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== Anime & Manga ==
* In a an infamous episode of ''[[Pokémon (Animeanime)|Pokémon]]'' (see [[Lethal Chef]]), James describes May's culinary disaster:
{{quote| '''James''': "It has a hint of...[[Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping|how you say]]...jet fuel. With ze aftertaste of burning tortoise."}}
** Wait, doesn't he mean [[Hold Your Hippogriffs|burning Squirtle]]?
** Inverted with Dawn's mom's Poffin recipe for her Glameow, the Meowth of Team Rocket likes it -- and both are cat-based Pokemon.
* In ''[[Moyashimon]]'', Tadayasu describes the taste of [[Foreign Queasine|hongeohoe]] (stingray sashimi that's been fermented in the ray's own urea and digestive juices) like this: "You know how at campsites, the filthy cramped men's bathroom just has one long urinal trough? I feel like I just picked up a piece of toilet paper that's been stewing in there for a few weeks and put it in my mouth."
* In an early chapter of ''[[Gintama (Manga)|Gintama]]'', Gin puts [http://www.mangareader.net/307-21387-5/gintama/chapter-48.html some of everything in the fridge into their nabe.] When [[Big Eater|Kagura]] tries it, she comments, "It tastes like Gin-chan's feet." Promptly lampshaded by Gin.
* According to ''[[Shin Chan]]'', green peppers taste like crotch.
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'''Cassidy''': "[[Or So I Heard|...or so I'd assume.]]" }}
*** The [[Funny Aneurysm Moment]] (or [[Reverse Funny Aneurysm]]) occurs in a later issue. {{spoiler|Cassidy DOES know what it tastes like, as he blew a guy regularly for heroin at one of the lowest points of his (un)life}}.
* [[She Hulk|She-Hulk]] has offered Valkrie a light beer. Val's reaction after a swig? "It tastes like my horse crawled into my mouth and died." It doesn't stop her from asking for "more of this swill" later, though.
* In ''[[Astro City]]'', Astra Furst says her breakfast tastes "manganese-flavor" (after her mother tells her it is supposed to be grape-flavor). Still, if anyone is going to know what manganese tastes like, it's probably Astra.
* A variation occurs in one episode of ''[[Suske Enen Wiske]]'' (Spike and Suzy). Two cigarette-smoking [[Mooks]] are guarding a shed when it catches fire, prompting one mook to ask the other "Hey, are you smoking your mattress?"
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''Austin'': It's a bit nutty. }}
** [[Two Words]]: [[wikipedia:Kopi Luwak|Kopi Luwak]].
* In the Steve Martin vehicle ''[[LAL.A. Story]]'', the protagonists best friend gives him a glass full of some sort of experimental beverage. Upon being asked how it is, he replies "It's exactly like licking a shag carpet."
* You may recall the scene from ''[[The Matrix]]'', where the Nebuchadnezzar's crew is sitting around the mess room talking about the taste -- or non-taste, as the case may be -- of [[Tastes Like Chicken|chicken]].
* In ''[[Tremors]] 2'', survivalist Burt gives Earl and Grady some of his MREs to eat:
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* In ''[[The Other Guys]]'', Detective Gamble (played by [[Will Ferrell]]) tends to be verbally abusive to his wife (Eva Mendes) for reasons known only to himself.
{{quote| "Who would slow-roast a dog's ass over a fire and serve it to their husband?"}}
* Dracula is forced to feed on a wino in ''[[Love Atat First Bite]]'':
{{quote| What was that maniac drinking? Tastes like the Volga River at low tide.}}
* ''[[Antz (Animation)|Antz]]'':
{{quote| '''Ladybug:''' This tastes just like crap.<br />
'''Beetle:''' Really? Let me try some. Hey, it ''is'' crap. Not bad. }}
* [[Clerks II|"Hey Silent Bob, does this shit taste like piss and flies to you too?"]]
* In ''[[Scream (Filmfilm)|Scream]] 4'', Gale claims that Judy's lemon squares taste like ass.
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* In ''[[Dave Barry]] Does Japan'' Dave describes trying out a Japanese energy drink called Hugo, and all he can say is "it better be healthful, because it tastes like coyote spit."
* In [[Tamora Pierce]]'s ''[[Circle of Magic]]'' books, a character is made to drink willow tea, which she complains tastes like horse urine. Coolly, the healer informs her that horse urine tastes far worse.
* Parodied in the ''[[Discworld]]'' book ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Monstrous Regiment|Monstrous Regiment]]''. Igor comments that the beer tastes like [[Speech Impediment|horthe pithth]], and when asked if he's ever drunk horse piss, responds in the positive. Later, after the barkeep has been "persuaded" to produce the good stuff, Igor sticks with the original beer, commenting "Look, I never thaid I didn't ''like'' it."
*** Possibly [[Shown Their Work]], as all Igors are primitive doctors, and taste-testing urine samples is an ancient means of diagnosing ailments such as diabetes.
** Much earlier on, in ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Equal Rites|Equal Rites]]'';
{{quote| '''Esk''' (to bartender): "Milk. You know, ''milk''. You get it from cows."<br />
'''Narrator''': All the bartender had was beer, which his customers claimed he got from cats... }}
*** In Ankh-Morpork, you don't buy beer - you rent it (just think about it for one minute). Of course, it's better than the river "water".
**** Which is only called such because it's too thin to plow...
** In ''[[Discworld (Literature)/The Last Hero|The Last Hero]]'', one of the Silver Horde tells the inexperienced bard they're dragging with them that the fish-demons they just chopped up will make a perfectly good meal because "When you're hungry enough, everything [[Tastes Like Chicken]]". He's right.
* At one point in [[Stephen King]]'s ''[[The Dark Tower|Dark Tower]]'' series of novels, Eddie asks Roland if raccoon-like billy-bumblers make good eating. Roland answers no, they're horrible: tough and gamy, and he'd sooner eat dog. When quizzed, he confirms that, yes, he's also eaten dog meat.
* In ''[[Animorphs (Literature)|Animorphs]]'', this is Lampshaded when Rachel comments that a force field they're swimming through generates a sensation 'like chewing on aluminium foil with a mouth full of fillings' and Marco asks her how she'd know what that feels like...
** And Inverted everytime Ax morphs into his human form, as he truly enjoys such things as motor oil and cigarette butts.
* The book ''Good Morning, Miss Dove'' had a flashback sequence in which the title character, teaching about the habits of a species of bear, mentioned that they liked to eat red ants, which taste like cinnamon. A smart-alecky student asked how the textbook's writer '''knew''' how they tasted. "Did he taste some? Or did he ask a bear?" (Miss Dove reprimanded her; raising a legitimate question was fine, but the "ask a bear" part was going too far.) In the story's present day, it's revealed that the student later actually ate some red ants as an experiment and found that they '''do''' taste like cinnamon.
* A character in Tom Wolfe's novel ''[[The Bonfire of the Vanities]]'' says that Chinese wine tastes like dead mouse. In this case the phrase probably comes to him because The Dead Mouse is his nickname for his boss.
** [http://www.null-hypothesis.co.uk/science//item/weird_science_baby_mouse_wine You wouldn't believe me if I told you...]
* One of the stories in one of the ''[[Clue (Tabletop Gamegame)|Clue]]'' books revolves around the characters' favorite soda flavors. Most of them are innocuous, albeit strange flavors for soda: mouthwash, yams, grape jam, chicken, and squash. Mrs. White's favorite, however, tastes like ''floor wax'' (as in, that's what it's actually ''supposed'' to taste like).
** Maybe she thinks of it more as a [http://www.hulu.com/watch/61320/saturday-night-live-shimmer-floor-wax dessert topping]?
* Example of a positive comparison in ''[[Paper Towns]]'': Lacey tastes a GoFast bar for the first time and says it [[Tastes Like Purple|"tastes like hope feels".]] Ben describes the taste of GoFast bars as "what blood tastes like to mosquitoes", which was probably ''intended'' as a positive comparison but makes them sound a lot less appealing.
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* A character in the short story 'Luvina' in the book ''El Llano en Llamas'' by Mexican writer Juan Rulfo mentions that warm beer tastes like donkey piss (which prompts the question if cold donkey piss tastes like beer...)
* In the book ''Skinnybones'', the main character's grandmother says she doesn't feed her cats a certain kind of cat food because "It tastes like rubber." The main character remarks that he isn't sure if he should be more concerned that this means she's tasted the cat food herself, or that she's eaten rubber.
* ''[[Agatha H and The Airship City (Literature)|Agatha H and The Airship City]]'':
{{quote| But this - this was new low. He looked at the crudely printed label on the bottle in his hand. "Beetle Beer" it proclaimed. Fair enough, he thought, I can believe that.}}
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* ''[[The Tenth Kingdom]]'' has a subversion. Tony tastes baked beanstalk (no, not baked beans. BEANSTALK). "It tastes like an old mattress!" "No, it doesn't. Old mattresses have a sweaty, meaty taste."
* In the ''[[Supernatural]]'' episode "Malleus Mallificarum," Ruby saves Dean from coughing up a lung (it's a long story) with a disgusting cure. While it's witchcraft, he seems to think "it tastes like ass," leading to gleeful viewer speculation as to [[Incest Subtext|whose he's been tasting.]]
* A similar joke to the one above takes place in an episode of ''[[Charmed (TV)|Charmed]]'', complete with a [[Last-Second Word Swap]] that doesn't make things better. Piper drinks a potion, gags, then says, "Ugh, it tastes like ass... phalt."
* In an episode of ''[[Monk]]'', the titular character, a [[Terrified of Germs|mysophobe]], freaks out after discovering that the wine he has been drinking had been pressed by feet. He remarks, "It's ''foot wine''...I can taste the feet...and toes."
* From British comedy show ''[[QI]]'':
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{{quote| '''Mason''': This juice tastes like ass! Here, you try it!<br />
'''George''': No thanks, I'm trying to stay off the ass juice. }}
* A ''[[Whose Line Is It Anyway?]]'' Scenes From a Hat sketch had Colin boasting, "I make murals from my own feces!" Later in the same segment but with different parameters, Wayne complained that a drink "tastes like a painting by Colin Mochrie!"
** A variation from a different episode where the suggestion was "rejected perfume fragrances":
{{quote| Wayne: "I call it, 'Like Ass'!"}}
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** He might not have been talking about the ''[[Cool, Clear Water|taste]]''...
* On an episode of ''[[Good News Week]]'', Paul McDermott referred to Fosters as tasting like "watered down horse piss". There was a moment's pause and then he asked "How do we know that?".
* In an episode of ''[[Corner Gas (TV)|Corner Gas]]'', Brent says Oscar's cooking tastes like bug repellent.
** [[Continuity Nod|Considering that in one episode]], [[Justified Trope|Wanda questioned his placement of bug repellent and cooking spray on the same shelf]]...
** From another episode, Brent's description of Oscar's homemade beer:
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* Rob Schneider once appeared on a talkshow in Singapore, during a regional tour to promote ''[[Deuce Bigalow]]'' - he was treated to several regional fruits, including the [[wikipedia:Durian|durian]] which he described as tasting like "men's locker room".
* An episode of ''[[Better Off Ted]]'' had a professional food tester try out some lab-grown meat. He decides it tastes like "Despair".
* Dr. [[House (TV series)|House]] rules out the possibility that a patient had accidentally eaten large quantities of horse chestnuts by pointing out that they "taste like a horse's lower-than-chest nuts." [[Rule of Funny|How he knows]] [[Foreign Queasine|what that tastes like]] [[But You Screw One Goat!|is not specified.]]
** While possibly being hyperbolic in the above example, House in one episode determined a patient was diabetic by Squick tasting her urine and declaring that it tasted sweeter than normal urine.
* Hyde talking to Kelso in ''[[That Seventies70s Show]]'':
{{quote| "What's convenient isn't always what's best. If it was, this frozen pizza wouldn't taste like monkey butt."}}
* One episode of ''[[Arthur of the Britons (TV)|Arthur of the Britons]]'' had Arthur attempting to unite two tribes. During a feast, he suggests the two tribes swap their bread. This almost leads to a riot as each side tries the other's bread and declares it to be 'frog spawn' or some other insult.
* Somewhat averted on ''[[Salute Your Shorts]]'' when Sponge drank some of Telly's bulk-up formula.
{{quote| '''Sponge:''' This tastes like Donkeylips's socks' smell!}}
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{{quote| Marshall: When you've had the best burger in New York City, every other burger tastes like my grandpa's feet. But you guys eat up, enjoy my grandpa's feet.}}
* Subverted in ''[[Leverage]]''. Parker walks up to a guard and asks, "does this smell like chloroform to you?" before knocking him out with it.
* Gordon Ramsey can get a bit colorful when describing one of his chef's badly cooked dishes on [[HellsHell's Kitchen]]. He at one point describes a soup as tasting like gnat's piss, and also describes an undercooked meat as being "like a bison's penis."
* Averted in '''[[Lost Girl]]''. Foot soup actually tastes pretty good. So good in fact, Kenzi didn't know it was foot soup until she was told. [[I Ate What?|She didn't take it well]].
* Happens with Gabe's homemade health tonic in ''[[Life With Boys]]''. In a [[Strange Minds Think Alike]] moment, everybody who tastes it likens its taste to some kind of mythological creature in a bathing facility of some kind; e.g. "a gnome's steam bath" or "a hairy troll's hot tub".
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== Music ==
* [[Eric Bogle (Music)|Eric Bogle]]'s "Goodbye Lucky Country":
{{quote| The beer still tastes like glue}}
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== Videogames ==
* In ''[[Deus Ex (Video Game)|Deus Ex]]'', the following exchange takes place in a bar:
{{quote| '''JC Denton:''' "How are the drinks here?"<br />
'''Renault:''' "Great if you like rat piss."<br />
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{{quote| '''Crewman Hawthorne''': Rupert! There's something different with tonight's meal! Seems like you put in more food and less ass.<br />
'''Mess Sargent Rupert Gardner''' [sarcastically]: Yeah, yeah, keep talkin'. }}
* [[Bio WareBioWare]] seems to love this trope, as ''[[Jade Empire]]'' gives a good one in regards to a [[Hideous Hangover Cure]].
{{quote| '''Three Sheets Dutong:''' I hate that restorative potion! Ugh! That stuff tastes like vomit baked in a glaze of goat hair and garnished with a sprinkling of horse dung.}}
* ''[[The Sims]] Medieval'' has a moodlet "Tasteless Treat: That tasted like sheep hooves, only worse!"
* [http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12645 A quest] in [[World of Warcraft]] has you passing around a sample of beer to three NPCs. Two like it, the third says it tastes like engine degreaser.
* In ''The Secret Armory of General Knoxx'' DLC of ''[[Borderlands (Video Game)|Borderlands]]'', the titular General Knoxx describes [[Death World|Pandora]] as smelling like "Hemorrhoids wrapped in bacon".
== Web Animation ==
* In ''[[Salad FingersSaladfingers]]'', "Hubert Cumberdale, you taste like soot and poo."
** Too bad we'll never find out the taste of Jeremy Fisher. [[Meaningful Name|Unless]]...?
* In ''[[Red vs. Blue]]'', Grif, while under the effects of a malfunctioning speed unit, mentions that he can smell clouds.
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* [[Problem Sleuth|It has a funny taste. You can't put your finger on it, but if you had to describe it you would say it has the flavor of INTENSE PAIN.]]
* [[Krakow|Kia]]'s cooking apparently tastes like a clown raping one's mouth. Good luck figuring that one out.
* [http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_1064.php Litteraly] used in ''[[Dan and MabsMab's Furry Adventures]]''.
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* ''The [[Binder of Shame]]'': The appropriately-nicknamed El Disgusto "passed out while cooking and got kind of saturated", resulting in a smell which was described by Johnny Tangent as reminding him of "a fire in a restaurant or clowns crying or something".
* The website ''[http://www.cockeyed.com/inside/hearts/hearts.html How Much Is Inside]'' once did a tally of the phrases within a bag of candy hearts. They also taste-tested each color and concluded that the "pink" hearts taste like "cherry cough syrup and foot."
* In the [[Zero Punctuation]] review of the ''[[Bionic Commando (Video Game)|Bionic Commando]]'' reboot Yahtzee compares the taste of Pepsi to the taste of "someone wringing out his old gymsocks into my mouth."
* In ''[[Freemans Mind]]'', Gordon says bullsquid snot "tastes like dead caterpillars." Similarly, based on the smell after [[Kill It Withwith Fire|roasting the tentacles]] in Blast Pit, he says he's pretty sure it tastes [[Averted Trope|nothing]] [[Tastes Like Chicken|like chicken]]. He surmises it would instead taste like grasshoppers, admitting he's never tried them.
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{{quote| '''Billy''': "It tastes like my cat."<br />
'''Dwarf''': "They taste like everyone's cat!" }}
* In one episode of ''[[Beetlejuice (Animationanimation)|Beetlejuice]]'', Lydia is learning to cook, and offers one of her salads to BJ to taste. He takes a bite, hesitates, sees Lydia's warning glare, and, straining for a compliment about the salad, finally concludes that "It tastes... uh... green!" This from a guy who snacks on beetles.
* Stewie in ''[[Family Guy]]'': "What's that smell? Smells like sweat, anger, and shame!"
* ''[[The Venture Brothers (Animation)|The Venture Brothers]]'' - Phantom Limb offers Dr. Girlfriend some Asiago cheese while pompously holding forth on its quality; she grimaces and comments "Tastes like the inside of an old Thermos!"
* Jude from ''[[Sixteen|6teen]]'' once used "This tea tastes like a dirty gymsock."
* A two-part episode of ''[[Invader Zim]]'' is titled "[[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|Gaz, Taster of Pork]]". In it, Gaz gains the powers of the Shadow Hog, making everything taste "like pig".
* A [[Running Gag]] on ''[[Rugrats]]'' (Each one [[It Makes Sense in Context|makes sense in context]]):
{{quote| "This coffee tastes like mud."<br />
"It ''is'' mud." }}
* In one [[Bad Future]] episode of ''[[Conan the Adventurer (Animationanimation)|Conan the Adventurer]]'', the titular barbarian hero has to drink an antivenom potion that he disgustedly proclaims to taste like "fermented camel spit". Considering one of the ingredients is venom from the serpent demon-god he's fighting, the taste is probably somewhat justified.
* In a ''[[Johnny Test]]'' episode, [[Lethal Chef|Johnny's Dad]] is trying to make healthy cookies and gives some for Johnny to try. Johnny then proclaims that the cookies taste like dirt. Johnny's Dad then produces a plate of dirt [[Abusive Parents|which he then insists that Johnny eat for comparison]]. Johnny apologizes for saying the cookies taste like dirt, because the dirt tastes * better* .
* Noodle of [[Gorillaz]] declared in the [http://www.gorillaz-unofficial.com/media_archive/Gorillaz-Unofficial%20Radio%201%20webchat.htm Radio 1 webchat] that Murdoc smells "like halitosis on toast". More recently, 2D declared that Murdoc's singing sounds "like someone treading on a duck".
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* ''[[Total Drama Action]]'': after being forced to kiss Duncan in one of the challenges, Heather disgustedly exclaims that he "tastes like street!".
* Happened in ''[[Doug]]'' when the school is selling chocolate door to door. Doug couldn't make any sales because the residents complain they taste like cement. Doug eventually discovers this was because cement got into the chocolate in the factory.
* On a related note, Eduardo from ''[[FostersFoster's Home for Imaginary Friends]]'' once had to pretend he '''liked''' the taste of feet, licking people's toes while gushing about the "footy goodness". He was actually covering for a puppy that he'd been hiding in the house, and it's clear that he (unlike the puppy) found the flavor revolting.
** In the episode that introduced Cheese, a girl named Louise emerges from a bathroom saying "Your soap smells like feet."
* In ''[[Jimmy Two-Shoes]]'', an old lady says that Lucius' ice cream "tastes like old feet". According to [[Enfant Terrible|Heloise]], that's the secret ingredient.
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* ''[[The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack]]'': "This candy takes like horse poop, Cap'n!"
** Flapjack is, it should be mentioned, attempting to eat a flower at the time.
* ''[[SpongebobSpongeBob SquarePants]]'', when Squidward is subbing for SpongeBob at the Krusty Krab grill.
{{quote| '''Customer #1:''' You call this food? My sandwich tastes like a fried boot!<br />
'''Customer #2:''' My sandwich ''is'' a fried boot! }}
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** Even Americans familiar with other beers liken it to tasting like piss (We need our own version, though. Dog piss?)
*** Horses and goats are the most common comparison.
* Speaking of beer, an old style of beer common to Belgium is the "wild ale"; a ''saison'' or "farmhouse" style (so named because it was common at one time for every farmer to brew his own beer). Unlike most beers, which are brewed with cultured yeasts of the ''Saccharomyces'' family, Wild ales [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|are brewed with wild yeasts]], which also includes strains of ''Brettanomyces''. "Brett" yeasts impart a taste which is commonly described as "like a barnyard, including the animals".
* Virtually anything grape-flavored can be described as tasting very purple. Most of them taste nothing like grapes.
* A less specific real-life example. How many times haven't you heard someone describing something as "tasting like crap"? Most people have probably used a comparison like that themselves at some point.
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