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** The role-playing game says that the Hand used to serve the Harbingers (Thirdspace Aliens).
== Sylar from ''[[Heroes (TV series)|Heroes]]'' is the Father of the Shadows and Peter Petrelli is the Father of the Vorlons ==
* At some point Sylar will kill and "examine" either [[Stargate SG -1|Daniel Jackson's or Jack O'Neil]]'s mind, gain the Ancient knowledge, and [[Ascend to Aa Higher Plane of Existence|ascend]]. Sylar decides to force his [[The Social Darwinist|evolutionary theory]] upon the rest of the universe by becoming the Shadows and 'kicking over the anthills' to force the races to evolve. Peter, who at some point walked past the Stargate character that Sylar didn't kill, also ascends and tries to stop Sylar by becoming the Vorlons.
** Then what? Time travel? Another reality?
*** Time travel is essential to this theory - the Vorlons and Shadows have derailed many civiliaztions before humanity, and so both Sylar and Peter have to go back far enough to do that. An alternate reality isn't strictly necessary to the theory, but time travel in ''[[Heroes (TV series)|Heroes]]'' often creates such things anyway, and they are going a lot farther back than 400 years.
* ''Or''...It's the other way around. Peter's the one who tries to help people, meddling in their affairs for "their own good" and granting wishes. Sylar's the one more likely to simply say "Here! Have a superpower to start off with!" and then watching to see if they make good use of it to improve themselves the way he did. (And remember, telekinesis was one of his original powers.)
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* Lando Molari's dream of his death ended with a fade to black.
* A race of [[Cosmic Horror]] is the most powerful force in the universe.
* [[J. Michael Straczynski (Creator)|J Michael Straczynski]] is a self-admitted atheist. Just because he doesn't think that we will [[Outgrown Such Silly Superstitions|Outgrow Superstition]] doesn't mean that he thinks there is such thing as a [[No Such Thing Asas Space Jesus|Space Jesus]]
* There is "afterlife", namely the future of the species. Whether it is evolution to higher beings, as we saw happen to humans, or being a "dying race" like the Narn and the Centauri, all depends on the choices and actions of individual people. Heaven and hell are metaphors that bring this to personal level.
** Therefore religions aren't actually ''wrong''. Instead of "outgrowing" them, people should see the ''point'' behind all the layers of mythology, supernatural embellishments, rules and commandments.
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**** One of the very last lines of that episode (and the show) is an announcer saying "And now, [[Keep Circulating the Tapes|for those of you who have been archiving]] this [[Show Within a Show|ISN Special Documentary]], [[Creator Cameo|the people responsible...]]" [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znNciln7qwY Link.] Now, The ''actual'' last lines of the show are some fluff about how it was paid for by donations form the An'la'shok Memorial Fund, which might explain any Minbari-favored bits.
== When G'kar was giving Lyta the test to see if she would spy on people for him, he wasn't overlooking the possibility Leta would scan him and give him an answer he wanted. ==
Remember, G'kar, like Lyta, has been [[Touched Byby Vorlons]] (specifically, Kosh, who inspired him on his road to enlightenment). If Lyta had scanned him, he'd have realized it out and dropped the offer immediately.
* Alternatively, Lyta wouldn't even be able to ''initiate'' a scan on G'kar due to his Vorlon influence. This is more likely, since she could also not scan or even ''sense'' Sheridan in the episode when she was arrested. Also, Lyta ''knows'' that she can't do it (which is why she wasn't surprised).
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At the end of the movie, Wittgenstein is shown on his deathbed with the "Martian" sitting next to him. In his hand, he holds a strange, glowing artifact.
== Epsilon III is, in fact, [[The HitchhikersHitchhiker's Guide to Thethe Galaxy|Magrathea]]. ==
* Also, Zathras and Slartibartfast are the same species, and the Thirdspace Aliens might be the Krikkits.
== Sheldon from ''[[The Big Bang Theory]]'' is a Minbari/human hybrid. ==
See [[The Big Bang Theory (TV)/WMG|WMG/The Big Bang Theory]].
== Swedish meatballs are Lorien's favorite food. ==
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== Vorlons were originally bipeds, and deliberately favored bipeds among the lower races ==
* Virtually all the lower species, even the insectoid Gaim and the cuttlefish-esque Pak'ma'ra, are bipeds. Virtually all the lower species have been [[Touched Byby Vorlons]]. This is not a coincidence; the Vorlons deliberately made us in their image (or, alternatively, Lorien's image). They also programmed the lesser races to react very negatively to anything with more than four limbs in order to make it harder for the Shadows to appeal to us; this is why humans have an instinctive aversion to insects and spiders.
** Well this is more awesome than it being because of the shortage of non-bipedal actors queuing up to play characters in a TV show. ;)
*** [[Word of God]] is that the Gaim, like other insects, can be bred by the Queen to meet certain criteria (like how ants secrete certain enzymes to create workers or soldiers as needed). The Gaim Ambassador was specifically designed to fit in with other races, hence, zie was made to be bipedal.
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