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** At least in once instance, this was mostly due to Ed regaining his self-confidence and his posture improving as a result.
** Both Ed and Winry get this at the start of the last arc. ''[http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/9669/1267480357027.jpg Especially]'' Ed.
* This happens to Goku and Chichi in the last part of ''[[DragonballDragon Ball]]'' before the part commonly referred to as ''Dragon Ball Z''. Kind of. Goku didn't notice that the [[Tsundere]] he was fighting against in the Tenkaichi Budokai was the girl he [[Childhood Marriage Promise|agreed to marry when they were kids]] (and to be fair, the others didn't either; only Oolong recognized her, but he didn't say anything), and he didn't find out until Chichi revealed herself. "But-but-but are you the same little Chichi I met so long ago?!" "Hey, of course I am!")
** And shortly before that, Bulma and company's reaction to seeing the roughly 3 foot taller 18 year old Goku after he gained a couple of feet of growth and the hotness to match.
** There's also the time that Bulma learned that (future) Trunks was her [[Kid From the Future]]. Her reaction (after the requisite [[GASP]] of surprise, of course) was, "My kid's gonna grow up hot? Sweet!" She also has some trouble keeping her thoughts about Goku entirely platonic ever since he turned eighteen -- [http://www.mangafox.com/manga/dragon_ball/v24/c011/6.html even after he's married].
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** In the more traditional sense, Princess Theodora of the Hellas Empire. Compare how she looked in [http://www.mangafox.com/manga/mahou_sensei_negima/v26/c232/2.html the flashbacks] with [http://www.mangafox.com/manga/mahou_sensei_negima/v26/c239/2.html how she looks now.]
** Also noted by Rakan in referring to Asuna. But since it's Rakan, he says 'Look how big you've gotten!' and pokes her breast. Followed by Asuna decking him and him pretending to fall off of [[Floating Continent|Ostia]].
* Sasami from ''[[Tenchi Muyo!]]''. The world's most [[Moe|adorable]] [[Yamato Nadeshiko]] is shown several times over the course of the series that she's going to grow up to be drop-dead beautiful -- there was even a short story in the manga where Ryoko points this out to Ayeka -- "Sure she's a kid ''now''..."
** She's so far beyond Ryoko and Ayeka's league that the two can't even come up with a decent come-back in the OVA. The best they can come up with is insulting each other and comparing themselves to ''her''.
** In one episode of the original series, Ayeka on seeing Sasami's adult form in Tsunami bemoaned the fact that her sister would soon surpass her own beauty.
* ''[[Genshiken]]'' starts with Saki noticing her old childhood friend, who's grown into an incredible [[Bishonen]].
* The [[Colony Drop]] version is also used as a joke in ''[[Super Robot Wars]] W'', where [[Little Miss Snarker|Ruri Hoshino]] undergoes all the physical growth she did in the six ''years'' between ''[[Martian Successor Nadesico]]'' and ''The Prince of Darkness'' in only six ''months'' between the first and second halves of the game.
* ''[[Ai Yori Aoshi (Manga)|Ai Yori Aoshi]]'''s Kaoru gets this when he realizes the lovely adult woman he meets at the start of the series is the same little girl he played with as a kid. Not to mention he gets an up-close and personal introduction to just how well she [[Marshmallow Hell|developed]] during that first night.
* ''[[Death Note (Manga)|Death Note]]''. After {{spoiler|L's death}}, we come back after a few years' gap and Light's little sister Sayu has done exactly as this trope predicts, going from an adorable kid to a [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo]] hottie. Matsuda even gets a crush on her, despite knowing her since she was a kid and [[May-December Romance|being 11 years older than she is.]] [[Overprotective Dad|Soichiro is not pleased, of course.]]
* In ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia]]'', England leaves the young America and tells him to grow taller and stronger. When they see each other again... oh, my. America is quite taller than England.
** And then there's France's reaction to pubescent-but-not-quite-legal-looking-Italy.
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** It also happened to Tsunade herself. Back in her genin days, she was called flat-chested by Jiraiya. The difference between her child and adult pysiques was lampshaded in an omake of the anime.
* In the first episode of ''[[Basquash]]'', Dan realizes -- a little later than Miyuki would've wished -- that the busty mecha mechanic he's been hanging around with for the past few hours was his childhood friend from years ago.
* There's a variant in [[XXX HolicXxxHolic]], as of Chapter 187, {{spoiler|as Kohane visits Watanuki some years after he's taken over Yuuko's shop, and comments on how good she looks in her school uniform. When she responds that he's constantly saying it, his response hints at this trope.}}
* In ''[[Rah XephonRahXephon]]'' Haruka makes a comment about Ayato finally growing taller than her just before admitting to him that not only is [[May-December Romance|she in love with him]] but that {{spoiler|she's ''still'' in love with him, as they used to be [[High School Sweethearts|middle-school sweethearts]] before the universe decided to fuck things up between them with [[Year Inside, Hour Outside|time dilation]] and a mind wipe.}}
* In the first ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikersStrikerS]]'' sound stage, Shamal notes that Suzuka has become quite beautiful in the ten years since A's.
** In that case, '' [[Improbably-Female Cast|everybody]]'' grows up quite nicely, along [[Older and Wiser|with some wits]] and [[Took a Level In Badass|battle]] [[Lady of War|competence.]] {{spoiler|Except the [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?|Wolkenritter.]]}}
* Suzuna tries to get this reaction out of Sena in ''[[Eyeshield 21]]'' and beats up Monta when he pulls this...on Mamori. Poor Sena gets stomped on too.
* [[Camp Gay|Leeron]] makes comments about this in respect to [[Bishonen|Rossiu]] after ''[[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]]'''s [[Time Skip]]. There's also Simon, who as a teenager is a short and scrawny [[Beady-Eyed Loser]]. None of these attributes can apply to him [http://i726.photobucket.com/albums/ww262/CapZiggy/317959.jpg after seven years].
** On the female side of things, Nia goes from [http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/9382/nia33d77feeo4.jpg&imgrefurl=http://silentcries.wordpress.com/2007/10/&usg=__9XLO2Maht8v8hsQh2ROnepkZJ3w=&h=416&w=497&sz=52&hl=en&start=4&zoom=1&tbnid=BKNJEL6LA9Tx7M:&tbnh=109&tbnw=130&ei=EaCHTfzKDMfOtwegxOHQBA&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dnia%2Bgurren%2Blagann%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D517%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1 cutie princess] to [http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://windofthestars.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Nia_Tepperin.png&imgrefurl=http://windofthestars.com/blog/costumes/anime-and-manga/nia/&usg=__EVy9wztQPHOTLsZ4lEnq8iJaay8=&h=427&w=608&sz=188&hl=en&start=9&zoom=1&tbnid=VXGClIR8JKh2MM:&tbnh=96&tbnw=136&ei=EaCHTfzKDMfOtwegxOHQBA&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dnia%2Bgurren%2Blagann%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D517%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1 a real knockout] after the time skip.
* In ''[[Kaichou wa Maid Sama-sama]]'', when Misaki last knew him, Hinata Shintani was a fat [[Gonk]]. Ten years later, Hinata returns as a wide-eyed [[Bishonen]] [[Keet|with the personality of a hyperactive puppy]] and his mind set on finding his first love (Re: Misaki). In a subversion, Misaki doesn't particularly seem to notice or care very much. Her younger sister Suzuna, on the other hand...
* In the words of ''[[Umineko no Naku Koro Nini|Umineko]]'''s Battler Ushiromiya: [http://www.mangafox.com/manga/umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_episode_1_legend_of_the_golden_witch/v01/c002/21.html "Jessica has breasts now!"] Likewise, much of the family is surprised to see that Battler's a tall [[Bishonen]] now ([[Handsome Lech|if a horny, immature one]]).
* In the final episode of ''[[Library War]]'', Komaki and a young neighbor that he only ever thought of as the little girl next door, until she turned nineteen or so.
* In the ''[[Eureka Seven]]'' movie, Renton commented to Eureka in the sickbay that she has grown pretty since he last saw her 8 years ago.
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'''Betty:''' Yeah! Green with envy! }}
* ''[[Asterix]] Legionary'' has Panacea, who returns after many years studying outside the village.
* Ironically inverted in [[Les Legendaires (Comic Book)|Les Legendaires]]: the series takes place in a world where everyone has been turned back into a child because of a curse [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|the protagonists accidentally caused on their world]]. In Book 6, [[The Hero|Danael]], after going through a [[Time Travel]], meets with a past, full-grown version of his [[Love Interest]] [[Magical Girl|Jadina]]. He is quick to notice he was used to the child version of her, and forgot how beautiful she was as an adult.
** the same comic later plays it straight in a minor way with character [[Girl Genius|Toopie]], who started out as a regular child and as such was still able to grow up until she reaches 12. When the heroes meet her again, she has reached such age, and [[The Big Guy|Razzia]] is quick to notice how much she has grown up, pissing his girlfriend [[Dark Action Girl|Tenebris]] off in the process.
== Fan Fics ==
* In the ''[[Harry Potter]]'' [[Fanfic]] ''[[After the End (Fanficfanfic)|After the End]]'', everyone is surprised to suddenly find out Eloise Midgen has become ''extremely'' attractive. Also Colin Creevey has become rather tall and good looking.
* Fans of ''[[The Great Mouse Detective]]'' who like [[Shipping]] the titular character with Olivia (canonically a young girl) [[Invoked Trope|invoke]] this trope to enable the pairing without being [[Squick|squicky]].
* In the ''[[How to Train Your Dragon]]'' alternative continuity fanfic, ''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6318423/1/Hitchups Hitchups]'' has a parental version of this when Hiccup, having fled Berk with Toothless for two years of adventures, returns to help his people against the Red Death. To the Berkians amazement, the clumsy boy named Hiccup has returned as a mighty and tested [[Dragon Rider]] warrior on top of being a brilliant inventor and dragon expert favored by Thor himself.
* In the ''[[Kingdom of Heaven]]'' fanfic, ''Prelude to Heaven'', Balian is tall, gangly, pale and somewhat clumsy. Then after serving in an army, turns into... well, what Orlando Bloom is. This is noted by the girl he was crushing very badly on, who didn't recognise him and had had a [[Rape Asas Backstory|bad experience]] in the intervening years before he sweeps her off her feet as it were.
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* ''[[Sabrina]]'', the [[Audrey Hepburn]] movie, later remade with Julia Ormond, builds a story around this trope.
** Speaking of Julia Ormond films, that Indian girl from ''[[Legends of the Fall]]'' also counts. She even marries Tristan.
* In ''[[13 Going Onon 30 (Film)|Thirteen Going On Thirty]]'', the main character finds out that her pudgy best friend grows up to be a pretty good-looking guy. Unfortunately, he's also engaged to someone else.
* In ''[[The Chronicles of Riddick]]'', Riddick (and the audience) discovers that "Jack" not only grew up and filled out, she also [[Took a Level In Badass]] (and was very annoyed to find out that her role model had been feeding her BS).
* [[Victorious Childhood Friend|Nala]] in ''[[The Lion King]]''.
** Kiara in the sequel
* ''Just Friends'' stars Ryan Reynolds as the fat, nerdy teenager in love with his best friend, Amy Smart, who loves him "as a brother". He runs away and 10 years later is rich, cool, and good looking. He comes back into town where she immediately is struck by his new appearance.
* The movie ''[[The Namesake (Filmfilm)|The Namesake]]'', based on the book of the same name by Jhumpa Lahiri, has an example of this when Gogol/Nikhil meets Moushumi Mazoomdar again after meeting her in high school. They eventually {{spoiler|get married, but Moushumi has an affair with a friend from college.}}
* A somewhat wacky version in ''[[Brother Bear|Brother Bear 2]]''. By the time Kenai meets his childhood friend Nita again, she's a pretty young bride-to-be, and he's a bear. {{spoiler|It works out in the end; Nita becomes a bear in order to stay with him.}}
* ''[[Gigi]]''. The plot pretty much turns on the fact that the male lead falls in love with the female lead without even knowing it because he considers her a child, and therefore discounts her charm and appeal until it is all-but shoved in his face (so to speak)!
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* Spoken nearly word for word by Joe Keller about Ann Deever in Arthur Miller's ''All My Sons'', though it's his son that's interested in her.
* Kheldar "Silk" of Drasnia, and the Magravine Liselle ("Velvet") from ''[[The Belgariad]]'' are a pretty good example of this trope.
* The pre-reviz ''[[Magic: theThe Gathering]]'' novel featured the initiate druid Greensleeves, in her late teens, being spirited away by an archdruid for a crash course in advanced magic. Her brother and some trackers took a week or two to find where she managed to get to in a single night. When they arrived he saw she had grown taller, gone from a skinny youth to being, as the cliche goes, a woman with curves in all the right places--perhaps older than her brother (in his early twenties)--and lost her stutter. The implication is that her mentor did [[A Wizard Did It|a magical version]] of SORAS, compressing time for her so she could learn what she needed before she needed it, which she wouldn't have if she had been taught the traditional way, over years.
* ''[[A Song of Ice and Fire]]'' has the returning Theon Greyjoy flirting heavily (and we mean ''heavily''; there is groping aplenty by both parties) with a local ship builder's wife while talking about his little sister Asha, who was a skinny little thing with knocky knees and who allegedly has grown into chain mail and leather underclothes. Surprise; the ship builder's wife ''is'' Asha, who was deliberately fucking with him. [[Brain Bleach|Theon is none too pleased]].
* One Star Wars EU novel features Wes Janson (who flew back seat with Wedge Antilles at Hoth) flirting with a female pilot, who he later finds out she's Han Solo's ''daughter''.
* Invoked in [[Keith Laumer]]'s ''[[Retief (Literature)|Retief]]'s War'', when Retief meets a '''very''' attractive girl he has no memory of ever seeing before ("Sorry -- and I do mean sorry"), although she clearly knows him. Subversion, or [[Kissing Cousins|maybe not]], since {{spoiler|she turns out to be his cousin}}.
{{quote| "You couldn't be over twenty-one," Retief said. "It would take more than twenty-one years to forget that face."<br />
The girl tossed her head, her eyes sparkling. "Perhaps you'll recall the name Fianna Glorian...?"<br />
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* ''[[Towards the Republic]]'': When Sun Yat-sen first met little Song Qingling, she was a seven-year-old girl. And when he met her again years later, she had grown into a nubile young woman whose childhood crush on him had become full-fledged love.
* In the first episode of ''[[The Steve Harvey Show]]'', Steve realizes that Regina Grier, the fat girl he tormented in high school is no longer fat, and is now his boss at the high school he teaches at.
* ''[[Malcolm in Thethe Middle]]'' has an episode where Malcolm meets a female friend after the summer holidays, and can't work out why she's suddenly slouching around in baggy jumpers snapping at people. Turns out she... ''filled out'', and isn't used to the male attention she's started getting because of it. Malcolm tries to be understanding, but [[Distracted Byby the Sexy|can't quite concentrate...]]
** Another episode featured an incredibly sexy babysitter hired for the boys, who turned out to have been an old classmate's of Francis'. Francis calls them from military school, and we see his image of her as an obese, awkward nerd.
* [[That 70s Show|"Oh my God, it's Casey Kelso and he's so *dreamy*!"]]
** Also played with in regards to [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|"Eric's Hot Cousin!"]]
* An episode of ''[[Cheers]]'' has Sam reuniting with an "old" flame and her daughter, who was a child when he knew them before, but now not so much. He tries to sleep with both mother and daughter.
* Done on an episode of ''[[Growing Pains]]''. Mike, on the first day of school, spots an incredibly beautiful girl in the halls and spends the day following her around trying to get her to tell him her name. She seems to know him already. Turns out that she's "Buck-Toothed Becky," whom he used to mock for getting corn stuck in her braces.
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== Video Games ==
* 8 year old Kaylie from Hunter: The Reckoning returns in Hunter: The Reckoning: Redeemer as an 18 year old hottie.
* [[Subverted Trope]] What Red is to {{spoiler|Asellus}} in ''[[Saga Frontier (Video Game)|Saga Frontier]]''. {{spoiler|Asellus used to babysit him when he was a kid, it helps that she hasn't aged a day because of the whole being a half-Mystic issue. But there is no relationship between Red and Asellus other than her watching him when he was younger}}
* One of the most interesting bits of ''[[Tokimeki Memorial]]'' 2. The game features an interactive prologue where the protagonist is in grade school, and meets the various female characters as children. After the prologue, the protagonist moves out of town, and is only reunited with his childhood friends when he starts high school (the game proper): naturally, they're all grown up. The protagonist and Hikari, [[Childhood Friend Romance|his closest childhood friend]], regularly have discussions of how much and in which way they have changed, throughout the storyline. Also, if the protagonist is a Track & Field Club member, and sees Hikari if [[The Peeping Tom|he peeks at the girls' bathroom]] during Summer Training Camp, he'll make a comment on how much she has grown physically.
* Male example: In ''[[The Legend of Zelda]]: [[Ocarina of Time]]'', Nabooru, upon meeting up again with Link after seven years, expresses much annoyance over the fact that she never gets the chance to give him that "Something Special" now that he's a smokin' [[Bishonen]].
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== Visual Novels ==
* In ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]'', Shirou mentions early on that lately he's been getting this feeling for Sakura.
* There's a weird "instant" version that happens in the ''[[Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney]]'' games with Nick's spirit medium sidekicks Maya and Pearl. In [[The Verse]], whenever somebody channels a spirit, they take on the physical appearance of said spirit. Naturally, when Nick's very busty [[Spirit Advisor]] Mia gets summoned by either her teenage sister or her 8-year-old cousin, the... er, ''maturity'' is very noticeable.
** In ''Trials and Tribulations'', the third game, an old man who goes to a coffee shop to ogle the waitresses refuses to talk to Phoenix, who then semi-concocts a scheme to get Maya employed at the coffee shop. He then convinces her to come with him to meet the old man, who looks at her uniform with obvious lechery...until deciding that she's too "small". Cue the spirit possession, and the much more "developed" Mia begins questioning the old man, who is only too happy to provide answers. Lampshaded afterwards when Mia states she "can't believe Maya called [her] for this!" before dispossessing her sister.
== Web Animation ==
* Parodied on [[Homestar Runner (Web Animation)|Homestar Runner]] in episode 4 of [[Teen Girl Squad (Web Animation)|Teen Girl Squad]]. So-and-So's "imaginary" boyfriend apparently compliments her on how nicely as she has filled out over the summer. She says the same about him.
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* ''[[Scary Go Round]]'' did a [http://www.scarygoround.com/index.php?date=20080312 particularly obnoxious round] of this trope in early 2008 - after a three-year absence, the hero's former student-exchange partner becomes worthy of his romantic attentions after straightening her hair and getting contact lenses. She has also become magically cool, interesting and something of a [[Manic Pixie Dream Girl]], the latter probably due to the fact that she is French. Meanwhile the audience is encouraged to laugh at her little sister, {{spoiler|who is as ugly now as she was three years ago}}. But hey, if it follows, said sister will probably grow out of it too.
* ''[[Dream Tales]]'' comics, "A Tale of Two Sisters," "The Big Splash" and "Regression to the Mean" feature a younger sister outgrowing her older sister.
* Gordito in ''[[The Adventures of Dr. McNinja (Webcomic)|The Adventures of Dr. McNinja]]'', as Doc himself put it, [http://drmcninja.com/archives/comic/21p21 "got handsome"] over the course of the [[Bad Future]].
* In ''[[El Goonish Shive (Webcomic)|El Goonish Shive]]'', Elliot notes this about Sarah's older sister [http://www.egscomics.com/?date=2010-11-05 here].
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* Parodied with Stewie and his old dancing school rival Olivia in ''[[Family Guy]]''. Stewie falls in love with her because "she's all grown up," but she looks just the same as before.
* On ''[[Phineas and Ferb]]'' Baljeet has this reaction when his old childhood friend Mishti comes to visit; he refers to her transformation as "turning into a girl" (given the flashback of them playing soccer in the mud, she seems to have been something of a tomboy). Somewhat like the ''[[Family Guy]]'' example, because both Baljeet and Mishti [[Vague Age|seem to be]] preteens who last saw each other as children.
* A platonic variation: In ''[[The Princess and Thethe Frog]]'', Charlotte's reaction to Tiana in the blue dress (which Charlotte loaned her after a costume ruining) is half this, half [[She Cleans Up Nicely]].
{{quote| "Look at ''you''. Why, you're just as pretty as... a magnolia in May."}}
* In ''[[Goof Troop]]'', Max hasn't seen his (now college age) cousin Debbie in a while. [[Squick|By his own admission, she's now super hot.]]
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