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* Go into any horror movie forum and bring up the issue of whether ''[[Evil Dead]] II'' is a remake, reboot, or sequel. No matter what side you support (or even if you're neutral), you're bound to stir up some flames.
* ''[[Goodfellas]]'' vs. ''[[The Godfather]]'', or the directorial skills of [[Francis Ford Coppola|Coppola]] vs. [[Martin Scorsese|Scorsese]].
* With critics savagely blasting ''[[Transformers (film)|Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen]]'', they appear to have designated themselves to be the recipients of extra strength flames (Most notably [[Roger Ebert]], [https://web.archive.org/web/20130207230653/http://blogs.suntimes.com/ebert/2009/07/i_am_a_brainiac.html who then responded to the hate mail from his initial review] not unlike [[Zero Punctuation|Yatzhee]] and ''[[Super Smash Bros.]]. Brawl'', noted below). On top of that, there's [[Uncle Tomfoolery|the Twins]], who made the medias implode over the perceived racism.
* The ''[[Twilight (novel)|Twilight]]'' movies. Quick ways to piss off entire forums: [[Stephenie Meyer]]'s "dream team" casting should have been put into place by Summit. [[Robert Pattinson]] is the best/worst Edward ever. Same for [[Kristen Stewart]] and Bella. Taylor Lautner should have been fired. Bryce Dallas Howard will make a FAR better Victoria. [[New Moon]] was horrible. Twilight's special effects were awesome. And, easiest of all: there should be no sex in [[Breaking Dawn]], because won't anyone think of the children?
** When ''Eclipse'' led the [[Golden Raspberry Award|Razzies]] nominations along with ''[[The Last Airbender]]'', the fandom quickly went to the awards website to complain (though it got there more due to overexposure than due to the film being ''that'' bad).
* ''[[Avatar (film)|Avatar]]'' is a good source of [[Internet Backdraft]]. Especially when you put them in [[Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny|fights against]] [[Warhammer 4000040,000|less]] [[Aliens|idealistic]] [[Command and& Conquer|worlds]]. Some will use this as an outlet to kill the Na'vi while others will view this with disgust
** Even better, the plot of the film alone is enough to start a flame war. Especially if you compare it to ''[[Fern Gully]]'', ''[[Dances with Wolves]]'', and/or ''[[Pocahontas]]''.
*** Note, however, that this is usually not so much because of any disagreement about the validity of the comparisons (assuming the issue is even considered relevant) as the jokes being ''supremely'' stale. Even people who agreed, for instance, that the creators of ''[[Lost]]'' were making it up as they went along got sick to death of jokes about this long before the series finale came.
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* ''[[Shutter Island]]'': the debate over whether or not {{spoiler|Teddy is insane.}}
* Ask people on the [[That Guy With The Glasses]] forums if they'll buy a DVD or go see a live screening of ''[[The Room]]'' now.
* Sites boycotting the film ''[[21 (2008 film)||Twenty One]]'' popped up in the aftermath of the "whitewash casting" controversy, and there were many netizens hating on Jeff Ma, who had a cameo in the film but didn't push for an Asian to be cast as the lead.
* Whatever you do, don't mention how similar ''[[Repo! The Genetic Opera]]'' is to ''[[Repo Men]]'' in the presence of the fans of either. There will be blood.
* Just for giggles, post a video on [[YouTube]] with the ever-popular song "[[Team America: World Police|America! FUCK YEAH!]] and enjoy the political [[Flame War]] that is to follow.
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** Whether there are too many/too few/just the right amount of villains
** Whether or not Nolan should break his "no sidekicks" rule and include Robin, which often descend into arguments about whether you like Robin in general
** [[Unfortunate Implications]] ([[Race Lift|THEY GOT A WHITE DUDE TO PLAY BANE!?!]] [[Christopher Nolan|NOLAN]] [[Women in Refrigerators|CAN'T WRITE WOMEN!]])
** Even the ''title'' has people complaining about how much it sucks.
* Never, ''ever'', '''''EVER''''' say that you like the ''[[Harry Potter]]'' films more than the books. You will be ripped to shreds by the fandom. Even on ''[[This Very Wiki|this very wiki.]]''
** Steve Kloves (the screenwriter for all the movies except ''[[Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (film)|Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix]]'') gets a lot of hate for the changes he made to the book. Ron/Hermione shippers (and Ron fans in general), despise him in particular for his treatment of Ron (giving many of his best lines to other characters, removing a lot of his intelligence and making him much more goofy and essentially reducing his role in the trio to [[Plucky Comic Relief]]) and Hermione (giving her many of the best lines, including several of Ron's, playing up her intelligence and competence to almost [[Mary Sue]]-ish proportions), and his seeming preference for [[Fan-Preferred Couple|Harry/Hermione]]. Not helped by Kloves saying that his favorite character is Hermione and many Harmonians (militant H/Hr shippers) citing the movies as evidence for their 'ship (Despite the fact that the movies aren't, y'know...canon)
** Also don't lament against ''The Prisoner Of Azkaban'' (The Harry Potter equivalent of ''[[The Empire Strikes Back]]'') if you know what's good for you (especially not if it's ''The Chamber of Secrets'', the equivalent of ''[[The Phantom Menace]]'')
** Also which Dumbledore is better? Older fans will tell you Richard Harris and his [[Cool Old Guy]], [[The Obi-Wan]], authoratative portrayal was the best against the flamboyant, expressive, [[Large Ham]]-like Michael Gambon. The others would say Michael Gambon gave Dumbledore more depth and Richard Harris was just giving a Santa Claus-like portrayal. Either way the results are very ugly
* ''[[Sucker Punch]]''. Hoo boy. Either it is an unabashed ode to all things geeky or an incomprehensible mess of [[Author Appeal]] and [[Male Gaze]] with a more than healthy dose of [[Unfortunate Implications]]. Bonus points if you use "video game" to describe it negatively.
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** Can happen if you say you like 'Battle',which many consider the weakest film of all the originals.
* Never, ever, '''EVER''' mention these two words to a ''[[Paul]]'' fan: ''[[Scott Pilgrim|Scott...Pilgrim...]]'' They will skin you alive. There are a few ''Paul'' fans who like ''Scott Pilgrim'', but the majority of them despise it with a passion, passing it off as an "unfunny, geeky comic/film for boneheaded gaming nerds who like video game [[Shout-Out|shout-outs]], [[Toilet Humor|pee jokes]], homosexuality, and random humor". (Never mind the fact that ''Paul'' had lots of shout-outs, pee jokes, and homosexual jokes as well, had a ''Scott Pilgrim: Odds and Ends'' book seen in the background of a comic book shop in one scene, and [[Simon Pegg]] himself has even stated that he loves ''Scott Pilgrim''.) For example, a [[YouTube]] upload of the [[Electric Light Orchestra|ELO]] song ''All Over the World'' (which played during the end credits and epilogue of ''Paul'') had a person comment on the video saying "''Paul is this year's Scott Pilgrim!''", and then a douchebag replied to him with a comment that said something like "''Except Paul was actually a good, funny movie''", the latter comment ended up getting more thumbs up than the former comment.
* Go to a [[Hunger Games]] fan forum and bring up [[Battle Royale]] and how the former rips off the latter.
** Or vice versa, go to a [[Battle Royale]] forum and tell them how you DON'T think [[Hunger Games]] is a rip off. Go on.
* A lot of [[Mel Gibson]]'s work, particularly after the ''[[Lethal Weapon]]'' series.
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