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''For the [[Atari 2600]] game '' '''[[Raiders of the Lost Ark (Videovideo Gamegame)|Raiders of the Lost Ark]]'' ''', see [[Raiders of the Lost Ark (Film)/YMMV|here]].''
* [[Alas, Poor Villain]]: [[Anti-Villain|Dr. Elsa Schneider]]. Both Indy and his father in-movie are sorry about her fate.
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** A good number of fans take [[Absent-Minded Professor|Marcus Brody's]] deterioration in competence {{spoiler|and death before the start of the fourth movie}} as evidence that he had a condition (say, Alzheimer's) chipping away at his cognitive abilities.
* [[And the Fandom Rejoiced]]: If there's one thing just about every fan agrees on, it's that bringing back Karen Allen as Marion Ravenwood was ''awesome.''
* [[Angst? What Angst?]]: In ''The Last Crusade'', Elsa is severely traumatized, screaming her head off, {{spoiler|as Donovan dies right in front of her eyes, from something she delibarately did to him no less,}} and yet in the next scene she acts as if nothing happened.
* [[Big Lipped Alligator Moment]]: ''Kingdom of the Crystal Skull'' has Mutt ''swinging with hundreds of CGI monkeys''. Also counts as [[Narm]].
* [[Broken Base]]:
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* [[Evil Is Sexy]]: [[The Baroness|Irina Spalko]].
** Elsa from ''The Last Crusade''. Holy hell, that woman was gorgeous.
* [[First Installment Wins]]: Of all the ''Indiana Jones'' works, ''[[Raiders of the Lost Ark (Film)|Raiders of the Lost Ark]]'' is the one whose actual plot you're most likely to remember.
** Unless it's ''The Last Crusade'', because of the quest for the Grail and [[Sean Connery]] as Henry Jones Sr. But having said that, ''Crusade'' is the most well-remembered of the sequels largely because of its faithfulness in tone to the original.
* [[Hilarious in Hindsight]]: From ''Raiders'': [[Snakes Onon a Plane|There's a big snake in the plane!]]
** The scene in ''Last Crusade'' where Henry Sr. subdues a Nazi soldier by spraying his face with ink from his pen, leading Marcus to say "[[The Pen Is Mightier]] than the sword!", is funnier in light of the ''[[Saturday Night Live]]'' "Celebrity Jeopardy!" sketch where [[Sean Connery]] <ref> played by Darrell Hammond</ref> [[The Problem Withwith Pen Island|misreads "The Pen Is Mightier" as "The Penis Mightier".]]
** The "no ticket" scene is much funnier now that [http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2073231/Big-Man-Scotrail-ticket-video-Alan-Pollock-throws-fare-dodger-Sam-Main-train.html something similar happened in 2011.] It counts double when you realize that Indy tried to pass himself as a Scottish Lord earlier in the film. "How dare he?"
* [[Memetic Mutation]]:
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* [[Mood Whiplash]]: Most of the scenes that aren't horrifying are amusing.
* [[The Scrappy]]: Willie, Short Round, and Mutt.
* [[Ships That Pass in Thethe Night]] - [[Anti-Villain|Elsa]] and [[Badass Grandpa|Henry Sr.]] canonically have this relationship, with Henry Sr. using this ''exact'' phrase to describe it.
* [[Special Effect Failure]]: Prevented by, of all people, the MPAA in ''Raiders''. The model of {{spoiler|Belloq's}} head which explodes during the film's climax can be seen in the behind-the-scenes footage of the DVD, and was laughably unconvincing. However, the MPAA objected to the blood and brain fragments that could be seen after the explosion, and so the film makers obscured the sequence by superimposing flames over the footage... which had the side-effect of covering up the model's deficiencies and making the scene look pretty convincing!
* [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks]]: According to some people, ''Kingdom of the Crystal Skull'' had plenty of this.
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