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[[File:sherlock_holmes_downey1_8163.jpg|frame|The real mystery in this movie is which character is [[Sherlock Holmes (Filmfilm)|Sherlock's]] real love interest.]]
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=== '''These examples have their own pages:''' ===
* ''[[Sherlock Holmes (Filmfilm)/Ho Yay|Sherlock Holmes]]''
* ''[[The Fast and Thethe Furious (Film)/Ho Yay|The Fast and The Furious]]''
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== A-E ==
* ''[[Seventeen Seventy Six1776]]'' has several bits, most notably the Staircase scene where Jefferson pins Adams to the banister. You know what, just watch the song. Go to 5:55, and tell me what it looks like Jefferson's about to do. Then go back to 4:56 and actually listen to the lyrics that lead up to it.
** [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJlBycCWh8A Brokeback 1776]
* The recent ''21 Jump Street'' film. Is. Rife. With. It. Mostly it's Tatum on Hill, but Hill does get pretty slashy with Tatum too. The result is it's only more hilarious to watch!
* ''[[28 Days Later (Film)|Twenty Eight Days Later]]''. Pretty tame ho yay vibes with West, but there's a scene in question where one of the soldiers (the name of whom is escaping me) is gloating over what he's going to do to Selena -- and it very, very creepily feels like he's also threatening Jim.
** The hints between Jim and Major West were intentional, at least according to the director's [[DVD Commentary]].
* ''[[Three Hundred300]]'' is full of this, but it's at much greater levels in the original comic. In both film and comic, a Persian messenger turns up to Sparta and demands the Spartans give up, mentioning that the Athenians hadn't yet submitted to Xerxes. In both versions, Leonidas calls the Athenians '[[Boys Love|boy lovers]]'; in the movie, his wife is present, but in the comic book he's surrounded ''entirely'' by men. In history, Athenians and Spartans often ribbed each other like this (though it's questionable as to whether the actual Spartan form of pederasty was chaste or sexual). Think quarreling brothers (which adds a whole 'nother subtext now...) This was addressed in the letters page of the original run. A reader pointed out that there's plenty of evidence of homosexual activity among the Spartans. [[Frank Miller]] responded that there was also evidence that they lied about it and he stood by his dialogue. (Incidentally, according to [[The Other Wiki]], said "reader" was [[Alan Moore]].)
** The Spartans of ''300'' apparently only loved manly, manly ''men''.
** [http://www.hulu.com/watch/102966/saturday-night-live-the-spartans Gerard Butler reprising his role on SNL.]
* Ben Wade and Dan Evans in the 2007 remake of ''[[Three Ten3:10 to Yuma (Film)|Three Ten to Yuma]]''. {{spoiler|A movie in which a criminal decides to help the man who's trying to put him in jail ''because he quite likes him''. Note that he makes that decision after spending several hours locked up with him in a bridal suite. And that most people agree that the end makes little sense unless you accept Ben Wade/Dan Evans as canon}}. If that wasn't enough, the movie also strongly hints that Charlie Prince has an unrequited crush on Ben Wade.
** Not just strongly hints - the movie pretty much makes Charlie Prince canonically gay for his Boss (or just plain gay, for that matter -- "Charlie Princess"?). It's made especially obvious from the annoyed look he gave to the girl Ben Wade was picking up, his emotional "I'll wait for you," and the betrayed look of shock he made when he saw that Ben decided to go along with Dan and jump off the roof.
** Not to mention the fact that Wade mentions his love for green eyes a handful of times in the beginning of the film. Charlie Prince (and Ben Foster) has the prettiest pair of green eyes...
* ''[[9 (Animation)|Nine]]'' is rather thick with [[Ho Yay]], much of it being the result of [[The Woobie|5]] being veeery physical with the other characters.
** [[May-December Romance|5 and 2 are boyfriends]]. I don't think you can even call it subtext, it's just right there:
{{quote| "I knew you'd come."}}
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** 5 and 9 got ''really'' close, ''really'' fast. 5 ''never. Stops. Touching him.''
** Also, putting this out there: 1 and .8?[http://s756.photobucket.com/albums/xx206/ladysylvan/?action=view¤t=18-1.jpg This.] Not to mention, when they walk off together not a moment later, 8's arm is still around 1's shoulders.)
** And on that note, what about 6 and 8? 8 gives off a [[Stalker Withwith a Crush|Bully with a crush]] vibe, while 6 just [[Oblivious to Love|doesn't get it]].
** You really have to wonder about this when you consider that Shane Acker is apparently an ''anime fan''. (Yes, not [[All Anime Is Naughty Tentacles|all anime is shonen-ai]], but it makes you ''wonder''...).
** 9 is the only one who talks to 6, and almost all of 6's lines (aside from saying "Sound!" into a gramophone) were to 9.
** The inventor was narcissistic?
* ''[[Across the Universe (Filmfilm)|Across the Universe]]''. Oh yes. For all the intentional Les Yay (hoorah for Prudence!) there's heaps of unintentional Max/Jude. That, and the alternative is pairing the main character with Evan Rachel Wood at her least appealing... it's the combined effect of all the best-friend-y musical numbers, Max's Ivy League hospitality, them running off to New York together, them sharing an apartment- and the fact that Sadie is obviously making the wrong assumptions as they do so. Not to mention Jude being sulky and depressed- in a best friend-y sort of way- when {{spoiler|Max gets drafted}}, and all the best friend glomping when {{spoiler|Jude comes back}}. If you view the whole movie as a love story between Max and Jude, with Lucy as the unfortunate sisterly mediator, it becomes a lot cuter.
** Not helped by the fact that on set, the two actors appear to be comfortable giving each other piggy back rides. D'aww.
** In "With A Little Help From My Friends", well... um, there's not much you can say. It doesn't help that for all the verses like "What do you see when you turn out the light?"/"Can't tell ya, but I know it's mine", they're both grinning like loons. And though Max is certainly a would-be Casanova in behaviour, he's only actually cohabiting with Jude.
** It seems like it had to be intentional when Jude says, "I love the bugger," considering that "buggery" was originally used to refer to [[wikipedia:Bugger|anal sex.]]
* ''[[Aladdin (Disney film)|Aladdin]]'': Some of the Genie's actions towards Aladdin could be considered flirtatious. But then again he's a very playful genie.
{{quote| "Oh, Al. I'm gettin' kinda fond of you, kid. Not that I wanna pick out curtains or anything."}}
** Genie '''tricks Al into kissing him''' during ''Friend Like Me'' and later '''forcefully smooches him'''.
** The scene where Genie mistakes Pete for Aladdin.
* [[Tim Burton]]'s adaption of ''[[Alice in Wonderland (Filmfilm)|Alice in Wonderland]]'' has Alice and the White Queen. They do seem rather close...
** Also, the Red Queen bemoans that her sister can make anyone (man or woman) love her.
** The Red Queen seemed mighty fond of Alice there for awhile...
* ''[[Alien (Filmfranchise)|Alien]] Resurrection'': Ripley and Cal. After spending the previous three movies interacting exclusively with males and a surrogate child, Ripley wastes no time in becoming very chummy and touchy ''very'' quickly with the cute little {{spoiler|android}} girl whom she first meets when Cal attempts to kill her, while Cal goes from wanting her as dead as the rest of the aliens to letting Ripley stick her fingers inside of her (not like ''that'', perverts) and confiding her deepest feelings and fears {{spoiler|about not being human.}}
* Ron Burgundy in ''[[Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy]]'' has Champ wrapped around his finger. In one scene Champ says the following to Ron:
{{quote| '''Champ Kind:''' The bottom line is you've been spending a lot of time with this lady, Ron. You're a member of the Channel Four News Team.<br />
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'''Champ Kind:''' I miss your musk... When this all gets sorted out, I think you and me should get an apartment together!<br />
'''Brian Fantana:''' Take it easy, Champ. Why don't you sit this next one out, stop talking for a while. }}
* ''[[Anchors Aweigh (Film)|Anchors Aweigh]]'' has quite a bit of this. Clarence and Joe are rather touchy-feely and are quick to gush about each other to Aunt Susie. Given, Joe's trying to set Clarence up with Susie, but still. One gets the feeling that if this movie were made today, the two sailors would probably have ended up with each other. Or there's [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcZ5wjyPh70 this] interpretation.
* One word again: ''Anonymous''.
** Older gay men came out in a time when there was very little (if any) material--in any medium--which didn't portray homosexuals as criminal, sick, or pitiable degenerates, ultimately doomed. Even post-Stonewall, it took awhile for positive portrayals to make their way to the Young Adult section (where they're '''still''' favored targets of would-be censors). So you took your [[Ho Yay|scraps]] where you could find them. In a sufficiently barren environment, ''Lord of the Flies'' was (at least, in certain aspects) compelling.
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* ''Appaloosa (2008)'': Virgil Cole and Everett Hitch might as well be married to each other. At least twice Everett said he was "with" Virgil. The book has even more subtext coming from Everett.
** Even better, when Ali makes a move on Everett, he shoots her down, saying that the two of them can't be together, because they're "both with Virgil". ...'kay.
* ''[[Arthur Christmas (Animation)|Arthur Christmas]]'': Phillip the elf certainly has some (unreciprocated) feelings for Steve.
{{quote| '''Steve:''' ''(after the lights go out)'' Phillip, let go of my hand please.}}
* ''[[The Assassination of Jesse James By the Coward Robert Ford]]'': Ford's "admiration" of James often borders on sexual tension.
* ''[[The a A-Team (Filmfilm)|The a Team]]'', considering that other than explosions, it mainly consisted of hot guys clutching each other while sniping about the female love interest.
* ''[[The Avengers (Filmfilm)|The Avengers]]'', in addition to teasing Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, threw the fangirls a big old curveball with Tony Stark/Bruce Banner. There's also Agent Coulson admitting he watched Steve sleep...
* Enjoy Roger Ebert's review of ''[http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/19950407/REVIEWS/504070301/1023 Bad Boys]'':
{{quote| "There are also a lot of curious interludes in which Lawrence and Smith do verbal riffs, interrupting each other, stream of consciousness, finishing each other's sentences or not bothering to complete thoughts at all, to show a kind of easy familiarity, I guess... (and) why is Lawrence's apartment filled with photographs of Smith? Is Lawrence gay? Is Smith his boyfriend?"}}
* ''[[Barbie and Thethe Diamond Castle]]'': The whole movie is about the [[Power of Friendship|power of Barbie and Teresa's friendship.]] They live together alone in a cottage in the woods, and in the end choose to keep this lifestyle instead of being princesses in a literal Diamond Castle. The handsome twins that should be their love interests never get any further than comic relief, as the girls are completely indifferent to them.
* Quite a subtle example in ''Barton Fink'', also involving John Turturro. The only real suggestion for much of the film comes when Charlie shows him some wrestling moves. However, toward the end, {{spoiler|when the police believe he was an accomplice to Charlie's murders}}, they suggest that the pair may have had a sexual relationship - which Barton denies by clarifying that they 'wrestled together'. An odd example - very few people in the audience would suggest there was much [[Ho Yay]] there, but characters in the film do.
* Coop and Remer from ''[[BAS EketballBaseketball]]'' have this, especially in [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wN78_E4AAs this scene]. Being played by notable [[Heterosexual Life Partners]] and partners in crime [[Trey Parker and Matt Stone]] helps. (They even share a trope page!)
* This might belong in the [[Western Animation]] section, but... [[Beauty and Thethe Beast (Disney)|Lumiere and Cogsworth]]. Naturally, [[Rule 34|there are fanfics]].
** Gaston and Lefou (the short sidekick who thinks he's so great), all the way!
** Seriously. Watch [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBqt0a8sgWM this].
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* ''[[Bend It Like Beckham]]''. There are no het or gen fics in that fandom, just the Les Yay.
** In the original script, apparently, it wasn't subtext. [[What Could Have Been|Just text.]]
* [[Ben -Hur]], where it's intentional, at least in part. Gore Vidal (script rewrite) and William Wyler (director) told Stephen Boyd to play Messalah as if he and Hur had been lovers, but didn't tell Charleton Heston, fearing he'd refuse to play it. [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0052618/trivia Seriously].
* Every [[Girls Behind Bars|Women]] [[Exploitation Film|In Prison]] movie, of which a good example is ''[[Black Mama White Mama]]''.
** That scene even inspired me to make [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yd8GeqvUgk this video]. It's a little NSFW, but it collects pretty much all of the Ho Yay in the movies.
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** Also, they ride off into the sunset together! Granted, it was in a car (a limo, maybe? It's been a while), but still! And they started off on a horse!
* ''[[Blue Velvet]]'': Frank Booth is, after all, a [[Depraved Bisexual]] who takes the hero out, covers his mouth with lipstick and kisses him while calling him pretty (the original, four hours long, script also implied pretty heavily that he raped him). And after all that, when he's chasing him to the woman's apartment, he threatens him with rape again and is still calling him pretty. Depraved, [[Squick|squicky]] [[Ho Yay]] but still very much there.
* Mina and Lucy in ''[[Bram StokersStoker's Dracula (Film)|Bram Stokers Dracula]]'' (1992), culminating with a rain-soaked makeout scene.
** Face it -- the original NOVEL of ''[[Literaturela]]'' was built on this trope. But the films have strangely only elaborated on the [[Fan Service|female ho yay]] -- drat and blast!
* Radio and Lampy from ''[[The Brave Little Toaster]]'', particularly in the number ''City of Light''. [http://fc43.deviantart.com/fs15/f/2007/034/6/b/RadioxLampy__ALL_I_GOTTA_SAY_by_AketA.jpg This screencap] says it all.
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* The two main characters of ''[[Bride Wars]]''...soooo much. Especially when they were shown together as children. Considering the first line of the trailer (paraphrased) is "The story I'm thinking of involves a bride and a bride?" It's hard to read that part as anything else.
* Is it possible to have [[Ho Yay]] between two characters who technically never meet? If so, then the old musical ''Brigadoon'' managed it. Come on, you know the formula: Jeff, the more cynical of the pair of outsiders, is not only uninterested in the girl that ''takes him back to her home'', but actively disgusted by her attentions. Harry, Brigadoon native, hates life and wants to leave Brigadoon. If either one had been female, you ''know'' the script would have found a way to let Harry leave with Jeff.
** Any fans of [[Sherlock (TV)|Sherlock BBC]] who slash Mycroft Holmes and D.I. Lestrade will agree that it's completely possible. They never appear together on screen once.
{{quote| Lestrade (to Sherlock, Mycroft's brother): I don't just do everything your brother tells me... *takes large drink of beer* }}
* The entire cast of ''[[Bring It On (Film)|Bring It On]]'' (2000). Among other things, one male character claims to "speak fag fluently" and two female friends are referred to as "dykeadelic".
** Not to mention the main characters. it was easy to forget that the brother was the primary love interest.
* ''[[Butch Cassidy and Thethe Sundance Kid]]''. At the end, when they take out their guns and Butch can't load his, Sundance reaches over and takes it out of his lap.
* ''Canone Inverso - Making Love'' is an Italian movie about a genius violinist, Jeno, pursuing his female love interest Sophie, a pianist. A wonderful love story, no doubt - except that a lot more attention is paid to an extremely close friendship Jeno forms with another violinist David in a music college in Prague; no need to repeat the old jokes about boys in boarding schools, because this movie cheerfully commits all of them, even the common showers.
** The [[Ho Yay]] is unbelievable, which really isn't surprising for an European movie. There's a scene when the whole class of boys plays jazz improvisations together and when a professor walks in, they start shouting that they're making love. Then there's a scene where Sophie makes a speech about love for music, saying that you love something when you realize that you cannot live without it anymore; Jeno says: "She's talking about us," meaning Sophie and himself, and David says, visibly puzzled: "But she doesn't know we're friends!"
** When David, a wealthy boy, invites Jeno to his home, the two discover that they're actually half-brothers, adding some incestuous taste to the already rampant [[Ho Yay]]. David breaks their friendship out of jealousy for Jeno's better violin skills, but later in the movie, we learn that while Jeno, who was Jewish, died in a concentration camp because he wouldn't be parted from also Jewish Sophie, David, consumed with guilt, spent the rest of his life mourning for Jeno, actually travelling around under Jeno's name, playing Jeno's old violin and searching for Jeno's and Sophie's lost daughter.
* ''[[Captain America: theThe First Avenger]]'': Steve Rogers and Howard Stark seem a little... too close to each other, moreso Stark towards Rogers. Just look at how Stark looks at Rogers before the injection! There's tons of devotion between Steve and Bucky as well.
* [[Casablanca|Rick Blaine and Captain Renault]]. Seriously. Don't tell me you don't see it. It's totally there.
** It's even lampshaded in this [http://www.qwantz.com/archive/001160.html Dinosaur Comics strip.]
** ''"If I were a woman, and I were not around, I should be in love with Rick."'' Mm-hmm.
* Kratt/Le Chiffre in ''[[Casino Royale (Film)|Casino Royale]]'' (Kratt's his henchman, the [[Bald of Evil|bald one]]. Mostly on the entirely overscrutinised basis of the occasional look, Kratt's status as henchman... henchperson... and the fact that if Bond got to have someone good looking come over and kiss him on the cheek, it seemed like something parallel was being set up for Le Chiffre's when Kratt walked up behind him at the table. Way to distract an entire table of poker players, Mads. That, and Le Chiffre's girlfriend sucks. And really, he doesn't care much about her either, judging by his lack of alarm at her impending dehanditation.
** ''[[Quantum of Solace (Film)|Quantum of Solace]]'', meanwhile, has Bond/Mathis. The scene where {{spoiler|Mathis dies}} is more or less ''completely identical'' to a similar scene between [[Doctor Who|the Doctor and the Master]], who have the honor of needing their very own [[Foe Yay]] [[Foe Yay/Doctor Who|subpage]].
* ''Center Stage'' has two straight male ballet dancers (!) who are competing romantically for the female lead, but they give each other an awful lot of lingering glares and do a lot of symbolic dick-measuring in rehearsal studio and onstage. Arguably [[Foe Yay]], although they don't outright fight.
* ''[[Charlie Bartlett]]'' is full of this between main character Charlie and friend Murphy, and later in in the film between Charlie, again, and principal Nathan Gardner (who is also the father of Charlie's girlfriend).
* [[Rupert Grint]] and [[Robert Sheehan]]'s characters in ''[[Cherrybomb (Film)|Cherrybomb]]''. They are best friends, to the point where they get possessive of each other and jealous of people who threaten their friendship. They're also quite...''tactile'' with each other. There's a bit of fondling, and a couple of moments where they get right up in each others faces and seem about to kiss. And they wear matching lock and key necklaces, the symbolism of which is dubious. Plus one of them keeps suggesting that they engage in a threesome (albeit with a female as the third party, but still...)
* There's a bit of this vibe between Velma and Roxie at the end of ''[[Chicago]]''.
* The film of ''[[Chocolat]]'' lays the [[Les Yay]] on thick between Josephine and Vianne. Whether this was intentional or merely the effect of Juliette Binoche wandering around is hard to tell.
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* ''[[Cold Mountain]]'': Ada Munroe and Ruby have a very close, intimate friendship, to the point where Ruby seems visibly upset by the main character Inman's return to Ada, fearing that Ada will drop all their plans for building a happy farm in exchange for a life with Inman. While the fact that both Ada and Ruby have male sweethearts defuses this a little, it's still got plenty of fuel for subtext.
* Brian Posehn, Patton Oswalt, and Zach Galifianakis show a surprising amount of communal nudity in ''The Comedians of Comedy: The Movie''. Just sayin'...
* ''[[Commando (Filmfilm)|Commando]]''. In fact, most of [[Arnold Schwarzenegger]]'s action career. Or most 80s action movies, regardless of the star. If it was made in the Reagan years, it's pretty much guaranteed to feature a large, sweaty, muscular man taking off his shirt, waving around an enormous phallic symbol, and then wrestling another large, sweaty, muscular man.
* ''[[The Covenant]]''. "How about I make you my wee-otch?"
** Chase {{spoiler|kisses Caleb during the fight scene in Sarah's room}}. At some point it has to stop being [[Ho Yay]] and become canon. (Besides, Caleb and Pogue were totally hooking up all over the place. And possibly/probably the other boys, too. The movie producers did make the serious artistic decision to have them be swimmers so they could all be wet and mostly naked together.)
* In one scene in ''[[Cursed (2005 (Filmfilm)|Cursed 2005]]'' Bo the [[Jerk Jock|wrestler]] comes out of the closet to Jimmy because he has a crush on him due to his [[Our Werewolves Are Different|"unnatural sexual allure"]].
* True, ''[[The Dark Knight Saga]]'' had a lot of Joker-on-Batman [[Foe Yay]]. But... jeez, Bruce, can't you stop staring at your ex's boyfriend for five seconds? We know Harvey Dent is good looking and all, but really. He's constantly trying to impress him, too.
** Not to mention the whole, "we're under attack! Must grab Harvey and drag him off into the closet!" panic move Bruce does. Actually just the whole fact that Bruce/Batman treats Harvey more like a damsel in distress than he does his own female love interest.
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* Machine-Gun Joe from ''[[Death Race]]'' is "one angry homo", but the Hoyay really shows up at the end when Joe and Jenson {{spoiler|escape the prison and run away to Mexico together to raise Jenson's daughter}}. Not to mention Joe even has a cutesy nickame for him: "Igor".
* ''[[The Deer Hunter]]'', with Robert De Niro and Christopher Walken. Almost certainly intentional, too.
* ''[[Die Another Day (Film)|Die Another Day]]'', and it wasn't just the [[Shipping Goggles]]--there's fic out there. Villains on the whole don't get... [[Unholy Matrimony|close]] with one another. It cuts down on the villainy factor.
** [[James Bond (Filmfilm)|James Bond]] already did the foe-on-foe-yay bit with Mister Wint and Mister Kidd in ''[[Diamonds Are Forever (Film)|Diamonds Are Forever]]''.
** Likewise in ''[[Goldeneye (Film)|Goldeneye]]'' when Alec is trying to seduce Natalia on the train, and he says "James and I shared everything...''Absolutely everything...''"?
* [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]], like a lot of things, in ''[[Dirty Work]]'':
{{quote| '''Mitch:''' Okay, you go back to doing something vaguely homoerotic!}}
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*** It certainly casts their relationship in an... interesting light, as Bess gave birth to a number of children by the Duke (half-siblings of Georgiana's children)... which only seemed to make their bond even stronger.
* Ethan and Peter in ''Due Date'' have a bit of this, especially the scene at the hospital where Ethan caresses Peter's face.
* ''[[The Eagle (Film)|The Eagle]]'', which has literally maybe five minutes in which a woman is even on screen. This movie lives and breathes this trope. It actually has the line, "Put your weight on him, slave!" [[It Makes Sense in Context|Referring to helping fix an injury]], but even so.
** And then there's that delightful scene where it looks like Esca is going to kiss Marcus. That is, he puts his hand ond Marcus' face, his gaze goes all intense and he leans closer and closer. And then, of course tears himself away in all due haste.
* ''[[Eastern Promises]]'' -- it's very nearly canon, but either way, Kirill sure looks like he's a wee bit [[Badass|Kolya]]-sexual. It's pretty damn hard to find fanfic for the film that's not [[Slash Fic]], which is a sign of just how damn overwhelming the ho yay vibes are... and how much fangirls like Viggo Mortensen.
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** This is especially interesting because the author of the book upon which the movie was based is himself gay, but ''[[Fight Club]]'' the book doesn't have anywhere near the [[Ho Yay]] as the movie. Apart from when he talks about how he's in love with Tyler, maybe.
* In ''[[Flatliners]]'', the Nelson/Dave/Rachel love triangle holds far less weight than the Nelson/Dave Ho Yay. This even goes so far as having Dave smash the window of his army truck to rescue Nelson, when he could have easily just untied the canvas at the back of the truck.
* ''[[The Fox and The Hound (Disney)|The Fox and Thethe Hound]]'', really. The entire story played like a tragic Childhood Romeo/Juliet plot! And they really seem to enjoy...er...[http://media.ignimgs.com/media/thumb/159/1594281/the-fox-and-the-hound-25th-anniversary-edition-20060725001754212_thumb_ign.jpg playing...]
* Freddy and Jason in ''[[Freddy VSvs. Jason]]'', the fight in the boiler room, where Freddy is moving a floating Jason with his crotch (I'm not kidding). Then after Jason is defeated that time, Freddy leans very close to him, it's to take off his mask, but still.
* This bit from ''The Frisco Kid:''
{{quote| '''Avram:''' We are doing this to keep warm, aren't we?<br />
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'''Avram:''' In that case, you can put your arms around me.<br />
'''Tommy:''' Come here, darling. }}
* Idgie and Ruth of ''[[Fried Green Tomatoes Atat the Whistle Stop Cafe]]'' are much closer to each other than to any man. Idgie in particular is extremely devoted to Ruth, and Ruth outright says that the reason she left her (abusive) husband with Idgie was because she loved her. [[Or So I Heard|Apparently in the original book they were lovers]].
** No that was true. They left it ambiguous in the film, but they director did mention that the food fight they have was a metaphor if you know what I mean.
* ''[[Funny Games]]'' has this out the wazoo. You can't have your main antagonists be basically Leopold and Loeb [[In Space|ONLY BADASS AND TOTALLY SOCIOPATHIC!]](tm) and not have there be glimpses of unfortunate-yay. (It helps that... dude, it's got Michael Pitt. And whoever wrote the page brief for the film, the fact that there's no better name for one of the characters than basically "the dominant one" is very revealing.)
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** Lampshaded by Peter of [[Family Guy]] in "Hell Comes to Quahog." Peter protests a Superstore USA (a Walmart [[Fictional Counterpart]]) and shouts, "We're here, we're queer, get used to it! Gattaca! Gattaca!" instead of the actual chant "Attica!" from [[Dog Day Afternoon]].
* ''[[Ginger Snaps]]'' has the titular Ginger and her sister Brigitte.
* ''[[Ghost (Filmfilm)|Ghost]]'', Les Yay. At the end, it's really {{spoiler|Oda Mae that Molly is kissing}}, though the audience sees {{spoiler|the ghost of Sam}}. It was a bit squicky until {{spoiler|Sam's face was shown.}}
* ''[[Ghostbusters]] 2''. Watch Egon's face after "Do" "Ray" "Egon". Now I need to rewatch the whole thing...
** And then there's the scene where Egon and Ray have figured out that the mood slime reacts if they yell at it. After Ray has yelled at it for a couple of minutes to demonstrate the effect to Winston and Peter, Peter asks him something like, "Is this what you two do here after I go home at night?" The way Ray smirks and nods in answer to that has some definite, ah, implications.
* Am I the only one who came out of [[G.I. Joe: theThe Rise of Cobra (Film)|G.I. Joe the Rise of Cobra]] shipping Cobra/Destro?
* A lot of bad movies have this because badly written and acted friendship tends to come off as flirting. So same-sex friendships tend to turn into [[Ho Yay]]. And you see a lot of it on [[MST3KMystery Science Theater 3000]]. In particular, ''Girl In Lover's Lane'' comes to mind. The male protagonists seemed more genuinely into each other than into their respective "love interests".
* In ''[[The Good, the Bad Andand Thethe Ugly]]'', when Tuco is naked and Blondie is talking to him, Blondie [http://i35.tinypic.com/25irwhj.gif suggestively fondles the end of a bedpost].
** Plus, there's Tuco's whole extended overly attentive sadistic torturing of Blondie in the desert, like, you know, [[A Date Withwith Rosie Palms|whipping him and making him crawl and....pant pant...]]
** Tuco tenderly touching Blondie's blistered lips while standing by his bedside, while talking about how they're the same and all alone in the world.
* ''Gossip'' featured subtext between Travis and Derrick Webb, mostly in the form of what looked like a one-sided crush on Travis's part. Of course, considering Derrick Webb was being portrayed by [[Even the Guys Want Him|James Marsden]], can you really blame him?
* The musical number "Greased Lightning" from the musical ''[[Grease]]''. Asides from the lyrics, which are (ironically) about how much female tail the male singers expect to get due to the sexiness of the eponymous car, it is ''made'' of homoeroticism. Pick something, anything about the number at random and it fits.
* ''[[The Great Race]]'', the relationship between Professor Fate (Jack Lemmon) and his faithful henchman Max Meen (Peter Falk). Max's devotion to the Professor is unmistakable, although the Professor obviously doesn't appreciate him. Poor Max.
* ''[[The Green Hornet (Filmfilm)|The Green Hornet]]'': Britt and Kato are Belligerent Hetero Life Partners with a side of [[Digging Yourself Deeper]] on Britt's part: "He's not...my ''man'', he's my...we're platonic male friends."
* ''Green Street Hooligans'' has this between the Harvard good boy Matt and the football gang member Pete. They start off with a fight and reluctance to be together (Pete needs to be paid, Matt needs a place to stay) but Pete soon takes a keen interest in Matt after he sees him fighting alongside the gang. Pete and Matt become friends so fast the gang members are shocked:
{{quote| '''Bovver:''' [Pete and Matt walk into the pub] Jesus, you two attatched at the fucking hip or what?<br />
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** And his Beard.
* In ''[[Hanna]]'', Hanna and Sophie. They ''kiss''. Combine that with the failed kiss from earlier and Sophie's, "I think I'd like to be a lesbian" speech, and, well...
* Poppy and her roommate/best friend Zoe in ''[[Happy -Go -Lucky]]''. Oh so much. Another character even thinks that they're in a relationship, although Poppy might just be letting him think that. It's a bit unclear.
* ''[[Hard Core Logo]]''. Canadian punk-rock mockumentary focused in large part on the troubled, intense relationship between the lead singer and the guitarist of the titular band; the former's obsession with the latter (an excruciatingly gorgeous and slightly fey Callum Keith Rennie) is blatantly romantic and possessive. Not to mention the allegations by another bandmember that a semiconsensual sexual encounter between the two might have been responsible for the band's breakup...
** And then there's the rumors about what might have been going on between the ''actors'' during filming. Suffice to say, it was apparently a very stressful, very mindfucky, very Method-acted shoot.
* In ''[[Harry Potter (Filmfilm)|Harry Potter]] and the Prisoner of Azkaban'', Snape accuses Sirius and Lupin of "quarreling like an old married couple".
** In the fourth movie Cedric flirtatiously tries to persuade Harry to have a bath, this takes place on that bridge where Harry had a talk with Lupin (it's been mentioned before, it's a very romantic place). Also Ron obsesses about Viktor Krum and is very angry when he goes to the Yule Ball with Hermione.
** The first ''Deathly Hallows'' film is basically one big celebratory [[OT 3]] comprised of Harry, Hermione, and Ron, and the [[Ho Yay]] between Ron and Harry is subsequently deliciously thick.
* In ''[[Heavy Metal (Animationanimation)|Heavy Metal]] 2000'': When the two robed alien handmaidens are helping Julie undress for her bath, they grope her a few times. Julie doesn't seem to mind.
* ''[[Hellboy (Filmfilm)|Hellboy]] II'': Red and Abe. 'Nough said.
** "Because I caaaan't smiiiile without yoooooou..."
** And Abe/Krauss.
* Tiffany and Kirsty in ''[[Hellraiser (Film)|Hellraiser]]'' also seemed to be a [[Ho Yay|bit more then friends]].
* ''[[Hercules (Disney film)|Hercules]]'' features Pain and Panic. Nude S&M demons with a somewhat homoerotic relationship.
* ''[[High School Musical]] 2'': The school's [[Ambiguously Gay]] theater king is challenged to a baseball game by the school's [[Jerk Jock|Jock]] [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold|With A Heart Of Gold]]. They sing a song in which said jock proclaims loudly about how macho he is, and the line "show you how I swing" is sung. The jock asks "I'm not saying I'm going do it it, but ''if'' I did, what would have me do?", the other one smirks to himself, and the scene ends. The next time they appear, they're ''[[Sexy Shirt Switch|wearing each other's clothes]]''. And yes, this was shown on the Disney Channel.
** Also note that in the shirt switch scene, they appear to be eating hot dogs.
** [[Word of God]] says Ryan has a crush on female lead Gabriella, but their scenes together make her look more like his [[Fag Hag]].
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** This is the ''real'' reason Kelsi puts up with Sharpay. Or the real reason Sharpay considers herself Gabriella's rival?
* There's one scene where ''[[Hitch]]'' is showing Albert how to kiss and pretends to be Allegra, and has him practice a good night kiss scenario. Romantic music even plays during the scene.
* ''[[Hook (Film)|Hook]]'': [[Dustin Hoffman]] and Bob Hoskins were allegedly playing Captain Hook and Smee like a gay couple. It shows.
* Can pretty much be summed up with Horror Movies with [http://www.cracked.com/article_17097_5-most-unintentionally-gay-horror-movies.html Cracked's List of 5 Most Unintentionally Gay Horror Movies.]
** The fact that ''[[A Nightmare Onon Elm Street|A Nightmare On Elm Street 2]]'' is on a list of '''unintentionally''' gay horror movies is incomprehensible. [http://www.freddyinspace.com/2008/08/why-is-nightmare-on-elm-street-2-so-gay.html Whole] [http://www.cinemademerde.com/Nightmare_on_Elm_2.shtml essays] about how [http://fourfour.typepad.com/fourfour/2005/09=** How anyone would /youve_got_the_b.html gay] that movie is have been written; [http://www.amazon.com/Nightmare-Elm-Street-Freddys-Revenge/dp/0780630858 amazon.com] lists "gay" and "gay horror" as story tags. It's pretty much all anyone talks about when that movie comes up.
* The relationship between Nicholas Angel and Danny in ''[[Hot Fuzz]]''. (According to the director there was originally another main character, a female love interest of Angel's. When the character was cut between drafts of the script, her lines - and the peace lily plotline - were simply given to Danny instead.)
** It's further exploited at the DVD [[Hilarious Outtakes|gag reel]], which finishes with Ho Yay shots of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost.
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{{quote| "I'll come back and we'll be young men together again." }}
* Blatantly portrayed in ''Infamous'', with a twisted relationship complete with steamy kiss between Truman Capote (Toby Jones) and Perry Smith ([[Daniel Craig]]. Yes, [[James Bond]]). More subtle in the ''other'' Truman Capote biopic, ''[[Capote]]'', but still present. Capote's real-life relationship with Perry Smith, one of two murderers he interviewed and corresponded with for five years while writing ''In Cold Blood'' has been the subject of much speculation for decades. Some of Capote's friends alleged that he'd been in love with Smith, and their letters to one another definitely come across as romantic. We do know that Capote bribed guards to allow him and Smith to be in a cell alone together, that Capote was unable to watch Smith hanged, and that Smith left him all his belongings after his death. At least Capote is confirmed to be homosexual in real life.
* ''[[Interview Withwith the Vampire]]''. The sexual tension between [[Brad Pitt]] and [[Tom Cruise]]. This is made [[Memetic Mutation|over 9000]] times funnier by the fact that [[Tom Cruise]] had ''no idea'' they were canon lovers. AT ALL.
** There was also serious chemistry between Lestat and one of the servant boys he picks out to kill. The young man clearly has different ideas as to why Lestat's taking him outside for privacy, only reinforced when the vampire gives his face a loving caress. [[Tom Cruise]] had to read ''something'' into the subtext there.
** Just to add to the [[Tom Cruise]] and [[Brad Pitt]] gayfest, it's probably pretty damn intentional that Lestat and Louis' vampires-playing-house routine mirrors a really bad marriage, right down to the "[[The Baby Trap|if we have a kid together, he'll never be able to leave me!"]] deal.
Line 262:
** My God! [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWUxsUxMZ0E This scene] with Louis and Armand isn't subtext, it's text. Plain bold text. Armand clearly ''wants'' Louis, and Louis admits his offer tempts him. Then the almost kiss, the caress, the "You want me to quicken you once more." Come on guys, come on.
* ''[[James Bond]]''. How about when Goldfinger's lesbian pilot says to five beautiful busty blondes: "You'll get your final briefing tonight." No wonder she's called Pussy Galore!
* Let's not forget the original ''[[Jaws (Filmfilm)|Jaws]]'', where Quint and Hooper practically strip off and snuggle up to compare scars, then drink to their legs. Yeah, even Brodie seemed to pick up on something... though that didn't stop him from joining the cuddle puddle for a singalong.
* ''[[Jeepers Creepers]] 2'' is the epitome of this trope. Director Victor Salva stops at nothing to show the football team members, who are ''16'', taking their shirts off. In almost every scene. It doesn't help that they make plenty of dick jokes, argue about who is gayer, and there's a particular scene where the boys lay in top of the bus shirtless together, sun tanning. This made audiences uncomfortable, not due to the ho yay, but the fact that the characters are 16, mainly because many know that Salva is a convicted pedophile and child molester, having been arrested for videotaping himself having oral sex with Nathan Forrest Winters, the underage star of his film ''Clownhouse''.
** Critics made plenty of note of this. Says [[Roger Ebert|Ebert]] in his [http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20030829/REVIEWS/308290302/1023 review]:
{{quote| "Despite Scott's homophobia, the movie has a healthy interest in the male physique, and it's amazing how many of the guys walk around bare-chested. The critic John Fallon writes 'at a certain point, I thought I was watching soft gay erotica,' and observes that when four of the guys go outside to pee, they line up shoulder to shoulder, which strikes him as unlikely since they are in a very large field. True in another movie, but in a film where the Creeper is likely to swoop down at any second and carry someone away, I would pick the tallest guy and stand next to him, on the theory that lightning will strike the tree and not you."}}
* ''[[Jennifer's Body]]''. It's an [[Porn Withwith Plot|erotic thriller]] starring [[Anything That Moves|Megan Fox]]...what do you expect?
* [[The Jungle Book (Disney film)|Baloo and Bagheera]]. There's the whole scolding-mother carefree-father thing being played, the long and emotional eulogy Bagheera gives Baloo when the bear [[Disney Death|"dies"]] to protect Mowgli, and come on. Baggy outright asks the guy if he would marry a panther!
** And the ending was pretty gay , even with Mowgli going to the village to chase a girl. Baloo states girls are nothing but trouble, and he and Bagheera go strolling back into the jungle (''with their arms around each other'') singing the last song. So no, you're not weird for picking up on the implications behind their relationship.
** Canonized in a Finnish theatrical adaptation of Jungle Book.
** In Soviet cartoons, [[She's a Man In Japan|Bagheera is female]].
** After a very 'special' run of a ''Jungle Book'' adaptation, Bagheera and Shere Khan had loads of this. Ooh, the [[Foe Yay]] in ''spades'', and the ''taunting'' and Bagheera being all [[The Stoic|stoic]]... Plus they had a fight-scene, and Shere Khan only half-mockingly reminiscing about [[In Love Withwith Your Carnage|what a terror Bagheera used to be]]. Honestly, it came off like they'd just gotten out of a ''really'' bad breakup. And to top it off? Shere Khan had an inexplicable (yet totally hot) Southern accent, and Bagheera had a growly voice ''a la'' [[Beast Wars (Animation)|Dinobot]]. It was disturbing, yet...
** ''Jungle Cubs'' has Shere Khan/Bagheera in Shouta form. My first slash pairing, I am both proud and ashamed to admit.
* The third ''[[Jurassic Park]]'' film, between Alan and Billy. Unfortunately, that would entail ''[[Fanon Discontinuity|watching]]'' ''Jurassic Park III''.
* ''[[Just Friends (Filmfilm)|Just Friends]]'': Samantha kisses Darla on the lips and at one point says that she "likes girls".
== K-O ==
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** Still, for [[Bollywood]] [[Ho Yay]], it's pretty hard to beat [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16QecuN1-Yw this blast from the past...]
*** Let it be noted that in the above video, the two men are [[Twincest|twin brothers]]. [[Squick]]?
* Foreign Film: ''[[Kamikaze Girls (Light Novel)|Kamikaze Girls]]'' had a ridiculous amount of random parts where people can go, 'wow, that's very les yay!'
* The 1970's killer vehicle film ''[[Killdozer]]'' is rife with this sort of thing. To begin with, it's a bunch of manly construction workers on an island with no women. Dutch is a bit... attached to Mack, and when Mack bites it Dutch descends into alcoholic nutsville and talks about how he and Mack used to go swimming together. Kelly and Dennis' relationship to one another seems like bitter exes, giving a new perspective on the scene where Dennis breaks his ankle while running and has to be helped by Kelly, filling a role normally reserved for a female love interest.
* In an early, lesser-known (but very suspenseful) [[Alfred Hitchcock]] film called ''The Lady Vanishes'' a bunch of people are staying together at an inn in central Europe. There's a pair of middle-aged English gentlemen who seem to be very close friends; the hotel is overbooked, so the two men end up sleeping in the maid's room. At one point, when the maid storms in and starts to change, they look away without any interest whatsoever. Later, we see them sitting in bed--one [[Shirtless Scene|isn't wearing a shirt]] and the other isn't wearing pants! They may just be [[Heterosexual Life Partners]], but the subtext was pretty damning.
Line 288:
** Very much intended. To quote David Lean's obituary: "As to the suggestion that the film was pervasively homoerotic, [David Lean] said: 'Yes. Of course it is. Throughout. Lawrence was very, if not entirely, homosexual. We thought we were being very daring at the time: Lawrence and Omar [Sharif, who played Ali] , Lawrence and the Arab boys.'"
* ''[http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1038686 Legion]'' has Michael and Gabriel. It seriously seemed like they were going to kiss near the end of their fight scene.
* The [[Body Surf|body-surfing]] space vampire in ''[[Lifeforce (Film)|Lifeforce]]'' occupies the mental hospital boss played by [[Patrick Stewart]], and while interrogating her/him the astronaut protagonist (who's obsessed with her) is irresistibly drawn close for a (just averted) fatal kiss (with the image swopping between the alien's female form and the male body she's occupying).
* In ''Like Minds'' (Murderous Intent in America) the main characters could make out in any scene without interrupting the flow of the movie. And then there's anything Nigel ever says to Alex, or should we say Jaaaack. "We will be united!"
* ''[[Lilo and Stitch]]'':. Jumba and Pleakley are the typical [[Odd Couple|"two very different guys stuck together"]] plot, until you realize that Pleakley [[Wholesome Crossdresser|enjoys his disguise]] a little too much. And then we get the series, which has them: [[Heterosexual Life Partners|living and rooming together]], pretending to be married for their disguise, wearing themed couple costumes for Halloween even when no one has to see them together. Pleakley dresses in a Casablanca outfit when Jumba leaves on a plane, and tries to recreate a "painful Earth parting scene." He wrings his hands and spends the entire night trying to contact a kidnapped Jumba. He calls Jumba "my hero!" when Jumba rescues him in kind. And Jumba ''never complains''. Not even when Pleakley puts him in a wedding dress and tries to create a ''legally binding'' sham marriage to shut up his nagging mom, in what plays like a [[Coming Out Story]] - especially as Pleakley looked way more uncomfortable with the girl he'd tried to do this with in the other half of the episode.
** Then there's the finale movie where they're separated but totally miss each other - with Jumba "accidentally" calling Pleakley to come see his latest invention, Pleakley keeping a ''picture'' of Jumba ''on his desk'', and all of it culminating with a phone conversation: "Don't you miss your 'Aunt Pleakley'? I'm wearing the wig..."
* Ursula and Ariel from Disney's ''[[The Little Mermaid (Disney)|The Little Mermaid]]''. What with her calling Ariel things like "my child", "angelfish", "my dear sweet child", "sweet cakes", "poor little princess", and "my sweet". As well as telling her if she can't get Prince Eric to kiss her on the third day, then as a consequence, she'll "belong to me"/"will be mine". Not to mention her tendency to invade Ariel's personal space.
** Also at one point in the 'Poor Unfortunate Souls' song; she moves her tentacle across Ariel's chest, with Ariel having to push it off.
* ''[[Little Shop of Horrors]]''. Audrey II is very personal with Seymour, even going so far as to slide one of his vines up Seymour's shirt in "Feed Me".
** Also, [[Depraved Dentist|Dr. Orin Schrivello, DDS]] and the [[Too Kinky to Torture]] patient.
* Four words this time: ''[[Lord of the Flies]]''.
* Frodo and Sam from ''[[The Lord of the Rings (Filmfilm)|The Lord of the Rings]]''. The third film was practically nothing but this whenever the two of them were on screen.
** Practically canon: in the closing narration, Frodo tells Sam that "you can't always be torn in two", over scenes of Sam returning to his wife and children. With the strong implication that Sam would always betorn between Frodo and his wife.
** Frodo and Sam, [[Kissing Cousins|Merry and Pippin]], Gimli and Legolas, Aragorn and Legolas, Aragorn and Boromir, Boromir and Frodo... No woman could ever be as important to those guys as they are to each other.
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** I recall reading an article, I think in ''Vanity Fair'', that mentioned that Voight and Hoffman asked Schlesinger if their characters were "fags." Apparently the answer was yes.
*** Quite the contrary. As an openly gay director, Schlesinger stated that part of his intention with Midnight Cowboy was to show that two men could be friends without being homoerotic. This is in addition to the various interpretations of Joe being a closet-case. Though the movie has plenty of hoyay, Rizzo and Joe are specifically formed against that.
* In ''[[Mission Impossible]]: Ghost Protocol'', Ethan very soulfully and intensely looking at Brandt during a conversation about secrets: "You tell me yours, and I'll tell you mine." The fact that [[Tom Cruise]] is [[Top Gun|no]] [[Interview Withwith the Vampire|stranger]] to Ho Yay...
{{quote| '''Brandt:''' Next time, ''I'' get to seduce the rich guy.}}
** It's not just Ethan that he has subtext with. There's this slashtastic quote directed at Benji after he asked why his codename is Pluto.
Line 338:
*** Then there's Gackt's infamous declaration that if Hyde were a woman, he would have fallen in love with him. Gackt even wrote in his autobiography that he contemplated kissing Hyde while he slept during filming for this movie.
* The sexual tension between [[Naomi Watts]] and [[Laura Harring]] in ''[[Mulholland Drive]]''. {{spoiler|It turns canon.}}
* ''[[Murder Byby Numbers]]''. The whole film is basically pure [[Ho Yay]]. The so-called 'love interest' that the main characters are supposed to be fighting over? Comes across as little more than a beard for the both of them.
** Wait, there's a way to watch that movie and ''not'' see that? The only fans of that film were a). in it for the teenage psychos and ho yay, or b). in it for the Leopold and Loeb references and ho yay. High points include Richard's jealous bedroom freak-out and the way our Charming Antagonists seem far too comfortable in each other's personal space. The whole business with Lisa just looks like Richie's seriously, seriously compensating -- he's such an over-the-top cad, if only to compensate for his metrosexual fashion sense. But wow -- talk about [[Slap Slap Kiss]].
** Somewhat more disturbing, in retrospect, if you take into account {{spoiler|potential future [[Prison Rape]] for poor Justin. Who is now stuck in the big house ''alone'' and without Richie. Ergh.}}
Line 362:
** The opening number... just... the opening number. Complete with two newsies sprawled on top of each other and at least twenty men apparently bathing together.
** That stuff about Jack's parents? Bullshit. Snyder just wanted Jack out of the boarding house to put an end to the epic Newsie-orgies going down every night.
* ''[[Night Atat the Museum]]'', between Jedidiah and Octavius. (Yes, the Roman Emperor Octavius. And a cowboy.) Featuring the line "I ain't quittin' you!"
** Yes, the "quittin' you" line is said by [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|the]] [[Brokeback Mountain|cowboy]].
** The sequel is better. No, they weren't ''really'' going to kiss, but yeah...
Line 369:
* ''[[The Nightmare Before Christmas]]'': of all the citizens of [[Halloweentown]], the Mayor seems the most worried when Jack goes missing -- and it doesn't look like just as a professional or as a friend, either. Also, there's really no reason why, when he decided to show, Jack had to announce his presence to [[Big Bad|Oogie Boogie]] looking like [[Foe Yay|he's trying to seduce him]].
* ''Nowhere Boy''- the film about the childhood and teenage experiences of [[John Lennon]]- has this between John and Paul in spades. 'course, John and Paul always had it, everywhere.
* ''[[OceansOcean's Eleven]]''. Rusty and Danny take [[Heterosexual Life Partners]] [[Up to Eleven]]. The Oprah-watching scene in the third movie, oh my lord...
* ''[[Once Upon a Time Inin Thethe West]]'': Cheyenne and Harmonica. Cheyenne idly toys with Harmonica's gun (no, not that ''one'') while gazing at him during their first meeting. Both of them are also strongly drawn to each other throughout the movie, and both of them even manage to ignore/resist/turn down the advances of Jill (the gorgeous redhead who is attracted to both of them) to go [[Riding Into the Sunset]] together at the end. {{spoiler|And then, Cheyenne dies. But Harmonica ''keeps his body.}}
* The bad guy in ''Onmyoji'' provides a lot of this: Doson murmurs and smiles at Seimei almost flirtatiously whenever they meet, and says "I'll be watching you" right before he commits suicide. He also strokes Seimei's face and throat while he asks him [[We Can Rule Together|to rule the world with him]]. Seimei doesn't seem even remotely interested (possibly because he has pretty shikigami at home).
** Doson also tries to convince Prince Sawara to spend eternity with him, instead of with Sawara's girlfriend. He gets downright hysterical at the idea of the prince leaving. This guy is a big lump of [[Foe Yay]] and [[Ho Yay]].
Line 382:
* Plenty of [[Ho Yay]] in ''The Pact'' (pretty much the only reason anyone's ever watched the movie), where the superfluous plot about a teenage assassin sent to kill a fellow prep school student in the Witness Protection scheme is largely ignored in favour of soft-focus pretty boys wrestling, going swimming, and dressing up as women.
* ''[[Paul (Film)|Paul]]'': Graeme and Clive.
* How about ''[[Pee WeesWee's Big Adventure]]'' for some examples of this in a kids' movie? The character of Mickey (who, let's not forget, is an ex-con and so has spent an AWFUL LOT of time in an all-male environment) rather pointedly tells Pee-Wee, "I like you, kid. I like you a LOT." And the bikers in the bar when they gleefully threaten to tattoo Pee-Wee's body before they kill him...
* The [[Peter Pan (Filmfilm)|2003 version]] of [[Peter Pan]] did make some viewers leave the theater with some rather obfuscating pictures involving Hook and Peter in their head.
* ''[[Pineapple Express]]'' is full of three-way ho yay between Dale, Saul and Red.
* Pintel and Ragetti from ''[[Pirates of the Caribbean]]'' have an extremely close relationship and often support each other. Add this to the fact that pirates and sailors in general aren't known for their exclusive heterosexuality and the possibility of them being more then [[Heterosexual Life Partners]] is pretty clear. When interviewed, director Gore Verbinski described them as an 'old married couple', while their actors claim they are uncle and nephew. Since neither version is canon, either interpretation is possible... or both, [[Incest Is Relative|if you're into that sort of thing]].
Line 402:
* ''[[Point Break]]'' has too much subtext to list...
* ''Porky'''s begins with the male cast naked with a prostitute.
* ''[[Predator (Film)|Predator]]''. After Blain is killed by the alien, Mac's reaction is more from someone that's lost a lover than a fellow soldier and friend. Seriously. The [[Ho Yay]] has to be seen to be believed...
* ''[[The Prestige]]''. Mostly [[Foe Yay]], with a side of fangirl squee.
* ''[[The Princess Bride (Filmfilm)|The Princess Bride]]'' has Count Rugen (the guy who killed Inigo's father) and Prince Humperdink. In loads. Especially the scene outside of the secret passage tree to the torture chamber when the Count is getting ready to torture Westley.
{{quote| '''Count Rugen:''' Ah. Are you coming down into the pit? Wesley's got his strength back. I'm starting him on the machine tonight.<br />
'''Prince Humperdinck:''' [''sincerely''] Tyrone, you know how much I love watching you work, but I've got my country's 500th anniversary to plan, my wedding to arrange, my wife to murder and Guilder to frame for it; I'm swamped.<br />
'''Count Rugen:''' [''also sincere, with a worried look''] Get some rest. If you haven't got your health, then you haven't got anything. }}
** And Inigo and Fezzik are so adorably married. Their rhyming game! And the way they smile at each other! And when Fezzik takes care of Inigo after his epic bender! They're basically two halves of one useful, adult person. There's the [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl|Huge Guy Skinny Guy]] thing, but let's just [[Squick|not think too hard]] [[Hot Skitty-On-Wailord Action|about that]]. It's not that they're ''doing it'', it's that they're [[Heterosexual Life Partners]] to a mind-boggling degree.
* Carter and Rosie of the [[Disney Channel]] original movie ''[[Princess Protection Program (Film)|Princess Protection Program]]'' had plenty of "Oh, just kiss already!" moments, including a scene on a bench swing by a lake (belching notwithstanding.)
* ''[[The Producers]]''. Seriously, just... ''The Producers''.
** To elaborate: The song "Till Him", during the courtroom scene, gives us lyrics from Leo such as 'My existence bordered on the tragic/always timid never took a chance/then I felt his magic/and my heart began to dance.' Seriously, if this were between a guy and a girl, it would have been the romantic love song. As it is, it's pretty romantic already.
Line 417:
*** Like when Leo apologized to Max about calling him 'Fat fat fat' while caressing Max's coat lapel. And then Max looks like he's about to kiss him. Seriously. [http://www.youtube.com/user/chuggachuggawoowoo#play/all/uploads-all/0/VIgPC3wRt3g See for yourself at 1:37.]
*** The original movie (with Zero Mostel and [[Gene Wilder]]) has [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ERAV57bqaU the scene] where Leo becomes hysterical when he thinks Max is going to jump on him. The dancing in that scene is quite homoerotic.
* ''[[Pulp Fiction]]''. [[Samuel L. Jackson|Jules]] and Vincent. "Don't gimme that look, I can feel your look."
* ''[[Queen Christina (Film)|Queen Christina]]'' starred rumored bisexual Greta Garbo as the titular [[wikipedia:Christina of Sweden|queen of Sweden]], who frequently dressed like a man, never married, and was also rumored to be bisexual or a lesbian. With a set-up like that you'd expect it to have some [[Ho Yay]], and you'd be right to. The real Christina is suspected to have had a love affair with Ebba Sparre, one of her ladies, and there's pretty much no other way to interpret their relationship in the movie. They kiss several times, and when Christina discovers that Ebba wants to marry a man she flies into a rage. Then when Christina is [[Sweet Polly Oliver|mistaken for a man]] at an out-of-the-way inn, a serving wench makes it very clear she's available. And the other way around, the Spanish ambassador Antonio certainly [[Sweet Onon Polly Oliver|seems interested in "him,"]] and agrees to sleep in the same bed with the "young man" before finding out he's a she.
* ''[[The Quick and Thethe Dead]]'': Gene Hackman and [[Russell Crowe]]. Yes, as a matter of fact, it is [[Squick|kind of icky]].
{{quote| "I always wanted to fight you, Cort. Ever since the first time I saw you. It's just this... ''itch'' that I had to scratch."}}
* If you squint at the relationship between Mindy and Rose in the obscure [[David Cronenberg]] film ''Rabid''. Mindy is determined to take care of her, seems to have stripped her naked when she was feeling ill, suggests she take a nice hot bath... For Rose's part she was violently against Mindy being her next victim, even when she didn't think {{spoiler|it was lethal.}}
Line 433:
** In fact, an on screen ''kiss'' between Jim and Plato was originally planned, but of course this is 1955 we're talking about. [http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,1155949_2,00.html The head of Warner studios] said ''in writing'' that a kiss was unacceptable and off the table.
** Allegedly, Dean instructed Mineo: "Look at me the way I look at Natalie [Wood, who played Judy]." The director also apparently told him to look at Dean as though he was what he wanted most in the world; Mineo said he thought of his driver's license, being unable to acknowledge his crush on Dean to himself until later.
* In ''[[Red Riding Hood (Filmfilm)|Red Riding Hood]]'', Valerie has quite a lot of [[Les Yay]] with most of the other females, particularly Roxanne and Prudence. In one scene her male love interest, Peter, is dancing suggestively with another girl. Valerie drags Prudence over there and tries to make him jealous by dancing with her the same way Peter was dancing with the other girl. Also, it could be argued that Peter and Henry have more chemistry with each other than either do with Valerie.
* Marni and Blind Mag from ''[[Repo! theThe Genetic Opera]]''. Virtually inseparable and best friends for nearly their entire lives (with Marni apparently being Mag's 'everything'). While Marni is mentioned several in songs sung by her husband and ex-fiance, she only ever actually physically appears in one Mag sings. The subtext is so heavy, it has become a standard in audience participation to yell out 'two lovers' in Mag's flashback scene with Marni (in reference to flashback scenes with Marni's other two love interests, which begin in such a way). [[Word of God]] has said that their relationship is open to interpretation.
* Definitely something going on between characters Freddy Newendyke, "Mr. Orange," and Larry Dimick, "Mr. White," in [[Quentin Tarantino]]'s 1990 film ''[[Reservoir Dogs]]''. It is actually impossible to to cite specific examples; the entire movie is one colossal homoerotic overtone. The script: [http://www.imsdb.com/scripts/Reservoir-Dogs.html\] (some-what inconsistent with the movie as Tarantino enjoys last-minute changes, apparently. The important [read: gay] bits are intact, though. Note: the scenes in the "INT. OFFICE" weren't actually filmed, so it isn't official canon. Still gay though, definitely. NOT TO MENTION the whole weird Nice Guy Eddie calling his father "Daddy" in front of everybody, at almost every opportunity to do so.
** There's undeniable subtext between Nice Guy Eddie and 'Toothpick' Vic Vega, from bro-hugs, cheek kisses and an all out throw-down on the floor of Daddy's office. Don't forget the "You'd keep me for yourself," line Eddie throws Vic's way, and the ever-classic "Did you see that, Daddy? Guy got me on the floor, tried to fuck me!")
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** And speaking of Star Wars, go re-watch Qui-Gon's death scene...
* The [[Laurence Olivier]] version of ''[[Richard III]]'' was rife with Richard/Buckingham [[Ho Yay]]. Example: Witness Richard's mannerisms during the "My other self, my counsel's consistory/ My oracle, my prophet!--my dear cousin," scene. Could that little elbow nudge and light emphasis on 'dear' be anything but flirtatious? And the scene right after Richard was declared King, when he makes Buckingham get down on his knees to kiss Richard's hand- the dom/sub [[Ho Yay]] was pretty well unmistakable.
* ''[[Rigoletto (Filmfilm)|Rigoletto]]'' has Hans and Mr Ribaldi.
* ''[[Road House]]'': [[Patrick Swayze]]/everyone. ''Everyone''.
** [[Foe Yay|See the page quote.]]
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* The entirety of ''[[Road to El Dorado]]'', which is understandable as the two protagonists, Miguel and Tulio, were a couple in the original script.
** They even had little pet-names for each other, which never made it into the final version of the film. ''However,'' apparently there are special DVDs which ''keep the pet-names in the subtitles!''
* In ''[[Robin Hood: Men in Tights]]'', Prince John and the Sheriff of Rottingham have this all over the place, including the Sheriff sitting next to Prince John at the royal fair, the Sheriff barging in on the Prince in the middle of his royal bath, and let's not leave out how often they hold hands...
* The ''[[Rocky (Filmfilm)|Rocky]]'' series has Rocky Balboa and Apollo Creed. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0qVUn4797g&feature=related Watch them run in slow motion and frolick on the beach] in ''Rocky III''. Just check out the amount of touching and not letting go that goes on between the two when Rocky wins ''a foot race'' against him.
* In ''[[The Roommate]]'' one interpretation of Rebecca's character is her being a [[Psycho Lesbian]] for Sara.
* [[Alfred Hitchcock]]'s ''[[Rope]]!''. It's clearly intentional, as the film was based on the story of Leopold and Loeb, as mentioned above, but due to the Hays Code, their relationship had to be portrayed in coded language and imagery. Although there really should be no other way to interpret the opening scene in the film, where the two share a cigarette in seeming post-orgasmic bliss {{spoiler|after murdering their friend}}. Eventually turns into [[Ho Yay]], though.
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* Matthew Fox and Nestor Carbonell in ''[[Smokin Aces]]''. Nestor Carbonell gets really homoerotic with Matthew Fox as he dies.
* ''[[The Social Network]]'' has plenty of Mark/Ed.
* In ''[[Soylent Green (Film)|Soylent Green]]'', there's Thorn and Roth.
* No mention of the [[Stanley Kubrick]] film ''[[Spartacus]]''? The most explicit is the bath scene between Crassus and his slave, Antoninus, where Crassus ''clearly'' attempts to seduce Antoninus, which prompts the poor slave to run away and join Spartacus. Plus, there is lots of Antoninus/Spartacus [[spoiler:before they are [[Forced Prize Fight|forced to fight to the death.]]
* Even more three words: ''[[Stand Byby Me]]''.
* Kirk and Spock is the granddaddy of all [[Slash Fic]], but in the new ''[[Star Trek (Filmfilm)|Star Trek]]'' Nero and Ayel have some major villainous vibes.
** The new film's Kirk and Spock have some moments, too. [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] by {{spoiler|Older Spock commenting on how deep and meaningful his friendship was Kirk was, how important it was, how it changed him forever...}}
** What about Kirk and McCoy in the new film? Ohhhhhhhh boy.
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'''Bones:''' Study my ass. }}
** [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irXv3rTJ5qo Nimoy on Spock].
* If the subtext in ''[[Street Fighter (Filmfilm)|Street Fighter]]'' ''isn't'' that Vega is in love with Sagat, I will be amazed.
* Another [[Disney Channel]] [[Made for TV Movie|Original Movie]] example: ''Stuck in the Suburbs'' has buckets of [[Les Yay]]. For a start, the female lead starts ignoring her old (good) [[Girl Posse]] when an exciting new girl shows up. She and said new girl embark on an adventure with a male popstar and ''neither'' show any real desire to be with him beyond generic school girl crushes and the female lead is even upset when she accidentally breaks him up with his girlfriend. Neither girl ends up with a love interest at the end of the movie and at one point they have a tiff but make up.
** And the very typical of romance movies 'sad break up' music interlude where they're both sad and broken up without the other?
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** Rocket is very hands on with all the girls, especially Babydoll and Blondie.
** "I don't bite (too hard)" is said outright by Rocket.
* Another example can be observed in the science fiction movie ''[[Sunshine (Filmfilm)|Sunshine]]'' (which is directed by the very same director as ''[[28 Days Later (Film)|Twenty Eight Days Later]]'') between Capa and Mace, not only but the most obviously during their final scene. Danny Boyle, again, said it was intended to be a pretty homoerotic moment.
* [[One Word]]: ''[[Superbad]]''.
* If you have no idea what's coming up, the first conversation between Judge Turpin and teenaged Anthony in the 2007 film version of ''[[Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (Filmfilm)|Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street]]'' makes Turpin (fairly intentionally) sound like he's hitting on him. Hard. Not even in a good way, more of the [[Squick|'I've got candy in my van' kind of way]]. And then it goes somewhere else entirely, to mixed amounts of relief and [[The Woobie|woobiefication.]] Also, due to the amount of body contact necessarily in giving someone a serious shave (and naturally, slitting a throat) all the scenes with Turpin and Todd himself could easily be recut for totally non-existent subtext.
** All of "Pretty Women" has an awfully homoerotic vibe, what with the way Sweeney and Turpin are all singing together while Sweeney rubs his hands around Turpin's face, neck, and shoulders. Very strong [[Ho Yay]] vibe, [[Have I Mentioned That I Am Heterosexual Today|despite the song's subject matter]].
** Don't forget the part where Turpin mentions "the catamites of Greece." Look it up.
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* ''[[This Is Spinal Tap]]''. Look at Nigel's expression of disgust whenever David's Yoko-Ono-esque girlfriend Jeanette shows up. Or at him watching David all the time. Or at him saying they're closer than brothers. Yeah... ''somebody'' has unrequited love here.
* ''[[Disney Fairies|The Tinker Bell Movie]]'' has an odd moment between Tink and Silvermist. Tink the stranger has just fallen out of nowhere onto her rump, and Silvermist's reaction is to lean in, stroke Tink's nose, and coo, "Easy now... easy... Silvermist's got ya..."
* Julie Taymor's film version of ''[[Titus Andronicus (Theatretheatre)|Titus Andronicus]]'' gives Chiron and Demetrius some extremely inappropriate posing with each other. The fact that they're brothers who gangrape Titus' daughter (their step-aunt-by-marriage) doesn't help.
* It was a very small part, but in the movie ''[[Tombstone]]'', side-character Billy Breckenridge (the little guy with the glasses, played by Jason Priestley) was pretty seriously crushing on Mr. Fabian (the pretty-boy actor played by Billy Zane).
* The movie ''[[Top Gun]]'', memorable for the commanding officer's [[Catch Phrase]] "I'm gonna have somebody's butt for this!" and variants.
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'''Val Kilmer:''' Well, not counting ''Top Gun.'' }}
** It doesn't help that they're...[[Village People|in the Naaaavyyyy!]]
* The ''looks'' from Agent Simmons' balding sidekick in the 2007 ''[[Transformers (Filmfilm)|Transformers]]'' movie, not to mention the childish repetition of Simmons' declarations. [[Michael Bay]] [[Word of God|even said]] in the director's commentary [[John Turturro]] (Simmons' actor) improvised stuff about questioning his sexuality.
** The Sam/Bumblebee stuff. 'Bee is technically genderless, but the Transformers are all assigned gender-specific pronouns, probably as a humanizing gesture. Also: "I'm not gonna leave you!"
** And in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen there is so much Ho Yay going on between Agent Simmons and Sam's friend, Leo, that they possibly had more chemistry (or at least the same amount) as Sam and Mikaela.
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'''Noelle:''' I'd fuck you.<br />
'''Abby:''' Thank you, honey. I know you would. }}
* ''[[Twilight (Literaturenovel)|Twilight]]'' is already covered under the literature section, but Edward's flashback to Carlisle [[Emergency Transformation|turning him into a vampire]] has Edward making an honest-to-god orgasm face. Complete with creepy rape vibes.
** It doesn't help that in the film, Carlisle's actor apparently went with the phrase "You're sexy" to get the appropriate freaked-out reaction from Edward's actor. Meta ho-yay?
** The third movie? The writers (and actors) all seemed to be shipping Edward/Jacob.
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* The entire first half of 'The Visitor'. Every interaction between the Professor and Tarek, particularly when a semi-nude Tarek teaches the Prof how to beat the drum between his legs. mmmm, manlove.
* ''[[The Voyage of the Dawn Treader]]'' definitely has some Caspian/Edmund vibes. They tend to stare at each other far too often, they enjoy...ahem...crossing blades, they share a meaningful confession before the final battle, and their parting at the end of the movie has an emotional hug (whereas Caspian's hug with Lucy is far less important and in the background).
* The Rorschach/Nite Owl bromance in ''[[Watchmen (Filmfilm)|Watchmen]]'' seemed to be given more emotional weight than the het romance. Yeah, this is Rorschach, but still.
** Also, absolutely any moment featuring Adrian Veidt. They ''totally'' played up that "possibly homosexual" thing. While Ozzy certainly had his moments in the comic, the whole thing was cranked to 11 in [[The Movie]]. He had moments with Nite Owl, Manhattan, and even Rorschach. He always seemed to look like he was [[Ambiguously Gay|checking the other guys out...]]
** The bit in the opening montage where Ozymandius is [[The Law of Conservation of Detail|at a photoshoot with The Village People]] might have been a ''slight'' hint, and the fact that he has a folder labelled 'BOYS' on his computer.
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** [http://www.queerty.com/watchmens-hot-gay-romances-you-never-knew-about-20090407/ Someone else thought so too...] (NSFW)
* Nikolai Rodchenko and Raymond Greenwood from ''White Nights''. They dance together. They argue and give each other those 'Come do me' glances. At one point, it looks as if they're about to have a proper fight, but it ends in a hug. The end of the movie is even more packed with [[Ho Yay]]; Raymond, upon being reunited with his wife (played by young and ridiculously charming Isabella Rossellini!) and Nikolai, hugs his wife for about two seconds - and then goes and gives Nikolai a proper, long embrace. The movie ends with the scene of the two of them gazing at each other and smiling. Of course, it doesn't hurt that Nikolai is played by ''Mikhail freaking Baryshnikov''.
* ''[[Wings (Filmfilm)|Wings]]'' (1927) features one of the earliest examples of a man-on-man kiss on the lips, at the end.
** The girl in the triangle was never pursued by either. Rather, the title cards pretty much spell it out:
{{quote| "You - you know there is nothing in the world that means so much to me as your friendship"<br />
"I knew it - - all the time - - " }}
* ''[[Withnail and I]]'' with even non-slashers believing that Withnail is in love with Marwood. Marwood, in return, has affection for Withnail, treating him like a small child and looks as if the goodbye is causing him extreme amounts of pain.
* Oh, dear lord, Charles and Erik in ''[[X-Men (Filmfilm)|X-Men: First Class]]''. Deep heart-to-heart talks, chess games, intimate mind-linking, Erik cradling Charles's injured body and trying to kill the person responsible, the list goes on.
** Worthy mention: the sheer number of times these two [[Manly Tears|cry for each other]].
** [http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/james-mcavoy-is-a-classy-man/story-fn6ccx45-1226067086143 "It is a little bit of a mini-tragedy that him and Magneto don't, you know, have sex and become married and become best friends."] This is coming from James Mc Avoy, one of the ACTORS.
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