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[[File:perry-the-platypus.jpg|link=Phineas and Ferb|rightframe| He's got more than just mad skill: He's got a beaver tail and a bill!]]
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The platypus is probably the [[Overly Narrow Superlative|most iconic aquatic Australian mammal]]; many advertisements for pools, swimming lessons and fishing gear will use one. It is also used on the Australian 20-cent piece.
Some believe that the platypus proves [[Dogma|God has a sense of humor]], or He's a total psycho, or He's [[What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made On Drugs?|rockin' the ganj]], or that evolution is 100% real, because [[Blasphemous Boast|not even God]] could make that nonsense up. The reasons are myriad. This is an animal that, upon being sent to a British natural history museum to catalog, was believed to be a taxidermist's prank until a live specimen was sent to them. It looks like [[Mix -and -Match Critters|a beaver crossed with a mole with a duck's bill added for laughs]]. They belong to a group of mammals known as Monotremes, a group consisting of it and the echidna, which means they lay eggs. Additionally, they're an offshoot of mammals that evolved before teats/nipples evolved, so while they produce milk, they simply... [[Squick|sweat it out]] for their young to lap up. They also have ten sex chromosomes, where in most mammals there're simply two (X and Y). And their duck-bill? It's actually quite soft, and it acts as an electrical receptor. See, platypus eyes aren't too useful, especially underwater, so they use an electrolocation system in their bills to hunt shrimp and other aquatic invertebrates. Sharks have a similar sense, [[Everything Is Even Worse With Sharks|in case they weren't scary enough]]. Of course, a real platypus tail looks nothing like a beaver's tail, but that doesn't stop the majority of cartoon depictions from showing one anyway, often complete with thumping behavior.
And to top it off, they're venomous. Yup, male platypi have venomous spurs on their feet, and while not lethal to humans, the cocktail of venom will usually incapacitate people, and can cause you to be in excruciating, incapacitating pain that can develop into a persistent ache for weeks or months. So it won't kill you, it'll just make you wish it had.
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== Comicbooks ==
* Norm T. Platypus of ''[[My Cage]]''
* Sanz Pantz: Ninja Platypus is [[TV Tropes Made of Win Archive]]
* The main character of ''Toto l'ornithorynque'', which has not been translated into English.
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** It's even better in the Spanish dub, where he's Perry el Ornitorrinco. That's how platypus is said in Spanish. Yes, it ''does'' sound funny. "un australiano, mamífero, semi-acuático, agente."
** [[Phineas and Ferb The Movie Across The 2nd Dimension]] has a song called "[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEHHW0_kHfg Everything's Better with Perry]"
*** This could actually be a [[Shout -Out]] to [[TV Tropes]], considering that the authors [[One of Us|go on this site.]]
* ''[[Taz-Mania]]'', set in Australia, had the Platypus Brothers.
* A [[Power Rangers]] parody on ''[[Animaniacs (Animation)|Animaniacs]]'' shows Dot taking on the "Power of the Platypus".
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* The titular Ovide from ''[[Ovide and The Gang]]''
* A Platypus was mistaken for an alien invader in ''[[My Gym Partners a Monkey]]''. {{spoiler|However, it's somewhat subverted as it turns out Rick Platypus was an alien all along.}}
* ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender (Animation)|Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'' has the ferocious [[Mix -and -Match Critters|Platypus]] ''[[Everything's Worse With Bears|Bears]]''.
** Wait. If [[Everything's Better With Platypi]], and [[Everything Is Worse With Bears]], do platypus bears make things better or worse? Or ''both''?
*** Everything Is Averaged Out With Platypus-Bears.
**** Or [[Precision F-Strike|fucked]].
* Kato Platypus, a [[Mix -and -Match Critters|half-cat, half-platypus]] superhero from Wharf City's past on ''[[Sushi Pack]]''.
* In the episode of the animated ''[[Hercules (Disney)|Hercules]]'' where the titular hero misappropriates the legend of Circe, Circe turns the main characters into an entire menagerie of animals, rather than just the regular pigs. Icarus gets turned into a platypus; when he gets into an argument, he threatens the other party with his poisonous spurs, then storms off because he "has some eggs to bury". [[Animal Gender Bender|Um...]]
** Well, this ''is'' [[Cloudcuckoolander|Icarus]]...
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