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* [[Boisterous Bruiser]] / [[Cute Bruiser]]: Terriermon
* [[Bowdlerization]]: Rare. The Disney adaptation of ''Runaway Locomon'' skips over the part where Gallantmon stabs Parasimon [[Eye Scream|in the eye]]... but, since the last act of the movie is basically the [[Family-Unfriendly Violence|mass destruction]] of invading Parasimon after Parasimon, certain hands [[Subverted Trope|appear to have been tied]].
* [[Bratty Half -Pint]]: Usually the smaller a Digimon is, the more obnoxious it is (see: Terriermon, Impmon, Calumon).
* [[Break the Cutie]]: {{spoiler|Jeri, meticulously and horribly.}}
* [[Bridge Bunnies]]: Riley and Tally serve this function at Hypnos.
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* [[Killed Off for Real]]: {{spoiler|Leomon}}.
* [[Lady of War]]: Renamon and her (digi-)evolutions.
* [[Landmarking the Hidden Base]]: Hypnos, inside the [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokyo_Metropolitan_Government_Building:Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building|Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building]].
* [[Last Episode Theme Reprise]]: A remix of ''Biggest Dreamer'' plays during the final episode when the protagonists square off against the D-Reaper.
* [[Let's Get Dangerous]]: When Guilmon's pupils [[Hellish Pupils|shrink]], you know something's going down.
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* [[No Biological Sex]]: All of the Digimon, although the more human-looking ones often have gender identities.
* [[No Export for You]]: The official Japanese language, English subtitled simlucast on HULU is only offered to those who live in America.
* [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown]]: Guilmon, Renamon, and Impmon get one each at some points in the series. The cast as a whole gets it even more.
* [[Non -Serial Movie]]: As stated above the second movie was made without the involvement of the original staff, and aired in theaters weeks before the last episode aired on television in Japan.
* [[Not Quite Dead]]: Vajramon manages to hold on after what looked like death.
* [[Numerological Motif]] / [[Rule of Three]]: The number three:
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* [[Precision F-Strike]]: An unusual [[Gosh Dang It to Heck]] example in the dub:
{{quote| '''Beelzemon''': "I'm gonna save you Jeri, '''''IF IT'S THE LAST THING I FREAKIN' DO!'''''"}}
* [["Previously On..."]]: Davis does the narration in the dub. Rika would do the same for ''[[Digimon Frontier (Anime)|Frontier]]''.
* [[Prophetic Names]]
* [[Quirky Miniboss Squad]]: The Devas. They run the gamut from laughably pathetic (Kumbhiramon, Pajiramon), to credible threats (Vajramon, Indramon, Vikaralamon), to outright [[Magnificent Bastard|Magnificent Bastards]] (Makuramon, Caturamon). And one [[Heel Face Turn|Heel Face Turner]] (Antylamon)
* [[Real Place Background]]: Not just the iconic Tokyo Metropolice Goverment Office Building, but many other locations from Digimon Tamers exist in real life Shinjuku, such as [http://www.konaka.com/alice6/tamers/loction/SJ_082.jpg Guilmon's hideout], [http://www.konaka.com/alice6/tamers/loction/SJ_107.jpg Henry's apartment building], [http://www.konaka.com/alice6/tamers/loction/SJ_059.jpg Takato and Henry's school], [http://www.konaka.com/alice6/tamers/loction/SJ_114.jpg The street Takato lives], and [http://www.konaka.com/alice6/tamers/loction/SJ_051.jpg the park Takato, Kazu and Kenta played in].
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: When Beelzemon first appears, he has red eyes and is bent on eliminating the tamers and their digimon (though later gets green eyes after his about-face). Somewhat subverted with Takato; while he's generally the kindest and most innocent of the three main tamers, God help you if you -do- make him mad...
* [[Redheaded Hero]]: Rika
* [[Red Herring]]: Impmon factors ominously in the early promotional material (as seen above), but proves to be rather pathetic as a villain...until he [[Took a Level In Badass|Takes A Level In Badass]] {{spoiler|and became Beelzemon}}.
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* [[Show Within a Show]]: The dub explains the new universe by implying that the first two seasons were in fact just a TV series watched by the kids in this show. The Japanese version just mentions that Digimon is a card game and a series of video-games, never confirming a TV series based on (but never denying it either. All ambiguity is on purpose).
** The lead-out narration is provided by Davis of the second season, [[Epileptic Trees|implying that]] Tamers is a show in their world.
* [[Shout -Out|Shout Outs]]:
** This series has several shout outs to ''[[HP Lovecraft]],'' including names like Hypnos and Yuggoth. Yamaki's obsessive tendencies and resulting occasional flirtations with madness strongly resemble Herbert West, protagonist of ''Herbert West - Reanimator'', and a TV expert is chyroned as hailing from good old [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Miskatonic_University:Miskatonic University|Miskatonic U]].
** Justimon, the Mega form of Cyberdramon, is a fairly obvious shout out to ''[[Kamen Rider]]'' and even has some of the Rider's abilities - especially [[Kamen Rider V 3|Riderman's]] interchangeable arms.
** And Gallantmon's head is modelled after [[Mazinger Z]]'s.
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* [[Terms of Endangerment]]: IceDevimon. [[Nightmare Fuel|It's scary.]]
* [[That Man Is Dead|That Mon Is Dead]]: {{spoiler|Beelzemon about Impmon}}.
* [[The End or- Or Is It?]]: In the final episode, it appears that the kids will be {{spoiler|permanently separated from their Digimon}}.The appearance of a red light in a gazebo for the last few seconds at first suggests that there may be a way to change this, {{spoiler|but when they analyze it, they find it too small and not powerful enough to enable the Tamers and their partners to reunite.}}
* [[Theme Tune Cameo]]: "Yuuhi no Yakusoku" in the second movie.
* [[They Look Like Us Now]]: Happens twice. The first time is [[Gonk|Makuramon's human disguise]]--it doesn't really pass muster, and falls into [[Uncanny Valley]] territory, even in-universe. The Tamers know there's something wrong with him, they just don't catch onto ''what'' is wrong until it's too late. The second time is even worse. The D-Reaper's copy of Jeri was perfect except for her creepy mannerisms, which are written off as her simply being broken with grief. Again, Takato doesn't clue into what's really going on until she sprouts wings and nearly [[Mind Rape|Mind Rapes]] him.
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* [[Unusually Uninteresting Sight]]: One early episode had Takato taking Guilmon out in public just to see what the reaction would be. The kids thought it was awesome, [[Weirdness Censor|the adults passed it off as animatronic or something.]]
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: Zhuqiaomon and Yamaki.
* [[Wham! Episode]]: "Lionheart". The kids are on an adventure in the Digital World! Jeri's even got her own partner, Leomon! They've fought some bad digimon along the way, but everything always turns out all right... {{spoiler|then Beelzemon kills Leomon, Takato's rage causes Guilmon to digivolve into the mindlessly-destructive Megidramon, and Jeri suffers an [[Heroic BSOD]] that will take her the rest of the series to snap out of. The group's innocence is quite violently lost.}} This is the point when it gets [[Darker and Edgier]].
** Even the first episode counts, since it starts by having a digimon who was hunting down another ending up '''crushed alive''' by a third one. Afterwards, the cute digimon who was being chased enters the human world and wonders why there isn't any fighting. Later on we are shown a 10 year old coldly ordering her digimon partner to ''kill'' and absorb (in another words, eat) the remains of an opposing digimon, without any justification. On the other hand, a new digimon is created, and it turns to ashes the first lifeforms it sees (a few rats) and the episode ends with him noticing the (understandably) terrified 10 year old next to him. Adding to those events a radically different type of atmosphere, characterization and storytelling meant that audiences got a rather unique '''kids''' show.
* [[Verbal Tic]]: Lampshaded by [[Steve Blum]] about Guilmon: "How often do you get to call everybody '-mon' at the end of everything you say?"
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** In the Japanese version, geko.
* [[Viewers Are Geniuses]]: The show has LOTS of references to the history of Computing, the Internet and Programming. It stands out more because, after all, this is a children's show. View [[Digimon Tamers (Anime)/Analysis|the Analysis page]] for more details.
* [[Victor Gains LosersLoser's Powers]]: Beelzemon could perform the attacks of the Digimon he absorbed, including {{spoiler|Leomon's Fist of the Beast King, which he uses to try to break Juri out of the D-Reaper Kernel Sphere.)}} In theory, any Digimon could do this, but Beelzemon's the only one who does on-screen.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: Yamaki gets closer and closer to this as the series goes, culminating when Juggernaut does not work as planned and he actually grabs Henry by the throat before stumbling away and yelling at himself. He does not, however, go through one {{spoiler|when he's fired after his building is destroyed. Instead he mopes in his apartment until Riley says something that snaps him out of it enough to do a [[Heel Face Turn]].}}
* [[Villainous Rescue]]: Makuramon shuts down Hypnos when Juggernaut is about to destroy WarGrowlmon, Rapidmon, and Taomon. Granted, his intent may have been to save Vikaralamon, who was also under attack from Juggernaut, but WarGrowlmon killed Vikaralamon shortly after.
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