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** Though given what we've seen so far, he ''did'' generate a force field by using the controls built into the arm, so having it morph into an [[Arm Cannon]] may not be so hard to believe. We'll have to wait and see.
* [[Asskicking Equals Authority]]: How the contestant food chain is ultimately decided.
* [[Attack! Attack! Attack!]]: Some contestants seem to think of this as their main battle strategy.
* [[Attack of the 50 Foot Whatever]]: Doonjor could count, considering his sheer size when compared to everyone one else present in the RP.
** It's more along the lines of a subversion when you think about it, seeing as he hasn't gone above twenty feet - yet.
* [[Author Appeal]]: Nobody would want to make characters they dislike role playing as, would they?
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: The Big Five can easily do a [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown]] on any of the contestants - hence why no one is dumb enough to take them on.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Some characters have moments in which they come across as rather [[Ax Crazy]].
** Luke's creator has stated this is what happens to him during his [[Back-to-Back Badasses]] moment with Kira during the Breakout Arc.
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** Luke and Kira also count as a [[Battle Couple]] in the sense that they have so many [[Shipper On Deck|Shippers on Deck]].
* [[Berserk Button]]: Everyone's got one - some just have bigger buttons than others.
** Eithne and Nathan recently took to pushing each others [[Berserk Button|buttons]] and ended up trying to do a [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown]] on one another. Eithne came out on top, if only just.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Kira. She's probably the nicest character in the whole damn RP and despite her [[Shrinking Violet]] statues we've yet to see what she can do when someone well and truly pushes her [[Berserk Button]].
** [[Genre Savvy|There's a good reasons for that, probably]].
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** Eithne has adopted this attitude towards Tom, Heidi and Simon. Not that he's told any of them this.
* [[Bigger Bad]]: Presumably, the {{spoiler|Big Five}}. [[Hidden Agenda Villain|Though, with their true motives hidden from us it's rather debatable and all down to guess work]].
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: Parodied and subverted, if only accidentally ([[Crowning Moment of Funny|though it was completely hilarious]]) by the Big Five's fashionably late arrival during the [[Great Escape|Breakout Arc]] when Shima called them out before [[Curb Stomp Battle|brushing off]] a few of the contestants [[Attack! Attack! Attack!|stupid enough to attack him]].
* [[Big No]]!: If we've not had this yet, I'm offended. [[Serious Business|Seriously]].
** We've officially had a few examples of this trope now.
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* [[Blatant Lies]]: Arugably what the Big Five are feeding the kids.
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]: Eithne fit this trope to a T. in his earlier appearances, [[Took a Level In Badass|though he's mellowed out now.]]
* [[Boom! Headshot!]]: Paul killed a chimera this way, if I remember correctly. Eithne did this with one of his apples in the same challenge.
* [[Broken Pedestal]]: The Big Five are on one of these after Shima planted the seeds of doubt during the Breakout Arc.
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Joey, much to his chagrin, is this for a number of characters - [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|Heidi in partciular at times]], made all the more funny by the [[Crowning Moment of Funny|fact she's nearly five years younger than he is]].
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** Could double as [[Meaningful Name]] - seeing as that's when the plot was dialed [[Up to Eleven]] and things really began to [[Incredibly Lame Pun|breakout out]] all over the place.
* [[Gun Kata]]: I'm waiting for Paul to pull this off myself.
** Eithne has started playing around with this trope as off his fight with Nathan, though he mainly [[Averted Trope|averts it]] as all he does is shoot out the lights in the training room to help set up his [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown]] on Nathan.
* [[Guns Are Worthless]]: Many contestants seem to believe this, for some reason. Paul, and of recently, Eithne being the only exceptions.
* [[Hand Signals]]: How the character of Silence communicates with others, because for some reason, his Flow takes away his ability to talk.
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* [[Hates Being Touched]]: Eithne counts in his own way.
** Simon too, given that direct skin on skin human contact in any possible form could ''kill'' him.
* [[Hello, Nurse!]]: A rather morbid example. Eithne wakes up several hours after his fight with Nathan to find [[Hello, Nurse!|Ameila]] is the one assigned to look after him. {{spoiler|Then she reveals his Flow is slowly turning him into a cripple, prompting a minor [[Heroic BSOD]] on his part. [[Nakama|Heidi and Simon, along with Tom]], soon snap him out of it though. Given that he now plans to turn one of [[Elite Mook|Shima's Eleven]] into his own personal blood bank/lab rat so he can cure himself [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|it might have been better off to leave him to his self pity]].}}
* [[Hidden Villain]]: [[Sarcasm Mode|I wonder who it could be...]]
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: Eithne is ''very'' guilty of this, usually doubles up as a [[Leeroy Jenkins]].
** Averted in the [[Leeroy Jenkins]] department at least ever since he [[Took a Level In Badass|achieved his new level in Bad Ass]], that doesn't stop him from considering his code of honor before all else at times, though.
* [[Hot -Blooded]]: A few characters could be classed as this.
* [[Ho Yay]]: Loads of it all over the place, really.
** [[Foe Yay]]: Just as common.
* [[I Am Not Left -Handed]]: ''Everyone'' is guilty of pulling this at least once.
* [[I Am Your Opponent]]: A few cases of this.
* [[I Can Still Fight]]: Eithne during the chimera challenge - which also earns him his Determinator status.
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* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: The Big Five. Shima now also qualifies as this. Nathan likes to think he qualifies for this. [[Small Name, Big Ego|He doesn't]].
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: Debatable, but a few characters are probably rather guilty of this.
** See [[Hello, Nurse!]] above from probably one of the best examples in the RP thus far.
* [[Nigh Invulnerability]]: For the time being, The Big Five and Shima have this going for them except against each other. Oliver too, presumably, seeing as he too is an adult with a few years of experience under his belt and knows everything there is to know about his own Flow.
* [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown]]: Eithne and Nathan try to do this to one another after a round of insults results in both pushing the other's [[Berserk Button]].
** One or two true examples to come in the future.
* [[Odd Couple]]: I think both [[Portmanteau Couple Name|Nathira and Joka]] ([[Fan Dumb|Yes, I did make this up just this second]]) count as this.
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** {{spoiler|Doesn't look like either of them will win in the end, though}}.
* [[Ship Tease]]: Oh ''so'' much.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Full list to come.
** [[Jurassic Park|Clever Girl]] - courtesy of Paul.
** Neo said [[Phoenix Wright|"Well, excuuuuuuuse me princess!"]].
*** Does double duty as ''[[The Legend of Zelda (Animation)|The Legend of Zelda]]'' [[Shout -Out]], given how it's the [[Trope Namer]] and all.
** [[Fan Nickname]] The Big Five, originally coined by Dobi Boshi and becoming a term used in and out of the RP is used at first as a passing Shout Out to [[Yu-Gi-Oh]] on one of the discussion threads.
** Various powers count as [[Shout -Out|Shout-Outs]], too
* [[Slice -and -Dice Swordsmanship]]: We have a few characters who are skilled enough to deserve this.
* [[Smarter Than You Look]]: Eithne is this, as are many other characters.
* [[Smug Snake]]: Shima, ''was'' this prior to his return in Part III. Nathan ''is'' this trope at times.
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