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{{quote|''"The Lienid love their princes."''|'''''[[Graceling]]'''''}}
There are rulers whom [[Zero -Percent Approval Rating|everyone hates]]. There are plain old bad rulers -- [[God Save Us From the Queen]], the [[Royally Screwed -Up]], or [[The Caligula]]. There are [[The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything|useless]] rulers. Then there are characters such as [[The High Queen]], [[The Good King]], [[The Wise Prince]] and those who do their job so well they have [[Vetinari Job Security]].
And then there are people with this.
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Everyone ''loves'' them. They aren't just loyal. They aren't just grateful to have these rulers in charge. They actually care about their rulers on a personal level. A simple request -- not an order, but an appeal -- will get immediate results. They will be hugely honored when a favor is granted to them. Threatening or insulting their ruler triggers anger. If a ruler is sick or hurt, they'll worry like it's their own family. They follow wherever the rulers lead, but never forget that they're human. These rulers have a Hundred Percent Adoration Rating. They are almost always [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]] and almost always [[Modest Royalty]], and their kingdom will often be a [[Mary Suetopia]].
Contrast [[Zero -Percent Approval Rating]]. An adventurer (not a ruler) treated this way has a [[Hundred -Percent Heroism Rating]]. When the adoration is enforced by others, it's [[Unacceptable Targets]].
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== Video Games ==
* If the player chooses the Paragon ending for [[Mass Effect]], s/he will have this from most people in [[Mass Effect 2]]. Your friends (with one notable exception based on [[Locked Out of the Loop]]) will go to hell and back for you, will quit their jobs and affiliate with a terrorist organization to work for you, and you'll even see a turian shop-owner seriously stating that he would name his first-born child after [[Player Character|Shepard]] if s/he asked. In fact, only Udina and the turian Councilor seem to have a low opinion of you.
** Though Hackett tells Shepard that s/he will have to make a [[Zero -Approval Gambit]] after s/he was forced to destroy a mass relay which went supernova and killed over 300,000 batarians, in order to avert war between humanity and the batarians.
* ''[[Tales of the Abyss]]''
** Princess Natalia. When she and the rest of the group are being pursued by the king's guards, normal civilians stand in the way to stop them in order to protect their princess, even though Natalia protests, pointing out that {{spoiler|she's not even the actual princess}}, but the citizens reply that they don't care about {{spoiler|her false title of royalty}}, they care about how kind and helpful she was as a leader.
** Emperor Peony has this too, as seen by talking to pretty much every NPC in Grand Chokmah. Even when the world is literally falling apart around them, they all trust that he has things in hand and will do what's best for everyone.
* ''[[Baten Kaitos]]''
** Melodia is the single most beloved figure in the world. {{spoiler|She's playing [[Zero -Percent Approval Rating]] Geldoblame like a fiddle, of course.}}
** To the citizens of Alfard, Geldoblame gets this reaction. It helps that he's deliberately cultivated strong civil pride.
* ''[[Super Mario Bros]]'': Princess Peach is beloved on a personal level by all of her subjects.
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