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Doug's moments are [[Doug Walker (Creator)/Awesome|here]].
* How about the fact that he had a spontaneous fanboy [[Freak-Out]] at the ''[[Harry Potter]]'' book launch and ''didn't'' get arrested even though you can see people around him getting scared and running away?
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* "The Top 11 Naughtiest Moments In Animaniacs" ''still'' remains his highest rated video. What makes this awesome? Doug did the list while feeling like death.
* The start of the "Top 11 Drug PSAs" has him giving a well-reasoned, understandable argument of why you shouldn't do drugs, in stark contrast to the [[Narm|narmy]] messages of what's in his list.
* Subverted whenever the ''[[Duck TalesDuckTales]]'' theme plays. He's got so close to figuring out enlightenment, solving world hunger and curing all unknown diseases... but that [[Ear Worm]] comes in and all that knowledge disappears.
* ''[[Sesame Street (TV)|Sesame Street]]'' being so powerfully nostalgic that it turns him into high-pitched goo and forces him to give the review to Chester. While we might have all now got used to him being [[Keet|keetish]] when happy, back then everyone was expecting him to trash their childhoods.
* It might sound like a strange (and old) choice but the "Alas, poor Tom and Jerry" speech. You can show it to anyone who thinks his comedy is just 100% yelling/going crazy and it'll change their mind instantly.
** Even more awesome? That speech apparently was a [[Throw It In]] moment by Doug which even surprised his friends. Guy's got serious creativity.
* Optimus Prime bringing the Critic back to life by dying for his sins.
* His parody of ''[[Mary Poppins]]'' at the end of ''[[Batman and Robin (Filmfilm)|Batman and Robin]]''. He might not be putting as much effort into his singing as he would later on, but it's still Doug's great voice.
* Of course in real life Doug and Rob drove to the Nerd's place, but in-universe Critic ''ran to Philadelphia and never got tired''. Nice going for a lazy geek.
* Sure it's [[Nightmare Fuel]], but Teddy Ruxpin proves to be a [[Magnificent Bastard]] in the 2008 Halloween special by forcing the Critic to write a positive review and then killing him when he breaks in terror.
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* In the Nickcoms video, one of the few times he's been [[Badass]]:
{{quote| '''Critic''': [[Pulp Fiction|And you will know my name is the Lord, when I lay my vengeance upon thee]]. *shoots the scene black*}}
* The end of his review for [[The Garbage Pail Kids Movie (Film)|''The Garbage Pail Kids'']], where he probably puts more effort into a few minutes long [[2001: A Space Odyssey]] parody (while displaying a [[Awesome Music (Sugar Wiki)|pretty awesome opera voice]]) than a group of assumedly professional group of writers for an entire movie.
** And during his commentary on that video, he admits that looking back, he wishes they hadn't used that to end that video, because it ended up being so awesome, he wishes they could have saved it for the end of the very last video he ever did as the ultimate finale.
*** Can't we just say Critic's Moment of Awesome is actually WATCHING the film in the first place?
* His apologies about poking fun at [[Mako]] certainly count in that he STILL manages to pull a [[Take That]] at the audience by blatantly pointing out their own [[Fan Dumb]]. For the record, there's a difference between poking fun at a single character's voice and totally bashing an actor. Critic manages to point out these differences while apologizing to all the Mako fans at the same time, especially since he unintentionally referenced the fact that Mako died of throat cancer when he said that Splinter sounded like he "smoked a million Marlboros".
{{quote| '''Nostalgia Critic''': "I don't hate Mako. I don't ''know'' Mako."}}
* Sticking to his guns and standing by his opinion that he liked the 1989 ''[[Batman (Filmfilm)|Batman]]'' better than ''[[The Dark Knight]]'', knowing it would spark a bitchfest.
* In his review of ''Sidekicks'', the Critic proceeds to mercilessly mock Mako's [[Fan Dumb]] by deliberately avoiding making obvious jokes about him and explicitly comparing him to God. The review ends with {{spoiler|Chuck Norris smiting the Critic because Mako hates him.}}
* In the review of ''Captain N'', his so very perkily bitter explanation and rant on princesses and how Lana can avoid any responsibility.
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* Ma-Ti and past!Critic telling off present!Critic for being a lazy ass and making him do an actual review for the hundredth episode instead of a clip show.
* Any time he goes into [[Papa Wolf]] mode. People who were abused as children have gone on record to say he actually gives them hope. Because even though he's pitiful, still has parent issues and is nowhere near a role model, if you're going to have a good quality, it might be as well be protecting innocent kids.
** ''Really'' letting Robin in ''[[BebesBebe's Kids]]'' have it for being such a shitty "parent" to the kids. You know someone's triggered his [[Berserk Button]] when he calls them one step away from being like Hitler.
* There's the scene in the ''[[Quest for Camelot]]'' review where he digitally altered his voice to sound like the Rock Biter. It sounds so close that according to the commentary, many people wrote in to congratulate him, as they assumed it was the real audio from the film until the word "script" came up.
* Getting [[Christopher Lloyd]] to say "I was frozen today" at a convention.
* Remember the scene from his [[Flubber]] review where Weebo gives Spock's dying speech from ''[[Star Trek II: theThe Wrath of Khan (Film)|The Wrath of Khan]]''? If you've never seen Flubber, you'd have thought that was part of the original movie; hell, this troper was nearly fooled into thinking he'd missed it from the original, Doug's editing was that good!
** The belief that movies need actual effort comes up again, where he slams the writers who just think all they need is [[Robin Williams]] being funny and they'll have a good film in their hands.
** Telling the woman to go [[Groin Attack|Lorena Bobbitt]] on [[Robin Williams]]'s character for missing the wedding ''three times'' might have been going overboard, but it's still weirdly cool to see him care that much.
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*** The 'Nostalgia Critic Anthem' is by Sad Panda and has been around for at least a few months now. Doug just hasn't used it in any of his videos until now. The full song of course is basically a big fan letter to Doug Walker and his characters The Nostalgia Critic and Chester A. Bum.
** The way he performs the [[Heroic BSOD]] and rising again to sing; it's not all just yelling and ranting, he really can act.
** The fact it was a major [[Throw the Dog Aa Bone]]. Critic's a [[Designated Monkey]], [[Jerkass Woobie]], [[The Chew Toy]]... whatever you wanna call him but just this once, he got to ''win''. You couldn't stop yourself from cheering.
** Relatedly, how he foreshadowed the low self-esteem and the insecurity with his job more than a '''year''' earlier, with the starts of his ''TMNT'' and ''[[Full House]]'' reviews. It kicks ass when you realize what was actually going on in his head when he made all those "YOU'RE IN MY TERRITORY" cameos.
* Judging ''GOD'' in Old vs. New: [[The Ten Commandments]] vs. [[The Prince of Egypt]].
* His review of [[The Thief and The Cobbler (Animation)|The Thief and Thethe Cobbler]]. The fact that he knew about about the film's history ''and'' that he saw and recommended the "Recobbled Cut" makes the animation fan in me happy.
* Calling out ''[[Little Monsters]]'', ostensibly a film made with young children in mind, for being needlessly dark and mean-spirited.
** The "80s Montage" song. Absolutely perfect.
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* His clear distaste of the sequels to ''[[Fern Gully]]'' and ''[[The Secret of NIMH]]'' both focusing on a male character barely seen in the original and Christa and Mrs. Brisby having to stay home with no credit given to them.
* He shows off his singing and voice-acting skills again in the review of ''The Secret of Nimh II''. He sings a take on the "Pinky and the Brain" song as the chorus AND Timmy AND his brother, and makes a pretty awesome Justin.
** Plus the bookending awesome moments, first gearing up for the review ''[[Hot Fuzz]]'' style. Then, well, how do you top going [[Unstoppable Rage|batfuck berserk]] with a crowbar on ''[[The Neverending Story (Filmfilm)|The Neverending Story]] 3''? Well, you don't. You go for a different kind of awesome by calling on '' {{spoiler|[[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|the]] [[Star Wars|Death Star]]}}'' to destroy it.
* For [[Care Bears|Care Bears Movie II]]: Sage is [[Satan]]! Complete with "Night on Bald Mountain" for a theme!
* Starting off the ''[[X-Men]]'' review by nipping all the accusations that he's ripping off the Nostalgia Chick in the bud by pointing out the other movies he's reviewed after someone else on the site did them, and then showing what a REAL ripoff of the Chick would be.
* The [[This Is Sparta|"BEST!]] [[So Cool Its Awesome|DEATH!]] [[Best X Ever|EVAH!"]] from 'Double Team', prompting the Nostalgia Critic to make a meme of it called "Frying the Coke".
* Naming [[Twilight (Literaturenovel)|Bella Swan]] the number 1 [[Distressed Damsel|Dumbass in Distress]], topping even [[Super Mario Brothers|Princess]] [[Precision F-Strike|Fucking]] [[Super Mario Brothers|Peach.]] This quote sums it up:
{{quote| '''Critic:''' This has to be the most [[It's All About Me|selfish]], [[Damsel Scrappy|male-dependent]], [[Apathy Killed the Cat|uncaring]], [[Manipulative Bastard]], [[Small Name, Big Ego|self-centered]], [[Contemplate Our Navels|pretentious]], [[Too Dumb to Live|idiotic]], [[Wangst|whining]] [[Mary Sue|little bitch-bag]] you will ever see in your ''entire life!'' And honestly, that wouldn't be too bad a character, that'd be very, very interesting '''''[[Take That|IF IT WAS INTENTIONAL!!!]]'''''}}
* His summation of ''The Legend of the Titanic'', which takes on a more serious tone than usual as he discusses how offensive the film is to the memories of all the people who died on the ''Titanic'', denying that their senseless deaths even happened for the sake of a cheap anti-whaling screed.
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{{quote| '''Alice''': Mr. Rabbit, I was wondering, what exactly does a princess do?<br />
'''Critic''': Well mostly sell toys, piss off feminists, and make girls question their own sense of self-worth. *Beat* Tell me I'm wrong! }}
* Paul Dini became the second video subject to praise Doug on Twitter, as he loved the video on the eleven best ''[[Batman: theThe Animated Series]]'' episodes.
* Would it be a cheat to put the Critic as an awesome moment for Doug? He's just such a funny, consistent, interesting, sympathetic-yet-total-waste-of-space asshole that you can't help but root for. Hell, we even get [[Character Development]]!
** His discussing Harley and the Joker in the Top 11 Batman Episodes is a pretty good example of [[Character Development]]. The last time they appeared was in the uncomfortably [[Male Gaze]]-y "Top 11 Animated Hotties" where her abuse was treated for laughs and he compared himself to the Joker. In the Batman Top 11 however, he's kinder, more mature and can relate to how you might hate someone but keep still keep going back to them.
* In the ''Alaska'' review, his surprisingly serious rant on how disgusting it is to just use a dead parent for a plot device and how he's never going to like the lead because of his mean-spirited "I wish you had died and not her" line.
* His review of ''[[James and Thethe Giant Peach]]''. It was a really funny apology from Doug that still kept his backbone in place.
* The edit in ''[[The Avengers]]'' from Father to ''[[Doctor Strangelove]]''. It's freaking seamless.
** And despite never having watched the original show, he still puts its theme song over the closing credits.
** Rob and Doug have tried to get it into the heads of fans for ages, but it was nice to hear Critic saying that an adaptation should stand on its own and you shouldn't need to read or watch something else in order to get it.
* The intro to Nostalgia-ween 2011 is an homage to the opening of [[The X -Files]], and it is glorious.
** He even has the X-Files theme as his end credits music!
* Just how sickened he is by the adulterer in ''[[The Tommyknockers]]'', calling how he left the search for a missing child to go fuck someone his [[Moral Event Horizon]].
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** It's also his longest review, at longer than a half hour. If that's not awesome...
* During the ''Exorcist II'' review, you can really hear his disgust at John Boorman filming the scene of Regan almost jumping off a roof completely for real, with no way to save Linda Blair if she fell. And then he's still able to make a good joke from it.
* His cameo in [[The Nostalgia Chick (Web Video)|The Nostalgia Chick]]'s review of ''The Worst Witch''. Singing, having glorious fun and the whole song is a celebration of '''everyone''' joining in sluttiness.
* Any person who suffered from body issues because of bullying will love his rant on how teenage girls mistreat each other in the ''Doug's First Movie'' review.
* In his review of ''The Cell'', his clear anger at the film using intense child abuse scenes as to show that "[[Captain Obvious|child abuse is bad]]".
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* In ''[[Felix the Cat]]'', "Random Zone". Way too short, but an epic way of showing off his singing voice once again. However, he does get to show it off again in...
* The [[Moulin Rouge]] review. Dear God, where to begin?
** The singing voices of [[Atop the Fourth Wall (Web Video)|Linkara]], [[The Nostalgia Chick (Web Video)|The Nostalgia Chick]], and [[BrentalflossBrental Floss]] are put to exceptionally good use with several amazing parody songs courtesy of Brantalfloss himself.
*** Linkara singing a cover of the opening (and closing).
*** Nostalgia Chick's solo in "Pretense." ''Damn'', that girl can sing.
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** Let's also look at this from a more meta perspective. Just the fact that Doug managed to piece together a roughly 45 minute long video, packed with scripted songs and cameos, speaks volumes about the effort that was put into it, not to mention the guts it took to tackle such a well renowned movie as ''Moulin Rouge''.
** How about we just say the entire "Moulin Rouge" review is just one long crowning moment of awesome, from beginning to end?
** I think the fact that ''he got freaking'' '''''[[BrentalflossBrental Floss]]''''' speaks for itself.
** The fact that the two reviewers he's actually in the room with for their appearances are both people who ''like'' the movie, showing he walks the walk on his statement in the "movies I hate that everyone loves" video that your opinions on movies don't say anything morally about you as a person, and all that matters is how well you can explain that opinion.
** Doug's acting during Critic's [[Heroic BSOD]]. He could have spent it like the [[Bad Bad Acting]] he did when he shot [[BrentalflossBrental Floss]], but nope, he can't resist looking and behaving like Critic's world just caved in (for about the fifth time this year).
** In the commentary, Lindsay calling out the people who didn't even want to watch the review because they were scared of something they liked ''potentially'' getting bashed.
* The Critic doing the entire ''The Grinch'' review [[Rhymes Onon a Dime|IN RHYME.]] '''''THE. ENTIRE. THING.''''' He even edits the non-sequitor movie clips properly so they rhyme along with his own lyrics!
** In the commentary, Doug (fairly humbly, as is his way) states the episode didn't take longer than usual and he's pretty good at rhyming. You must admit that's impressive.
** His imitations of all the Grinch's postures from the cartoon.
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* He gets in a few nice digs about Shatner's giant ego over the course of ''[[Star Trek]]'' month.
** He's also fair to all the movies, detailing if anything works and not acting like the stereotypical fan who just dismisses the odd ones as shit.
* The ''[[Star Trek: Insurrection]]'' video starts with a subversion of the expected joke of Linkara interrupting the Critic gloating over having escaped him. Linkara then pops up ''on the TV''.
** Not impressed with how [[Star Trek]] has now made the ethical battles between in right and wrong into cold facts, Critic gives us this:
{{quote| '''Critic''': Hey Data, which of these is ethically sound? Abortion. Stem Cell Research. The Death Penalty.<br />
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** He manages to never change from his calm, David Attenborough-type voice. For a guy who's such a brat normally, that must have been quite a challenge.
** The pet-owners throwing knives at him when he kills their animals happens to be rather satisfying.
* On the third DVD, he rips ''Doomsday Machine'' to shreds for its mass amount of [[Stay in Thethe Kitchen]] sexism.
* Here's some Fridge Awesome; to give but two examples, he can order the Death Star to destroy a DVD in his backyard and helicopters fly out giant bottles of alcohol for him. Yet he still thinks he has no power over anyone.
* While comparing the two adaptations of ''[[Red Dragon]]'', he naturally decides that Anthony Hopkins' Hannibal Lecter is better than Brian Cox's. But rather than take the easy way out and just say that Hopkins' iconic performance is naturally the better one, he actually makes a serious effort to compare the two and justify his choice.
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* A small one to their fans- in the ''Heavy Metal'' review, the Critic teasing at a potential upcoming review with Jesuokatu.
* The Critic goes off to beat up Mr. Magoo, {{spoiler|and the old man sadistically kicks his ass.}}
* At the end of "Top 11 Simpsons Episodes", the [[Elephant in Thethe Living Room]] brings up the LP. They argue over the credits, and you ''could'' say his [[Motor Mouth|motor mouthed]] defense sounded like a [[Hurricane of Excuses]], but it was a relief to see him not give in to his [[Extreme Doormat]] ways for once.
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