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This is a page about the characters appearing in ''[[Fate Hollow Ataraxia (Visual Novel)|Fate/hollow ataraxia]]''. Beware of spoilers.
While the cast is almost identical to that of ''[[Fate Stay Night (Visual Novel)|Fate/stay night]]'', they tend to play different roles. Please do not add tropes from ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]'' to this page unless they also appear here. For the normal ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]'' character page, please go [[Fate/stay Stay Night (Visual Novel)night/Characters|here]] instead for the disambiguation page.
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The protagonist of the series, Shirou is a rather untalented magus whose only skill is basic Tracing and Reinforcement magic, which allows him to analyze the physical make-up of an object and then strengthen it. His dream is to become a "Hero of Justice", someone who can selflessly protect the lives of everyone from disaster. He inherited this dream from his adoptive father Kiritsugu Emiya {{spoiler|([[Fate /Zero (Literature)|who had given up on it]])}} and is extremely naive on what it takes to reach that ideal.
After the Grail War ended Shirou, oddly enough, seems to have mostly retired into a casual day to day existence that is only interrupted by the sudden restarting of the Grail War, which he feels he needs to investigate as well as his confusion as to how the Servants are all still around.
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* [[Bully Hunter]]: He was this as a child.
* [[Chronic Hero Syndrome]]
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: He tends to snark a lot [[FirstpersonFirst-Person Smartass|in his internal monologues]], even more than he did in ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]].''
{{quote| '''Saber:''' [[Blatant Lies|These are the catalysts]]<ref>It's exercise equipment and she's playing with it</ref> [[Blatant Lies|that Rin left behind. I was testing them all one by one just in case they absorbed prana, transformed and can now exert some evil influence!]]<br />
'''Shirou's inner monologue:''' I try to imagine being attacked by a pull-up bar. ...Definitely not something you'd get out of alive, that. }}
** In order to pass the Night Quiz, you actually have to give snarky answers to the 'mysterious Quiz Ogre's' questions.
* [[Determinator]]:
* [[Dual -Wielding]]: He picked up Archer's dual wielding style.
* [[Expy]]: Shirou shares a character model with [[Kara noKarano Kyoukai (Literature)|Tomoe Enjou]]; the two have similar issues regarding what is fake and what is real, as well. Also, Shirou becomes an [[Artificial Human]] like Tomoe [[Multiple Endings|in the True End of]] ''[[Multiple Endings|Heaven’s Feel]]'' in '"[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]''.
* [[Eyes of Gold]]: Rather unusual for a protagonist.
* [[The Fettered]]: Shirou's ideal of wanting to save everybody is a large source of his strength. His abilities appear to have arisen specifically because of this, as explored in the final two routes of ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]].''
* [[FirstpersonFirst-Person Smartass]]: Not very obvious. Then the realization hits that his narration is ''just as sarcastic'' as Rin's and boggling occurs. He is more of a snarker than people give him credit for, especially around Rin. Archer is basically what he would be like if he wasn't so polite all the time, is it any wonder why he and Rin have such great chemistry?
* {{spoiler|[[Grand Theft Me]]: Via [[Demonic Possession|Avenger]]}}
* [[Happily Adopted]]
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* [[Invocation]]: Trace... ON!
{{quote| '''Shirou''': Touei, Kaishi!}}
* [[Mega Manning]]: The whole point of Projection magic is that it lets Shirou use any weapon he has seen the original of. Also, Saber gets pissed off when she realizes that he's not only been learning directly from her and copying Archer's technique<ref>As seen in ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]'' proper</ref> but also picked up a move from Rider and copies a bit of what he's seen Lancer and Assassin do.
* [[Nice Guy]]: Being a bit... er, [[Stay in Thethe Kitchen|overprotective]] doesn't hide the fact that he's considerate, thoughtful, and industrious.
* [[Normally I Would Be Dead Now]]: Shirou is apparently not allowed to do anything awesome without first being reduced to a near-dead cripple. ''Ever''.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: Twice yet. Once when he was orphaned in the Fuyuki Fire, and a second time when Kiritsugu passed away.
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* [[Fan Nickname]]: Baguette McFraggleRock, along with others.
* [[Groundhog Day Loop]]: This is more of a setting trope, but it's worth mentioning here since {{spoiler|the four day loop is being maintained by Avenger to keep her alive, after all}}.
* [[Hot Chick in Aa Badass Suit]]: Of course.
* [[Infinite Supplies]]: Averted, she only has a finite amount of [[Counter Attack|Fraga]][[One -Hit Kill|rachs]] in her possession, so she has to plan how to efficiently use them in battle. Of course, because of the loop, she gets a new supply with each new life.
** Until she learns to control it, then she'll be on par of Ciel from Tsukihime.
* [[Love Before First Sight]]: Bazett's had a big crush on Lancer since her childhood. She hadn't actually ''met'' him or anything - she was just a big fan of [[Celtic Mythology|the Ulster Cycle]].
* [[Memento MacGuffin]]: Her earrings are {{spoiler|a trademark of the Red Branch Knights. I wonder if those earrings Lancer wears are related at all..}}.
* [[The Stoic]]: She gives off this aura, but as Avenger discovers, she's really quite timid and emotional.
* [[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"]]: So is it "Bazett" or "Bazette"?
* [[Sugar and Ice Personality]]: She acts more like this as time goes on. Unlike Caren she doesn't get an H-scene though.
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She fights with a unique kind of cloth spear, and is {{spoiler|Kotomine's long-lost daughter}}.
* [[Bandage Babe]]: Due to the [[Blessed Withwith Suck]] / [[Body Horror]] below.
* [[Blessed Withwith Suck]]: Caren's body reacts to the presence of evil spirits, so the Church likes using her as their radar.
* [[Body Horror]]: This involves ''{{spoiler|spikes erupting from under her skin}}''.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
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* [[Nice Hat]]
* [[Nom De Mom]]: She uses her mother's surname of Ortensia, rather than her father's, {{spoiler|Kotomine}} because he essentially abandoned her.
* [[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"]]: Caren or Karen.
* [[The Tease]]: She enjoys picking on others to the point of sexually harassing them, and her revealing battle costume is stated to be both for mobility and to [[Invoked Trope|invoke]] [[Distracted Byby the Sexy]] in her male opponents.
{{quote| '''Caren:''' Stop? Or what, you'll violently rape me? That's a bit out of character for you, isn't it Shirou?}}
* [[White -Haired Pretty Girl]]
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* [[Badass]]
** [[Badass Adorable]]: More relaxed than the stern and stoic Saber, but still more beautiful than cute... {{spoiler|that is, until you meet her [[Magical Girl]] counterpart Kaleido Ruby... so darned cute she's ''beyond'' [[Moe]].}}
* [[Born in Thethe Wrong Century]]: Rin, like most Magi, barely knows what a VCR is, let alone DVD or Blu-Ray. She hates technology with a passion since she can't understand it, although she is learning from Shirou.
** In the Type-Moon April's Fool’s joke (with various Nasuverse characters setting up their own Twitter accounts), Rin has Archer set up her account, and ''starts using that as her secret diary''. [http://nrvnqsr.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=5782&page=12 Hilarity ensues (scroll down to reply # 172)].
* [[Cheshire Cat Grin]]: If she's smiling at you, something bad is going to happen.
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* [[Creepy Cool Crosses]]: One is displayed on her shirt when she's in her casual attire.
* [[Equivalent Exchange]]: Supposedly a strong advocate of this, but it's a very poor cover for the good natured aid she gives at almost any opportunity.
* [[Expy]]: It's very hard not to see similarities between Rin and [[Tsukihime|Akiha]]. They're both the young female heads of prestigious families involved in the occult with long black hair, blue eyes and essentially the same face. They even have the same [[Tsundere]] "humph!" pose, except that Akiha's lacks the flying hair that Rin has whenever she does it. Both characters are in turn partly based on [[Kara noKarano Kyoukai (Literature)|Azaka]] -- young Rin and young Azaka look exactly alike. The resemblance to Akiha is even lampshaded where numerous traits they share are mentioned while speaking of Tohsaka, but the character is referred to as Tohno by a Sakura who is trying to hide her jealousy. Note: Both go to a faraway special academy, have flattish chests, act like perfect students at school, are domineering and more are all mentioned outright.
* [[Face Palm]]: Rin does this ''a lot'', often because of Shirou. Though one of her multiple trollfaces also looks like one.
* [[Future Me Scares Me]]: Not quite in the literal sense. {{spoiler|Rin talks with a possible future version of herself on the phone and finds that she apparently becomes a completely different person that's shamelessly smitten with Shirou. Being [[Tsundere|Rin]], she doesn't accept this and bickers with her future self for a good while about the kind of woman Shirou needs, before destroying the phone in frustration}}.
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* [[Image Song]]: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3aFSUyzvng "Kirari" (Sparkling)]
* [[Ill Girl]]: Guest stars as one {{spoiler|when she first comes back from London as she is having issues with her Magic Crest acting up and draining her energy.}}
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]
* [[Kung Fu Wizard]]: She is a [[Nasuverse]] magus after all, so don't expect her to be [[Glass Cannon|useless]] [[Squishy Wizard|in close combat]].
* [[Leitmotif]]: "Gentle Everyday", which often plays during light-hearted moments.
* [[Magical Girl]]: {{spoiler|Her [[Alternate Universe]] self, "Kaleido Ruby". Really.}}
* [[Magic Skirt]]: Despite that S-rank [[Zettai Ryouiki]] and micro-mini skirt, she only loses the magic once, very slightly, in exactly one scene in the entire franchise, when she and Shirou are having a heart to heart in a graveyard.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: In the beginning it's strongly implied that it's ''her'' fault that all the different continuities seem to be impossibly mingled.
* [[Not a Morning Person]]: Rin tends to be decidedly grumpy in the mornings... It clashes with her perfect schoolgirl image so badly that even after knowing her for awhile, people are outright shocked to see her dragging about in the morning, completely at a loss for words and unsure if what they've just seen was real.
* [[Out of Focus]]: After being a major character all throughout all routes of the original, she is in London for the first half of ''hollow ataraxia'' due to a near disastrous experiment where she almost turned Fuyuki City into a place where all possibilities come true at once. She comes back and features prominently after a certain event, though.
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* [[Parental Abandonment]]: Her father died in the previous Grail War. Her mother apparently died sometime before the Fifth War due to illness, but was presumably in a mental home before that.
* [[The Rival]]: To Luviagelita.
* [[Smoking Is Cool]]: Her [[Super -Deformed]] version which appears in the [[Have a Nice Death|Tiger Dojos]]. Said chibi Tohsaka tends to abuse the hell out of everyone else's chibi figures.
* [[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"]]: Sort of. Different Romanizations have spelled her surname Tohsaka, Tousaka, Tosaka, Toosaka, Tôsaka, or Tōsaka. The first three seem the most popular in that order, but it still hasn't really been standardized in any way yet.
* [[The Tease]]
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: It tends to get lost because of comparisons to Sakura, but Rin is actually very feminine as well. It's just that she's also an [[Action Girl]], who puts away any "feminine" traits when it's time to fight. The Tomboy in question here is Saber, who at some points adamantly refuses to even be considered a woman.
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Shirou's formerly timid neighbor, now a true [[Yamato Nadeshiko]]. Following the Grail War, she appears to have moved into the Emiya household where she continues doing as much of the domestic work and cookinga round the house as she can. Unlike her older sister, Sakura is quite straightforward in attempts to win over Shirou. Like said sister, she's a talented magus with almost limitless potential and has been learning magecraft from Rider to make up for what she wasn't able to do before.
Following '"[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]'' she has become much bolder and more aggressive, though still domestic. Shirou is horrified at the thought that she may be becoming another Tohsaka. Apart from that, she also appears to have taken over the archery club and the Matou household. She continues to serve as Rider's Master.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: She gets a reputation for being a bit scary after she takes over the archery club captaincy. She manages to exceed even Rin at exuding invisible pressure with a smile on.
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* [[Cheshire Cat Grin]]: Having apparently studied Rin's technique, she has become a master of this, if a bit more indirect.
* [[Curtains Match the Window]]: Sakura has unusual, purple-colored eyes and hair.
* [[Clingy Jealous Girl]]: Again, she tries to reserve herself. It's often [[Played for Laughs|played for laughs]] with Rider's conscious attempts not to get too close to Shirou for fear of setting off this mode.
* [[Expy]]: She is similar in appearance, and shares some aspects of her back-story, with Fujino Asagami (from the earlier Nasu work ''[[Kara noKarano Kyoukai (Literature)|Kara no Kyoukai]]''). There's also considerable overlap (especially the backstory) with Kohaku from [[Tsukihime]], also of the [[Nasuverse]].
* [[Image Song]]: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzKOeOddLYk "Egao Hitotsu de"] ("With One Smile")
* [[Lighter and Softer]]: It's almost certain that her horrible backstory both occurred and is known to at least Shirou and Tohsaka if we take into account the literal "throw everything in" continuity, but they are barely ever mentioned or referred to at all except obliquely. In fact Shinji and Zouken are both alive and on relatively good terms with Sakura.
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* [[Nice Girl]]: Though Shirou is comedically terrified to realize that ''she's turning into Tohsaka!''
* [[She Cleans Up Nicely]]: The castle dinner scene.
* [[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"]]: Matou, Matô or Matō depending on the source/transliteration paradigm used.
* [[Underwater Kiss]]
* [[Yamato Nadeshiko]]: Lives with Shirou and does the cooking and house work. Somewhere between the end of the last story and the start of this one, she took over Matou household without abandoning her [[Nice Girl]] personality.
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* [[Daddy Had a Good Reason For Abandoning You]]: She seems to have come to terms with this somewhat. Taiga suggests that Shirou take her to Kiritsugu's grave and Shirou tells Issei that Ilya is his daughter, meaning she's probably okay with it now.
* [[Enfante Terrible]]
* [[Expy]]: Quite possibly of [[Tsukihime|Arcueid Brunestud]]: Both have childish, selfish, catlike personalities, are associated with the color white, are referred to as "[[EverythingsEverything's Better Withwith Princesses|princesses]]", and to top it all off, Ilya's hairstyle is very similar to Arc's prior to the latter's [[Important Haircut]].
** Backstory-wise, she's also similar to Akiha from [[Tsukihime]], since they're both {{spoiler|the biological daughters of the main character's adoptive fathers}}.
* [[Fille Fatale]]: Hasn't given up yet, though she's doomed to failure. Partially subverted by the fact that she's actually older than he is, although her mental age seems to match her appearance pretty accurately.
* [[First -Name Basis]]: She generally prefers being called by her nickname of "Ilya".
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: Let's see... [[Parental Abandonment]]? Check. Isolated from the outside world and basically ''raised'' to be a sociopath by her mother's family? Check. Put through agonizing [[Training From Hell]] by said family so she could control Berserker and be their representative in the Grail War, despite the fact that she was mentally pretty much still a child? Check and ''check''.
* [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl]]: She just barely reaches her servant's knee.
* [[Hypnotic Eyes]]
* [[I Am Your Father|I Am Your Sister]]: She's Shirou's adoptive sister by virtue of her being Kiritsugu's biological daughter.
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* [[Older Than They Look]]: She's actually around 20: Homunculi have strange growth patterns, but hers is nonexistent as she wasn't made to be able to live as a human.
* [[Reality Warper]]: Ilya is not, technically speaking, a magus. She doesn't have Magic Circuits and instead her body itself is built to do magic as a natural extension of her being. So with this, she just has immense amount of prana to draw upon and can shape the world around her using it with nothing but a thought.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: Some of the time, anyway. Generally, if the narration starts focusing on her eyes, bad things are about to happen.
* [[Sociopathic Hero]]: Played for laughs and she doesn't get to do anything too evil anymore.
* [[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"]]: "Ilyasviel" or "Illyasviel".
* [[Token Mini -Moe|Token Loli]]
* [[White -Haired Pretty Girl]]
* [[Winter Royal Lady]]: Not literally, but certainly she is characterized both by her princess-like looks and character and her affinity with winter.
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Rin's former homeroom teacher at school and apparently the only other teacher at the school. He lives in the Ryuudouji Temple and is Issei's older-brother figure. A tall, stern man who [[The Stoic|rarely expresses any emotion at all]], he appears physically intimidating, but is really a gentle soul who does his best to give each student a fair and proper education.
After '"[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]'' he and his Servant Caster married, meaning that both are now perfectly satisfied and unlikely to cause any problems.
* [[Badass Teacher]]
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* [[Not So Stoic]]: It may be hard at times to see whether he really cares about Caster, but {{spoiler|he has a heartfelt conversation with Fujimura about whether or not he's good enough to please Caster}}.
* [[Perpetual Frowner]]
* [[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"]]: As there are two long vowels in his name, there's quite a lot of possible permutations to it. It's usually spelled Souichirou, Soichirou or Sōichirō in ''Fate/stay night'' media.
* [[Stern Teacher]]
* [[The Stoic]]
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{{quote| ''"If you want me to drop the barrier, you'll have to get on your knees and beg."''}}
Sakura's brother and Shirou's friend from middle school. At school, he's a popular ladies' man, and appears to have calmed down from his incredibly unsympathetic start in ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]].''
Contrary to his previous presentation, he now seems more inclined to sulking rather than rage. Shirou appears to know about everything he did, but as he carries the ''Unlimited Blade Works'' ending character development he is primarily used for comedy relief.
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* [[Chick Magnet]]: The main cast of girls don't like Shinji much, but he's very popular with girls at school.
* [[Demoted to Extra]]: He is depressed to realize that he only gets three scenes in the whole story while Sakura has so many he can't count them.
* [[Jerkass]]: Though not nearly to the extent as in ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]].''
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]
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The former big bad of ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]],'' Kotomine is now very dead. He is occasionally mentioned, though it is bluntly stated that he has no connection to the current happenings of Fuyuki. Because he's dead.
Because he is dead, his position as the local agent of the Church means he needs to be replaced. There is currently a temporary stand in, but Sakura, Shirou and Lancer appear to be waiting for the permanent replacement to show up.
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Originally summoned in the Third Grail War, the Avenger class is considered forbidden because it specifically summons either an [[Anti -Hero]] or [[Villain Protagonist]]-type Servant. The original Avenger -- the only one summoned so far -- was Angra Mainyu, [[The Devil]] of Zoroastrianism. At least, that's what the Einzbern family thought.
During the Third Holy Grail War, the Einzbern family summoned him to give themselves an edge, but it turned out that Angra Mainyu himself was nothing more than an ordinary villager who was chosen as a scapegoat to be the source of all the world's evils. He was castigated and ritualistically butchered. This calmed down his confused people, which ironically qualified him as a Heroic Spirit. His actual capabilities as a Servant were very low, meaning that he was killed early on in the Third Holy Grail War. {{spoiler|When his soul was absorbed by the Grail, it granted the wish of his people, and both he and the Grail began to become the ultimate evil.}}
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* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: Both Angra Manyu and the Avenger class were mentioned in ''Unlimited Blade Works'', fleshed out in ''Heaven's Feel'', and then basically forgotten. And now here he is!
* [[Demonic Possession]]: One of the possible explanations for {{spoiler|The relationship between Shirou and Avenger}}.
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]: His name is not ''actually'' Angra Mainyu. He says he has no name anymore because it was taken from him. Rather, Angra Mainyu is a title and a way of projecting the villager's 'evil' onto an appropriate source. The logic is that they make him into the devil of their religion and then treat him as the container of all the evils in the world. Because the evil is contained within him, [[Insane Troll Logic|it is therefore impossible that the villagers themselves could contain any evil, and it is justifiable to torture him in order to punish the source of all evil.]]
* [[The Faceless]]: You don't actually get to see more than his outline for a large portion of the story and even that is rare.
* [[Fragile Speedster]]: As shown in {{spoiler|his fight with Saber}} Avenger is actually pretty fast. He just has terrible offense and horribly designed weapons.
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* [[Tsundere]]: Tsun for Caren, ''very'' Dere for Bazett. {{spoiler|Even more Dere for Caren towards the end}}.
* [[Weak but Skilled]]: He's terrible at fighting, but Bazett notes he's absolutely amazing at defensive combat. And by defensive combat we mean holding back as many opponents as he wants with neither side gaining an advantage. Ever.
* [[What Is This Thing You Call Love?]]: He regularly makes an idiot of himself around Caren -- this entails flailing when she picks on him, trying to pick on her back (she just [[Moe|pinches his face]] to retaliate!), and [[Victim Falls For Rapist|raping her]]. Initially, he even mistakes this for ''hate''. {{spoiler|After much fail and consternation, he eventually gets it right}}.
* [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?]]: His Noble Phantasm. The ability to project all the pain of an attack back at the attacker? Great. The fact that he has to ''take'' that attack AND stay conscious through the agony of getting the crap kicked out of him in order to do so? Less great. It works in certain situations though, like {{spoiler|taking an attack at full force and then reflecting the injury on the attacker to let Bazett finish them off}}. It may count as a [[Death or Glory Attack]] depending on how you look at it.
* [[Wisdom Fromfrom the Gutter]]: When he's serious, he can say some pretty insightful things to Bazett.
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* [[Action Girl]]
* [[Anti -Magic]]: An innate ability of the Saber class is practical immunity to magic.
* [[Badass]]
** [[Badass Adorable]]: While more beautiful and dignified than actually cute, Saber's sincere and honest personality is very endearing.
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* [[Idiot Hair]]: Memetic mutation turns it into such things as a [[Prehensile Hair|third hand]], an oven timer, and the infamous ''Ahogecopter''. Plus, if by poor luck you pull it off, out comes {{spoiler|Saber Alter...}}
* [[Image Song]]: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBR7JanY6pQ "Tooi Yume"] ("Distant Dream")
* [[Jeanne D Archetype]]: She's unexpectedly a very straight example. She is an expert swordswoman, was born humble but became the leader of her people, pretended to be male, and was eventually betrayed by her people. It's often the first guess as to her true identity, including [[Fate /Zero (Literature)|in-story]].
* [[Lady of War]]
* [[Lawful Good]]: In-universe alignment.
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* [[Mundane Utility]]: After having pulled the sword from the stone, Saber stopped aging, or more precisely she stopped physically changing. She also stopped ''needing'' to eat. She never grows, gains weight or loses weight anymore. Thus, she can eat as much as she likes without having to worry about weight like Sakura does, much to the latter's despair.
* [[Older Than They Look]]: Saber was around 25 when she died, but due to the fact that she stopped aging once she obtained Avalon, she looks around 14/15.
* [[One -Handed Zweihander]]: You can unlock a wallpaper of her dual wielding Excalibur and Caliburn. While the swords are of a fairly realistic size and not the hugely exaggerated sort that is often seen for this, you also have to take into account that Saber barely hits five feet tall and has a rather waifish build. But it sure looks cool.
* [[Pimped -Out Dress]]
* [[She Is the King]]: The ''Once and Future King,'' yet.
* [[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"]]: ''[[All There in the Manual|Fate/complete material]]'' gives the official romanization for her name as ''Altria'', while mirror-moon's translation gives ''Arturia''.
* [[Sugar and Ice Personality]]
* [[Super Drowning Skills]]: This is rather hilarious, because she can actually [[Walk On Water]], since she's got the blessing of the Lady of the Lake.
* [[Super -Powered Evil Side]]: Saber Alter seems to be back. Sort of.
** [[Big Eater]]: Unlike Saber, Saber Alter genuinely qualifies, but manages to destroy Shirou's pride in his cooking with her attitude about it.
{{quote| '''Saber Alter:''' Lunch. [[Gratuitous English|NOW]]! ''<munch>'' Like always, your food is terrible.}}
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* [[Walk On Water]]: Saber was given this ability by the Lady of the Lake, but as a result she can't swim. Her trip to the water park with Shirou to learn is both hilarious and heartwarming.
* [[Wave Motion Sword]]: "''Excalibur'', The Sword of Promised Victory". She also once possessed Caliburn, which had a similar but lesser effect. However, that sword was broken.
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?]]: She seems absolutely horrified by a simple octopus in Shirou's fridge. Her statements of the matter imply she thinks that they're the same abominations summoned by Caster in the Fourth War. Upon seeing what she has been eating up until this point she refuses to eat them anymore, marking the first well cooked food item that she won't touch.
== Archer ==
==== Voiced by: [[Junichi Suwabe]] (JP), [[Liam O 'Brien|Liam O' Brien]] (EN) ====
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* [[The Blacksmith]]: Also known as "The Blacksmith Heroic Spirit." His version of "Unlimited Blade Works" has steam and gears in the background, resembling that of a workshop. He likes to make weapons, LOTS and LOTS of weapons; it defines his very existence.
* [[Charles Atlas Superpower]]
* [[Dark -Skinned Blond]]: Though it's not natural.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
* [[Deflector Shields]]: Rho Aias. Ilya's castle makes him look like a hippy when he uses it. Remember, it's shaped like a flower with seven pink petals.
* [[Dual -Wielding]]: Kanshou and Bakuya.
* [[Field of Blades]]: ''So, as I pray... '' '''[[Title Drop|Unlimited Blade Works]]'''.
* [[Future Badass]]
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* [[Sarcastic Devotee]]
* [[Serious Business]]: After saving a kitten, he goes on to lecture the track members about why he should not be called a hero of justice for it and that it's a meaningless title anyway in massive walls of text.
* [[Tall, Dark and Snarky]]
* [[Throwing Your Sword Always Works]]: Completely and thoroughly justified. He can make his sword-arrows ''explode'' and can create an essentially unlimited amount of them to [[Unusual Euphemism|mind-bullet at you]].
* [[Tragic Hero]]
* [[Trick Arrow]]: He uses various legendary swords ([[Stuff Blowing Up|that EXPLODE]]) as arrows.
* [[True Neutral]]: In-universe alignment.
* [[Used to Be Aa Sweet Kid]]
* [[Weak but Skilled]]: Archer is the worst of the Servants statistically, and depends on several lifetimes' worth of hard work and experience to make up for it.
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* [[The Ace]]: Cu Chulainn was supposed to be good at everything. That's all well and good, but we mostly just see him fighting in the original story. In ''hollow ataraxia'' however he appears to be a master fisher, an excellent florist, a gardener and more.
* [[Badass]]
* [[Blade Onon a Stick]]
* [[Blood Knight]]: Though he does love fighting, he doesn't care enough to go out and start fighting once the Grail War appears to restart.
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]
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* [[Mundane Utility]]: Uses Gae Bolg to cut a bouquet for Ayako.
* [[Offing the Offspring]]: Killed his son without knowing his identity until after the fact.
* [[One -Hit Kill]]: The entire point of Gae Bolg's activated ability.
* [[One -Man Army]]: Literally. As told in the story of his life he tells to Shirou, he was the ''only'' person able to fight for Ulster due to a Geas on the male populace that he escaped via loophole. And he ''won'' the war, killing thousands of people per day or winning every duel he came upon.
* [[Red Baron]]: "Cú Chulainn" means "Culann's hound". In-game, he's also referred to as "Ireland's Man of Light" on top of this. Caren amuses herself by referring to him as "dog".
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[Stupid Sexy Flanders]]: A number of people (the artist behind the ''Fate'' manga in particular), have declared him "The sexiest man in the game". Just look at his super tight outfit. It feels like he's wearing nothing at all! Nothing at all! ''Nothing at all!''
* [[Tall, Dark and Snarky]]
* [[Taking You Withwith Me]]: The final result of him unleashing Gae Bolg on Bazette, who has used Fragarach. Anyone else going against her would die via Fragarach upon unleashing his Noble Phantasm.
* [[Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?]]: You can see him doing any number of jobs about the town as well as fishing. [[The Ace|He's still good at everything, even being a florist.]]
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]
Line 462:
The [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo|tall, dark, silent, gorgeous]] Servant of Sakura, Rider seems to have relaxed greatly after the Grail War. While a very nice person, Rider's first priority is still Sakura and would [[Poisonous Friend|absorb the entire town using Bloodfort Andromeda to keep her safe if necessary.]] Her identity and backstory as Medusa is expanded on as compared to ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]].''
Rider is physically the strongest of the female Servant and has something of a complex about both it and her height. She's also incredibly agile and Shirou is attempting to pick up some of her fighting style, which does not go over well with Saber.
* [[Anti -Magic]]: Rider has innate magic resistance as part of her class, although it's not quite Saber's level.
* [[The Atoner]]: {{spoiler|Although she forgets this until reminded after a freak-out near the end, she originally decided to become Sakura's Servant in order to prevent Sakura from becoming a man-eating monster like she did when she was alive}}.
* [[Badass Bookworm]]: The only thing preventing her from showing how [[Badass]] she is was Shinji's uselessness as a master.
Line 504:
* [[Sweater Girl]]: For most of the time nowadays. All it does is make her beauty more classy though.
* [[Taken for Granite]]: [[Captain Obvious|Medusa]]. Shirou has an imagine spot of her using it to to evade the police.
* [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo]]: And she even has the [[Pigeonholed Voice Actor]] best known for [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo]] characters (see above)!
* [[The Tease]]: Rider loves teasing Shirou... provided Sakura isn't around. With ''hollow ataraxia'' following more [[Unwanted Harem]] tropes than ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]'', you can bet [[Moment Killer|Sakura]] walks in just about every single time.
* {{spoiler|[[Victim Falls For Rapist]]: Rider tries to rape Shirou in his dreams again to get him to more aggressively go after Sakura. Shirou Projects Rider's Noble Phantasm and reverses it on her, while a copy of Sakura's soul that was in the dream beforehand tells Shirou about how Rider ''really'' feels about him. She eventually admits it and enjoys herself, but wipes Shirou's memory of the whole thing afterwards}}.
* [[What Beautiful Eyes!]]: Apparently, they're really fascinating. There ''is'' the whole problem of them being eyes of petrification, but the effects can be lowered.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]
* [[Zettai Ryouiki]]: Not as high-level as Rin's, but...
Line 526:
* [[Character Alignment]]: In-universe alignment is chaotic insane, which probably pegs him under [[Chaotic Neutral]]. He lacks the rationality to make moral judgments, but apparently under normal circumstances he would be [[Chaotic Good]].
* [[Gonk]]: Somewhat. The whole "Berserker" thing has some effect on his physique, notable after things like his head explodes, re-grows, and looks somewhat normal for a moment.
* [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl]]: Extreme height difference between him and his Master, Ilya. He's around nine feet tall, and she's roughly four. And due to scaling up with size, he's a lot wider as well.
* [[Protectorate]]: '''DO'''. '''NOT'''. mess with Ilya.
* [[Restraining Bolt]]: Ilya herself acts as this for him, which says a lot about how powerful she must be in order to keep freaking Heracles on a short leash.
* [[Screaming Warrior]]: To the point that he punctuates practically ''every other blow'' with a roar.
* [[The Voiceless]]: While insane, he only roars -- and the visual novel makes a point of emphasizing the wordlessness of his roars by always denoting them with "▂▂▃▃▄▄▅▅!". No "GRAAHH", no "RRAAARR", no any of the usual "stock" SFX for screaming/yelling/roaring. Just '''blank rectangles'''.
* [[Unskilled but Strong]]: Being incapable of any strategy more complicated than [[Attack! Attack! Attack!]] usually doesn't matter when you can shatter buildings with a single blow and move faster than the human eye can follow. [[The Worf Effect|In theory, anyway]].
Line 540:
Currently both Servant and newly wed wife of Kuzuki Souichirou, Caster appears to have calmed down a great deal in ''hollow ataraxia'' though she still comes across as being slightly evil. Though she is the Servant most inclined towards plots and grand schemes, Shirou knows that she has everything she wanted in the first place and thus has no cause to start trouble. Since she is much less troublesome than she was in ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]'' she's somewhat more friendly with the cast in general, viewing Sakura as something of a little sister and treating Shirou like a complete annoyance in her daily life while appearing to actually respect him.
Caster is the physically weakest Servant except maybe for Avenger and relies mostly on her powerful anti-Army magic, her boosted master and skeletal [[Mooks]] to fight for her; [[Squishy Wizard|she does less well in single combat]]. She also has a Noble Phantasm called ''Rule Breaker'', a dagger which can [[Anti -Magic|dispel any sorceries]] on anything it pierces, including contracts between Servants and Masters.
* [[Beautiful All Along]]: She looks very mysterious with that hood. But if you see beyond that, she's... gorgeous. Shirou agrees as well.
* [[Cosplay Otaku Girl]]/[[Otaku Surrogate]]: Has an interest in dressing people up in interesting clothing. There's even a subtle reference to the [[Go -Go Enslavement]] scene from ''Unlimited Blade Works'' where she sends clothing to her former victim that horribly embarrasses her, but it goes undescribed. Mid conversation, she thinks it might be fun to dress up Issei instead. [[Imagine Spot|It's very... frilly.]]
* [[Date Peepers]]: {{spoiler|She follows Kuzuki (dragging Shirou and later, Lancer along) to where he has lunch with Fujimura, suspecting him of cheating. She's wrong about it, although Fuji-nee of course does some things to make Caster angry enough to destroy a table}}.
* [[Does Not Like Men]]: Hates them. However, she's highly devoted to Kuzuki Souichirou and is a something of a non romantic tsundere for Shirou.
Line 554:
* [[Lady of Black Magic]]: She is, according to [[Have a Nice Death|Tiger Dojo]] 28.
* [[Love Makes You Evil]]: All the atrocities she committed were just a desperate attempt to prolong her time with her Master. With that out of the way...
* [[Neutral Evil]]: [[In -Universe]] alignment.
* [[Pointed Ears]]
* [[Power Floats]]
Line 604:
* [[Chaotic Good]]: In-universe alignment... [[Internet Backdraft|and let's just leave it at that.]]
* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]: Once Gil reverts back to adult mode, get serious and brings out Ea, half a town's worth of monster familiars simply vanishes.
* [[Fan Nickname]]: "Kin-Pika/Goldie", thanks to an [[In -Series Nickname]] by Rin.
* [[Fiction 500]]: His trademark ability is based on the premise that he owned everything in the world at one point. Also, he owns a ''water park'' that he closes for Shirou and his friends to have a private day out.
* [[Friend to All Children]]: His child form. Even his adult form seems to be well liked by the other kids.
Line 610:
* [[Jerkass]]: Yeah, Gilgamesh is sort of a douche bag. Kid Gilgamesh? Sweet, adorable, perfect and kind of ashamed at how he turned out.
* [[Phenotype Stereotype]]: Uruk lay somewhere in what is Iraq today; needless to say, the mythological Gilgamesh was probably neither blonde nor fair-skinned. But you can probably attribute at least the eyes to his divinity.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[Screw Yourself]]: The hanafuda game has a hilarious conversation between Gilgamesh, Caren and Ko-Gil.
{{quote| '''Ko-Gil:''' Aaah.....I see, nurture over nature....You have my condolences.<br />
Line 623:
'''Gilgamesh:''' Mrm, I messed up the flag-raising again. No options even appeared either. Just where did I did go wrong, Lancer? }}
* [[Sleep Mode Size]]: Gilgamesh ingested an elixir of youth, which reverts him to a child.
* [[Used to Be Aa Sweet Kid]]: To the point where after reverting himself to that age, even he is appalled at what a jerk he turned out to be. Though he still does have a bit of an edge to him.
Line 635:
Shirou's English teacher and older sister figure. Her grandfather is a [[Yakuza]] boss who Kiritsugu was acquainted with, and thus, she and Shirou have known each other since he was a child. Although she's ostensibly his caretaker, she has no domestic skills, relying on Shirou to cook for her. Taiga was the star of the kendo club when she was in school, and might have become famous across Japan were she not disqualified from official tournaments for having a tiger strap.
Taiga's life and connections are more expanded upon than in ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]'' but is otherwise basically the same as can be seen in her entry here being almost exactly the same.
* [[Adult Child]]
* [[Almighty Janitor]]: Taiga, since she's a third dan who should've progressed much higher if she wasn't banned from so many tournaments because of her tiger strap. Not that this has any impact on the story.
* [[Animal Motifs]]: Although she hates being called one, Taiga's mannerisms, style of dress, and penchant for (comedic) violence are all highly evocative of Tigers.
* [[Badass Normal]]: [[Word of God]] states that her mastery of Kenjutsu (Japanese Swordsmanship) is equal to that of Ryougi Shiki, the most fearsome warrior the [[Kara noKarano Kyoukai (Literature)|Kara no Kyoukai]] sub: [[Nasuverse]]. Too bad she's definitely a normal.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Do ''not'' call her "Tiger".
* [[Big Eater]]
Line 653:
* [[Nice Girl]]: How she can be so upbeat and good natured with a crime boss grandfather is anybody's guess.
* [[Precocious Crush]]: Had a crush on Kiritsugu when she was younger. The time frame indicates this probably started around middle school at the latest.
* [[Replacement Goldfish]]: Of sorts, to Kiritsugu; she reminded him of [[Fate /Zero (Literature)|his deceased childhood friend, Shirley]].
* [[Sensei-chan]]
* [[Shipper Onon Deck]]: Taiga seems to be actively trying to hook Shirou up with Sakura, which may explain her prior disapproval of allowing other females into the Kiritsugu household. Unfortunately, since Sakura doesn't approve of her more blunt attempts and teasing and has grown bolder, this has started to backfire on her.
* [[Team Mom]]: Subverted. The eldest member of Shirou's household and his teacher, Taiga is [[The Ditz]], admittedly domestically unfit, and, [[Have a Nice Death|outside Tiger Dojo]], [[Muggles|completely in the dark about magic and the Grail War]].
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: A ''shinai'' with a cutesy tiger trinket strapped to it. She calls it "Tora-Shinai".
Line 675:
* [[Bishonen]]: Popular with the girls due to his looks despite the story stating outright that he has a boring personality.
* [[Cross Dresser]]: Caster mentions being disappointed at having no one to dress up in pretty clothes and Shirou mentions that she could always use Issei, leading to a brief imagine spot as she considers the idea. Granted, we only see Shirou's imagination of what he might be wearing... But it's [http://imgh.us/fha_issei.png awfully frilly].
* [[First -Name Basis]]: With Shirou
* [[Gay Option]]: Toyed with. He is one of the only men Shirou talks to, and the only one that isn't an enemy at some point. And he blushes a lot, especially while he's worrying over Shirou. And he grabs Shirou's arm and drags him away from Rin several times. When people are discussing Shirou's harem, Tohsaka, Sakura, Saber, Rider... and then Issei are all mentioned.
* [[He -Man Woman Hater]]: His relationship with Caster appears slightly strained and he gets along better with her than most. He does seem to like Saber though and Shirou seems to think he has [[Foe Yay]] with Tohsaka.
* [[Megane]]
* [[Not What It Looks Like]]: At one point he and Ayako are discussing things related to the cultural festival when Shirou comes in and sees both of them close to each other with their shoulders nearly touching. They manage to explain it in the end. And then Issei and Shirou appear to go on what seems suspiciously like a date.
* [[Scary Shiny Glasses]]
* [[Shy Blue -Haired Girl|Shy Blue Haired Guy]]: He's supposed to be really shy. Of course, all his scenes are with his best friend.
* [[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"]]: Issei is fairly standard, but Ryuudou can and has also be transliterated as Ryuudou, Ryudou, Ryūdō, or Ryûdô depending on source.
* [[Student Council President]]: Won't give it up until he finds an adequate successor. Not that he'd be allowed to.
* [[The Stoic]]
Line 699:
* [[Alpha Bitch]]: After she finds out who Rin is in the boarding house of the Clock Tower, she acts just like this. Her target being Rin though, the end result was furniture being destroyed in the ensuing clash.
* [[Ascended Extra]]: She goes from a very brief mention at the end of one route of ''Fate/stay night'', to a minor character in ''hollow ataraxia'', to a featured character in ''Unlimited Codes'' (after an April Fool's hoax about a ''Fate'' wrestling game) and a main character in ''[[Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Ilya]]''. Seems she just gets more popular with time.
* [[As Long Asas It Sounds Foreign]]: Luviagelita? Really?
* [[Berserk Button]]: Anything involving Rin, the Tohsakas, or the Third War.
* [[Boobs of Steel]]: Following the trend in this series, Luvia has quite large tracts of land and gives [[Kung Fu Wizard|Rin]] an embarrassing beatdown with her pro-wrestling skills. In ''Unlimited Codes'', she can [[Giant Toss]] ''Berserker''. Granted, considering the proliferation of large breast implants among female wrestlers in [[Real Life]], this might be justified.
* [[Fiction 500]]: When she is kicked out of the boarding house following her epic fight with Rin in the lobby, she simply ''buys her own mansion near the school'' since "boarding houses are too small anyway".
* [[Future Badass]]: Apparently in one future (according to an admittedly weird scene during a phone call held while Rin and Shirou were trapped in a magical treasure box) she teams up with Shirou to hunt down one of the [[Tsukihime|27 Dead Apostles]].
* [[NoblewomansNoblewoman's Laugh]]: Mostly in ''Unlimited Codes''.
* [[The Ojou]]
* [[Princess Curls]]: And as you might expect, they fit quite well.
Line 710:
* [[Red Baron]]: Known as the "Hunting Dog of the Ring" and "Forklift Lady" for her pro-wrestling skills.
* [[Rich Bitch]]: She does treat "commoners" well, but she doesn't hesitate to rub her pedigree and wealth in Rin's face, while putting down Rin as a rube from the "backwater" of Japan.
* [[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"]]: Some people call her Luvia Zeritta instead of Luviagelita.
* [[The Rival]]: To Rin, oh so very much.
* [[Student Council President]]: Running for this position at the Clock Tower, anyway.
Line 725:
* [[Artificial Human]]: Both, though Leysritt wasn't actually intended to be. She was just supposed to be the Heaven's Feel itself, meaning the dress. Ilya is just too talented, though.
* [[Boobs of Steel]]: Leysritt is as strong as a Servant, and her [[Weapon of Choice]] is a huge halberd. As Archer points out in an amusing rant in [[DevelopersDeveloper's Room|the Tohsaka shrine]], the weapon would be far too large to be practical for her size unless she also had insane strength. Sella, on the other hand, is either normal or fairly flat and similarly possesses merely human strength.
* [[Can't Live Without You]]: Leysritt has a very strong connection to Ilya and when Ilya eventually dies Leysritt is almost sure to follow her. The analogy made is that Leysritt is like Ilya's arm.
* [[Emotionless Girl]]: Leysritt has difficult with language and emotional display, coming across as rather robotic. However, she's quite close to Ilya and appears to enjoy making fun of Sella. Sella, on the other hand, clearly has emotions and is quite quick to show her displeasure with Shirou in many scenes.
Line 741:
==== Voiced by: Eri Nakao (JP), Michiru Yuimoto (JP), and Rie Nakagawa (JP), respectively ====
[[Those Two Guys|Those three girls]] of the track team of Homurabara High School, they have one brief appearance in the ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]'' proloque as Rin's friends. After establishing that, they disappear for the rest of the game. In ''hollow ataraxia'' their roles have been expanded upon greatly: Yukika is the manager, Kane is the star jumper, and Kaede is the star sprinter. [[DevelopersDeveloper's Room|Tohsaka shrine]] revealed that the creators quite liked Yukika, but had to be restrained from stuffing her into many more scenes.
* [[Alpha Bitch]] / [[Jerk Jock]]: After Kaede finds out that Rin and Shirou are an item, she turns into this out of jealousy (as she apparently likes the status being Rin's friend gives, and doesn't want Shirou stealing that). She also protests a bit too much when her friends jokingly tease her about liking Shirou, though...
* [[Ascended Extra]]: They make two appearances throughout ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]'': one in the actual game, one in [[Have a Nice Death|Tiger Dojo]]. They have quite a few scenes in ''hollow ataraxia'', though.
* [[Boobs of Steel]]: Kane is rather uh, generously proportioned, and she is probably the most athletic normal human female in the series.
* [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]]: Kaede is definitely one of these towards the Track team she's training for regional’s, commanding one freshman to knock another over since he was lagging behind while running laps.
Line 759:
The former captain of the archery club, she handed the mantle down to Sakura before the story began. She's a friend of both Shirou and Tohsaka, though there's also a feeling of rivalry in both relationships. Her role has been expanded upon, though she still doesn't show up very much.
* [[Ascended Extra]]: Barely more important than the three girls above in ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]'', she becomes a more recurring part of the cast in Ataraxia and even gains a little brother.
* [[Club President]]: Archery club captain in ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]'', she handed down the position to Sakura, who turns out to be surprisingly good at it. This leads to a power dynamic that is compared to rock paper scissors: Sakura scolds Taiga, Taiga uses her kendo credentials for sympathy from Ayako and Ayako uses her experience to shut Sakura down on the basis of not being able to control Taiga.
* [[Homoerotic Subtext]]: Rider seems to have something of a crush on her. Ayako appears to be rather uneasy about the development.
* [[Tomboy]]: The first time Shirou has ''ever'' seen her act girly was after an extended conversation with Lancer.
Line 771:
Ayako's little brother, he appears just about as much as Shinji ie. basically never. He has a crush on Sakura that everyone but her seems to know about, even Shirou. Apart from that he seems like a bit sulky.
* [[Green -Eyed Monster]]: Obviously jealous of Shirou, though he also seems to respect him and is not above asking him for help about a good gift for Sakura.
* [[Hopeless Suitor]]: Has a crush on Sakura. Yeah, I'm sure ''that's'' going to work out well.
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