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''[[Rookie Mistake]]'' is a shared universe, loosely based in the world of ''[[Spy vs. Spy]]''. It can be found mostly on [[y!gallery]], and consists of art, writing and role-playing.
There are spy agencies that don't officially exist, where everyone wears the same color and [[Nice Hat|fedoras are standard]]. Also, for some reason, there's a lot of [[Cast Full of Gay|same-gender romance]].
Find most of it [http://yaoi.y-gallery.net/club/7064/ here]{{Dead link}}.
=== '''Tropes in the main rookie universe:''' ===
* [[A Boy and His X]]: After Shaun the Battle-Sheep was introduced, Mac is hardly ever seen without him.
* [[Abusive Parents]]: Several characters had them.
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* [[All There in the Manual]]: A lot of character and background information is told through doodles and comments instead of in-story.
* [[Alternate Universe]]: Too many to count.
** Addressed down below in folders. Also, 64 main ones.
* [[Ambiguous Innocence]]: Some of the younger spies.
* [[Animal-Eared Headband]]: Catnip has one.
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** Bud and Ten when they got their own storyline.
* [[Author Appeal]]: Tons of it, and openly acknowledged.
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: Cipher. Poor, poor Cipher.
* [[Badass]]: Many characters, but especially notable with the entire Purple Agency.
* [[Badass Long Hair]]: Played straight with Puce and Azrael.
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* [[Character Development]]
* [[Character Overlap]]: Many of the writers have brought in characters from their original works to be spies, or as bit parts.
* [[Chase Fight]]: Used from time to time, an example of sorts is in [http://yaoi.y-gallery.net/view/717896/ this fic]{{Dead link}}.
* [[Cheerful Child]]: Kevin is a toddler, but counts.
** Mac is a robot, but also counts.
* [[Childhood Marriage Promise]]: Lucky and Earl.
* [[City of Spies]]: New York City is the central setting of most stories. Explicitly stated as neutral territory.
* [[Cliff Hanger]]: Some author's story chapters have this. Heck, some of the community straight up has [[Orphaned Series|discontinued stories]].
* [[Closet Key]]: Lucy had no interest in men (or anyone, really) before Maroon.
** Terrance had no interest in anyone either until Blondie.
** Roan to Lag.
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* [[Companion Cube]]: Terrance and his stuffed hippos.
* [[Convenient Coma]]: Benny, Lilac, and a few others.
* [[ColourColor-Coded for Your Convenience]]: The agencies.
* [[Cool and Unusual Punishment]]: The Lady in Gray once had someone deported to Mexico despite their not being Mexican or knowing a word of Spanish.
* [[Crash Into Hello]]: Boddy and Duchess.
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* [[Crazy Prepared]]: Most spies to some degree.
** Ceil, notably, constantly comes up with implausible scenarios he might have to protect himself from and readies himself for them.
** Switch, if you count all the random in his pockets.
* [[Creepy Twins]]: Mary and Sue, who are very [[Twincest|close]] and named [[For the Lulz]].
* [[Cute and Psycho]]: Bird was built on this trope.
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* [[Dangerous Workplace]]
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Natasha/Katya/the door proves to be a master of this [http://batneko.deviantart.com/#/d4q30ch here].
* [[Depending Onon the Artist]]
* [[Disguised in Drag]]: Almost everyone at some point.
* [[Do Androids Dream?]]: This is addressed in varying degrees by different characters.
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* [[For the Lulz]]: Any [[Crack Pairing]] with Benny and another male. Also Moron's [[Speech Impediment|lisp]].
* [[Freudian Excuse]]
* [[Friends Withwith Benefits]]: Some couples here and there, most notably Molotov and Gale until [[Relationship Upgrade|they weren't]].
** Mallard and Icterine until [[Strangled Byby the Red String|they too]] [[Relationship Upgrade|weren't]].
** Same with Bud and Ten, until Bud [[Transparent Closet|pulled his head out of his ass]].
* [[Gay Groom in Aa White Tux]]: Averted with Maroon and Lucy, who wore purple and blue.
** Played straight with Bud and Ten.
* [[Gentle Giant]]
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* [[Hello, Nurse!]]: The White medic Angel is most definitely one of these.
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: Vodka and Henry.
* [[Highly-Conspicuous Uniform]]: Due to the [[ColourColor-Coded for Your Convenience|color coding]].
* [[Honorary Uncle]]: Mac has a whole giant adopted family, whether they know it or not.
* [[Humans Are White]]: Fully averted in the sci-fi 'verse.
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* [[Insatiable Newlyweds]]: Maroon and Lucy. Going mere ''days'' without it drives Lucy to throwing coffee at people.
* [[Instant Sedation]]
* [[Interface Withwith a Familiar Face]]: [[Artificial Human|Rock]] {{spoiler|Rock's outer looks are based on that of a human agent, who was killed in the late 70's when the Berlin Wall was still up.}}
* [[Interrupted Suicide]]: This applies to both Maroon and Nero.
* [[Latin Lover]]: Intentionally invoked with Cupcake.
* [[Lego Genetics]]: Anything Ethan has ever made.
* [[Locked in Aa Room]]: Once happened to Switch and Sonar.
* [[Loads and Loads of Characters]]: 400 plus and counting. AND COUNTING.
* [[Lonely Rich Kid]]: Miri and Glasglow.
* [[Long-Haired Pretty Boy]]: Miri reeks of this trope.
* [[Long-Lost Relative]]: Gemini and Nothing, Seven and Lizard. Sterling, Pyrite and Stormy. Zeus and Boomer. Wraithe and Marcus. Black and Sonar. Laz and several others, although with a few he's only a [[Parental Substitute]].
* [[Love Confession]]: [http://yaoi.y-gallery.net/view/657328/ Moron]{{Dead link}}. Unfortunately he gets [[Platonic Life Partners|shot down every time]]. Not surprising considering his skewed view of proper [[Love Interests]] due to [[Parental Incest]]. So he goes ahead and confesses to [[Like Brother and Sister|Duck]], [[Parental Substitute|Labrador]], [[True Companions|Chiffon]] and [[Does Not Like Men|Benny]].
* [[Lovable Sex Maniac]]: Strawberry and Wolf, though not everyone in-universe likes him. Blank isn't as much of a maniac, but it ''is'' his favorite topic of conversation.
* [[Made of Iron]]: Notably with Blank.
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** Not to mention the agents [[Theme Twin Naming|Smith and Wesson]].
* [[Naked People Are Funny]]: [[Ascended Extra|Periwinkle]]'s running gag.
* [[New Age Retro Hippie]]: Cloudy is like this in personality, though he was born too late.
* [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot]]: Robot spies, cyborg spies, cyborg ninja spies...
* [[Noodle Incident]]: Something happened in Malta, but it's not all that clear. Just that the Black agency doesn't touch it if they can help it.
* [[Older Than He Looks]]: Scamp, whose growth is a bit stunted. All the Grahams.
* [[Only Known Byby Their Nickname]]: At first, but most characters get real names eventually. Averted with Seamus, Harry, Gary and probably a few others.
** Happened twice with Amy. His codename was originally Amethyst.
* [[Organ Theft]]: Martin was narrowly rescued from this.
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* [[Phrase Catcher]]: "Good talk, Cloudy."
* [[Poirot Speak]]: Wolf, {{spoiler|faked}}.
* [[Properly Paranoid]]: They ''are'' spies.
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]: There is a man named Nicolas who appears and has several mentions but vanishes later and is never mentioned again.
** Two Black agents. One gets shipped off to another office branch away from the central point of most stories and another elopes to another country with his boyfriend.
** A few writers have left the club permanently.
* [[Raised Catholic]]: Lucy, Blanche, Seamus, and Kiwi. Blank's grandmother.
* [[Raised Byby Grandparents]]: Earl and Owl were both raised by their grandmother, Sonar was raised by both grandparents.
* [[Reassignment Backfire]]: Both Black and White were "promoted" to training rookies and overseeing missions. This gave them the power and camaraderie over the younger agents they needed to kill their bosses and take over.
* [[Remember the New Guy?]]: Played straight when new characters are introduced as having been spies for years.
* [[Rapunzel Hair]]: Seamus' hair grows crazy fast and so is just kept long. [[Robot Girl|Amalthea]] was made that way.
* [[Retcon]]: A few times, most notably with Lilac.
* [[Ridiculously-Human Robots]]: Several.
** And even in a very male character dominated group, two of them are [[Robot Girl|girls]].
*** One, Anne, is also a [[Emotionless Girl|deadpan]] [[Naked People Are Funny|nudist]].
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* [[Spy Couple]]: A lot.
* [[Spy Bot]]: Pick an android, it's likely they were built for this purpose.
* [[Stalker Withwith a Crush]]: Tulip, Duck, Lucky, and formerly Bird.
** Tulip and Lucky even got to marry their stalkees.
** Played creepily with Frosty and Kabroi.
* [[Stalking Is Love]]: Related to the above. Several examples.
* [[Starbucks Skin Scale]]: Frosty is often described as "mocha."
* [[Strangled Byby the Red String]]: Most couples where one character is owned by author Essande seem to appear out of thin air.
** Ribbon and Nothing.
* [[Stuff Blowing Up]]: Always a favorite, but Fuchsia, Blank, Thumper and the Blue Firebug squad stand out from the pack.
* [[Ten Little Murder Victims]]: The basis of [http://yaoi.y-gallery.net/view/591711/ Closed Circle]{{Dead link}}.
* [[The Insomniac]]: Josta forgets to sleep, and Walter has an actual medical condition. Garnet gets about an hour of sleep every night due to recurring nightmares. Spinel drugs himself heavily to sleep.
* [[The Jinx]]: [[Meaningful Name|Jinx]]'s mission partners always get harmed in some way.
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* [[The Voiceless]]: 22, Fuchsia, and in earlier stories Watson.
* [[The Woobie]]: Several characters to varying degrees, but most notably Frosty.
** Lester, despite his creator originally intending him to be [[The Eeyore|an Eeyore]], is one of these.
* [[Those Two Bad Guys]]: Schwarzwald mercenaries Mary and Sue when they show up in stories.
* [[Troubled but Cute]]: Yes. A lot.
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** The pink/blue 'verse has this as a matter of course.
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?]]: Several spies have phobias, such as Switch's fear of cats and Moron's fear of the dark.
* [[Wide -Eyed Idealist]]: Flora, Jared, and Thumper.
** Despite everything, Narcissus still manages to fall under this.
* [[Will Not Tell a Lie]]: Benny, although he tends to omit important info.
* [[Wouldn't Hit a Girl]]: Benny because of [[Turn Out Like His Father|his dad]]. Thumper and Paper because [[Knight in Shining Armor|chivalry isn't dead]]. And Ilya.
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* [[An Ice Person]]: Ljod, whose name literally means "ice."
* [[Catgirl|Catboy]]: [[Meaningful Name|Cat]].
* [[City of Weirdos]]: Yes.
* [[Dating Catwoman]]: Played straight with Cat and Hellhound.
* [[Dream Within a Dream]]: Played straight with Taras whose power is literally dreaming of dreams.
* [[Homeless Pigeon Person]]: Oddmund; An [[Parental Incest|abused]] [[The Runaway|runaway]] who was adopted by a Katbeast.
* [[I'm a Humanitarian]]: The Face Stealer.
* [[Mega Neko]]: [http://ks-claw.livejournal.com/193769.html The Katbeasts.] Large felines made by scientists, created to be pets for the rich people. {{spoiler|At least until they grew too big. There is also Baby the Katbeast, who was made by Ethan in the main Rookie 'verse}}
* [[Faceless Goons]]: Grey Matter has an endless supply of them. [[Canon Immigrant|Fredo]] is one of them in this 'verse. Specifically they are of [[Gas Mask Mooks|this variety]].
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* [[No One Could Survive That]]: {{spoiler|Hound and the explosion that kills him.}}
* [[Oddly Small Organization]]: Hench Co., a privately owned organization who put together monsters, potions and machines for villains with a busy schedule. The entire operation is handled by three [[Mad Scientist|mad scientists]] who have a [[Mysterious Employer|rarely seen boss who only comes in for progress reports]].
* [[Puberty Superpower]]: Kiyoshi, granted this kicks in [http://yaoi.y-gallery.net/view/512901/ at the]{{Dead link}} [[Eleventh-Hour Superpower|last possible moment]].
* [[Secret Identity]]: Well duh.
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* [[The Sheriff]]: White.
* [[The Bartender]]: There are a few bars in the main town, but Seamus is the most common example, as well as being the [[Saloon Owner]].
* [[Undertaker]]: [http://yaoi.y-gallery.net/view/499573/ Rock has this job.]{{Dead link}}
[[Category:Rookie Mistake]]
[[Category:Web Original]]
[[Category:New Media]]
[[Category:Forum Roleplays]]
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