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== In the CIA VS KGB episode, the surviving CIA agent [[Fridge Horror|was about to have]] a [[Freak -Out]].. ==
* So he [[Danger Takes a Backseat|springs out]] and garrotes the KGB agent before stepping out of the car and [[Badass|dusting off his hands]]. But what he doesn't seem to know is that [[Everybody's Dead, Dave|the other four CIA agents are dead]]. For all we know, they could have been his Nakama. I don't think he's going to [[My Greatest Failure|take this very well...]].
** Not to mention that [[All for Nothing|they failed to accomplish their mission]] since the microfilm was destroyed.
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== A hypothetical list of matchups. ==
* Here's a couple of original matches inside the hottips:
<ref> Cowboy vs. Indians (natch!), Aztec warriors vs. Indians (either Native American or India), Crusader vs. Roman Legionary, Roman Legionary vs. Conquistador, Canadian Forces vs. American Marines, IRA vs. Green Berets, Mujahideen (by extension Taliban) vs. Spetsnaz, Spartan vs. Shaolin Monk, Knight vs. Samurai, Knight vs. Spartan, Shaolin Monk vs. Ninja, Taliban vs. Mafia, Apache vs. Viking, Maori vs. Aztec, Samurai vs. Rajput</ref>, <ref> Spartan vs. Everyone else, [[Refuge in Audacity|Nazi Waffen-SS vs. Taliban]], Pirate vs. Musketeer, Black Panthers vs. Tamil Tigers, Conquistador vs. Janissary, Jesse James Gang vs. Boer Commandos, Special Air Service vs. People's Liberation Army Special Forces (a.k.a. Chinese commandos), Samurai vs. Pirate (about as close as we're gonna get to Ninja vs. Pirate), Royal Thai Marine Corps vs. British Gurkhas, Navy SEALs vs. Triads</ref>, <ref> Mameluke vs. Spartan, Taliban vs. KGB, Shaolin Monk vs. Jaguar, Mujahideen vs. SS, Conquistador vs. Pirate, Mafia vs. Medellin Cartel, Boer Commandos vs. Arab Freedom Fighters (the ones Lawrence of Arabia fought alongside), MI-6 vs. Mossad, [[Refuge in Audacity|Hell's Angels vs. MS-13]] (yes), Swiss Mercenary vs. Varangian Guardsman, Ned Kelly vs. Pancho Villa, French Maquis vs. Yugoslav Partisans, Ashigaru (Japanese footsoldiers from the Sengoku Period) vs. Streltsy (Russian gunners from Ivan the Terrible's era) (or might as well just do Oda Nobunaga vs. Ivan the Terrible)</ref>, <ref> [[I Knew It!|Gurkhas vs. French Foreign Legion]], Scythian vs. Mameluke, William Wallace vs. Vlad the Impaler, Roman Centurion vs. Samurai</ref>, <ref> SAS vs. Chinese Special Operations Forces, Marine Raiders vs. ''Fallschirmjager'' (a [[World War II]] battle between two elite units that never faced each other), Hezbollah vs. FARC</ref>
* ...and of course, season finale: Ninja vs. Pirate!
** Actually, that's probably going to be the series finale. They'll leave their website as the main battle ground for the biggest flame war in history and delete all e-mails they get. After the war is over they'll televise the results in a bonus episode.
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