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Fire Emblem Tellius/Characters/The Greil Mercenariesand Crimean Liberation Force: Difference between revisions

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* [[Friendly Rival]]: To Ike. He's determined to show him up in terms of performance, but is a loyal fighter and a good friend to him throughout both games.
* [[Hidden Depths]]
* [[Hot -Blooded]]: Moreso in ''Radiance''.
* [[Hot for Teacher]]: Implied with Titania.
* [[The Lancer]]: To Ike in the early chapters.
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* [[Promotion to Parent]]: Resigned from the Crimean army to care for his two younger brothers, Boyd and Rolf, after their father died.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Blue Oni to Kieran and Boyd's Red Oni.
* [[Sibling Yin-Yang]]: Oscar is quiet, self-effacing, helpful, and intelligent. His younger brother Boyd [[Boisterous Bruiser|is]] [[Hot -Blooded|not]].
* [[Signature Move]] / [[Attack Pattern Alpha]]: See Boyd.
* [[Supreme Chef]]: Many characters enjoy his meals, Ike and [[Big Eater|Ilyana]] amongst them.
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* [[Nice Guy]]
* [[No Pronunciation Guide]]: It's 'Reese' not 'Rise'. Blame the Welsh.
* [[Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl]]: The former to Mia, who he develops a close friendship with.
* [[Sensitive Guy and Manly Man]]: The former to Kieran.
* [[Uke]]: Even with Mia--[[Genki Girl|perhaps ESPECIALLY with Mia]]--he would most likely be this.
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** [[Lightning Bruiser]]: She can grow into this.
* [[Genki Girl]]: Hoo boy...
* [[Hot -Blooded]]
* [[Ms. Fanservice]] / [[Fetish Fuel Station Attendant]]
** [[Detached Sleeves]]
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* [[Big Eater]]: Her enormous appetite ''defines'' her.
** Goes so far as to start munching on Mia's boots if she isn't fed.
* [[Dangerously -Short Skirt]]
* [[The Ingenue]]: She's a rather sweet person.
* [[Panty Shot]]: Every battle before promotion in [[Po R]]. Much nerfed in RD (Only when attacking through a barricade, which are very rare, though in the first and 2nd chapter she is useable in)
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* [[Consummate Professional]]
* [[Dramatic Unmask]]: [[Inverted Trope|Inverted.]] When he reveals his true identity, he puts a mask ''on.''
* {{spoiler|1=[[Eleventh -Hour Ranger]]: In ''RD'', and how. There's a good reason he waits until one chapter from the end to show up: he's getting off criticals 1/3rd of the time ''at least'', never mind when he activates Lethality!}}
* [[Hates Small Talk]]: Volke only speaks to convey information and has no time for conversation outside of those specific parameters.
* {{spoiler|[[Hero -Killer]]: Greil hired him due to his reputation as one. After Ike learns Greil's secrets from him, Volke makes the very same offer to him, just in case Ike was to go berserk like his father did.}}
* [[Knife Nut]]
* [[Lack of Empathy]]: Volke doesn't even bat an eye at the news of {{spoiler|Greil's death}} and doesn't give a damn about the carnage around him. All that matters to him is getting paid.
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* [[Secret Keeper]]: For {{spoiler|Greil.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Secret Test of Character]]: Charges Ike with paying him 50,000 gold as a way of testing his maturity, and therefore his readiness to learn his father's secrets.}}
* [[Single -Stroke Battle]]: With his own personal skill as an Assassin class, he does have the ability to kill any enemy not classified as a boss. Yes, even Laguz tank-like health and defense.
* [[Sticky Fingers]]: In ''PoR'' only, he can lift weapons and items off of most units.
* [[The Stoic]]
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* [[Fiery Redhead]]
* '''[[Genki Guy]]'''
* [[Hot -Blooded]]
* '''[[Keet]]''': So much that we had to add ''both'' this and [[Genki Guy]].
* [[Large Ham]]
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* [[A Boy and His X|A Boy and His Laguz]]: His relationship with Muarim
* [[Bratty Half -Pint]]: Somewhat in Path of Radiance.
* [[Crutch Character]] ''and'' [[Can't Catch Up]]: His availability in ''RD'' is among the worst. He joins near the end of Part 1, promoted to tier 2 already and kicking ass... then you don't see hide nor hair of the kid until two chapters before the end of ''Part '''4'''.'' By which point the rest of the world, and the game, has passed him by.
** He also can't keep up with Sothe's growth, literally.
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* [[Badass]]
* [[Cool Sword]]/[[Blow You Away]]: Starts with a sword that can control wind.
* [[Four -Star Badass]]
* [[Lethal Chef]]: She wants to take lessons from [[Supreme Chef|Oscar]], confessing she put a good few soldiers out of commission with her cooking once.
* [[Mook Maker]]: Her "Reinforcements" skill can do this for your side.
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** [[Badass Grandpa]]
** [[Badass Mustache]]
** [[Four -Star Badass]]
* [[Blade On a Stick]]
** [[Heroes Prefer Swords]]
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* [[Mr. Fanservice]]
* [[Ninja Pirate Robot Zombie]]: He's got an [[Eyepatch of Power|eyepatch]], a [[Dragon Rider|trusty dragon to ride on]], a [[Lazy Bum|habit of]] [[Sleepyhead|sleeping in battles]], but when he does fight, [[Lightning Bruiser|few can stand in his way]].
* [[Opposites Attract]]: With the fiery, [[Hot -Blooded]], and much younger Jill.
* [[Optional Boss]]: In the level he's recruited in in Path of Radiance. He can't be fought in Radiant Dawn, but he is an optional recruit there as well.
* [[Perpetual Frowner]]
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* [[Sequence Breaking]]: ''Radiant Dawn'' Lucia has Swordmaster models for before and after her haircut, but her Trueblade model is only for after. This is because the Japanese version required units to use items to promote, as per series standard; therefore, Lucia wouldn't have been able to promote before her haircut. The US version removed this requirement, allowing promotion by leveling up past Level 20. This means that should Lucia solo 2-2 and get enough experience to promote, she will already have undergone her haircut before it happens in the story. [[Bellisario's Maxim|Don't think too hard about]] [[Squick|where Ludveck gets the hair to send to Elincia]] in this case.
* [[Supreme Chef]]: She's another good cook, according to Ilyana.
* [[Thigh -High Boots]]
* [[Traumatic Haircut]]
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]
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* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: Forces' Micaiah's surrender by threatening to drop Sothe off of a cliff.
* [[Eleventh -Hour Ranger]]: Can join your party during the finales of both games.
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: Is initially convinced that all humans cannot be trusted. Meeting Ike and Elincia helps to disabuse him of this notion.
* [[Intergenerational Friendship]]: With Ike and Elincia.
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* [[Badass]]
* [[Badass Beard]]
* [[Eleventh -Hour Ranger]]
* [[Purposefully Overpowered]]
* [[Suspiciously Similar Substitute]]: Giffca was sent to Melior in Caineghis' stead to help wrap up the war. Ashnard finds this amusing:
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