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== Tabletop RPG ==
* ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]''
* ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]''. The 2nd Edition ''Tome of Magic'' sourcebook had the Contracts of Nepthas. Anyone who breaks such a contract is struck deaf, dumb and blind. Ambiguities in the contract's language can be exploited.
** AndSpells ''geas / quest'' and ''mark of justice'' can be construed to be a type of contract without paper, as well. Also, people don't have to agree to it, so you can just use it to force people to do your bidding. Though it has a ten minute cast time, so unless they're restrained you'll be long dead before you finish casting it.
* ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]''.* The 2nd Edition ''Tome of Magic'' sourcebook had the Contracts of Nepthas. Anyone who breaks such a contract is struck deaf, dumb and blind. Ambiguities in the contract's language can be exploited.
** ''Al-Qadim'' has "Oathbinding" and "Genie Contract" spells. It also mentions that genies use contract magic all the time, including marriage contracts, and while not fond of fine letters, they frequently include rather strange clauses. Also, genies and ins (mortals) can have children together only if linked by such a contract... which is supposed to be the main reason why Zakhara is not teeming with [[Half-Human_Hybrid|genie-blooded folk]].
** Sareshan Oaths in the ''Living Arcanis'' third party setting for 3/3.5 are another D&D example.
** And ''geas / quest'' and ''mark of justice'' can be construed to be a type of contract without paper, as well. Also, people don't have to agree to it, so you can just use it to force people to do your bidding. Though it has a ten minute cast time, so unless they're restrained you'll be long dead before you finish casting it.
* In ''[[Exalted]]'', Eclipse Caste Solars can sanctify any sort of agreement to be magically enforced by Heaven.
** Moonshadow Caste Abyssals and Fiend Caste Infernals can do similar things - for the Moonshadows, it's enforced by the Neverborn, while for the Fiends it's enforced by the [[Eldritch Abomination|Yozis]]. This isn't entirely surprising, as both Moonshadows and Fiends are corrupted Eclipse Exaltations.
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** In ''[[Mage: The Awakening (Tabletop Game)|Mage: The Awakening]]'', Mages can use Fate magic to bind a person to their word. Such Oaths are permanant unless their terms are fulfilled or fairly powerful magic is used to break them. The Oath does have the advantage that it confers the benefit of giving the person so bound a potential boost of will to overcome anything that might prevent them from fulfilling it. However, if they break the Oath, they are permanantly blighted with a curse whose power is proportional to that of the mage who cast it. At higher levels, mages can bind people to Oaths that they didn't actually make.
* In ''[[GURPS (Tabletop Game)|GURPS]]'', if you manage to summon a demon (fairly easy) and control it (''not'' so easy), you can order it to do one task lasting up to one hour. The demon is bound to obey, but it will use any loopholes it is smart enough to think of, ''and'' get into as much trouble as possible along the way. Remember how we said [[Evil Is Not a Toy]].
== Video Games ==
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