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Todd in the Shadows/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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<!-- %%Please read over examples before posting them here. In-universe incidents can get--and have been--placed here. -->
* [[Audience-Alienating Premise]]: A dude on [[That Guy With theThe Glasses]] sits in shadow wearing a hoodie and complaining about horrible pop songs.
* [[Crowning Music of Awesome]]: Manages to do a pretty good piano cover of whatever song he's about to review, whenever the episode starts.
* [[Crosses the Line Twice]]: During his review from "Turn Up the Music", the description of [[Chris Brown]]'s assault on [[Rihanna]] is used as this.
* [[Foe Yay]]: His hatred of [[Chris Brown]] starts to resemble this. He just puts so much energy into hating him!
* [[Fridge Brilliance]]: Did you notice how he performed ''[[Friday (Musicsong)|Friday]]'' in a much less mocking manner than most TGWTG cast members? Do you recall when he told his fans on Twitter that he wasn't going to make fun of the song, as "at this point, it would just be cruel"? [[I Gave My Word|He gave his word]].
* [[Fridge Horror]]: When reviewing "If I Die Young", he talks about a time when he felt the same way as the singer about how "they'll all miss me when I'm dead", complete with [[Description Cut]], before revealing that the flashback took place ten ''months'' earlier. It's meant to be a joke, but considering that the review was released in late September 2011, a flashback from ten months prior would have taken place in late November 2010... less than a month before he contracted MRSA and came close to dying young.
* [[He Panned It, Now He Sucks]]: He briefly came under fire for his attitude towards adult alternative after he explained it at length on "The Lazy Song,"
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* [[Hilarious in Hindsight]]:
** In his countdown of the top 10 worst pop songs of 2009, he describes "The Climb" by [[Miley Cyrus]] as the kind of song they get ''[[American Idol]]'' winners to sing. The winner of the at-the-time most recent edition of ''[[The X Factor]]'', the UK equivalent to ''Idol'', released a cover of "The Climb" as his debut single.
** In his review of [[Black Eyed Peas|"Imma Be"]], he made a joke about Fergie's dubious authenticity by playing an acoustic version of "My Humps". Guess who's planning an acoustic album? No, not Fergie. [[Justin Bieber (Music)|Worse.]]
** [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_HM9TBM50g Todd's review] of the [[Britney Spears]] song "3" from 2009. In the [[That Guy With theThe Glasses|TGWTG]] fandom, Todd is currently part of a popular [[One True Threesome|OT3]] series, where he's paired with [[Pushing Up Roses]] and [[Paw Dugan|Paw.]]
** At one point in "Club Can't Handle Me," he sings a few lines from Kings of Leon's "Use Somebody" before realizing he's got the wrong song. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cfkryURezQ Then a bootlegger came up with just the same idea...]
** In his Q&A thread in the [[That Guy With theThe Glasses]] forums, we have [http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=124&t=17721&start=180#p236534 this wonderful gem] from June 2010.
{{quote| ''What, you mean like the admins? I've talked to Bhargav, he walked me through the process of uploading my videos to TGWTG and he also politely informed that no, he didn't think I had a chance of dating [[The Nostalgia Chick]]. Does that count?''}}
** He once (on Like A G6) used the term "Oriental" to describe East Asians, unaware it could be taken as a slur. He eventually reviewed "Born This Way" which got [[Lady Gaga]] in trouble for exactly the same thing.
** When reviewing "Empire State Of Mind" for the list of his favorite songs of 2010, he pointed out the tendency for the people he's met from New York (the one time he's been there) to claim to be superior over the slightest things, and eventually finds he identifies with the idea. Guess which state's [[The Nostalgia Chick|residents]] he's been spending a lot of time with lately?
** In his "Top Ten Worst Hit Songs of 1976," he mentions a few soft rock singers that he likes, but stops just short of Michael Bolton, saying that he would still pick him over Peter Cetera. About a month later, Michael Bolton's guest spot on [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI6CfKcMhjY Jack Sparrow] made him more popular than any of the other singers mentioned.
** In his "Top Ten Worst Hit Songs of 1987" list, he says that he likes "[[West Side Story|Tonight]]" and "[[The Smashing Pumpkins (Music)|Tonight, Tonight]]", but "[[Genesis (Musicband)|Tonight, Tonight, Tonight]]" is too many tonights for him. He probably wasn't expecting [http://twitter.com/#!/ShadowTodd/status/97338409680515072 Hot Chelle Rae] to put his theory to the test before even a year had passed. (Not to mention "Tonight..." (I'm Fucking You) in the same year.)
*** To prove the point further, he ends the review of HCR's song with "Tonight, Tonight, Tonight"!
*** And if that wasn't enough, "Tonight..." and "Tonight, Tonight" were his two least favorite songs of 2011.
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* [[Like You Would Really Do It]] {{spoiler|Stab Yourself In The Hand With Your Own Machete}} During Your Review Of Grenade
* [[Misaimed Fandom]]: The [[Ship Tease|Shipteasing]] between Todd and [[Obscurus Lupa]] was played for laughs, yet the shipping is occasionally taken at face value by fans..
* [[Nightmare Fuel]]: At the end of his "Tonight..." review, after the credits, audio from a [[Youtube Poop]] ([http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAKL3Og-zGc this one]) of the [[Aqua Teen Hunger Force (Animation)|Aqua Teen Hunger Force]] episode he referenced earlier is played over a black screen. It was later cut.
{{quote| "...''And rape.''" *screaming* "...''And rape.'' *more screaming* "...''And rape.''"}}
* [[One True Threesome]]: As mentioned, a large percentage of TGWTG fanfic that involves Todd is him in an [[OT 3]] with frequent collaborators, [[Paw Dugan|Paw]] and [[Pushing Up Roses|Roses.]]
* [[Unfortunate Implications]]:
** He described an outfit worn by [[Justin Bieber (Music)|Justin Bieber]] as the "least heterosexual" he has ever seen.
** One of the reasons he dislikes "I Like It" is because Enrique Iglesias sounds "really gay" on it.
** Americans disliked his multiple references to East Asian people as "Orientals" on "Like A G6". Apparently, he didn't realize the connotations it has in most of America.
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** His jab at [[Christian Rock]] might be taken this way.
* [[The Woobie]]:
** Has made multiple references to being dumped, and something about him is so... [[Adorkable|adorkable]]. On top of that, some of the songs he reviews push him to the edge of his sanity, to the point of tears, as demonstrated by ''[[Hannah Montana]]: [[The Movie]]''. It makes you wanna hug him.
** Also in his ''Hannah Montana'' review his last birthday was rather... depressing.
** In his review of 'Fifteen', he bitches about how the song doesn't apply to anyone who wasn't an attractive blonde girl at fifteen (or basically, anyone who wasn't [[Taylor Swift]]) and then says that since he's not a girl, or fifteen, or attractive, none of it applies to him- especially not the bits about dating or having friends. Aw.
*** He also admits that despite it being [[Played for Laughs]], the [[Bait and Switch]] story about a girl breaking up with him (only for it to turn out to be from an episode of ''[[Saved Byby the Bell]]'') was actually not too far off from something that really did happen to him, so the emotion in his voice there is genuine.
** And in his "Worst of 2010" review he talked about how the period between his videos was longer because he wanted to relax over Christmas and [[Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick|also]] [[It Got Worse|he got MRSA]].
** In his Top Ten Best Hit Songs of 2010, Todd remarks after hearing Nothin' On You by B.O.B saying "what girl could possibly listen to something so lovestruck, so happy, and not be swept off her feet?" On this realization, Todd excitedly goes to talk to Lupa... but then quotes "Carryout". Cue disappointed slump. Aaawwww.
** As if that wasn't bad enough, later on after listening to "Need You Now" by Lady Antebellum causes him to get drunk, Todd calls Lupa and pours his heart out to her. {{spoiler|Except it wasn't Lupa he called, it was Lordkat}}.
** Reading on Twitter about Todd's struggle to get internet after he moved also warrants this. (along with [http://twitter.com/#!/ShadowTodd/status/111864320333316096 laughs], of course)
*** [[Jerkass Woobie]]: Todd has also [[Alter Ego Acting|portrayed himself]] as acting dickish to his fellow contributors. He laughed for about 20 minutes at the idea of reviewing comics with [[Atop the Fourth Wall (Web Video)|Linkara]], promoted [[Pushing Up Roses]]' video as "worse than [[Friday (Musicsong)|Friday]]", called [[Desu Des Brigade|JesuOtaku]] fat in a misguided attempt to demonstrate a lack of self-esteem in young women, and shouted at Nash's Stickboy for making eyes at "[[Obscurus Lupa|his]] [[Stalker Withwith a Crush|girl]]". Simply the highlights of a [http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=124&t=17721&start=40#p202632 long, long list].
* [[Tear Jerker]]: In the "Mr. Awesome Goes to Washington" video, Todd's voice breaks slightly as he explains what the [[That Guy With theThe Glasses]] site means to him, and how SOPA could severely damage it.
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