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* [[Hercule Poirot]] once solved a crime without leaving his room for a bet. No phone was involved though, he just asked for police reports (and used his friend Hastings to run errands). On another occasion he was in bed with flu, and contacted Hastings at the scene via telegram.
* The Argentine detective Don Isidro Parodi, created by [[Jorge Luis Borges]] and Adolfo Bioy Casares under the pen name H. Bustos Domecq, is a man unjustly imprisioned to whom friends (and friends of friends) come visit at his cell with stories about mysteries and crimes, which he never fails to solve just by listening to their reports.
** Don Isidro [[Meaningful Name|Parodi]] is a [[Deconstructive Parody]] of this (and many others mysteries) tropes combined with a juvenalian [[Satire]] of Argentinean society: All the ''"friends"'' who consult him are truly [[Jerkass|JerkAsses]] whom could not care less about Parodi’s [[Miscarriage of Justice]] [[Government Conspiracy|being falsely accused and judged by]] a [[Kangaroo Court]] [[Frame -Up|only to save a]] [[Sleazy Politician]] mook ([[Truth in Television]] in all [[Latin America]]). It’s implied that all the consultants have enough intellect to discover the crime for themselves, but they can’t because they are [[Hypocrite|Hypocrites]] who don’t want to face the truth about themselves. One of the consultants lampshades [[Defective Detective|that an imprisoned man could not be the right person to solve crimes,]] [[Hypocritical Humor|only to immediately explain Parodi his case]]. One third of the cases Parodi gets the consultants try to make him his [[Detective Patsy]], [[Dude, Where's My Reward?|no one pays him]] or try to [[Clear My Name|ClearHisName]], and given his situation as everyone’s [[Butt Monkey]], the only triumphs he has is to be the [[Doomed Moral Victor]] and tries to make things [[For Happiness]].
* Henry, of [[Isaac Asimov]]'s ''Black Widowers'' mysteries, can solve any mystery after hearing it described over dinner.
** Another Asimovian detective, Wendell Urth, was so afraid of travelling that he, like [[Nero Wolfe]], worked almost entirely from home.
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[[Category:Phone Tropes]]
[[Category:Phone In Detective]]
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