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== Real Life ==
* [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Landy:John Landy|John Landy]] at the 1956 Australian National Championships in athletics. He was leading in the 1500 metres final. Fellow runner Ron Clarke tripped and fell, and Landy doubled back to help him up. [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|He went on to win the race.]]
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* In ''[[Mass Effect (Video Game)|Mass Effect]]'': [[The Paragon|Paragon]] Shepard, oh so much. Taken [[Up to Eleven]] in the sequel.
** No-one is forcing you to pick every paragon option, whether it's played straight or averted depends on the player. [[No Points for Neutrality|But, then again...]]
* It's easier to list RPG heroes who don't follow this trope than not. It doesn't matter that Dr. Von Destruticius is going to drop a meteor on you now, some random preschooler has asked you to get their cat out a tree and [[But Thou Must!|you're gonna do it]].
* Even in games where these are optional [[Sidequest|Sidequests]], [[Hundred -Percent Completion]] compulsion and [[Munchkin]] motivation guarantees it'll be done, and no amount of [[Continue Your Mission, Dammit!]] will stop it. More [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism|cynical-leaning]] games don't even bother to provide rewards, but very few put this to the test by tempting the player with a more rewarding evil option.
* In ''[[Quest for Glory III]]'', your character (if you're a [[Fighter Thief Magic User|Fighter]] or [[The Paladin]]) has to become a member of the local tribe in order to advance the plot. However, your friend Yesufu is also participating in the [[Initiation Ceremony]], and there's only room for one. At a pre-scripted point in the race, Yesufu is hurt and the proper response is to help him; if you do, the chief [[Screw the Rules, I Make Them|bends the rules]] and lets both of you pass, but if you don't you just get [[What the Hell, Hero?|chewed out]] and a [[Nonstandard Game Over]].
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[[Category:Crime and Punishment Tropes]]
[[Category:Dudley Do Right Stops To Help]]
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