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* [[Fake Ultimate Mook]]: The Golem units in most of the games. They have inherently high strength (and, in the front row, deliver three crushing punches) and can easily withstand most physical damage. However, they have pitiful HP, and are easily slain by one or two Fire-elemental spells.
** They make nice platforms to get your troops to higher ground in the Tactics games.
* [[False -Flag Operation]]: {{spoiler|In Tactics Ogre, whether or not Denim takes part in this determines his path through the rest of the game. Somewhat surprisingly, choosing to slaughter the town is the ''lawful'' choice.}}
** {{spoiler|This is unsurprising, as his orders are to slaughter the town, and lawful people follow orders.}}
* [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture]]: Some elements are intentionally taken from Eastern Europe, especially former Yugoslavia and the old Byzantine Empire. There's also the Hagia Banhamuba, which presumably has at least some resemblance to the Hagia Sophia on the outside.
* [[Faux Action Girl]]: For some reason, Cerya can be seen as this. She's said to be a [[Badass]] [[Action Girl]] leader of the Valeria Liberation Front and [[Informed Ability|kills lots of Lodissions... off screen]]. Then, you need to bail her out from the Dark Knights, or she gets killed without you seeing (only in Lawful route). And when you do get her? For some reason, she can't really hit a thing with hit rate over 50%.
** Possibly inverted, gender-wise by Lanselot Hamilton as well. Anyone who plays ''March of the Black Queen'' knows that Lanselot is one of the playable characters and can grow powerful. In ''Let Us Cling Together''? He got cheap-shotted by Barbas/Martym (OFF SCREEN), gets himself imprisoned by Lanselot Tartaros, {{spoiler|mentally tortured to the point that by the ending, he's turned into some sort of vegetable.}}
* [[For Want of a Nail]]: Explored via the chapter system. Characters who are ''vital'' in one timeline can be near afterthoughts in the other. Characters who would be villains in one can be some of your most powerful allies in another. The text entry describing the [[New Game Plus+|World]] system in the post-game lampshades this slightly, explaining that duplicates, dead people, etc have all been seen in your party recently.
** {{spoiler|Vyce takes the cake, however -- he turns on the party no matter what decision you make, but in the Chaos route he [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope|swan dives off the slippery slope]], in the Law route he actually becomes ''heroic'' -- fitting, since it's later revealed he doesn't really care about either path as much as he cares about going up against '''[[The Rival|you.''']] }}
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: {{spoiler|Lanselot Tartaros}} had such a big one it took {{spoiler|an entire [[Gaiden Game]]}} to establish it.
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** You can actually recruit ''Ozma'' on the law route in the PSP version...however good luck figuring out how to do that without a guide.<ref> In chapter three, during the chapter where Ozma is attempting to arrest Hobyrim and you interrupt, leading to a battle, you have to not kill her. Easy enough - she retreats at critical health anyways. Then the game drops a hint that Ozma actually ''knows'' Hobyrim...and is wondering exactly ''what'' is going on. It gives a pretty big hint that she's playable. However, you must then play the game normally, which involves killing Oz at the end of Chapter 3...which you can imagine is probably not going to make his twin happy. But then, you must check the news that suggests of dissent growing amongst the Dark Knights, and optionally see a scene where Ozma runs off and Volaq comes to retrieve her. This then unlocks an optional battle against Ozma and Volaq...where the two and their templar knights are likely to be ''much'' higher level than your characters In ''this'' battle, you must bring Hobyrim, pick the right choice, then reduce Ozma to critical and ''not'' kill her, and ''then'' reduce Volaq to critical, causing him to retreat and Ozma to surrender. In the ensuing scene, you must pick the right option or else Ozma will think you're too wishy-washy and refuse to join you. How did ''anyone'' figure this out?</ref>
** There's also recruiting Deneb AND unlocking her special class, which can also be tedious.
** Getting any special recipes and items. They're only droppen by certain enemies on specific stages, which you'll have a hard time figuring out without [[Guide Dang It]]. And these same enemies don't necessarily even spawn in the battles at all. And in case if that wasn't enough, the enemies won't necessarily drop all or any of their belongings. Even if you use CHARIOT, you might still have to spend a good amount of time until you'll get what you wanted. Oh, and did I mention that there's also a party level requirement for even having a chance of getting that awesome gear? Good luck [[Hundred -Percent Completion|hunting]].
* [[Handicapped Badass]]: Hobyrim, the first Swordmaster you're likely to get. {{spoiler|Is a "retired" Knight of Lodis. They cut his eyes out for his trouble.}}
* [[Heroic Bastard]]: {{spoiler|Vice in Tactics Ogre's Law route. Other routes turn him into a literal bastard}}.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: {{spoiler|Depending on your routes, you can recruit [[High Heel Face Turn|Dark Knight Ozma]] in the remake.}}
** Given the route system, just about every character is on at least one "villain" side depending on your point of view. {{spoiler|This includes Denam.}}
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: [[Simon Templeman]] as the male narrator
* [[Hollywood Pudgy]]: Due to how her sprite is drawn, Cistina has been the butt end of many fat jokes, when she's just wearing a rather long skirt. That is, unless you're listening to the other half of the fandom.
* [[I Did What I Had to Do]]: Denam himself can make such a choice by taking the Law route. He is surprisingly less angsty than one would think.
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* [[Katanas Are Just Better]]: The artwork for the <s> Jedi</s> Swordmaster class and <s> young Obi-Wan Kenobi</s> Hobyrim in the PSP version of ''Let Us Cling Together'' shows them using katanas. Which makes sense, given that the Swordmaster (of which Hobyrim is the first and only NPC variant) are 2 handed Katana specialists.
* [[Knight in Shining Armor]]: Lanselot Hamilton
* [[Lawful Stupid]]: Many new players are confused at the start of Chapter 2. {{spoiler|Refusing to slaughter a town of innocents under a [[False -Flag Operation]]?}} Clearly the good choice, so why did you become ''Chaotic?'' Because {{spoiler|obeying orders, no matter what you personally think of them,}} is the ''lawful'' choice -- and the Law / Neutral / Chaos choices do not take into consideration ''morality.'' {{spoiler|This was shored up a bit in the PSP remake -- in the original, the Terror Knight class was Chaos only, making it hard to justify playing as a noble knight when the only knight-like class available was the fear-inducing, lord of darkness Terror Knight class.}}
* [[Leaning On the Fourth Wall]]: Hilariously and brutally played in the PSP remake, Presance attempted to use Exorcism on living Undead... only to fail because the new system requires that undead be knocked out first before being exorcised. He remarks that it's been 15 years since he fought an undead as an excuse, [[Fridge Brilliance|which is the real time difference between the remake and the original's release.]] {{spoiler|However, in Orias' case in the Chaos route, this got her fatally wounded by the undead as she failed to exorcise and it wounded her to the point she succumbed to the wounds and die.}}
* [[Lethal Joke Item]]: Usually chucking rocks only deals 1 HP of damage. However, if you raise your stats high enough, you can cause a significant amount of damage to the enemy, especially to more [[Squishy Wizard|squishy]] [[Glass Cannon|classes]]. Plus, critical hits almost always knock back units, so a critical hit with a rock can potentially cause [[One Hit KO|an enemy unit to fall off a ledge and die instantly]].
* [[Linear Warriors, Quadratic Wizards]]: Magic is very powerful, especially the hidden ''Dragon Magic''. However, Warriors tend to be able to keep up, especially Ninjas and Archers. Amusingly, the strongest Melee and Ranged combat skill layouts involve giving those characters elemental weapons and the elemental support skills (at face value meant for magic using characters) -- making them into an odd melee version of a spellcaster!
* [[Literary Allusion Title]]: Almost every installment's title has something to do with [[Queen]], as does the overall series title.
* [[Loads and Loads of Characters]]: Much like ''[[Final Fantasy Tactics (Video Game)|Final Fantasy Tactics]]'' there enough unique characters to form two or more full teams.
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* [[Mind Rape]]: The Knights of Lodis' preferred tactic for dealing with captives, combined with [[Cold-Blooded Torture]]. {{spoiler|Lanselot}}, one of the major characters in the series, is reduced to a vegetable after they are done with him -- for no other purpose than they thought it would be fun to torture a holy knight. Other victims include Catiua (mind screwed until she turns on the party) and Hobyrim (eyes cut out).)
* [[Morton's Fork]]: {{spoiler|Denam ''really'' can't win if he becomes ruler of Valeria. Chaos frame too low? Someone assassinates him. Chaos frame high? Then Lodis invades and takes over Valeria.}}
* [[New Game Plus+]]: In the PSP remake. Finishing the game changes the event map (the Wheel of Fortune) into The World; using it lets you move to important points in the story to see how different choices play out. You bring your entire end-game party with you, but don't expect to steamroll the opposition, enemies level with you.
** Events change based on who is alive or dead according to the Warren Report. Even if a character is in your party, if she or he dies in the storyline that character is dead for all future story events until you go back and avert that death.
* [[Never Trust a Trailer]]: The animated trailer of the PSP remake focuses more on Lanselot Hamilton and his knights than anyone else. Denam doesn't physically appear until almost a minute in, and he's the only the focus of the video for roughly fifteen seconds. It also showcases a big battle on an expansive field between the good guys (featuring Lans Hamilton) and some mounted force led by Lanselot Tartaros; this is a battle that has no analogue (or anything particularly close!) in the game.
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* [[One Man Party]]: Averted in the PSP remake -- ''classes'', not characters, get experience levels. So using Warriors in battle will cause ''all'' your warriors to gain levels equally. The EXP curve is also balanced so new classes gain levels rather rapidly until they hit a decent plateau. Character specific customization is limited to gear and skills, the latter of which is a new addition to the PSP version and is really extensive.
* [[One Steve Limit]]: Averted, Lanselot Hamilton the white knight and Lanselot Tartaros the black knight. Denam and friends even attack Lanselot Hamilton in the first battle in Tactics Ogre because they heard a "knight named Lanselot" is coming.
* [[Protagonist-Centered Morality]]: Heavily, '''heavily''' subverted, especially in chapters 2+. {{spoiler|Especially on the Law side, where the protagonist decides [[Utopia Justifies the Means]] and slaughters thousands of his own countrymen under a [[False -Flag Operation]].}}
* [[Rage Against the Heavens]]: Dorgalua
* [[Real Life Writes the Plot]] / [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: Matsuno allegedly based some events of this game off of real life events - namely the Ethnic Cleansing around the Yugoslavian regions.
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* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]: Arycelle in Tactics Ogre. Toned down in Chaos route, taken to quite the extreme to death in Law route.
* [[Self-Imposed Challenge]]: Not losing any party members in the SNES/PSX version, which is quite a task as once their HP hits zero they're [[Lost Forever]] without the timely intervention of a high-level spell or a rare and expensive consumable. The challenge isn't quite as pointed in the PSP version since it's both much easier to avoid party members being killed and a lot less effort to get them back on their feet. The PSP version also has "Never use Chariot" and, since [[Final Death]] and being knocked out aren't the same thing, "Never suffer a casualty" and [[Bragging Rights Award|awards nifty titles]] based on success at these challenges.
* [[Shout -Out]]: The (most likely) first Exorcist (first version) / male priest (PSP version) you get is [http[wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_PleasanceDonald Pleasance|Donald Pleasance]], probably referencing the ''Halloween'' series.
** As noted under [[Expy]], Swordmasters have a few things in common with [[Star Wars|Jedi]], complete with force-throwing rocks, the standard male Swordmasters looking like Alec Guinness, and Haborym looking like Ewan MacGregor. Toned down in the PSP version where only the outfit and hairstyle is similar.
** [[The Phantom Menace|"...kill them. All of them."]]
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* [[Tarot Motifs]]: All of the major arcana are items that enemies sometimes drop. Ending someones turn on one nets you a status effect inflicting item and a tiny but permanent stat boost.
** Characters also invoke the Chariot and the Wheel frequently in dialogue; not so coincidentally, both of these are part of the game's mechanics. The former lets you turn back turns in battle to correct your mistakes, that latter serves as a visual representation of major storyline event and a film viewer.
** Achieving any of the multiple endings open to you turns the Wheel into the World, which serves as the game's [[New Game Plus+]].
* [[Time Travel]]: The World system. Also, in the [[Bonus Dungeon]] there's a way to go back in time and {{spoiler|save Warren and Lanselot Hamilton.}} The [[Canon]] of such is questionable.
* [[Trailers Always Spoil]]: In the animated trailer for the PSP remake, a few important (and unexpected) scenes are shown, such as {{spoiler|Leonar and Denam arguing right before the Balmamusa massacre}} or {{spoiler|the Loslorien attack on Rhime.}}
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