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''But Argo doesn't want us anymore ..."''|Leslie Fish & the Dehorn Crew, [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v{{=}}a7mK79i0tF8 "Banned from Argo"]}}
You, possibly along with your [[True Companions|merry band of travelers]], have found a nice place to hang out. Maybe it's a nice bar, a seaside town, or a resort planet. But then...things happened. You may not have ''meant'' for bad stuff to go down, but sometimes events are beyond your control. There might have been [[Gone Swimming, Clothes Stolen|nudity]], [[We Come in Peace, Shoot Toto Kill|violence]], [[Stuff Blowing Up|stuff]] [[Impressive Pyrotechnics|blowing]] [[A Nuclear Error|up]], [[Intoxication Ensues|certain]] [[Everybody Must Get Stoned|substances]] may have been imbibed/smoked, and whoops, you just started a revolution. Possibly, your name is [[Mike Nelson, Destroyer of Worlds|Mike Nelson]], in which case, you're probably screwed.
Whatever happened, when it's all over, you're not allowed back. '''EVER'''. Nor is anyone else on your crew.
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== Anime and Manga ==
* Has happened to the ''[[Dirty Pair (Light Novel)|Dirty Pair]]'' on at least two occasions. They go off on leave to some distant resort with plans to lounge on the beach, but while they're there [[Busman's Holiday|they inevitably get drawn into some sort of illicit intrigue]] and wind up causing massive destruction in their attempts to stop it.
** Other times, this can't happen as the place that would've banned them ''no longer exists''.
* Something like this happened to the original ''[[Macross]]''. A freak accident causes them to be banned from <s>Utah</s> <s>the USA</s> ''the Earth''. This is after they spend several episodes getting back to Earth ''[[Shaggy Dog Story|through the defense of the Zentraedi]]''.
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== Film ==
* In [[Casino]] Nicky gets his name in a ''Black Book'' and is banned from the casinos ''because of notorious and unsavory reputation''. [[Cassandra Truth|Sam warns him beforehand]] but Nicky mocks the issue as the book only has two names and one of them still is [[Al Capone]] and continues to generate waves. Then he laments, as the ban hurts his operations.
* After the massive battle that spanned half of Paris in ''[[G.I. Joe: theThe Rise of Cobra (Film)|G.I. Joe the Rise of Cobra]]'', the Joes are banned from [[Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys|France]]. Forever.
* ''[[O Brother, Where Art Thou?]]'': Ulysses should have stayed out of the Woolsworth [sic].
** Is that ''all'' Woolworths, or just that particular one?
* In ''[[The Party (Film)|The Party]]'', the protagonist is supposed to be blacklisted from Hollywood after accidentally blowing up an entire movie set. Instead, his name is unknowingly put on the invitation list for an A-list Hollywood party.
* ''[[Rain Man (Film)|Rain Man]]'': Charlie and Raymond get kicked out of the casino for 'counting cards', and are warned not to try this at other casinos either because the word is out about them.
* Obliquely used in ''[[Return of the Living Dead]]'': "No, we can't: the cops said they'd ''shoot'' us if we go back to the park."
* In ''[[Little Miss Sunshine]]'', after the fiasco at the titular beauty pageant, the family is told that the pageant will not press charges, under the condition that Olive never enter another 'little miss' pageant in the state of California, ever again. The family's reaction to the news amounted to "That's fine with us!"
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* In the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' episode "Tooth and Claw", the Doctor and Rose are banned from Great Britain by [[Queen Vicky|Queen Victoria]]. Not that he cares.
* On ''[[Friends]]'', Ross recounts how he and his first wife Carol got banned from Disneyland for having sex behind the animatronic children on "It's a Small World".
* A popular bit of [[Fanon]] is that after the events of "Upgrades," ''[[Stargate SG -1|SG-1]]'' are banned from O'Malley's for the bar fight they started under the influence of [[Applied Phlebotinum]] armbands.
* ''[[Lie to Me (TV series)|Lie to Me]]'': As "Fold Equity" tells us, Cal Lightman has been banned from the entire city of Las Vegas after hustling one too many people at poker and [[Noodle Incident|something involving casino owner Ellis's wife]].
* Newark, NJ mayor Cory Booker put Conan O'Brien on the "No Fly List" after Conan made a disparaging joke about his city. Conan soon after banned Cory from Burbank Airport, to which Cory retaliated by banning Conan from the entire state of New Jersey, as well as Newark's sister cities around the world. Conan subsequently banned Cory from California. Of course, as later revealed, this was all staged.
* The humorous introductions given for [[Top Gear|The Stig]] often mention him being banned from some location or event.
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** Subverted with Elvis Costello, who was initially banned for playing "Radio Radio" (a song critical of the music publishing establishment, of which NBC certainly was), instead of the planned "Less than Zero" on the season three episode hosted by Miskell Spillman (an elderly woman who [[Contest Winner Cameo|won]] ''SNL'''s "Anyone Can Host" contest). He eventually returned to the show in 1987 (appearing on the episode hosted by Mary Tyler Moore), and eventually took part in the show's 25th anniversary celebration by recreating his song switch.
* In the first season of ''[[Heroes]]'', Ando and Hiro are banned from all of Mr. Linderman's casinos after they abuse Hiro's powers to cheat at poker. This becomes a problem later in the series, when they need to get back into one of the casinos in order to steal an ancient [[Samurai]] sword in Mr. Linderman's collection.
* In an episode of ''[[I CarlyICarly]]'', Carly joins an art class after dropping her lessons with Spencer. When Spencer observes the class and freaks out like a jealous ex, ending up in a paint fight with the teacher, the Shay siblings get banned from that building forever. And it's not like they'll forget, because security took their pictures and thumb-prints.
** Sam was banned from participating in beauty pageants for a number of years.
* As recounted in a retrospective episode, the [[Myth Busters]] are banned from Esparto, California after the finale of the "Knock Your Socks Off" myth, which involved (of course) setting off a huge explosion. The problem was that they underestimated just how big the shockwave would be, so it knocked people off sofas, broke windows, set off car alarms, and knocked down ceiling tiles in the town, and a news report erroneously made it sound like the Mythbusters had ''leveled the town''. As they put it:
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Some taverns to plunder, some guards to sunder,<br />
And then, a short rest in the jail! }}
* In ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Soul Music|Soul Music]]'', The Band With Rocks In is banished from every city they visit on their Sto Plains tour, on pain of pain and/or being buried alive.
** The Nac Mac Feegle was banished for rebelling against the tyranny of the [[The Fair Folk|Fairy Queen]], [[Violent Glaswegian|and NOT for being]] [[Suspiciously Specific Denial|completely smashed at four in the afternoon.]] They'll fight any lying scunner who says otherwise.
* In [[Simon R. Green]]'s ''For Heaven's Eyes Only'', Roger the half-demon claims he's been banned from Limbo.
* This has happened to a variety of CIA officers with diplomatic immunity who got caught spying in [[Tom Clancy]] novels. The consequences for officers or agents who ''don't'' have diplomatic immunity and get caught spying tend to be far more severe.
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* In the late 80s and early 90s, various members of [[X Japan]] (and occasionally the entire band) were banned from various restaurants, hotels, bars, and drinking establishments around Tokyo and elsewhere in Japan, due to the band's tendencies to start [[Bar Brawl|fights]]. Some bars even had "No Yoshiki" or [[Visual Kei|"No Blondes"]] (since both Yoshiki and other VK rockers that tended to cause trouble had blonde hair) signs, and the band still holds the record [[For Massive Damage|for most damage done to a Japanese hotel]]. Not just the room, either. The hotel.
* At one time, it was almost a point of pride for many punk rock, heavy metal, and hard rock bands to get themselves banned from venues and hotels; typically after trashing their rooms or starting riots at the venues, but also for violating local obscenity laws. Several have been banned from performing in entire states or countries; usually on obscenity grounds.
** [[GWAR (Music)|GWAR]] was at one time banned from the state of North Carolina, for certain... elements of their costuming.
** [[Bad Brains (Music)|Bad Brains]] was at one time banned at nearly every nightclub and performance venue in Washington D.C.
** [[The Who]] at one time held the record for this, thanks to the antics of the late Keith Moon.
** Taken to the extreme by [[Industrial|Power Electronics]] group Whitehouse, who would [[Blatant Lies|routinely bill themselves as a "synth-pop" band]] in order to get gigs, often provoking the baffled audience to riot or simply leave.
** [[The World Inferno Friendship Society|The World/Inferno Friendship Society]] won't have a chance to play at Cha-Cha's of Coney Island again, after what happened at [[Noodle Incident|that one show in 2007]].<ref> Supposedly Cha-Cha's even calls other venues the band is playing at to try and warn the owners to cancel the show.</ref> Prior to 2003 the band was also banned from a few venues that they'd actually [[Impressive Pyrotechnics|set on fire]].
* [[Guns N' Roses (Music)|Guns N' Roses]] can never again perform in St. Louis after the Riverport Riot (in case you don't know, it all started when a bootlegger pressed W. Axl Rose's [[Berserk Button]], and Axl flipped out and left the stage, which indirectly led the fans to riot).
* During a 1985 show in Switzerland, the [[Post Punk]] band Swans were actually arrested onstage and asked to ''leave the country'' for being too loud.
* Hanatarash, for reasons that only [[The Other Wiki]] [[wikipedia:Hanatarash|could adequately explain with a straight face]]. [[Refuge in Audacity|And yes, there is video.]]
* [[Ozzy Osbourne (Music)|Ozzy Osbourne]] was banned from the city of San Antonio, Texas for a decade, for urinating on a cenotaph outside The Alamo.
* In the [[Filk Song]] ''Banned From Argo'', the former [[Trope Namer]] which provides the page quote, the crew of a [[Star Trek|Starfleet]] vessel heavily implied to be the ''Enterprise'' causes mayhem on the eponymous shore leave planet until they get kicked out.
** Ironically, the song itself became so over-used that [[Hype Backlash|it got banned from several SF conventions]].
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* In the first ''[[Knights of the Old Republic]]'' game, if you end up killing an important fish on Mannan, the planetary authorities ban you from ever coming back.
** You ''can'' blackmail the authorities and force them to let you return, which is perfectly in line with the previous evil action.
* In ''[[Umineko no Naku Koro Nini]]'', Ange mentions briefly that [[White-Haired Pretty Boy|Amakusa]] will get arrested if he's ever caught back in France.
* Max has something to brag about in the ''[[The Adventures of Sam and& Max: Freelance Police (Video Game)|Sam and Max Freelance Police]]'' game ''Moai Better Blues'':
{{quote| '''Max''': ... and I've been banned from 27 local arcades for playing ''Forbidden Dance Insurrection'' in ways that the designers never intended.}}
* The conclusion of ''[[Tony Hawk Pro Skater|Tony Hawk Underground 2]]''- subtitled "World Destruction Tour" - is a news report, which concludes with:
{{quote| '''[[Punny Name|Hugh Jass]]''': And finally, Tony Hawk and Bam Margera, the founders of the World Destruction Tour, have been officially banned from ever returning to [[Useful Notes/Boston|Boston]], Barcelona, Berlin, Australia, [[New Orleans]], and even [[Noodle Incident|Thailand]]. Upon hearing the news, Tony and Bam replied, "Hey, good call."}}
* A variation in ''[[Fallout: New Vegas]]'': You can get yourself banned from gambling at every casino in the game if you win too much while gambling. You can still enter the casinos, but you can't gamble anymore.
* At the end of ''[[Assassin's Creed Revelations (Video Game)|Assassin's Creed Revelations]]'', Ezio is banned from Constantinople by {{spoiler|the new Sultan Selim, who notes that it's only because his son Suleiman speaks highly of him that he doesn't just execute him on the spot.}}
* In ''[[Secret of Mana]]'', the hero gets banned from his hometown after pulling out the Mana Sword because the village elder fears that it will bring monsters to their village.
* In ''[[Disgaea 4 a Promise Unforgotten (Video Game)|Disgaea 4 a Promise Unforgotten]]'', Fuka Kazamatsuri manages to get herself banned from [[Fluffy Cloud Heaven|Celestia]] forever for insulting Lady Archangel {{spoiler|Flonne}}.
== Webcomics ==
* Tedd of ''[[El Goonish Shive (Webcomic)|El Goonish Shive]]'' managed to get himself banned from [http://egscomics.com/?date=2002-03-01 certain areas of the mall.] This overlaps with [[Noodle Incident]] because not even the author wants to know what happened (read the title of that strip).
* In ''[[Questionable Content (Webcomic)|Questionable Content]]'', Jimbo managed to get himself banned from Canada. [[Noodle Incident|Not even he knows how it happened.]] [http://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=777 Apparently he was very drunk at the time].
* ''[[Triangle and Robert]]'' are [http://www.froup.com/tr/tr.pl?1653 banned from more of the country (essentially the USA) than actually exists], as they've been banned from some areas twice and one county that banned them no longer exists as a consequence of the event that caused the ban. They're essentially living where they are because [http://www.froup.com/tr/tr.pl?1654 the non industrial part of their city is the only place they can legally be in the entire country.]
* In ''[[Slightly Damned]]'', [[Our Demons Are Different|Buwaro]] and [[Our Angels Are Different|Kieri]] can never go back to the town of Weyville. Not because they've been ''banned'', technically, but because it's home to a [[Knight Templar]] angel who'll kill them if he ever sees them again (and already tried to the first time he saw them).
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== Web Original ==
* [[The Nostalgia Critic (Web Video)|The Nostalgia Critic]] can never go back to Nevada due to [[Kickassia|it being the location of his base of operations during his attempt at invading & conquering the micro-nation of Molossia]].
** Similarly, [[The Cinema Snob (Web Video)|The Cinema Snob]] was banned from returning to Kickassia by the Critic, after he plotted to overthrow him.
* The [[Homestar Runner (Web Animation)|Strong Bad email]] "movies" ends with Strong Bad firing a bazooka in a theater out of frustration at the other patrons. Cut to him typing...
{{quote| '''Strong Bad:''' So that's why I'm not allowed at the movies anymore.}}
* The Outcasts of ''[[Tasakeru]]'' are stripped of their citizenship and given a lifetime ban on setting foot inside their country's only city. Most of them have found ways of avoiding or ignoring the ban.
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* In every episode of the show, [[Timon and Pumbaa]] got thrown out of wherever they were. Timon even [[Lampshade Hanging|asks]] at one point "Why did you think it was a good idea to drag us around the world getting into trouble?"
* Skipper mentions in ''[[The Penguins of Madagascar]]'' that he can't go back to Denmark due to the [[Noodle Incident|Copenhagen Incident]] involving Hans the Puffin.
* Unsurprisingly, ''[[The Simpsons (Animationanimation)|The Simpsons]]'':
** After getting kicked out of Florida in one episode, we see the family with an enormous map of the United States. They cross Florida off in a close shot, and the camera zooms out to show that all but 2 states have permanently banned them. Neither of which they're currently in.
** Played with in the episode "Lisa the Iconoclast'' where Lisa, and her children, and her children's children are banned from the historical society... for three months!
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* In the ''[[Phineas and Ferb]]'' "We Call It Maze", Dr. Doofenshmirtz reveals that he's no longer welcome in Albania after he [[Noodle Incident|somehow provoked the ambassador's wife]].
* On ''[[Frisky Dingo]]'', Killface and Simon CAN'T EVER GO BACK TO ARIZONA!
* ''[[Chowder]]'' episode "Banned From the Stand" featured Mung Daal being [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|banned from Gazpacho's fruit stand]]. Mung can't simply buy fruits from another stand because the fruit stand owner code allows Gazpacho to extend the ban to the other fruit stands in Marzipan City. After Mung tried (and failed) to buy fruits under several disguises, Gazpacho became so paranoid he banned everyone... even ''himself''. Because being banned from a stand last for as long as the stand remains, his only way out was destroying the stand and building a new one, from which {{spoiler|Mung got himself banned after repeating what got him banned from the first one}}.
* ''[[Generator Rex]]'': Lansky in "Moonlighting" has a [[Running Gag]] of "I can't go to (X). Long story."
* In ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'', after a trip to the bowling alley, as the Cutie Mark Crusaders leave, Scootaloo says that Mr. Kingpin will probably never let her back in the bowling alley again after making a gutter ball... on another lane. She seems oddly cheerful about it.
* In [[Family Guy]], Peter alludes to being banned from Sea World for something when he prepares to explain to Chris what a whale's blowhole is for (or more specificially, what a whale's blowhole is ''not'' for), but [[Noodle Incident|we never hear it]] due to the scene shifting. The closest to an explanation given is from Seth MacFarland's in-character commentary for the episode, where he, in Peter's voice, claimed that he basically had sex with a whale's blowhole.
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* At least one musician is banned for life from England's Channel 4 for saying "Fuck" before the [[Watershed]].
* For several years in the late 1980s, a [[Coast Guard]] cutter which shall remain nameless was banned from the port of Juneau, Alaska, until the crew (due to the usual billet changes and rotations) was almost entirely replaced. Upon its eventual return, Leslie Fish's filk song made the rounds of the enlisted decks.
* This is quite frequently the fate of anybody caught counting cards at a casino blackjack table. While card counting mentally is legal, so is banning players for virtually any reason besides discrimination, making ''[[Rain Man (Film)|Rain Man]]'' a case of [[Truth in Television|Truth In Hollywood]].
** World Memory Champion Dominic O'Brien was banned from every casino in the UK.
* [http://www.flickr.com/photos/btricomi/sets/72157603931562612/with/4370806405/ Arielle Juliette], belly dancer from Madison, Wisconsin. Plans were supposedly [[What Could Have Been|afoot to get her banned from performing in Bury, Bolton and some other parts of Greater Manchester]], all areas [[Oop North]], but thankfully this never happened.
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* Also banned from the UK is Terry Jones... Not the [[Monty Python]] one. The one that holds Koran burnings.
* The man who started the NBA Pacers-Pistons brawl (a.k.a. [[Fan Nickname|The Malace at the Palace]]) got a season ticket revocation and a lifetime ban from the arena.
* There was an attempt to ban the German film, ''[[The Tin Drum (Film)|The Tin Drum]]'' in Oklahoma due to the [[Fan Dumb|belief that it was child pornography]]. The director personally spoke to law makers to get the ruling overturned. He succeeded.
* Kurt Waldheim was Secretary-General of the UN and then President of Austria. He was also maybe a [[Nazi Grandpa|former Nazi intelligence officer]]. The controversy got so bad that by the time he was President of Austria he was not allowed to enter the United States, or many European countries. Nobody ever found conclusive proof (and at least one author claimed he was framed by Mossad), so Waldheim was never prosecuted.
* [[Ozzy Osbourne]] was banned from entering San Antonio after he was caught urinating on the Alamo.
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