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[[File:tlv6_5500.png|frame|No warnings, no second chances... until now.]]
{{quote|''Heaven is not what it is said to be.''
{{quote|''HeavenHell is not what it is said to be.''<br />
''HellThe issaved are not whatforever it is said to behappy.''<br />
''The saved are not forever happy.''<br />
''The damned are not forever lost.''|"Oran" by Steve Mcdonald, describing the story of [http://nihilobstat.info/2009/07/06/the-silencing-of-st-oran/ St. Oran].}}
Throughout space and time travels [[Wagon Train to Thethe Stars|a barge]], commanded by the mysterious [[Physical God|Admiral]], a figure often spoken of but [[He Who Must Not Be Seen|never seen]]. The Admiral has [[Locked in Aa Room|collected together]] a group of unique people. He has set them a task.
There are two kinds of people. There are [[The Atoner|the inmates]], lost souls who have died. Presented with the harsh reality of how very near to utter annihilation [[My God, What Have I Done?|their souls have come]], they are given an [[Death Equals Redemption|option]]: live as an inmate aboard the barge, [[The Only Way They Will Learn|endure the trials]] set before them and [[Last Second Chance|learn from them]], and be eventually granted a [[Redemption Earns Life|second chance at life]].
They are governed, cared for and protected by [[Kid Withwith the Leash|their wardens]], individuals of moral character (in most cases) given the task to look after them and stand as their moral compass during their time aboard the Barge. They have [[Bargain Withwith Heaven|struck a deal]] with the Admiral. In exchange for their service, conditional upon redeeming and graduating their inmate, the Admiral will give them one thing. One thing that they need [[An Offer You Can't Refuse|desperately enough]] to stay on the barge. Some are [[Redemption Promotion|former inmates]].
As well as [[Locked in Aa Room|each others company]], wardens and inmates have to deal with Ports and Floods. Ports are where the barge docks in [[Wacky Wayside Tribe|different worlds]], of varying levels of safety and sanity. Floods are where random phenomena and occurancesoccurrences strike the barge itself. There are normally two or three of these kind of barge events a month.
A [[Character Blog|journal based]] [[Journal Roleplay|Livejournal RPG]], in operation since 2008. Application rounds take place monthly. Further information can be found [http://lastvoyages.dreamwidth.org/profile here].
=== This work contains examples of: ===
== Tropes that apply to the barge as a whole ==
* [[Zero-Percent0% Approval Rating]] - The Admiral, and rightly so.
* [[All Just a Dream]] - This is the preferred way of [[Arbitrary Skepticism|dealing with being on the Barge]] for some Inmates.
** This was a particularly pungent trope for [[Inception|Mal Cobb]].
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* [[Anyone Can Die]] - Because anyone can be revived from death on the Barge with the equivalent of a week-long hangover from hell, serious business often goes down at least once a week.
* [[The Atoner]] - Inmates are on the Barge to make up for what they've done in life.
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]] - see [[Anyone Can Die]].
* [[Big Bad]] - There's not really one for the overarching game, but during big events certain characters fill the role:
** In Masterworld, [[Doctor Who|The Master]] (shockingly enough). Judas and Iago were his [[Co-Dragons]].
** In the Four Horsemen plot, [[World of Warcraft|Arthas Menethil]].
** [[G.I. Joe: theThe Rise of Cobra (Film)|Cobra Commander]] has served two stints as one - first during his nanomite takeover, and then again a year later when he forced the Barge to crash in the [[Grim Fandango|Land of the Dead]].
** For Halloween 2011, the usurper masquerading as the Admiral was eventually revealed to be {{spoiler|Randall Flagg.}}
* [[Big Good]] - The Admiral. [[Alternate Character Interpretation|Maybe]].
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* [[Cycle of Revenge]] - Since death is rarely permanent, many Inmates achieve these with each other.
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]] - Oh-so many of the Inmates. Occasionally some of the Wardens. This is basically what the Inmate files ''are''.
* [[Death Is a Slap Onon The Wrist]] - There's a week long 'death toll' which is basically a hangover from hell, but death has no major side effects after resurrection.
* [[Deal Withwith the Devil]] - Some Wardens see their deal with the Admiral as this.
* [[Enforced Cold War]] - Enemy Inmates are often forced into this due to their Wardens and even the Admiral interfering.
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Dinosaurs]] - The [[Jurassic Park]] port. Yes, the Barge actually docks at [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?|Jurassic Park]].
* [[Everything's Even Worse Withwith Sharks]] - [[Arkham Asylum: Living Hell|Warren White]] left behind his pet shark, which now resides in a common room.
** [[We Named the Monkey "Jack"]] - The shark was named Warren, after the inmate. Hilarity will inevitably ensue now that Warren the Inmate is on the same boat as Warren the shark.
* [[Evil Versus Evil]] - Some of the Inmates would rather tear each other up forever than get with the program.
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* [[Hilarity Ensues]] - Kissing floods, [[Gender Bender|gender-flip floods]] - floods seem to exist to make hilarity ensue. Ports or Breaches are usually much more serious.
* [[Hollywood New England]] - The Bostonian characters have their accent sneak into their posts. Fun to read, and apparently even more fun to write.
* [[Identical Stranger]] - Since there are no restriction on characters played by the same actor, this is fairly common. A good current example is [[Sunshine (Filmfilm)|Robert Capa]] and [[The Dark Knight Saga|Jonathan Crane]].
* [[Ignored Epiphany]] - Happens reasonably often [[Chronic Villainy|for Inmates]].
* [[Karma Houdini]] - Happens fairly often. Sometimes inmates vanish from the Barge without being redeemed, sometimes wardens get away with offenses with only a slap on the wrist.
* [[Kissing Under the Influence]] - The Admiral places mistletoe all over the Barge during Christmas - [[Crack Pairing|ANY]] two characters caught underneath will find themselves first-basing it.
* [[A Lighter Shade of Grey]] - Quite a few of the Wardens fall under this trope. They usually have darker grey Inmates which means the whole place ends up an example of [[Grey and Gray Morality]].
* [[Might Asas Well Not Be in Prison At All]] - Played with. The Barge is [[Gilded Cage|rather]] [[Luxury Prison Suite|luxurious]] and inmates have access to many amenities no conventional prison would ever make available to them, but they are also barred from many areas and can be sent to the much less fun [[Lockdown|Level 0]].
* [[Mirror Self]] - one of the most famous and character-developing floods; this troper wasn't even there for it and knows lots about it.
* [[Mood Whiplash]] - Mostly avoided because of the space between barge events, but still a possibility with some ports and floods.
* [[No One Sees the Boss]] - The Admiral, for the Inmates.
* [[Not What I Signed Onon For]] - The floods and ports effect everyone on barge, including the Wardens. Many aren't pleased by the Admiral letting that happen.
* [[Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping]] - A meta example, since some character accents can be hard to maintain.
* [[Police Are Useless]] - Averted, many of the Wardens who were previously in the police force are very competent.
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* [[Super Empowering]] - The Admiral has the power to remove and restore the canonical abilities of any Inmate. He typically only does this at the request of a Warden. On the character side, Arthas can turn Barge denizens into Death Knights and Cobra Commander used to do this through his nanomites.
* [[Villainous Friendship]] - Occurs frequently between Inmates.
* [[Wagon Train to Thethe Stars]] - The Barge. Ports and breaches often have elements of [[Trapped in Another World]].
* [[We Want Our Jerk Back]] - The Admiral is by no means popular, but in the plots where he's [[Under New Management|ousted]] this tends to occur [[Better the Devil You Know|fairly quickly]].
* [[What Did I Do Last Night?]] - The amnesia flood was [[Bedmate Reveal|full of this]].
* [[What Happened to Thethe Mouse?|What Happened To The Inmate?]] - On a meta level, this can happen often, what with character drops and all.
* [[Year Inside, Hour Outside]] - While on the Barge, [[Time Stands Still]] in the worlds where Barge denizens come from.
* [[You All Meet in Aa Cell]] - Everyone on the Barge, technically. This fits Inmates a bit better than Wardens.
* [[You Can't Go Home Again]] - Often subverted by graduations but some characters still have this, whether it's due to world destruction (West), faith (Howie) or some other reason.
* [[Zen Survivor]] - Many Wardens and Imates have achieved this after going through an awful lot of floods, ports and general barge horrible.
== Tropes that apply to current characters on the barge ==
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* [[Artifact of Doom]] - Frostmourne, Arthas's [[Evil Weapon|soul-devouring sword]]. He can use it to turn other Barge denizens into Death Knights. [[Quills|The Marquis']] Lament Configuration also qualifies.
* [[Asexual]] - Castiel, as an angel, avoids things sexy. Seventh Doctor gets nervous at the implication of sex. And the Sixth Doctor's equally O.O at the idea. Vasilia Aliena is openly asexual after an awkward intervention by her also-asexual warden Sherlock Holmes.
* [[Asskicking Equals Authority]] - [[Blood RayneBloodRayne|Rayne]] and [[World of Warcraft|Arthas]] pretty much do as they please, since they're each strong enough to thrash ninety percent of the people on the Barge.
* [[Authority in Name Only]] - Some wardens are significantly weaker than their inmates. The Marquis De Sade and George Crabtree rely on trust and being decent people to keep their inmates from overpowering them.
* [[Ax Crazy]] - Several. Richie Gecko is the leading contenders. Perry has shades of this, but he keeps it under ''slightly'' better control.
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* [[Badass Family]] - The Batfamily, of course. Most of them are on the Barge.
* [[Badass Grandpa]] - Iroh, the quiet and Zen fellow over there sipping his tea, also happens to be one of the most skilled Firebenders in history.
* [[Badass in Aa Nice Suit]] - Agent K. Miss Parker is a [[Hot Chick in Aa Badass Suit]].
* [[Badass Mustache]] - George and his fake mustache. "LOOK WITH YOUR MUSTACHE EYES." [[Mirror Universe|Mirrorverse]] Braxiatel has a badass mustache.
* [[Badass Normal]] - The Barge has its share of these: The Batkids, [[Supernatural (TV series)|Dean Winchester]], [[Mobile Suit Gundam Wing (Anime)|Heero Yuy]], [[The Bourne Series (Filmfilm)|Jason Bourne]] and [[Infected (Literaturenovel)|Perry Dawsey]] are the more obvious examples. For the ladies, Miss Parker, Sarah Connor, Amanda Young and Cassie.
* [[Bad Powers, Bad People]] - Barron Sharpe can erase and rewrite memories. He's a conman. What a coincidence.
* [[Bald of Awesome]] - Arkady and Riddick
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** More recently this has become Sarah Connor's shtick.
** When Amanda is panicked or upset, she lapses into this.
* [[Consummate Liar]] - Jim Profit holds the crown. Braxiatel is allergic to telling the truth plain and clearly.
* [[Cold-Blooded Torture]] - Slick wanted to do this to Bourne. Thankfully, he was outvoted.
** Keep in mind that Slick was voted down by [[Sixth Ranger Traitor|David]] and [[Serial Killer|Hoffman]]. [[Even Evil Has Standards|Yeah]]...
** Arthas did this to [[Asshole Victim|Edward Nygma]] [[Kick the Dog|twice]].
** Braxiatel did this to Narvin
* [[Combat Stilettos]] - Rayne's stiletto heels are quite literally designed for combat. They are metal spikes to impale people with. Miss Parker always fights and trains in stilettos as well.
* [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]] - [[Profit]] is an Inmate, sans actual corporation, buuut.
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** Arthas and the Riddler
* [[Dark Action Girl]] - Shego, Sarah Connor and Miss Parker fill this role.
* [[Dead Little Sister]] - The motivation for Hoffman's villainy.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]] - Bourne's a surprising example. More conventional snarkers include Arthas, Buffy, Dean, Angua, and Shego. Braxiatel and Narvin sometimes get in on the deadpan snarking act, especially at each other.
* [[Death Trap]] - These are Amanda and Hoffman's stock in trade.
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* [[The Dragon]] - Rinzler was the chief enforcer for CLU in Tron: Legacy
* [[Drugs Are Bad]] - Just look at Jesse Pinkman.
* [[Everything's Worse Withwith Bears]] - Bears don't leave Prefect alone :(
* [[Evil Prince]] - Arthas, naturally.
** Sort of subverted once you get to know the guy.
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* [[Eye Scream]] - [[Animorphism|Woodchat Shrike Amanda]] taking out Hyena Hoffman's eye. [[It Makes Sense in Context]].
* [[Fallen Hero]] - Arthas, Sirius Black, Mark Hoffman.
* [[Face Heel Turn]] - The reason Gaeta is an inmate. And why Rhade was before he graduated to warden.
* [[For Science!]] - [[Two Words: Obvious Trope|Two words]]: [[Parody Sue|Fanfic Crane]].
{{quote| '''Fanfic Crane''': [[Blatant Lies|Science]], [[Foe Yay|my good man]]. [[Kissing Under the Influence|Science]].}}
* [[Four Eyes, Zero Soul]] - We're looking at ''you'', Dr. Crane.
** This also applies to Walter White, but he's good at hiding it.
* [[Free-Love Future]] - Subverted by Chief Stildyne. His universe has a lot of things wrong with it: the monolithic and failing government overshadows the day-to-day lack of hetero (or homo) normativity in all but certain cultures.
* [[Future Badass]] - Claire and Dean both have badass future counterparts, but they don't know about them yet.
* [[Genius Bruiser]] - Most Barge denizens assume Perry's a brainless brute, but he's smarter than he lets on.
* [[Genre Savvy]] - Several, though the crown currently goes to Dean Winchester.
* [[Good Cop, Bad Cop]] - Costigan and Dick during OS-19, while looking for information about David and Kirk. Although really, which one was which is up to debate, as while Dick acted more friendly and social he also dangled a guy off a building to get info while Costigan just interrogated them.
* [[Good Is Not Nice]] - Dean's a mild example. Bourne's an extreme one. The Riddler and Narvin have both ended up on people's 'The Admiral has bad judgement picking wardens' lists.
* [[Good Old Fisticuffs]] - Perry has ''killed people'' this way.
** This has so far been a [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]] result of his [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]. Also, Barron and Rex were both members of the [[Asshole Victim]] club.
* [[Grumpy Bear]] - [[The McCoy|Dr. McCoy]], who's succeeded Martha Jones as the head of the Barge's infirmary.
* [[Guile Hero]] - Tim seems to be the only Batkid that has really inherited this part of Batman's repertoire.
* [[Healing Factor]] - Three characters all from the [[Heroes (TV series)|same canon]] - Adam Monroe, Claire Bennet, and Sylar. Adam and Sylar have graduated, leaving Claire as the resident Barge healer.
* [[Heroes Love Dogs]] - A common theme. Jim Kirk has a dog named Aristotle, Claire Bennet has three dogs, and Jon Snow has a wolf.
* [[Hero-Killer]] - In one infamous thread, Arthas slaughters ''every Warden on the Barge'', one after another.
* [[Hitman Withwith a Heart]] - Jason Bourne, at least in the beginning. It's the whole reason he came to the Barge in the first place.
* [[The Hunter|The Hunters]]s - Dean and Buffy.
* [[I Just Want to Be Badass]] - Wanda Maximoff.
** Also Walter White, which makes Jesse's trope pretty ironic.
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** Something Chief Stildyne rarely wants to talk about. But he wouldn't be here if he weren't head over heels enough to throw his career away in order to save the beloved servants of and never see the (straight, unhappy in the military, vicious torturer type) man he loves again.
* [[Jerk Jock]] - Perry carefully cultivates this image.
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]] - Jesse Pinkman. Definitely a jerk, but protective of kids and nice to his girlfriend.
** Riddick, canonically. He has a thing about kids.
* [[Karmic Transformation]] - Bourne did this to David as punishment for impersonating him, trapping him in the form he hates the most - [[Fate Worse Than Death|a rat]]. Though it was only for a few days, it pretty much shattered any chance of trust ever forming between them.
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* [[Manipulative Bastard|Manipulative Bitch]] - Amanda, Merope, and Lua Klein are the best current examples.
* [[The McCoy]] - The ''[[Incredibly Lame Pun|real McCoy]]'', at that.
* [[The Men in Black]] - Agent K, so MIB his canon is called MIB.
* [[Mind Rape]] - Narvin's modus operandi. And he's [[Good Is Not Nice|a warden]].
* [[Misogyny]] - Perry's a mild misogynist.
* [[Morality Pet]] - Drake Stone plays this for Arthas.
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* [[Official Couple]] - Trip and T'Pol are engaged/technically married by Vulcan customs anyway.
** Tim and Shego played this straight for a few months and then subverted it when they broke up.
** Agent K and Narvin are engaged, much to the chagrin of -
** Lord Rassilon. Less so his fiancee Omega.
** Claire Bennet and Jesse Pinkman are getting a weird reputation as "those two nice kids."
* [[One-Letter Name]] - Agent K and Professor X (although he's still young and mostly called "Charles").
* [[Only Known Byby Their Nickname]] - 21, Agent K, Heero Yuy, Jason Bourne, and Mr. Pink. All aliases, and none of their real names have ever been revealed.
** Jason Bourne has shared his first name ({{spoiler|David Webb.}}) with Costigan and Claire.
** 21 reveals his first name in his letter to Santa ({{spoiler|it's Gary.}})
** Agent K has told his real name to Narvin ( {{spoiler|Kevin Brown}})
** Miss Parker to such an extent her name isn't even in her file. She told one person (Paddy) it, and another got her initial when they left. (Snape.)
* [[Orcus Onon His Throne]] - Arthas to some degree. Justified in that his powers, while still setting him head and shoulders above most of the Barge's residents, are still severely restricted from their godlike original levels.
* [[Overt Operative]] - Narvin casually introduces himself to everyone as "Coordinator Narvin of the CIA"
* [[Panthera Awesome]] - Chang has a [[Cute Kitten|baby panther]].
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** Heero told Olive he'd kill anyone who tried to go after her like they did to Sveta.
** Arthas has one of these every so often with Drake and David.
* [[Plucky Girl]] - there's a Perky Blonde Squad on Barge, the flagships of which seem to be [[Batgirl|Stephanie Brown]] and [[Young Justice (Comic Bookcomics)|Cissie King-Jones]]. See also Buffy, Angua, Claire...
* [[Poisonous Friend]] - Brax and Rhade. Braxiatel is the poisonous friend to Romana and Benny in canon. Rhade is the poisonous friend of Dylan Hunt. (Ironically, Brax and Rhade are themselves friends and Brax poisoned Rhade, taking the phrase "poisonous friends" to a literal extreme.)
** Gaeta may view ''himself'' as a subversion of this re: Gaius, in that he considers his own moral code to be vastly superior to Gaius's.
* [[Poisonous Person]] - Poison Ivy
* [[Power Perversion Potential]] - David uses his Bourne morph to score a kiss with Claire.
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** And then some inmates ''become'' serial killers on the Barge.
* [[Shadow Archetype]] - As a panfandom game, there are some interesting examples:
** [[War CraftWarcraft|Arthas Menethil]] is an obvious shadow counterpart to [[The Elric Saga|Elric]] considering he's an [[Expy]] of Elric cooked up by someone who apparently completely missed the point.
** Mark Hoffman. It's not too obvious since the two don't interact much, but he's clearly Will Graham's dark counterpart. Both were children of poverty who went into law enforcement and were traumatized in the line of duty. But while Graham resolved to fight the darkness within, Hoffman embraced his darkness and became a serial killer.
** David Harris is an interesting case in that he can be considered a [[Shadow Archetype]] to ''two'' characters: Heero Yuy and Will Parry. David and Heero, sworn archenemies, parallel and invert one another in history - both were pulled into war against their will, but Heero was [[Child Soldiers|pulled into war from a young age]] and [[Resigned to Thethe Call|accepted it]], while David [[The Call Knows Where You Live|was pulled into war as a teenager]] and [[Refusal of the Call|rejected it]]. Both are antisocial personalities but in opposite ways - Heero is a [[The Stoic|introverted recluse]] while David is an [[Jerkass|extroverted jerk]]. Even in the team dynamic they invert one another - Heero [[Magnetic Hero|gathers a team around him]], living up to his [[The Hero|codename]], while David as the [[Sixth Ranger|sixth Animorph]] rebels against and [[Sixth Ranger Traitor|eventually betrays]] his team.
** The Riddler is Tim Drake's shadow counterpart, an older Tim without the noble driving force and with a personality much more disposed towards [[It's All About Me|self-interest]] and [[Smug Snake|endless gloating]].
** Jesse Pinkman and Lua Klein are arguably a subversion in that they actually have the ''same'' bad traits, but each would probably claim that they're total opposites if confronted with it.
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* [[The Stoic]] - Bourne and Heero are the most repeat offenders. Gaeta tries, but has to work at it.
* [[Taking Up the Mantle]] - With Bruce gone, Tim has taken it upon himself to be the Barge's Batman.
* [[There Are No Therapists]] - ... except for Dr. Crane, but you'd have to be ''crazy'' to hop on his couch.
** And now also Hannibal Lecter. You'd have to be even '''more'' crazy to hop on his couch.
* [[Token Evil Teammate]] - The Riddler is a warden. Most of the other wardens are dumbfounded by this.
** A little subverted, now that he's returned as an inmate.
** T-X as a warden.
* [[Token Minority]] - Mozenrath, Iroh, Luke Cage, Simone Betheson, and Richard Riddick.
* [[Too Clever Byby Half]] - The Riddler. Here's a character with an intellect on par with the Batfamily, but it's hindered by his [[Smug Snake|unpleasant personality]] and [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Jerk|compulsion to get himself involved in conflicts]].
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]] - Sarah Connor [[Took a Level Inin Badass|between Terminator and Terminator 2]], effectively becoming her complete opposite, and might this Troper add, having no hesitation in breaking Silberman's arm, threatening to pump him full of Drano, or stabbing him in the knee with his own pen. What a distance from the quiet waitress in pink, the [[Damsel in Distress|Damsel In Distress]] of the first film.
* [[Took a Level Inin Jerkass]] - Bourne's gradually become harsher and more antagonistic as time has gone on, though it's not entirely clear if this can be attributed to his trials with David or just him revealing more of his true personality.
* [[The Unfettered]] - Irving Braxiatel is a perfect example, delibrately putting aside his morals to save Gallifrey, regardless of how many [[And That's Terrible|genocides]] it takes. Achilles and Bourne bring up the vanguard.
* [[The Vamp]] - Poison Ivy can vamp it up when she wants to.
* [[Villain Withwith Good Publicity]] - Amanda, [[Out-Gambitted|ironically thanks to Hoffman himself]].
* [[Warrior Prince]] - Arthas is the ur-example; Viserys is a wannabe.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] - Arguably Bourne. Certainly a lot of the other wardens now see him as such.
** This is sort of also how Gaeta wound up on the Barge.
* [[Wicked Cultured]] - Braxiatel embodies this trope. And Hannibal Lecter. As does Rhade to a less extreme extent.
* [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]] - Raistlin. Wanted to make himself a god.
** Rassilon. Founder of Time Lord society, around a billion years old, also complete nutcase.
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* [[You Are Number Six]] - Sixth Doctor, Seventh Doctor (although they never in canon go by number names and characters on the Barge don't always know what "number" Doctor each is, but players use the numbers [[OO Cly]] for convenience). Seven-of-Nine. 21.
* [[You Cannot Grasp the True Form]] - Castiel's angelic form explodes heads, burns out eyes...is generally not good for human life forms. So he goes around in a [[Unkempt Beauty|human]] suit.
== Tropes that apply to characters that were formerly on the Barge ==
* [[Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder]] - After [[Zombieland (Film)|Wichita]] left the Barge, [[G.I. Joe: theThe Rise of Cobra (Film)|Rex]] eventually gets together with [[Othello|Iago]]. And then [[Fate Drives Us Together|she came back]]. {{spoiler|Eventually subverted.}}
* [[Anticlimax Boss]] - Cobra Commander at the end of the nanomite incident. After all the trouble he caused, he pretty much gave in and surrendered without a fight.
* [[Arch Enemy|Archenemies]] - Jim Kirk and William Cooper. They eventually got over it. David and Bourne. They didn't get over it.
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* [[Batman Gambit]] - Guess who's stock in trade this was?
* [[Batter Up]] - Donny Donowitz's shtick, of course.
* [[Berserk Button]] - Do not get on [[The DevilsDevil's Whore|Edward Sexby's]] bad side. Just don't.
** If you see Achilles helpless or vulnerable, he ''will'' kill you. It's just that simple.
** Don't call [[A Fish Called Wanda|Otto West]] stupid.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]] - [[Hard Candy|Hayley Stark]], as [[The Dark Knight Saga|the Scarecrow]] found out the hard way.
* [[Big Badass Wolf]] - [[Harry Potter|Remus Lupin]] turned this trope magnificently on its head - he was a werewolf, but he couldn't induce the transformation at will, and he was generally a pretty nice guy.
* [[Big Brother Mentor]] - [[RedRED (Filmfilm)|William Cooper]] to Hayley and Heero; Costigan to David for a little while.
* [[Big Damn Hero]] - Will Parry got his moment when he saved David from vampire Hoffman.
* [[Bonnie Scotland]] - At one point there was an oddly disproportionate number of Scotsmen on the Barge: Neil Howie, Malcolm Tucker, Montgomery Scott, and James "Destro" [[Mc Cullen]].
* [[Bounty Hunter]] - In OS-19 Patrick Kenzie got a history transplant and became one of these.
* [[The Chessmaster]] - David and Bourne in a way - pretty much their whole time as pairing was made up of the two of them trying to out-manuever one another. {{spoiler|David loses in their first two face-offs, manages an ultimately pyrrhic victory in the third, and finally comes off better in the fourth.}}
* [[Chivalrous Pervert]] - Biff sort of fell under this trope.
* [[Cluster F-Bomb]] - Malcolm Tucker. Even when he got his memories and story rewritten for Master World, his language didn't change one bit.
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* [[Dark Action Girl]] - The Baroness, oddly enough, was this instead of [[The Baroness|the trope that's actually named after her original cartoon version.]] And, of course, the page illustration, Shego.
* [[Deadly Doctor]] - Rex Lewis/Cobra Commander.
* [[Deal Withwith the Devil]] - [[The Princess and Thethe Frog|Dr. Facilier]] conned plenty of people into making these in life. He spends a lot of his time on the Barge thinking about the ones ''he'' made, how they went wrong, and how to get by without their benefits. (He's also the picture on the trope page, natch.)
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]] - Denise sort of fit this.
* [[The Dragon]] - Costigan to Rex. He was perfectly ready to [[Would Hurt a Child|beat the crap out of a kid]] for Rex's sake.
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* [[Even Evil Has Standards]] - In a humorous example, the meticulous eater Rex Lewis is horrified by Impostor Bourne's bad table manners.
** The Riddler to Eddie Brock after the latter took a shower with Rex Lewis's corpse nearby. It was even lampshaded by Nygma himself: "You were naked and washing yourself while a dead body was in the room. There's no sugarcoating ''that''."
* [[Everything's Worse Withwith Bears]] - [[Blood Knight|Rachel]]'s main battle morph, of course, was her grizzly bear.
* [[Evil Redheads|Evil Redhead]] - Achilles brought a healthy dose of this to the Barge.
* [[Evil Overlord]] - Leezar was an affectionate parody of overlords everywhere.
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* [[Hero-Killer]] - Sylar was the original Barge deathbringer, before Arthas came along and stole his crown.
* [[Hilarity Ensues]] - Victor [[Frankenstein]] playing [[Pokémon]].
* [[Identical Stranger]] - Since there are no restriction on characters played by the same actor, this is fairly common. Former examples include [[Harry Potter|Remus Lupin]] and [[Sherlock|John Watson]], [[Red Dragon|Will Graham]] and [[The Incredible Hulk|Bruce Banner]], [[G.I. Joe: theThe Rise of Cobra|Rex Lewis]] and [[Inception|Arthur]], Bruce Wayne and John Preston.
* [[I Just Want to Be Badass]] - Deep down, this is David's motivation.
* [[I'm a Humanitarian]] - [[Delicatessen|Clapet]], as Blonsky found out the hard way.
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** O'Brien's torture of Sveta Nazarova.
* [[Knife Nut]] - Eddie Brock, who later mentored the equally psychopathic Slick.
* [[Literal -Minded]] - [[Mega Man (Videovideo Gamegame)|Mega Man]] was adorable, but also kinda clueless.
* [[Love Triangle]] - Rex was caught in one with Iago and Wichita.
* [[Mad Scientist]] - Rex Lewis/Cobra Commander was by far the most prominent and straightest example. [[Doctor Who|The Rani]] was another, and to a certain extent Findthee Swing (with his obsession with cranial measurements) very nearly qualified as a third.
** Bruce Banner was a heroic variant.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]] - The Master, Adam Monroe, Sylar, Rex Lewis and Achilles de Flandres are the best examples of manipulative bastards from days gone by. Malcolm Tucker did his level best to be one.
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* [[My Greatest Failure]] - Will Graham still feels this way about [[Se7en|John Doe]]'s excruciating murder of [[The Wicker Man|Sgt. Howie]].
* [[Nanomachines]] - Cobra Commander's nanomites brought vampires back to life, gave demons back their powers, electrically shocked creepy stalkers, and generally [[Green Rocks|did whatever the plot required]].
* [[The Nicknamer]] - Malcolm Tucker. Parker was "Scully", Paddy was "Baldrick" (after a flood that resulted in Malc getting nicknamed "[[Black AdderBlackadder|Edmund]]"), and when [[Zombieland (Film)|Columbus]] was his warden, Malcolm made a habit of calling him by every major Ohio city and town (Cleveland, Livonia, even Wright-Patterson Air Force Base) except Columbus.
* [[90% of Your Brain]] - The source of [[Teen Titans (Animationanimation)|Slade's]] powers.
* [[Nietzsche Wannabe]] - Owlman.
** [[A Fish Called Wanda|Otto West]] is arguably one of the trope's great exemplars, in canon and in game.
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* [[Official Couple]] - A few: West and Billy, Adam Monroe and Judas, Buffy and Spike, Hayley and Merlin, Mal and Costigan.
** Snape and Martha are ''[[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|a married couple]]'' and were for years the penultimate Barge offering to this trope.
** Angelica and Edward [[The DevilsDevil's Whore|Sexby]], who are official in game and canonically.
** [[Shades of Grey|Jane Brunswick and Eddie Russett]] were also official in canon and in game.
* [[One Steve Limit]] - Subverted: at one point there were ''four'' characters named Eddie - ([[Batman|Eddie Nygma]], [[Spider -Man|Eddie Brock]], [[Shades of Grey|Eddie Russet]], and [[Limitless|Eddie Spinola]]).
* [[Only Known Byby Their Nickname]] - Rachel refused to tell people her real name throughout her tenure, and instead went by [[The Magnificent|Xena]].
** There were also two Armands. Bonus subverted in that there were what, six muns named Kim?
** Mr. Orange, Mr. Wednesday, and Slick.
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* [[Pet the Dog]] - Wardens and inmates alike are prone to getting these from time to time.
** Ariadne's warden stint with Heero was one long [[Pet the Dog]] moment.
** Bruce Wayne in the aftermath of the badcanon flood, when he pleads to the Admiral to let him save [[All -Star Batman and Robin The Boy Wonder|ASBAR]] Dick Grayson from ''[[Evil Counterpart|that thing]]''.
** Similarly, Jason Todd got one when he protected Dick Grayson, [[Insistent Terminology|Age Twelve]] from his psychotic caretaker.
** Cooper hugged Heero in the Isla Nublar port after Heero took a velociraptor off a cliff with him.
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** Malcolm Tucker and his warden Claire, occasionally.
* [[Playful Hacker]] - John Connor, with a ''heavy'' emphasis on the latter as opposed to the former. Before him, Kevin Flynn played this straight.
* [[Playing Withwith Fire]] - At one point the Barge had a good chunk of the Fire Nation's royal family here.
* [[Plucky Girl]] - Svetlana Nazarova and Angelica Sexby, amongst others.
* [[Porn Stache]] - [[Supernatural (TV series)|Gabriel]] didn't rock it. But he should have. Otto West did, until he shaved it off as a sign of his redemption.
* [[Preacher Man]] - Not a preacher technically, but Sgt. Howie is by far the most devout member of the Barge.
** Don't forget [[Se7en|John Doe]], his [[Sinister Minister]] counterpart.
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* [[Redheaded Hero]] - Wally West.
* [[Reluctant Warrior]] - Will Parry, full throttle.
* [[Psycho Electro]] - [[Heroes (TV series)|Elle Bishop]] is the Ur-Example.
* [[Serial Killer]] - Achilles, John Doe, and Sylar are classic examples.
* [[Shadow Archetype]] - As a panfandom game, there are some interesting examples:
** John Doe and Sgt. Howie. Both are devout Christians, but one wants to save people and the other wants to see them burn. Highlighted when Doe kidnaps Howie and slowly starves him to death.
** Billy Costigan, though one of the more morally sound Inmates, was nevertheless a [[Shadow Archetype]] to his Warden, Dick Grayson. Like Hoffman and Graham, both men went into law enforcement. Unlike them, both Costigan and Grayson led double lives as part of their work. Grayson was able to successfully accept his duality; Costigan on the other hand had a breakdown and turned to drugs to cope.
** Slade Wilson was Jason Bourne taken to his logical conclusion. As Bourne's former inmate, the significantly older Slade was a grim example of what Bourne could become. Bourne's [[The Stoic]] and emotionally reserved; Slade is [[The Sociopath|shallow and emotionally blunted]]. Bourne [[No Social Skills|has trouble relating to others]], Slade usually [[Lack of Empathy|doesn't bother]]. Bourne is [[Combat Pragmatist|willing to break the rules]] to win, Slade wins [[Throwaway Country|at any cost]], as Dick Grayson can attest to. Generally speaking, whatever traits Bourne has, Slade played them to their extremes, becoming a [[Consummate Professional|stone-cold mercenary]] to Bourne's emotionally damaged [[Hitman Withwith a Heart]].
** Will Parry was an inversion to David in his approach to violence - while both kids were warriors, David [[Military Brat|was raised in a military family]] and [[Violence Is the Only Option|saw violence as the only solution]] that ever solved anything. Will, on the other hand, was raised [[Disappeared Dad|with his father absent]] and [[Promotion to Parent|forced to care for his mother]]. As a result, he [[Reluctant Warrior|preferred nonviolent solutions whenever possible]] despite his considerable skill as a warrior.
* [[Sinister Shades]] - Slick's got a pair, and he never takes them off. ''Ever''.
** Sheldon Sands also had a pair.
* [[The Sociopath]] - Achilles de Flandres, Slade Wilson and John Doe. The Joker.
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