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StarCraft/Characters/Units: Difference between revisions

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* [[Grenade Launcher]]
* [[Splash Damage]]: Their Spider Mines.
* [[Super -Persistent Missile]]: Once a Spider Mine locks onto a target that comes in range, it'll leap up and chase it until it can explode on them.
=== Siege Tank ===
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* [[Deflector Shields]]: Their Defensive Matrix.
* [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]]: Science Vessels are basically space stations and are appropriately huge, and an entire mission takes place inside of one. In-game they're not much bigger than any other mechanical unit and smaller than most buildings.
* [[Herd -Hitting Attack]]: Irradiate
* [[Nanomachines]]: Their Nano-Repair in the sequel.
* [[Support Party Member]]
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* [[Elite Mook]]: They're basically the Zerg's ground-based answer to the Battlecruiser and Carrier.
* [[Herd -Hitting Attack]]: They deal [[Splash Damage]] when attacking in ''Starcraft II''.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: As befits the name, they hit hard and take a lot of damage, yet still move quite quickly. In Brood War, they are given a speed upgrade making them about as fast as zerglings, in Heart of the Swarm, they are given a burrow charge ability to quickly close with enemies.
* [[Sharpened to A Single Atom]]
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* [[Frickin' Laser Beams]]
* [[Ridiculously -Fast Construction]]: Justified, the Probe never 'builds' anything, it places a beacon to mark a point to open a warp rift, and once the rift finishes opening the building is warped in fully constructed from somewhere else.
* [[Worker Unit]]
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Protoss mystics that have foregone traiditional combat training to hone their psionic abilities. They can manifest illusions and call down storms of psychic energy.
* [[Herd -Hitting Attack]]: Psionic Storm
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: How their Archon Morph is seen in the lore.
* [[Hoist By His Own Petard]]: In ''Starcraft II'' they get Feedback, which lets them drain the energy of an enemy unit to inflict damage to them equal to the energy drained
* [[Master of Illusion]]: Hallucination, which lets them create copies of a unit as distractions.
* [[Mighty Glacier]]: '''Slow''' as can be, but with Psionic Storm they'll decimate anything they can see.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[Shock and Awe]]: Their famous Psionic Storm.
* [[Squishy Wizard]]: 40 HP and 40 shields, they are not going to last long.
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* [[Laser Blade]]
* [[Power of the Void]]
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[Sinister Scythe]]: In ''Starcraft II'', though it has no effect on gameplay, Dark Templar randomly spawn armed with their original wrist-mounted Warp blades, or these.
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* [[Power Floats]]
* [[Pure Energy]]
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: Red ''everything''.
=== Scout ===
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