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[[The Battle for Wesnoth]] is a free, open-source [[Turn Based Strategy]] computer game, [http://www.wesnoth.org available here]. It boasts heavy community development, being almost entirely developed by people who are essentially just dedicated fans. Wesnoth has a large and active multiplayer community, including a competitive ladder, with skirmishes or custom-made scenarios being the main multiplayer game types. Apart from that, there are lots of single player campaigns, both 'mainline' (i.e. shipped with the version available for download) and user-made, available from the add-on server, giving it impressive replay value for a freeware game.
It was designed to feel a lot like a console-style [[Tactical RPG]] (such as ''[http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_of_Monsters:Master of Monsters|Master of Monsters]]'' and ''[[Langrisser]]''), but while taking advantage of the PC's inherent user interface advantages. It differs from them notably by having a large luck-based component, and by being extremely well balanced. The game's setting is [[Standard Fantasy Setting|traditional]] [[High Fantasy]], heavily Tolkien-inspired, by the admission of the dev team.
Wesnoth's main multiplayer "era" features the following major playable factions:
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