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A Song of Ice and Fire/Characters/House Greyjoy: Difference between revisions

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=== This is a listing of member of House Greyjoy that appear in the [[Fantasy]] series ''[[A Song of Ice and Fire (Literature)|A Song of Ice and Fire]]''. Visit [[A Song of Ice and Fire (Literature)/Characters|here]] for the main character index. ===
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* [[Jerkass]]: Like father, like son.
* [[Jerk Jock]]: Theon is definitely this, especially with his treatment of women.
* [[Line in Thethe Sand]]
* [[Madness Mantra]]: {{spoiler|"Reek, Reek, it rhymes with leek/sneak/weak/peek..." and "You have to know your ''name''!"}}
* [[Mind Rape]] [[Rape Asas Redemption|As Redemption]]: Theon is a [[Smug Snake]] [[Jerkass]], but {{spoiler|he's so broken by [[Complete Monster|Ramsay Bolton's]] physical, mental, and sexual abuse that}} it's impossible not to pity him.
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: During his {{spoiler|takeover of Winterfell, Bran and Rickon}} escape, so Theon (thinking it's better to be hated than laughed at) mounts their heads on the wall. {{spoiler|It's not really Bran and Rickon, just a miller's children, but the fact remains that he beheaded two innocent children in a desperate attempt to maintain his authority.}} He then threatens to do it ''again'' later to {{spoiler|Ser Rodrick's daughter, who he had grown up with in Winterfell.}} It's really hard to feel sorry for him after this.
** It is testament to {{spoiler|just how terrible his torture at the hands of Ramsay Bolton was}} that most readers ''do'' actually feel sorry for him.
* [[Never My Fault]]: {{spoiler|Though in A Dance with Dragons he finally does admit responsibility for his crimes, it takes him being reduced to a broken shell of a man for him to do so.}}
* [[Raised Byby Natives]]: The first 10 years with the Greyjoys and the later 10 with the Starks. The result? He is too much of a Stark to be a Greyjoy, and too much of a Greyjoy to be a Stark.
** {{spoiler|In a Dance with Dragons, he comes to the realization that all he ever wanted was to be a Stark, which he never could be.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Rape Byby Proxy]]: Ramsay Bolton orders "Reek" to assist him in the bedding of his new wife "Arya " On the wedding night.}}
* [[Slave to PR]]: Desperately wants the approval of his family, and bitterly resents it that even his efforts to [[Pet the Dog]] after taking Winterfell are met with contempt.
* [[Smug Snake]]: Theon's combination of smugness and self-pitying angst is extremely annoying.
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* [[She Is All Grown Up]]: Theon, not recognizing her after first coming home in ten years, immediately tries to seduce her. ''Victarion'' has a moment of this too, when he thinks Asha is suggesting that she be his queen.
* [[Stepford Smiler]]: She is implied to be this, in order to fit in as a female leader in the violent, male-dominated Iron Islands society. The first time we see her use the quote about the ax and the dagger, it's awesome. When she starts repeating it, it comes across as a rehearsed defense mechanism.
* [[Surrounded Byby Idiots]]: Feels this way a lot among her fellow Ironborn.
== '''Aeron Greyjoy'''* ==
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* [[Near-Death Experience]]
* [[Rape Asas Drama]]: It's strongly implied that Euron sexually abused him as a child. This is the source of the bedroom door's screaming hinge, and the reason he hates Euron so much.
* [[Red Baron]]: He is much more commonly called Damphair or The Damphair than his real name due to his habit of bathing in the ocean. Similarly, his followers are called The Drowned Men.
* [[Status Quo Is God]]: His primary motivation.
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* [[The Captain]]: not just of his own ship, but of the ''entire Iron Fleet''.
* [[Divided We Fall]]: Asha warns him that they have to work together to keep Euron from being selected King. He laughs it off, refusing to make her his [[Number Two]] because it goes against tradition. Too bad, because the support of Asha and her followers might have been enough to win the throne.
* [[Drunk Onon the Dark Side]]: Whatever Moqorro did to heal his hand had some impact on his personality, making him even more violent and brutal.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: He does a lot of bad things, ([[Obliviously Evil|believing all the while that what he's doing is right, of course]]) but the cruelty and excesses of Euron disgust him.
* [[Evil Laugh]]: Victarion does not like laughter; he was the butt of too many cruel japes from Balon, Euron and Aeron as a boy. But then {{spoiler|Moqorro heals his rotting hand...}}
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* [[Obliviously Evil]]: Victarion does many monstrously evil actions, but doesn't see them that way because he's so devoted to Ironborn morals and traditions to be consciously evil. 'Evil' is also such a relative thing in this setting...
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]]: Given that the Ironborn are basically Vikings, this was to be expected.
* [[Double Standard Rape (Male Onon Male)]]: Doesn't quite have this attitude, but certainly does not see it as a big deal. When a maester on his ship comes to him to tell him that three men dragged him into the hold and "used him as a woman", Victarion treats it as a tiresome complaint, and simply tells him to man up and gives him a dagger to stop it happening again (despite being well aware the man will probably not be able to use it.) Later, when his arm is hurt, he tells the same maester "I'll make the crew a gift of your arse" if he can't heal him.
* [[Real Men Love Jesus|Real Men Love The Drowned God]]: Victarion is a very, very religious man. So much so that he has no fear of drowning and wears extremely heavy (and protective) armour even while sailing. In the Ironborn's faith, if a man dies by drowning the Drowned God take his souls to his watery halls (think Valhalla with a slight underwater theme) to drink and fight and feast and fuck mermaids (don't think too hard about the last part) for eternity. {{spoiler|After Moqorro heals his arm he starts worshiping R'hilor a bit on the side too.}}
* [[Right Hand of Doom]]: The "volcanic arm" he gets after being healed by Moqorro in ADWD.
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* [[Rousing Speech]]: He delivers one of these to the Ironborn to get himself chosen King.
* [[Smug Snake]]: Euron fancies himself a [[Chessmaster]] when he returns to the Iron Islands and wins the throne, but he's not all that good at manipulating the Ironmen. When they start to resist his grand ambitions, he has no answer but to walk away in a huff. He also seems to be completely oblivious to the fact that Victarion hates his guts.
* [[Villain Withwith Good Publicity]]: Euron may be sinister, but he was propelled fairly to the Seastone Chair, through his rallying of the Ironmen and compelling speeches.
== '''Wex Pyke''' ==
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Theon's illegitimate cousin and squire who was born mute. Wex accompanies Theon on his travels/turn to villainy in the second book. {{spoiler|It is revealed in ''A Dance With Dragons'' to have survived the sack of the Winterfell, and now serves as a secret source of information to the Stark-loyalist Northern lords.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Put Onon a Bus]] / [[The Bus Came Back]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Sole Survivor]]: Aside from Bran's party, he's the only person who witnessed Ramsay's sack of Winterfell who wasn't killed and/or captured. This makes him a valuable source of information to the Northern lords, since Wex knows that the Boltons torched Winterfell, not Theon, and that Bran and Rickon are alive. He even knows where to find Rickon.}}
* [[Silent Snarker]]: Despite being unable to talk, it's clear he inherited the family jerkassery.
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