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** Look at his '''mom''' and say his skills don't [[Justified Trope|make sense]].
* [[Innocent Innuendo]]: Brutally [[Subverted]]. After a recent adventure, Lily suggests Woo relax with "eating, sleeping and...cuddling". When they get to the "cuddling" strip, they show a tree and make it sound like Woo's having difficulty. {{spoiler|The comic shows they're playing billiards. But then comes [http://www.sandraandwoo.com/2011/09/05/0305-cuddling/ this:]}}
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''Lily:''' [[Do You Want to Copulate?|Let’s mate once again instead.]] [[Good People Have Good Sex|You’re infinitely better at that]].}}<br />
{{spoiler|'''Woo:''' [[Big Yes|WOO!]]}} }}
* [[Intellectual Animal]]: Shadow might be the most prominent example for this trope since he's for example able to come up with a rhyming [http://www.sandraandwoo.com/2009/07/02/0073-summer-by-the-lakeside/ carnivorous anthem].
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* [[Shipper On Deck]]: Cloud's [http://www.sandraandwoo.com/2010/05/17/0165-kissus-interruptus/ mother and sister], much to [http://www.sandraandwoo.com/2010/05/20/0166-shipwreck/ Cloud's annoyance]. (And yes, that is him [[Lampshade Hanging|hanging a lampshade]] on it.)
** Not even sure ''which'' ship [http://www.sandraandwoo.com/2011/02/10/0244-a-new-adventure/ they want.] That Larisa mention is just confusing.
* [[Shout -Out]]:
** Frequently to ''[[Calvin and Hobbes]]'', and many more to video games, namely ''[[Final Fantasy]]''. A couple even named their two younger children Cloud and Yuna after the game.
** Probably not an intentional one, but Sandra could be a dead ringer for [[Mega Man (Video Game)|Roll]].
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* [[Stock Animal Name]]: Woo is initially christened 'Rascal'. He isn't pleased.
* [[Stuffed Into a Trashcan]]:
** Done to Ralph by Cloud. It was a [[Shout -Out]] to [[Ozy and Millie (Webcomic)|Ozy and Millie]] where the trope was commonly abused by [[Jerk Jock]], Jeremy.
** A sufficiently angered Sandra does this to Larisa after [http://www.sandraandwoo.com/2010/02/08/0136-theres-still-hope/ one biting remark too many.]
* [[Take That]]:
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