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* Characters in ''[[Nikolai Dante]]'' frequently exclaim "Diavolo!" when surprised or annoyed.
* In ''[[Maus]]'', at one point, Art and his father Vladek are speaking in Polish with English subtitles. Art's father swears, and the Polish contains the actual word (cholera) but the English subtitle simply says "@#%$!"
* [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Julie_Doucet:Julie Doucet|Julie Doucet]]'s best-known comic, ''Dirty Plotte'', has [[Country Matters|a strong French swear word]] right in the title.
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** Schwanzstueck, though nonexistent, literally means "tail piece" in German. However, Schwanz is also used as a slang term meaning "penis."
** Similarly, Johann Krauss' "Suck my ectoplasmic schwanzstucker!" at the end of ''[[Hellboy II]]: The Golden Army''
*** Might have been a [[Shout -Out]].
* Some of the background characters in ''[[Titanic]]'' swear in Swedish. "Jävla helvete, det är vatten på golvet!" ("Bloody hell, there's water on the floor!")
* ''[[Bon Cop, Bad Cop]]'' has a little lesson about the usage of the word [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9U72QVCgh_Q "tabarnak".]
* [[Peter Stormare]] delivers a line of curse words in Swedish in [[Jurassic Park|''The Lost World'']]. "Helvete. Helvete Jävlar. Fan!" Translates to something like {{spoiler|"Hell. Bloody hell. Damn!"}}
* In ''[[Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure]]'', Napoleon attempts bowling. When he rolls a gutterball (the force pitching him onto his face), he shouts, "Merde! Merde merde merde merde merde merde!" (shit shit shit shit... [repeat ad nauseam])
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== Videogames ==
* In ''[[God Hand]]'', Elvis is inherently fond of swearing in Spanish in a regular basis. Most notable in the battle quotes ("Time to play, pendejo!" "¡No hablo inglés, cabrón!").
* The Spanish-speaking [[Not Using the Z Word|Ganados]] of ''[[Resident Evil]] 4'' use some words that, if translated, would probably crank the game's rating up. And it's already [[Rated "M" for Money]].
** Hell, the ''first words said by the first Ganado Leon meets'' roughly translate to "What the fuck are you doing here? Get out of here, asshole!"
* Funny variation in the first ''Phoenix Wright: [[Ace Attorney]]'': Parts of Manella's dialogue is internet slang and leetspeak, and he therefore gets away with exclaiming "WTF!".
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* European French-speaking people have a very nasty habit of using Québécois curses. Actually, every single Quebec French word suddenly becomes exotic, but "tabarnak" is especially popular. [http://www.cyberpresse.ca/actualites/quebec-canada/politique-quebecoise/200902/04/01-823896-un-accueil-a-la-quebecoise-maladroit.php Can lead to hilarious situations.]
* The Washington, DC DMV issued a [[Vanity License Plate]] reading "MERDE" without realizing what it meant.
* [[Four One Nine419 Scam]] baiters use these a lot. One scammer was left standing at Amsterdam airport holding a sign reading [http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/kontneuken "Kontneuker"] (Dutch for "ass-fucker"), under the mistaken assumption that it was the surname of his contact.
* Amusingly, the quote for this page, when exposed to an [[Blind Idiot Translation|internet translator]] actually came up with "Damn fucking fucking fucking shit asshole motherfucker of." [[Narm|Brilliant.]]
* Swedish people typically know a few Finnish curse words and sometimes use them when their own ones aren't enough - and vice versa.
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