.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: Kafuka in the full-color "Kuusou Rumba" opening.
* [[Reference Overdosed]]
* [[Refuge in Audacity]]:
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* [[Serious Business]]: Played with every which way short of aversions. The main source of humor in all versions is taking the most minor things seriously, to ludicrious extremes.
* [[Shaped Like Itself|Shaped Like Something Else]]: The final episode's disclaimer.
* [[Ship -to -Ship Combat]]: Mocked in-universe in ''Goku'', being described as one of those kinds of battles with no victors.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Now [[Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei (Manga)/Shout Out|has its own page]].
* [[The Shadow Knows]]: In one episode, Chiri dresses as a "ditzy nurse". As she smiles, her shadow also smiles, and has a [[Psychotic Smirk]].
* [[Social Services Does Not Exist]]: Although in earlier episodes, Chie (see directly below) is shown alerting Nozomu to things like Abiru's alleged domestic abuse at the hands of her father, as well as Kiri's truancy, there's an absence of any kind of social services being involved. And then there's Kafuka's situation...
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* [[Wall of Weapons]]: One episode of ''Zan'' has Chiri revealing one behind a blackboard.
* [[We Want Our Jerk Back]]: In Episode 5 of the first season the hot springs turn all the girls in the class into normal, well-adjusted people. Itoshiki will have none of this, and feeds them junk food.
* [[Wham! Episode]]: The second to last chapter reveals that {{spoiler|Kafuka was [[Dead All Along]]. She was an organ donor so when she died her organs were given to a number of people who had attempted suicide. The organ recipients eventually turned out to be Nozomu and his students, who were all simultaneously possessed by Kafuka's spirit due to the donated organs. What this means is that every time Kafuka was seen, ''she was possessing one of the other girls in the class'', and they all saw her as Kafuka.}}
** There is also the revelation that {{spoiler|when the girls attempted suicide, they were possessed by the ghosts of girls from the Showa period who had committed suicide but regretted it. The entire show was a ploy by Nozomu to exorcise the spirits from the girls' bodies by trying to recreate Showa period school life and having the girls "graduate", giving the spirits the closure they need to pass on. [[Fridge Brilliance|This is why Nozomu always dressed in such old fashioned clothes.]]}}
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?]]: Episode 3 of ''Zoku'' explores the trope by having characters make mundane statements... ''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VvO3rjiFeI&feature=related in overly dramatic ways]''!!!
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