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== Anime and Manga ==
* Sesshomaru in ''[[Inuyasha (Manga)|Inuyasha]]''. He masters any sword the second he gets it in his hands and sometimes even ''before'' he gets his hand on it, a level of skill that's especially notable when Inuyasha gains and struggles to master [[Energy Absorption|Dragon-Scale Tessaiga]]. Sesshoumaru hears one single comment on how Inuyasha was trying to use the power and instantly understands how the power should be used and what Inuyasha is doing wrong, offering help in the form of [[Cryptic Conversation|cryptic advice]]. He can fight equally well with any hand, useful considering he's [[Handicapped Badass|one-armed]] for much of the manga, and his [[All There in the Manual|official character profile]] states he's able to use any type of weapon to full potential, as shown in the [[Grand Finale|final battle]] when he handles Sango's [[Battle Boomerang|Hiraikotsu]] with ease. The only [[Healing Shiv|weapon]] he ever struggles to master is the one, single weapon that requires mastering a [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?|compassionate heart]] instead of physical strength or skill.
* Balgus, Allen Schezar and Van Fanel from ''[[Vision of Escaflowne (Anime)|Vision of Escaflowne]]''.
* ''[[One Piece (Manga)|One Piece]]''
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== Film ==
* Practically every Jedi character with a real role in the ''[[Star Wars (Franchise)|Star Wars]]'' prequel trilogy. Qui-Gon Jinn displays quite a lot of skill, but even he's defeated by Darth Maul, who fights him and Obi-Wan Kenobi to a standstill at the same time. Obi-Wan later defeats General Grievous (who notably wields ''four'' lightsabers against Obi's one), as well as the newly minted Darth Vader. Yoda also reveals himself to be an incredible swordsman despite appearing to be decrepit in the original trilogy. However, Darth Sidious manages to best him in their duel. In turn, Mace Windu manages to defeat Darth Sidious, only losing after Anakin intervenes. For his part, Anakin easily bests Count Dooku, a notably powerful swordsman.
* ''[[The Princess Bride (Film)|The Princess Bride]]'' features ''two'' master swordsmen in the Man in Black and Inigo Montoya. [[I Am Not Left -Handed|Neither of whom are left handed.]] The film also name-drops a number of historical fencing masters during their duel.
* The vast majority of [[Wuxia]] characters, even relatively minor ones. Even if they are masters of [[Game Breaker|arcane]] [[Bare-Fisted Monk|barehanded]] [[I Know Karate|martial arts forms]], it is rare for them not to be equally skilled with blades.
* Many characters from ''[[Kill Bill (Film)|Kill Bill]]'', especially the Bride, Bill, and O-Ren Ishi. The Bride uses her [[Cool Sword|Hattori Hanzo sword]], and of course every swordsman uses a [[Katanas Are Just Better]].
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* In ''[[The Princess Bride (Literature)|The Princess Bride]]'', Inigo spends many years trying to become a Master Swordsman. When he's finished his training, he's actually graduated to the even higher level of "Wizard." Even still, the Man in Black defeats him.
* In RA Salvatore's ''[[The Dark Elf Trilogy]]'', the drow ranger Drizzt Do'Urden is one of the greatest swordsmen in the [[Forgotten Realms]]. His primary disadvantage is that he is small and, while in excellent shape, not as strong as, say, an orc king or an ogre warrior. He starts training at sixteen; in most of the novels, he's around seventy or eighty, but for a dark elf that's still young.
* Many characters in [[SMS.M. Stirling]]'s [[Emberverse]], notably Mike Havel, Norman Arminger, Pam Arnstein, Astrid Larsson, Tiphaine d'Ath, Rudi Mackenzie, and Mathilda Arminger.
* [[The Three Musketeers (Literature)|The Three Musketeers]], especially D'Artagnan and [[Old Master|Athos]].
* [[John Carter of Mars]], the greatest swordsman of two worlds, at least. He's not the only one, though, what with swordsmanship being an incredibly prized skill among the Martian races, almost all of whom are varying degrees of [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]]. In particular, Carter complements the [[Path of Inspiration|Therns]] for their swordsmanship (though it's the ''only'' thing he finds praiseworthy about [[Always Chaotic Evil|them]]), and the Okar (Yellow Martian) elite guard [[Badass Grandpa|Solan]] gives Carter a serious run for his money in the third book.
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** The prequel novels ''[[Fate Zero (Light Novel)|Fate Zero]]'' add another to the roster, specifically Berserker aka The Black Knight aka {{spoiler|Lancelot}}. He has a skill called 'Immortal Arms Mastery', which means his skill with a sword (or indeed anything else) is so great that the insanity that comes with the Berserker Class, which would usually rob him of all tactical and combat skill, doesn't affect it. How good is he? His first appearance has him fight his way through the [[Storm of Blades]] coming from Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon without a scratch, ''using only weapons stolen from the Gate while they were flying at him''.
* Karel from ''[[Fire Emblem (Video Game)|Fire Emblem]] 6'' and ''7''. In ''7'' (the prequel), he's reviled and admired as the infamous [[Blood Knight|'Sword Demon']], but, after {{spoiler|the death of his sister}}, he becomes [[The Atoner]] by the time the events of ''6'' occur, and changes his title to 'Saint of Swords'.
* The various Links in ''[[The Legend of Zelda (Franchise)|The Legend of Zelda]]'' series all become master swordsmen sooner or later (depending on the game). In ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Video Game)|Twilight Princess]]'', Link's mentor is Rusl, who is another master swordsman. There's also Hero's Shade, who passes up to seven secret sword skills to Link. He's a previous incarnation of Link, perhaps the [[The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Video Game)|Hero of Time]] himself.
* Ezio Auditore from ''[[Assassin's Creed II (Video Game)|Assassin's Creed II]]''. Certainly, one who can consistently strike the weak points of plate-clad opponents in a stand-up fight is no slouch.
* [[Tyke Bomb]] Ramirez from ''[[Skies of Arcadia (Video Game)|Skies of Arcadia]]''. Coupled with his magic sword, Fina claims he is able to cut ''photons'' in half. His special ability involves him ''cutting a hole in time'' and using the moment of timelessness to beat up your entire party.
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