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Examples of [[{{TOPLEVELPAGE}}]] in [[{{SUBPAGENAME}}]]s include:
* In ''[[Final Fantasy XI (Video Game)|Final Fantasy XI]]'', there are quite a few enemies that could classify as these. Ironically, the ''actual'' bats of the game are relatively tame and even make decent EXP targets for groups with piercing damage. As for [[Goddamned Bats]], Tigers and Raptors are, strangely, very good examples. These enemies can detect you from a mile away, move really fast and can paralyze your entire party. They are rarely, if ever, used as EXP mobs and drop virtually nothing of value. Since the advent of the level cap increase, these monsters continue to agro players ''en masse'', making them a huge pain in the ass when travelling through an older zone.
* In ''[[Final Fantasy XI (Video Game)|Final Fantasy XI]]'', there are quite a few enemies that could classify as these. Ironically, the ''actual'' bats of the game are relatively tame and even make decent EXP targets for groups with piercing damage. As for [[Goddamned Bats]], Tigers and Raptors are, strangely, very good examples. These enemies can detect you from a mile away, move really fast and can paralyze your entire party. They are rarely, if ever, used as EXP mobs and drop virtually nothing of value. Since the advent of the level cap increase, these monsters continue to agro players ''en masse'', making them a huge pain in the ass when travelling through an older zone.
** Honorable mention goes to Imps, which can detect you even when you're invisible. Though not much of a threat, they're rarely clustered together, making Tigers and Raptors that much more obnoxious to deal with.
* The Devouring Earth Swarms in ''[[City of Heroes]]''. Not actually that hard to beat, but they're an annoyance mainly because their attacks can cause status effects while you're fighting the significantly bigger and more dangerous Devouring Earth.
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*** Less so if you have any kind of readily available area damage ability, which is the case for most classes by now.
** Any quest that sends you into a cave has a better than 50/50 chance of Goddamned Bats, the worst being tightly-packed groups of humanoids, especially kobolds or goblins. Easy to defeat one on one, but when their health gets low they invariably "attempt to run in fear" -- which means they'll run straight to several more Goddamned Bats at FULL health, which will swarm you. And each of these will run in fear when you manage to almost kill them ...
** Murlocs. Too social to ever aggro just one, flee when injured to pick up MORE GODDAMN MURLOCS from their stupid little village. And half of them are Shaman with Lightning Shield - fuuuun stuff at low levels. Oh, and they swim. Good luck trying to water walk out to that island for that last bit of exploration when there are like eight million murlocs hiding in the murky water, just waiting for you to leave the shore. Oh, and did I mention [[Paranoia Fuel|they're]] [https://web.archive.org/web/20100531143330/http://www.wow.com/2010/05/27/mrghlllghh-real-life-murlocs/ real?] Oh, and they now have their own [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHgRAlkpxJw theme song].
*** Murlocs are borderline [[Demonic Spiders]] from sheer numbers alone; pulling a "small group" of the beasts usually ends up meaning "you somehow managed to pull only ten of the 20+ Murlocs."
** On [[PvP]] servers, whatever faction you're not playing may count.
** A quest in Badlands bring us [http://www.wowhead.com/npc=46916#drops:0-15+1/ these] little bastards. While not tough alone, they spawn in a tiny area in tightly packed clusters, so it's very possible that you'll aggro more while fighting. To top it off, the quest requires you to kill their mother, an elite dragon that likes to spam a fear effect that causes you to run head-first into packs of the little beasts.
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** Recently added, Nepenthes, Mandragora's distant cousin. Not only do they have an awful long range and fast attack speed, they also come in large numbers and have a skill that immobilizes you regardless of your stats. To top it off, they'll stop you near a Hillslion, this place's Demonic Spider, extremely strong, extremely fast when attacking and impossible to outrun. If you get lucky, there may be two or three Hillslion on sight to rip your organs off.
** MVP mobs are also irritating. Generally, there's absolutely no good reason to take them out, and if they're not beating up on you, they're by their summoner, which will make it harder to aim your skills, or beating up on an ally. The worst part is that killing too many makes the boss summon even more, which in turn makes it even harder to aim or makes you/your ally take on more damage. [[Flunky Boss]] at its worst, and it gets even worse than that if the mob is actually dangerous!
* Every single creature in ''[[RunescapeRuneScape]]'''s Ape Atoll can be stuffed into the category of Goddamned Bats or [[Demonic Spiders]]. Set foot on that island and you'll be bitten by omnipresent super-poisoning spiders, perforated by archer monkeys, thrown in jail by ninja monkeys, beaten senseless by ridiculously high-leveled guard monkeys, or attacked and (guess what?) poisoned by undead monkeys. The good news is that there's an item you can get that makes all of these things stop attacking you if it's equipped. The bad news is that you have to traipse all over the place completing [[Fetch Quest]] after [[Fetch Quest]] just to get the thing.
** There are also the Shadows from the quest Mourning's Ends Part II. These things are level 73 but have almost no life points or defence, meaning that they are all offense. Seeing as you need to avoid them while working on an insanely complicated light puzzle that spans multiple floors, they become one of the biggest irritations for anyone trying to complete the quest.
** For a literal example of bats, there are the Tz-Kih in the Fight Caves. Letting one hit you drains your prayer, even if they do no damage. Seeing as prayer is your most valuable resource in the caves (which can take 2 hours to get through), it's certainly annoying, though most players will have enough prayer restore potions to easily finish the caves, making them more of an annoyance than anything.
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*** The boss of Mission 4 is a giant bat, which can spawn smaller bats, which can spawn even smaller bats. The bat-spawns aren't much of a problem themselves, but the boss spawns them when he uses his own stunning attack. The boss also has a very large and very fast shockwave attack, which can easily do 1200+ damage if you forget to attempt to dodge it.
** Mission 5 is of high annoyance, due to the cramped areas it has and that they are filled with Draks and many enemies.
* ''[[Dungeons and Dragons Online (Video Game)|Dungeons and Dragons Online]]'' has bats which, although quite rare, are decidedly Goddamned nonetheless. They go down in one hit from pretty much any weapon, but you can spend minutes swinging away at them until you finally hit one.
** Rust monsters are just as aggravating in this game as in the original pen-and-paper edition. You're best off dealing with them from long range or with a wooden weapon, otherwise you can kiss your hard-earned magical weapons and armor (which are almost invariably made of the metal that they like to eat) goodbye.
** Oozes are similarly aggravating. They like to split in two if you try to use a slashing or piercing weapon on them, and they'll quickly wear away anything used to hit them (even wooden clubs) with their acid attack. What they're vulnerable to depends on the type of ooze you're fighting (the Grey Oozes you encounter early on are immune to fire and ice attacks, which does NOT help low-level mage characters who already have a tough time surviving dungeon instances without the requisite spells). Your best shot at taking these things down are with ranged weapons, a weapon you don't mind losing, [[Good Old Fisticuffs]], or a rare crystal Muckbane club.
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** Wraiths are completely immune to nonmagical weapons, and unless you have a ghost touch weapon that can ignore their incorporeality, you can count on at least half of your attacks going right through them without even hurting them at all. Their own attacks don't give a damn about your armor, can drain your Constitution, and they have the lovely habit of disappearing and reappearing behind you when their health gets low.
*** Fortunately all direct damage spells from casters are considered "ghost touch" damage against wraiths. Thus any decent mage or sorcerer can obliterate a wraith with a fireball to the face.
* ''[[The Lord of the Rings]] Online'' has a couple of flavors of bats - not only literal bats, but other swarm type mobs like rats and birds that have about half the hit points of a normal mob. They also have a particularly annoying type of mob that likes to follow you and gives you a miss chance debuff, but they don't attack you, unless you attack first. So not only do they annoy you by following you around and not only do they annoy you by making you miss more against any mob you happen to be fighting, but if you mistakenly use an AoE skill, they'll join the fight as well.
* ''[[Shin Megami Tensei]]'''s MMO incarnation, ''Imagine'', has the Inugami; long, floating dog creatures. They're not hugely powerful, but they're obscenely aggressive and attack incredibly fast. Due to this, trying to get through any area populated with them is aggravating, and at lower levels, lethal, due to the facts that they pursue you relentlessly, if you stop to fight them more will usually join in the fray, and they tend to respawn almost as fast as you kill them. At least they have an exploitable weakness to electric moves.
* The Vigilant instances in ''Everquest 2'' have Goddamned Bats in the form of Tallonite Kage-Zonns. Invisible until you get right up on them, stun off the bat, hit HARD and FAST (and sometimes multiple times in a single swing). Anything less than a plate armored character is pulp instantly, and even plate armor may as well be cardboard to them. All the trash in The Vigilant is horrible, but Kage-Zonns are the worst...
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* ''[[Ultima Online]]'' has snakes, giant snakes, mongbats, and of course slimes. The first two poison and drop nothing, and slimes destroy your weapon, and split on it. None of them are even remotely challenging but they are incredibly obnoxious because they're everywhere.
* ''[[Neopets]]'' has a flash game that's pretty much your basic Breakout, only with a pair of bats flying around to get in your way. If you're ''extremely'' lucky, you can get a falling potion that'll make them go away. But that's rare.
* In ''[[Gaia Online]]'''s]] [https://web.archive.org/web/20110506074324/http://www.gaiaonline.com/event/summer2010 Frontier Skies] game, there is a random event in which your crew member hears something in the darkness, only to see a vampire in bat form fly out of the ship, carrying off your ammo without even giving you the chance to stop it. (This is especially irritating as ammo is fairly hard to come by once the game gets going, so every bullet counts.) In another random event, your crew discovers that the salt they used at dinner has been replaced with rat poison and lose health while another lone bat flies out of the ship. Vampires will continue to find new ways to screw you over every chance they get throughout the game, and good luck trying to stop them!
* ''[[Rift]]'' has Goddamned Wolves, Goddamned Spiders, Goddamned Undead, Goddamned House Aelfwar, Goddamned Deep Ones, Goddamned [[Wolf Man|Bomani]], Goddamned Invasions (which double as [[The Usual Adversaries]])... and the list goes on.
* A truly ridiculous number of enemies in ''[[Aion]]'' have access to the ability "Temporarily Iron Clad", which makes the enemy either invulnerable, or reduces damage taken to single or double digits for about ten seconds. The enemies with this ability have no healing capability, and unless you're massively underleveled, can't actually kill you. In other words, the only purpose of this ability is to drag fights out, making them longer than they should be: if you can do decent damage to the enemy, then TIC isn't going to be a concern, but it sure as hell is going to be annoying when they use it any all of your attacks do essentially nothing, combined with an annoying sound with each hit to boot.
* ''[[Spiral Knights]]'' players have been annoyed by drone-class monsters since the December 19 2011 update. Drones follow a fixed path (unless a breakable block impedes them), inflict [[Collision Damage]] (shankles) or status effects (wisps) on contact, are invulnerable until they stop for a brief moment (golden drones never stop), have no damage weaknesses, and drop nothing except hearts or Vitapods (and those drops are very rare).
[[Category:GoddamnedVideo BatsGames]]
[[Category:Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game]]
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