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== "Yer a wizard, Lilina" ==
* What's the explanation for Lilina in FE6 being a mage? Her father is Hector, an axe-wielding badass <s>[[Ship -to -Ship Combat|,and her mother is Lyn, ActionGirl from Sacae]]</s> and the game's three wife choices for him are also physical weapon users. There is no mention of magic in their bloodlines and isn't Ostia famous for Armor Knights anyway? How is Lilina a proficient spellcaster? Do they ever mention anything about how that came to be in ''Sword of Seals'' (I didn't dabble much in FE6's support conversations since they weren't as interesting as the ones in 7-9. Plus, no support library! WAT!)? I think FE7 should have included a female mage character (other than Nino for obvious reasons) that could've been a potential love interest for Hector to partly explain (or gave Hector an ending with Serra) to give ''some'' explanation for why Lilina wanted to take up magic instead of the axe or the sword.
** This isn't ''Genealogy of the Holy War''. Maybe it's recessive genes. Maybe she just had a talent for it, nothing genetic. With Florina as her mother, there could be a bit of inherited magicalness, if that's even necessary in this setting. A better question would be why is Wolt such a terrible archer when his parents are Rebecca and <s> Wil</s> <s> Sain</s> <s> Lowen</s>?
*** That's a bit harsh, don't you think? Wolt's more or less Dorothy's equal, albeit a bit weaker physically (just like Rebecca was to Wil).
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******** I'm not trying to play Morals Police on anyone. I mean, I'm not gonna lie and say I approve of incest fetishism, but I'm not trying to flagellate people who are incest fetishists (although those people do squick me out). For that matter, I'm not even really saying incest shippers are categorically wrong. '''All''' I am saying is that, 9 times out of 10, FE incest shippers are ''jumping to unsupported conclusions''. Ephraim and Eirika may or may not have an incestuous relationship. But incest shippers are constantly seeing sexual innuendos in dialogue that, when viewed objectively, is perfectly innocent. I will admit the ''possibility'' that Eirika and Ephraim ''might'' have or have had in the past an incestuous relationship. What I have a problem with is when people declare that they MUST be having incestuous sex based purely on the fact that Ephraim once stroked Eirika's cheek and Eirika canonically never got married. The former is indicative only of the fact that FE draws heavily on Medieval European culture, which did NOT consider such displays of affection between siblings suggestive in any way. And the latter is indicative of nothing at all. If an incest shipper produces some official game art of two sibling characters making out with each other, a [[Word of God]] statement from Intelligent Systems confirming the existence of [[Brother-Sister Incest]], an ''explicitly'' sexual and/or romantic exchange of dialogue between two sibling characters, or some other form of ''proof'' to back up their [[Brother-Sister Incest]] theories, I am more than willing to acknowledge that proof and say "Well, I guess you were right all along. Good eye." But so far all I've seen (and I admit I have not played every FE game so there may be some brother-sister dialogue that is more explicit that I haven't seen) is a bunch of people jumping to wild, unsubstantiated conclusions and seeing innuendoes where they don't exist.<br />And, returning to my original point, I submit that the ''reason'' for this phenomenon is because our culture has become so radically oversexed. Things that would have been considered perfectly innocent to previous generations are considered sexually suggestive today because modern culture has sex on the brain. And for the record, I'm '''not''' saying this is automatically a bad thing. It CAN be a bad thing when it causes people to see sexual subtext where it doesn't exist. But it also allows us to see certain subtleties in works of fiction that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. (Although as a culture we could probably stand to be a ''little'' less obsessed with sex.) Hell, I myself am not immune. More than once I've found myself raising an eyebrow at some of the dialogue exchanged between certain FE siblings and instinctually jumped to some rather squicky conclusions. And when I watched Return of the King even I couldn't help but "see" the same homoerotic undertones in the relationship between Frodo and Sam that everyone else "saw". The difference, however, is that I am capable of looking past those cultural biases when necessary and seeing things objectively, which is something that too many shippers seem incapable of doing.
********* Going by that logic means that no pairing in most the games is plausible to you because they are all open. [[FE 6]] has many pairings that aren't necessarily canon, you just know that they could have ended up either or, and it works. This is Fire Emblem, the reason they leave so many not stated is because they want you to interpret it. You are just pushing your own dogma on everyone. Acting like just because people are creating a pairing that you don't see makes them a pervert just means that you are being shallow and close minded, something you can't expect to be on a site like this. Even subtext such as the Sieglinde and Siegmund thing can be a big point for most people. You yourself are trying to play Word of God to everyone with a different opinion than you.
********** Woah, calm down you two. I can see valid point in both of the statements you are making (I think there is a tendency in modern culture to create unintended subtext, but at the same time that doesn't mean subtext wasn't necessarily there), but I would like to point something out that neither one of you seemed to mention. In my opinion, subtext of [[Brother-Sister Incest]] doesn't always mean that there is an actual physical relationship. Perhaps the two are in love with each other (note: by this I mean romantic love, not sibling love), but never acted on it because of the taboos associated with it. If you look at it this way, Eirika never getting married could provide evidence that they were in love with each other. That said, it doesn't mean that this is the case either. It's just evidence that could be seen that way if looked at from a certain perspective. [[Ship -to -Ship Combat|Please don't hit me...]]
** On the main topic: While people exaggerate saying the series is chokefull of incest, it still has certainly more than most [[JRP Gs]]. That + [[Never Live It Down]] = This.
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== Bendy metal ==
** [http[wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arbalest |Yes they can.]] You need a crank to pull them, though.
** Metal arrows.
*** For a bow to work, it has to snap back to it's original shape. Most metal either couldn't bend at all or wouldn't snap back.
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* What's up with the Herons? They're these fragile, gentle, vegetarian creatures with magic songs... but real herons are large, predatory birds.
** But they LOOK fragile and gentle. Aside from that, nothing else matters when making a fictional world.
** In Japanese tradition, the heron represents life, tactfulness, and delicacy. In addition, a heron and a raven together is a common symbol of the [[Dragons Up the Yin -Yang|''taijitu'']]. Would ''you'' pass up that sort of symbolism? Besides, if you really want to get technical about it members of the hawk and falcon family are faster than members of the crow family, and lions, being pack hunters, have much less raw power on their lonesome than tigers.
** Also size. Tigers are bigger than Lions, and the common raven is larger in size than any hawk in the world. Despite this, Tiger Laguz aren't that much bigger than actual tigers when the transform- the wolf laguz are similar in size, while Lion Laguz are somewhere around the size of a grizzly.
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