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In [[Real Life]], [[Useful Notes/Australia|Australia]] is a vibrant, diverse and multicultural young country. Most of the population is concentrated in several large urban areas on the coast with a sparsely populated interior. [[Hollywood Atlas|In Hollywood]], Australia is a primitive barren wasteland consisting ''entirely'' of Outback desert, [[Australian Aborigines|aborigines]], dingoes, crocodiles, kangaroos and some other marsupials, and occasionally a couple of rural people who run around wielding bowie knives and boomerangs. People talk with a grating accent, apparently a blend of Cockney English, New Zealander and vaguely British extraction called "Ostrayan" or more concisely "Strine".
Australia's indigenous wildlife ''is'' unique (one of the handful of megadiverse lands in the world), being dominated by marsupials rather than placental mammals. The dangers of the native animals has been noted by many - US President [[Barack Obama]] [http://www.abc.net.au/news/2011-11-17/obama-visits-canberra-school/3677326 brought it up when he visited Australia]. In [[Real Life]], most of these creatures only live in remote areas. In Hollywood, [[Everything Trying to Kill You]], although [[What Measure Is a Non-Cute?|any sufficiently ''cute'' animal, no matter how wild, is inexplicably safe]]. This habit of making Australia a [[Death World]] often results in Australians being considered [[Awesome Aussie|ludicrously tough]] - though there's some [[Truth in Television|truth]] [[Aussies With Artillery|to that]]. Australia is the home of [[Everything's Better Withwith Platypi|the Duck-Billed Platypus]]: best described as "you're not serious... right?" in animal form<ref>and also a noteworthy exception to the "inexplicably cute" rule, as their males are in possession of some disturbingly ''venomous'' spurs</ref>. Also home to box jellyfish, irukandji, and blue-ringed octopus, essentially animal forms of [[Demonic Spiders]], [[Nightmare Fuel]], and of course, koalas. And [[Kangaroos Represent Australia|kangaroos]].
For those fortunate enough to avoid being eaten by the aforementioned crocodiles, life is one long beach party and all meals consist of ''shrimp on the barbie'' (actually called 'Prawns') and Vegemite sandwiches (pronounced "veeeeejeemoit"). If these stereotypes are absent, the setting is likely [[Sydney]], Australia's most populous metropolis and bustling economic centre. It's the home of the famous Sydney Opera House, [[Eiffel Tower Effect|which all hotels naturally look onto]]. Australia's capital is actually Canberra, built between Sydney and the other major capital, Melbourne, as a concession to neither city being named the actual capital.
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== Anime & Manga ==
* Balon ([[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"|aka Valon, aka Varon]]) was given an Australian accent in the 4Kids dub of ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh (Animeanime)|Yu-Gi-Oh]]''.
** Jim Crocodile Cook in ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (Animeanime)|Yu-Gi-Oh GX]]'', on the other had, actually is Australian.
* Epsilon, a character from Naoki Urasawa and [[Osamu Tezuka]]'s collaboration manga project ''[[Pluto (Manga)|Pluto]]'', was created, and lives, in Australia.
* Occurred in ''[[Black Jack (Manga)|Black Jack]]'' when the title character head to the Outback investigating a disease outbreak.
* Australia is personified in the series ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia (Manga)|Axis Powers Hetalia]]''. All we know of him so far is that he has [[Green Eyes]] and light brown hair, [[Fun Personified|wears a big grin]] and has a pet koala (that sports a [[Slasher Smile]] of sorts) and a dingo. [[Fanon]] usually portrays him as a [[Boisterous Bruiser]].
** The [[Little Miss Snarker|Principality of Wy]] give us this line when she realizes she's in Hutt River's house:
{{quote| '''Wy:''' ...Hm? A Rolls-Royce? Incredible clean and organized facilities? A bilby? We're in Australia!}}
* Chu in the English dub of ''[[Yu Yu Hakusho (Manga)|Yu Yu Hakusho]]'' is a [[Drunken Master|hard drinking]] okker aussie [[Boisterous Bruiser]].
* In ''[[Code Geass (Anime)|Code Geass]]'', the Chinese Federation, the Euro Universe, and the Britannian Empire are the three major superpowers fighting to take control of the entire world... except Australia, which from the colours shown in the maps of the series, appears to be neutral. Possibly Australia is devoid of delicious Sakuradite, or possibly the three superpowers were disinclined to waste Knightmares on a costly boondoggle for what basically amounts to "murderous desert, with the occasional arable land".
** Of course, at one point when Schneizel decides {{spoiler|that destroying lots of cities is a great way to achieve world peace, Sydney is among them.}} So something is there at least...
* ''[[Digimon Adventure 02 (Anime)|Digimon Adventure 02]]'' has a particularly strange case rife with compressed geography [[Eiffel Tower Effect|to drive home the point of where they are]]. During the Digidestined's efforts to eliminate Dark Towers around the world, Joe and Cody travel to Australia, landing in Sydney before heading up to the Gold Coast which, while doable in a day, is by no means a short or easy trip, especially for a pair of foreign early-teenage boys with no car. They notice that the locals treat the Dark Tower on the beach as an [[Unusually Uninteresting Sight]], whereas a western show might've had the locals tear the bloody thing down before they'd have even gotten there. They do get backup from one of the local Digidestined, Derek; who is a blonde, tanned preteen surfer boy, very much in the spirit of this trope. In the last episode, Derek is in Sydney for some reason, [[Viewers are Morons|probably to make it incredibly obvious what country he's in]].
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== Comicbooks ==
* For a period in the late [[The Eighties|'80s]] the [[X-Men (Comic Book)|X-Men]] went further underground than usual and operated out of a hidden base in the outback (requisitioned from a band of cyborg Road Warrior rejects) with the aid of a mysterious [[Magical Native American]] <s>Native American</s> <s>Australian Aborigine</s> Indigenous Australian teleporter. This was one of the few places where they mixed up both Sydney and the outback. (Odd, considering [[Chris Claremont]] has been to Sydney.)
* When [[Young Justice (Comic Bookcomics)|Young Justice]] visited the Sydney Olympics, there were kangaroos bounding through the Olympic Village (which was seemingly situated on the side of a cliff within easy eyeshot of Sydney Harbour).
* One place the mining industry ''did'' get some time in the spotlight was in Dreamwave's ''[[Transformers Energon (Anime)|Transformers Energon]]'' run.
* An early villain of ''[[Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew (Comic Book)|Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew]]'' was "Kongarilla", a kangaroo turned into a giant by a secret organization. Kongaroo hailed from "Aukstralia" (Earth-C's version of Australia).
* There was an issue of the ''[[Tomb Raider]]'' comic supposedly set in Australia, but which actually appeared to be taking place in the Wild West as everyone walked around with a pistol on their hip and there appeared to be no organised law enforcement of any kind.
* The story in which [[Spirou and Fantasio]] go to Australia is actually centered around the opal-mining industry.
* The goal of the main character Yorick throughout most of ''[[Y: theThe Last Man (Comic Book)|Y the Last Man]]'' is to get to Australia to meet his girlfriend Beth, who was in Australia researching Aboriginal culture. In this universe, post-[[Gendercide]] Australia has become the single most powerful navy in the world, based on having the only female piloted submarines, and the entirety of Sydney has become a heroin addicted slum from south-east Asian pirates smuggling drugs into the country.
== Commercials ==
* Commercials for Foster's beer spread the ''shrimp on the barbie'' image, though ironically Foster's (supposedly "Australian for beer") is quite possibly the most unpopular beer in Australia... and, of course, the fact that in Australia, "shrimp" are pretty much always known as "prawns".
** [[District 9 (Film)|Fookin Prawns.]]
** Nowadays, Fosters is pretty much an American beer with an iconic Australian name.
** Foster's is Australian for "Foreigner's Excuse For Aussie Piss"; its very rare to find in six-pack form in the various liquor sellers, let alone being served in an Aussie pub. If an Australian is asking for Foster's, they're not homesick, they're just trying to determine if they're in another country.
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** Hell, it's done ''in the movie''. The titular Mr. Dundee plays up his wildman-living-off-the-land bit to further impress the tourists.
** Mick even does it to his best friend (by pretending to not know what day of the week it is), leading to the memorable line "Doesn't know, doesn't care. Lucky bastard!"
* ''[[The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (Film)|Priscilla, Queen of the Desert]]'' contrasts the sophisticated gay scene of urban Oz with the outback culture.
* Averted in ''[[The Proposition]]'', a western that characterizes 1880's Australia as a god-forsaken hell-hole. Since most of the inhabitants are immigrants or first generation, very few have anything approaching an Australian accent.
* ''[[Godzilla Final Wars (Film)|Godzilla: Final Wars]]'' has a scene that takes place in Sydney, Australia in which Godzilla [[Godzilla: Final Wars (Film)/Awesome|slams the American Godzilla into the Sydney Opera House]] and kills him instantly with his thermonuclear breath. Considering that director, Ryuhei Kitamura went to School of Visual Arts in Australia, it's not surprising that it was featured.
* ''[[Kangaroo Jack (Film)|Kangaroo Jack]]''
* The [[Nicole Kidman]]/[[Hugh Jackman]] snorefest ''[[Australia]]''. Sorry about that.
* ''[[The Man From Snowy River (Film)|The Man Fromfrom Snowy River]]'' and ''Return To Snowy River''.
* ''Chasing the Sun'' involves a car race through the outback. In one scene, the protagonists are driving from Darwin to Alice Springs, and look out the window and see Ayers Rock to their left. The most glaring error, of course, is that Uluru is actually SOUTH of Alice Springs... but that's just the most glaring error. There are a good ten others.
* ''[[Point Break]]'' concludes on Bells Beach, Torquay - [[California Doubling|actually filmed in Oregon]]. The real Bells Beach is a good 2km from the nearest tree - and it's a eucalpyt, not a pine.
* ''Van Diemen's Land'' relates the largely true story of a convict who escaped from Macquarie Harbour (a prison on the edge of seriously inhospitable wilderness) with a number of companions, and survived his walk to more civilised parts by eating them.
* ''A Cry In The Dark'' A.K.A. ''Evil Angels'' is based on the true story of the Chamberlin family - who's daughter Azaria was taken from their tent by a dingo whilst camping at Ayers Rock. This film featured [[Meryl Streep]]'s most awful attempt at an Aussie accent (think [[Mary Poppins|Bert]]) and the infamous line 'a dingo ate my baby!'
* The franchise ''[[The Howling (Film)|The Howling]]'' changes location to Australia in the third movie, focusing on marsupial werewolves (and it's as silly as it sounds).
* The events of ''[[Razorback (Film)|Razorback]]'' happen in the Australian outback, which seems to be filled with dangerous wild boars and psychotic pet food factory workers.
* ''Welcome to Woop Woop'' also focuses on deranged pet food factory workers. Giant Kangaroo god also makes an appearance.
* ''[[Quigley Down Under]]'' is set in Western Australia in the late 19th century.
* ''[[The Princess Bride (Filmfilm)|The Princess Bride]]'' is one of the few films to reference Australia's convict past: "Australia, as everybody knows, is populated entirely by criminals." It also shows Iocane, the deadliest poison in the world, as being found only in Australia.
== Literature ==
* [[Terry Pratchett]]'s ''[[Discworld (Literature)/The Last Continent|The Last Continent]]'' features the land of XXXX (aka "Terror Incognita"), which parodies all things Downunderese, including ''[[Mad Max]]'', ''Priscilla'', ''Waltzing Matilda'', Ned Kelly, ''[[Crocodile Dundee]]'' and the actual country of Australia, although they did expressly leave out cricket. There is a distinct difference between the citizens of Bugarup [Sydney], with their University, Opera House and Gay Pride Galah, and the outback characters, who follow all the stereotypes and tropes on this page and then some.
** Upon asking a magical library for a list of dangerous animals in Fourecks, [[The Grim Reaper|Death]] gets swamped by a tidal wave of books. Then he decides to ask for a list of ''safe'' animals, and a single sheet of paper reading "some of the sheep" flutters down. It is noteworthy that there are no deadly snakes in XXXX. This is because the spiders killed them all.
** It also includes one of the most accurate descriptions of the danger presented by a kangaroo: "I could disembowel you with a kick."
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** Rincewind has no real trouble surviving in this environment, mostly because he assumes that anything he doesn't know about in great detail is likely to be lethally dangerous, often in ways nobody would expect, which is basically true in XXXX.
* The "Swampland Trilogy" of "Swampland," "Tankworld," and "Endsville," by S.R. Martin. It's all set in Australia, and starts with a really bad flood season. Gets a bit creepy with fish girls and creatures who have been fused with bikes. Definitely one for more the "Everworld" crowd than "Animorphs." [http://teens.arapahoelibraries.org/go2.cfm?pid=11250 Here's a link to the first one's cover.] If you find it interesting, which it is actually really good, search for it and the other two.
* ''[[America the(The Book)]]'' describes all Australian culture as "a by-product of their perpetual drunkenness". As in, after a few tinnies you can begin to make sense of Geoffrey Rush, and Vegemite becomes edible about the time you're dying of alcohol poisoning. Not that any self-respectin' Aussie is going to succumb to piss poisonin'.
** The above-mentioned Discworld novel ''The Last Continent'' proposes that the perspective-altering beer is the ''cause'' of the Vegemite. Also, time travel.
* ''[[The Tomorrow Series (Literature)|The Tomorrow Series]]'' by John Marsden, was a popular series of [[Young Adult]] novels released in the early 1990s, where Australia gets invaded and occupied during Australia Day by an unnamed foreign power (read: Indonesia) and a group of kids, who were out camping at the time, start a vicious campaign of guerrilla warfare against them. No, really. For books aimed at kids in high school, it leaned a good way towards the [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism|darker side of the scale]], giving readers a pretty frank war story featuring firefights, [[Anyone Can Die|death]] and sex (for which the schoolboys rejoiced). A movie has been made.
== Live-Action TV ==
* British [[Work Com]] ''[[Supernova]]'' is set in the outback. This makes sense, though, because the setting is an observatory which would benefit from being in the outback what with the lack of light pollution.
* ''[[Lost (TV)|Lost]]'' is notorious among Australian fans for its completely incorrect accents (with the exception of Emilie de Ravin, who is Australian, and even then she has drawn criticism), its [[Artistic License Geography|hilarious geography goofs]] (judging from the view out the window, Boone's hotel room seems to be hung in mid-air over the harbour) and the fact that anyone in Australia (shown in flashbacks) seems to be less intelligent and with less common sense than the main characters. To be fair, the idea that characters on ''Lost'', of ''any'' nationality, display common sense is one that could be vigorously disputed. (The most level-headed and sensible guy in the entire cast is an ''Iraqi ex-torturer''.)
** The problem was mainly in the show's first season. They began to improve in the later seasons, casting authentic Australian actors for minor roles (such as the undertaker in "?"). However, in season 4, they cast a British actress as Claire's mother, who has arguably the worst Australian accent on the show.
*** Ironically, the minor characters "Captain Gault" and "Hendricks" are played by authentic Australians even though there is no reason for their characters to be Australian. Also, Charles Widmore, a supposedly British character, is played by Alan Dale, a New Zealander.
* In an episode of ''[[Minder]]'', Arthur Daley somehow manages to find himself in the middle of inhospitable outback and in real danger of dying of thirst a few hours drive outside of Sydney. Never mind that anywhere he could have driven to in that time would be urban sprawl, rolling farmland or on the coast.
* ''[[Flight of the Conchords (Music)|Flight of the Conchords]]'' features the Australian/New Zealand interchangeability as a [[Running Gag]], and for at least one episode, a plot point.
** It generally portrays Australians as [[Jerkass|inherently unpleasant and mean-spirited towards New Zealanders]] (even the Australian ambassador makes a crack about a sheep being Miss New Zealand). The one seeming exception is an Australian woman who Jemaine had a drunken tryst with who, despite being rather grungy and unusually proud of her heritage as the descendant of a prostitute and a convicted rapist, seems rather pleasant. {{spoiler|Until she and her roommates steal all of Bret and Jemaine's stuff}}.
** This is reasonably grounded in reality as most Australians see New Zealanders as their slightly poofy younger siblings and taunt them mercilessly (despite the fact that they're actually rather fond of them.)
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'''Jamie''': Umm yeah it is.<br />
'''Brett''': Oh, yeah it is. Run away. }}
* ''[[Farscape (TV)|Farscape]]'' was filmed in Australia, and one episode where John Crichton returns to Earth {{spoiler|(well, not really, but he doesn't know that at the time)}} has him crashing on a beach outside Sydney- where most of the episode's action takes place.
* The best moment occurs in ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (TV)|Star Trek Deep Space Nine]]'', where a friendly [[Mook]] decides he wants to flee to Tasmania (The little island off the bottom of Australia.), before exclaiming and cocking his gun: "It's probably raining in Tasmania anyway!" * chick-chick*
** Which is kinda like saying "I want to flee to Newfoundland, or far north Scotland."
** While on the subject of Star Trek, it appears that the Vulcan embassy to Earth is in Canberra. Vulcans and Australians living in close quarters could be... interesting.
*** Particularly as the depictions of Vulcan basically maker it look like depictions of Australia on steroids: Desert where everything is poisonous and actively trying to kill and eat you (including a significant portion of what plant life there is), but this is a whole PLANET of it. And ALL of the people are experts at living in the wilderness, or they don't live to see their ninth birthday.
* Sally uses Australia as an analogy for her relationship to Steve on ''[[Coupling (TV)|Coupling]]''. As his girlfriend's best friend, Sally tells Steve that she is like Australia - mysterious, distant and with areas of great danger. Steve thought she meant that she had a lot of convicts.
* The "[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f_p0CgPeyA Three Bruces]" sketch from ''[[Monty Python's Flying Circus (TV)|Monty Python's Flying Circus]]'', with Philosophy professors from the University of Woolloomooloo Australia.
* Then of course we have Daniel Osbourne in [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]], or Oz. The name of the band he's in? ''Dingoes Ate My Baby,'' after the Azaria Chamberlain case.
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== Music ==
* The song "[[wikipedia:Down Under chr(28)songchr(29)|Down Under]]" by Men At Work, obviously. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNT7uZf7lew Look for the koala plushie]. Surprisingly they made it to [[Stealth Parody|complain about the]] [[Flanderization]] of Australian culture. [[Misaimed Fandom|That buggered up pretty quickly]].
* "We'll surf like they do in the U.S.A.|We'll fly down to Sydney for our holiday|On sunny Christmas Day|Australia, Australia" - [[The Kinks (Music)|The Kinks]]' concept album ''Arthur (Or The Decline And Fall Of The British Empire)'' tells the story of a man emigrating to Australia from post-war England.
* [[Tim Minchin (Music)|Tim Minchin]]'s ''Not Perfect'': "This is my country, and I live in it; it's pretty big, and nice to walk on"
* Ben Folds is a known Australia-phile, having lived in Adelaide for several years and dated mostly Australian women. He even wrote a song about it, 'Adelaide', making sure his listeners all know that 'the beer is better in Adelaide'.
* John Williamson, singer and songwriter.
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== Videogames ==
* In ''[[Need for Speed (Video Game)|Need for Speed]] II'', the 'Outback track' goes from the usual Sydney landmarks to Uluru and back ''[[Chaos Architecture|on a single racetrack]]''. Luckily, Australians still find this kind of thing very funny.
** High Stakes on the other hand allows people to live out their ''[[Blue Heelers]]'' fantasies by putting you behind the wheel of a Victoria police Holden patrol car.
* ''[[Beneath a Steel Sky (Video Game)|Beneath a Steel Sky]]'' is set in a [[Dystopia|dystopian]] future [[Sydney]]. It's never explicitly stated, but the range of characters with Australian accents, the prologue set in the Outback and the "ancient" map of Sydney's underground train system are clues. All of which making the American protagonist speaking in British phrases much more hilarious.
* Marine the Raccoon from ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog]] [[Sonic Rush Series (Video Game)|Rush Adventure]]'' is a [[Motor Mouth]] who uses every single Australian slang word ever invented, and then some. She'd be [[The Scrappy]] for that (and may still be considered one) but the other characters react as if she ''is'' that annoying.
** [[Word of God]] states that Sonic himself is an Australian.
** Not to mention Knuckles is an echidna, an Australian monotreme.
** And the Coconut Crew, also from ''[[Sonic Rush Series (Video Game)|Sonic Rush Series]] Adventure'', are koalas (who have [[Non Standard Character Design|very different eyes]] from other Sonic characters, by the way).
* ''[[Ty the Tasmanian Tiger]]'', a [[Platform Game|platformer]] series, is set in a fictionalized, [[Funny Animal]] version of Australia. However, having been developed by actual Aussies, it manages to pull off an Australia that's not all outback and sheep. There's rainforests, [[Fantasy Kitchen Sink|obscure examples of Aussie lore,]] and relatively few musical tracks that abuse the didgeridoo. Did we mention the fact that all the [[Funny Animal]] koala people have [[Shown Their Work|two thumbs?]]
* The Sniper from ''[[Team Fortress 2 (Video Game)|Team Fortress 2]]'' is an Australian with the usual South-London accent that's never caught a whiff of the Southern Hemisphere, Wild Colonial Boy outfit, and a [[Knife Nut|really big knife]] (perfecting the 'colonial boy' image, albeit further undermining the Australianness, by being a Nepalese ''kukri''). His bio states he honed his skills hunting game in the outback, a reasonable story given that various dangerous/nuisance species (pigs and buffalo were introduced and went feral, and there are kangaroo culls of variable legality in farming areas) are frequently hunted by groups of young men with rifles (...firing from the backs of trucks. Sissies).
** Look down below - the truck is, if anything, insufficient protection from a pissed-off roo.
** The sniper also references Crocodile Dundee in one of his lines about knives.
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** According to the same comic, all Australians (including women) are relatively dumb, muscular, constantly fighting, and always wear mustaches. The Sniper, on the other hand, is not. Nor are his parents, judging from one photo.
*** All of the above is explained away by the fact that designer-in-chief Robin Walker is Australian, and given the Aussie's love of stereotype based wind-ups, Walker has pulled a fast one on millions of gamers for at least 3 years now.
* Thus far, Australia has but two entries into the highly [[Hollywood Atlas|Hollywoood-Atlasized]] (well, usually Tokyo-Atlasised) [[Fighting Game]] genre: Jeffry from ''[[Virtua Fighter (Video Game)|Virtua Fighter]] ''(a sailor who merely circumnavigates the country), and, rather more awesomely, Raptor from ''[[Darkstalkers (Video Game)|Darkstalkers]]'', the zombie rockstar who chomps on people with his decomposed chest-cavity. Possibly some sort of perverse homage to the late, great Bon Scott of [[ACDC (Music)|ACDC]] - where else did they get a dead Aussie rock god from?... Plus he's skinny enough!
** There's also the tormented [[Cosmic Plaything]] Zappa, of ''[[Guilty Gear (Video Game)|Guilty Gear]]'' fame. His biography lists him as born in Australia, although it's never said how long he lived there, nor does it come up in conversation or...well, anything outside one line in his bio.
** Also Craig Marduk of ''[[Tekken (Video Game)|Tekken]]''. Although his accent is about as Australian as Abraham Lincoln.
** The ''[[Fatal Fury (Video Game)|Fatal Fury]]'' series features Raiden (also known as Big Bear), a huge Australian wrestler.
** Kano from ''[[Mortal Kombat]]''? Granted, he was originally [[Race Lift|American-Japanese]], but the design team decided to retcon him into being an Australian. This was due to [[Mortal Kombat (Filmfilm)|the movie]], where [[Fake Nationality|Trevor Goddard portrayed him as Australian]].
** The famous [[Street Fighter|Ryu vs Sagat]] fight was depicted in the animated movie in a grassy field during a thunderstorm. The Alpha games have this in Australia.
* ''[[Mega Man Battle Network (Video Game)|Mega Man Battle Network]]'': Dingo. His Netnavi [[Magical Native American|is a different story]].
** Not quite. Dingo is outright stated to be from the series' [[Eagle Land]]. It's just that he has the name of an Australian-indigenous animal [[Did Not Do the Research|for some reason]].
* The ''[[Grand Theft Auto (Video Gameseries)|Grand Theft Auto]]'' series has a long running joke about a fictional war against Australia.
* One of the minor factions in ''[[Syndicate (Video Game)|Syndicate]]'' was the Tasmanian Liberation Army, who take over Australia at least, but are [[All There in the Manual|described]] as always being too drunk to be a major player for world domination. The world map in the sequel ''[[Syndicate (Video Game)|Syndicate]] Wars'' asserts the language of Sydney is "Low English" (compared to "High English" in London) and their main industry is brewing.
** As a Tasmanian myself, this isn't necessarily too far removed from the truth...
* The English voices of the two characters from Gran Pulse in ''[[Final Fantasy XIII (Video Game)|Final Fantasy XIII]]'' have Australian accents. Appropriately enough, Gran Pulse is an over the top [[Death World]] full of horrible monsters such as the Adamantoises (gigantic tusked tortoises the size of shopping malls), Gorgonopsids (think Dingos but with toxic breath), Megistotherians (''giant'' Gorgonopsids), King Behemoths, various Cieth and The Undying...and the dreaded Tonberries. And that's just the wildlife. Pulse's [[Killer Robot|Killer Robots]] and ''[[Giant Robot]]'' [[Killer Robot|Killer Robots]] can still be found in the ruins of Pulse's mining facilities and cities. All presided over by a mountain-sized [[Giant Robot]] god made out of lava that ''eats'' Adamantoises. And also, ironically, Gran Pulse is a planet underneath the smaller, inhabited "moon", Cocoon. So to the people of Cocoon, Gran Pulse is literally "the land down below".
* In the ''[[Halo (Video Gameseries)|Halo]]'' universe, Sydney is home to HIGHCOM Facility Bravo-6 (the Hive). It is the formal headquarters of the UNSCDF (i.e. top of the human military heap) and was presumably built in Australia so the Covenant could become better acquainted with the wildlife.
** Probably to do with the fact that even if they conquered it they have to travel halfway across the continent to get to the nearest major city, and if we wanted to defend Sydney they have no idea how to fight in terrain that can go from ocean to city to desert to farmland in less than 50km's.
*** Agreed, Have you ever been to adelaide?Less than one kilometre off the beac can be desert, then some large hills, then farmland, It's absolutely mental.
** And let's not forget Private Chips Dubbo.
* In ''[[Tony Hawks Under Ground (Video Game)|Tony Hawks Under Ground]] 2'', you get to visit Australia (Well actually Sydney). Looks right except that there's a Butterfinger ad where, in Australia, Butterfingers are never advertised.
* Miranda Lawson in ''[[Mass Effect 2 (Video Game)|Mass Effect 2]]'', while not specifically outed as Australian is voiced by Australian actress Yvonne Strahovski, who not only kept her natural accent but also acted as a model for the character's looks.
** Urnot Wreave wants Australia for helping the humans. ''He wants to live in a place more terrifying than his own [[Death World]].''
* ''[[Escape From Monkey Island (Video Game)|Escape Fromfrom Monkey Island]]'' features Ozzie Mandrill, an Australian property developer and [[Expy]] for [[Rupert Murdoch]]. He bests Guybrush in a bout of insult swordfighting, {{spoiler|1=and turns out to be working with LeChuck to find and control the Ultimate Insult.}}
* The newer [[Resident Evil]] games has the [http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=XA1yOCxDyGs#t=74s Black Tiger,] a giant Australian funnelweb. In real life they are that hard to kill and even deadlier, yes the T Virus makes it go through [[Badass Decay]].
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* According to ''[[Irregular Webcomic (Webcomic)|Irregular Webcomic]]'', Australian wildlife is ''[[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|exactly]]'' [http://www.irregularwebcomic.net/217.html this dangerous]. [http://www.irregularwebcomic.net/855.html Or this].
* During the recent Order of the Dragon arc in ''[[Fans]]'', Keith Feddyg took Australia when the Order caused worldwide chaos and rioting by literally destroying the concept of writing. As he observed, "You know how feral most of that continent is? The exotic killer wildlife will have destroyed human civilization by dinnertime. All I have to do is go back, find the leader of the survivors and melt his bowie knife." This gave him time to stab another Order member in the back and seek revenge against Ally.
* A [[Funny Background Event]] [http://www.agirlandherfed.com/1.512.html here] in ''[[A Girl and Her Fed (Webcomic)|A Girl and Her Fed]]'':
{{quote| SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Almost everything in Australia is made of poison, and if you find something that is not poisonous, watch out for the claws and the teeth.}}
* [[Bloody Urban (Webcomic)|Bloody Urban]] (which is set in an AU version of Sydney) [http://bloodyurban.smackjeeves.com/comics/1411640/tennis/ features a strip] which depicts the Australian open as being played entirely by crocodiles. The [[Alt Text]] for the page reads 'This is nothing. You should see our football.'
== Web Originals ==
* If one admits to being Australian on [[Image Boards|/tg/]], the first question asked is almost inevitably something along the lines of "How do you find the time to play ''[[Dungeons and Dragons (Tabletop Game)|DnD]]'' with all the poisonous snakes?" The answer, of course, is that it's a good idea to have a hobby when unable to leave the house due to the town being knee-deep in funnelweb spiders.
* There are multiple characters in the ''[[Whateley Universe (Literature)|Whateley Universe]]'' are Australian, Including Razorback, a large raptor-like mutant. Also, There are stories of events that occur in Australia such as the takedown of a rogue mutant in Darwin, as well as allusions to as-of-Yet unwritten events that occur to some of the Australian students during a home visit.
* [[Cracked (Website).com|Cracked]] has made a [[Running Gag]] of equating Australia with [[Death World]]. So has this wiki.
* Ben Powell, Brendan Wallace, and Jason Harris from ''[[Survival of the Fittest (Roleplay)|Survival of the Fittest]]''. They're all Aussie, though only Ben is played straight. You'd have to read the profiles of the latter two to find out they were actually Australian.
* In <s>one</s> most of his video reviews, [[Zero Punctuation (Web Animation)|Yahtzee]] takes time to complain about how much later games are released in Australia than the US. One of these reviews showed an outline of Australia, with labels in four places. One in the southwest of the map said "ME" and the other three scattered throughout said "SHEEP".
* ''[[Dragon Ball Abridged (Web Video)|Dragon Ball Abridged]]'': Jeice is from "Space Australia".
** More specifically, Space Brisbane. Go Space Broncos!
== Western Animation ==
* [[Disney Animated Canon|Disney's]] ''[[The Rescuers (Disney film)|Rescuers Down Under]]'' is set in Australia and revels in stereotypes, though its Dundee analog is the villain.
* An episode of ''[[Gargoyles (Animation)|Gargoyles]]'' where they visited Australia and the country was portrayed this way. Also Dingo's character in general. If you can get past the ludicrously over-the-top faux Australian accent long enough to pay attention to his words and behaviour, that is.
* When the heroes of ''[[Finding Nemo (Film)|Finding Nemo]]'' need to find Sydney, Australia, a helpful school arrange themselves as a likeness of the Opera House to confirm that it's where they want to go. ''Finding Nemo'' also features what must be the highest-rent dentist's office in the ''world'', what with the stunning harborside views and the price of Sydney real estate...
** Well, he ''was'' doing work on the Prime Minister in one scene...
* ''[[The Simpsons (Animationanimation)|The Simpsons]]'': "Bart vs. Australia" manages to make several goofs -- such as a didgeridoo made out of bamboo, being played by a woman -- as well as purposefully subverted stereotypes, such as a postage stamp proudly claiming, "30 Years of Electricity!" Surprisingly, many Aussies are quite fond of that episode.
** You know [[Our Dwarves Are All the Same|Dwarves]]... wonderful senses of humor.
{{quote| '''Aussie father''': Oi, Mr. Prime Minister.... ANDY!!!!<br />
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** In the episode "Lost Verizon" Bart prank calls a Tin-shack bar, ''on the edge of Sydney Harbour''.
* Parodied on ''[[Clone High]]'', when Gandhi runs into Daniel Feldspar, the "stereotypical Australian dragon", who Gandhi manages to distract by claiming that he's never tried vegemite.
* Although the Australian [[Story Arc]] of ''[[Exo Squad (Animation)|Exo Squad]]'' starts pretty inconspicuously in Canberra (not Sydney!), it soon progresses into the desert-aborigines-Ayers Rock routine. Australia is also just the right place to introduce vicious [[Half-Human Hybrid|half-beast/half-Neosapien]] Neo Warriors whose sole purpose is to search and destroy humans. [[Everything Trying to Kill You|They fit right in!]]
* ''[[Taz -Mania]]'', a show starring ''[[Looney Tunes (Animation)|Looney Tunes]]''' Tasmanian Devil, is supposedly set in the island of Tasmania, but is actually a [[Flanderization|Flanderized]] version of the Outback, and bears as much resemblance to the real Tasmania as Taz does to the real Tasmanian devil (that is, none at all). Apart from the [[Unstoppable Rage]].
* When the X-Men appeared on ''[[Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends]]'' and again in ''Pryde of the X-Men'' (the pilot for the first attempt to make an X-Men animated series, which wasn't picked up) usually Canadian X-Man [[Wolverine]] sported an Australian accent. Presumably because the producers couldn't imagine the toughest mutant in the world coming from anywhere else. (Decades later, it would turn out they were right - but at least Hugh Jackman was polite enough to fake it.)
* ''[[Scooby -Doo (Animationanimation)|Scooby Doo]] and the Legend of the Vampire'', featuring the worst (or, at least, the most bizarre) attempts at an Australian accent ever heard.
* For some reason, Jetfire in ''[[Transformers Cybertron (Anime)|Transformers Cybertron]]'' has an Australian accent.
* In the ''[[G.I. Joe]]'' universe, Cobra operative Major Bludd is from Sydney, and once served with the Australian SAS.
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*** Aussies aren't lacking in variety when it comes to booze. The Barossa Valley, north of Adelaide, is a HUGE exporter of wine.
** Goon: it's basically the equivalent to Nightrain, except far less classy and even more alcoholic.
* Australian entertainers include [[Cate Blanchett]], [[Nicole Kidman]], [[Hugh Jackman]], [[Russell Crowe]], [[Hugo Weaving]], [[Mel Gibson (Creator)|Mel Gibson]], and [[Nick Cave (Music)|Nick Cave]].
** Special mention goes to dancer and ''[[Dancing With the Stars]]'' veteran Kym Johnson, who's begun to acquire a reputation of being damn near indestructible. In one season of the American version, she endured a pretty nasty knee injury and continued to dance with partner Jerry Springer. That, however, is nothing compared to the season with Hines Ward. She suffered a difficult-to-watch neck injury while rehearsing, where she was in an awkward position on the floor, and Hines (who's over twice her size,) ''fell on top of her.'' She went on, not only to dance later that week, but to win the whole damn thing. Said attempts have only seemed to anger her.
* [http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10611973 Drunk Australian rides crocodile]. How stereotypical can you get?
** Here's an older story about [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7327984.stm a man wrestling with a crocodile to save his wife's life], if this doesn't make him an automatic [[Badass|badass]] I don't know what else could qualify.
** How about a ''[[Never Mess Withwith Granny|60 year old]]'' ''[http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/australasia/grandmother-tackles-crocodile--and-comes-out-on-top-543411.html grandmother]'' wrestling a crocodile to save a stranger?
* [[Australian Rules Football]]. Possibly one of the most violent games in the world. And the most skillful to boot.
** This Australian troper would like to relate that he heard of two American Football players came to Australia once and watched a game of AFL. When asked if they wanted to have a shot, they basically replied with "Are you NUTS?"
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