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{{quote| ''Who do you think you are kidding Mr. Hitler?''<br />
''If you think we're on the run.''<br />
''We are the boys who will stop your little game,''<br />
''We are the boys who will make you think again.''<br />
''Cos, who do you think you are kidding Mr. Hitler?''<br />
''If you think old England's done. '' }}
'''''Dad's Army''''' was an ensemble sitcom on [[The BBC]] about the Walmington-on-Sea [[Home Guard]] platoon in World War II, a band of mostly elderly volunteers who would have been their (fictional) town's first line of defence, had the Germans invaded (Walmington-on-Sea and Eastgate (their rival town) are mirrored in the real Northern Kent seaside towns of Birchington-on-Sea and Westgate). The show aired for nine years (1968-77), though the war had only lasted six.
While waiting for the invasion, the platoon did its best to prepare, resulting in many [[Hilarity Ensues|hilarious mishaps]]. They occasionally did some military work, such as guarding downed German pilots, and took part in training exercises with the regular army, where they were often surprisingly successful. They also had a vigorous rivalry with the neighbouring platoon and with the Chief Air Raid Warden, who sometimes tried to sabotage the platoon. Almost every character involved had a catchphrase that most British people can still repeat with very little memory-searching.
The characters included:
* Captain George Mainwaring - pompous bank manager, no combat experience, appointed himself captain. Pronounced "Mannering".
** Catchphrase: "Stupid boy" (directed at Pike), "Good thinking, Wilson. [[Glad I Thought of It|I was wondering who'd be the first to spot that]]" (whenever Wilson points out what he's doing wrong)
* Sergeant Arthur Wilson - diffident deputy bank manager, Captain in the Royal Artillery during World War I, [[A Touch of Class, Ethnicity, and Religion|higher social class than his superior]] as well as more experienced - alternatively verging on being a [[Cloudcuckoolander]] at times.
** Catchphrase: "Are you sure that's wise?" (usually in response to the [[Zany Scheme]] of the week) as well as "How absolutely lovely!" when responding to something that Mainwaring would prefer to treat as [[Serious Business]].
* Lance-Corporal Jack Jones - butcher, veteran of the Sudan (i.e. the late 1890s), longwinded but eager for action.
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* Private Frank Pike - [[Momma's Boy|mollycoddled teenager]]. Was often seen wearing a scarf. Always addresses Wilson as "Uncle Arthur", though Pike may in fact be Wilson's (illegitimate) son. {{spoiler|[[Word of God]] confirms he was.}}
** Catchphrase: "Uncle Arthur?"
* Private James Frazer - [[Useful Notes/British Accents|Scottish]] undertaker, former Royal Navy cook, very gloomy.
** Catchphrase: "We're doomed!" (words can't quite describe his delivery, but it would not look out of place on the set of a [[Hammer Horror]] film, on a villager warning the hero not to go up to the castle.)
* Private Charles Godfrey - Even older than the rest of the platoon, excessively polite and friendly and a butt of constant humour relating to his weak bladder.
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* Captain Square - leader of the Eastgate platoon and occasional rival to Mainwaring
Wilson was strongly implied to be having an affair with Pike's mother, with a suggestion that he might actually be the boy's father. (One episode revealed that he already had a daughter by his estranged wife.)
Much humour was derived from Mainwaring's resentment of Wilson. Even though Mainwaring was in charge, both at work and in the Home Guard, Wilson was from a much higher social stratum and eventually inherited a title. His effortless charm and dignity utterly infuriated Mainwaring, the archetypal "[[The Napoleon|pompous little man]]".
The interplay between the two characters was always beautifully worked and the series is often held up as an example of near-perfect character comedy, enhanced by the acting talents of Arthur Lowe (Mainwaring) and John Le Mesurier (Wilson). Lowe has merely to bristle his moustache to render the audience helpless with laughter; Le Mesurier was hired because (in the words of a member of the production team) "He suffers so ''beautifully''."
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* [[Break Out the Museum Piece]]: In an early episode the platoon go to the museum with the intention of taking weaponry, but do not succeed. The museum's caretaker who is trying to stop them, however, makes good use of the pieces inside to stop them entering.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: Aside from their individual catchphrases, a character tended to say, "There is a war on, you know" in almost every episode.
* [[Character Outlives Actor]]: Walker. When actor James Beck was taken into hospital, Walker got a [[Written in-In Absence]], leaving a note in his place on patrol to explain that he has gone to conduct "business" in London. Beck later died and Walker was never heard of again, but when the show got a radio sequel years after the end of its run, Walker was mentioned as alive and having returned to Walmington-on-Sea.
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: In the episode "Battle of the Giants", Walker mentions having made flags for both their platoon and the Eastgate platoon. They will be used at the end of a contest, in short form, whoever flies their flag first, wins. Although just a passing remark, it turns out later that Walker made both flags say "Walmington-on-Sea" so they would win whoever flew the flag first.
* [[Chuck Cunningham Syndrome]]: Miss King vanishes without a trace after series one. Also happens to [[Shoo Out the New Guy|Private Cheeseman]]; [[Ascended Extra]] Private Desmond, who had a role in one episode and was never heard from again; and Private Bracewell, a character who appears only in the first episode. [[Word of God]] has it that Bracewell was intended to be a recurring character but was cut because the producers felt his character was too much like Godfrey's.
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* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Wilson.
* [[Downer Ending]]: 'Mum's Army' -- Mainwaring falls in love, but the woman leaves him rather than destroy his life with a scandal.
* [[Draft Dodging]]: Frank Pike doesn't want to evade military service, but his medical test reveals a rare blood group. He's excused from active service on the grounds that they'd have nothing to transfuse him with in the event of injury. So he stays in the Home Guard instead - except that {{spoiler|he doesn't admit to this until ''after'' the platoon has held a fish-and-chip supper in his honour}}.
** A now [[Missing Episode]] from series two was based around Walker's attempts to evade the draft. He fails, and has to join the army - but is soon discharged when he turns out to be allergic to corned beef, the only rations available.
* [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]]: A few one-off characters fit this trope. Drill Sgt. Gregory in "Room at the Bottom" and Captain Ramsey in "We Know Our Onions" are excellent examples.
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* [[During the War]]
* [[The Eeyore]]: Private Frazer: "we're [[Doomy Dooms of Doom|dooooooooomed!]]"
* [[Enlistment-Ending Minor Malaise]]: While most of the cast are relegated to the Home Guard for clear cases of being too old for military service, its younger members are in the Home Guard instead of the army due to examples of this trope. Joe Walker is allergic to ration staple corned beef (though [[Lost Episode|the loss in a BBC archive purge]] of its debut episode ''The Loneliness of the Long Distance Walker'' and his Black Marketeer stats give many the impression it's fake) while Frank Pike has a [[AB Negative|rare blood type]].
* [[Executive Meddling]]: Worried that the sitcom would be criticised for ridiculing the Home Guard, the producer insisted on adding an opening scene to the first episode. It shows Mainwaring, in 1968, giving a speech at a formal dinner in which he explains how he and his men 'backed Britain' in 1940. It is utterly redundant. Thankfully it didn't succeed in sinking the show.
* [[Face Palm]]: Sergeant Wilson, frequently.
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* [[Let's Get Dangerous]]: In a sense; while the platoon rarely saw anything in the form of a genuine military operation, every so often the viewer was reminded that behind the bumbling Mainwaring and his men were brave soldiers fully prepared to fight and die in the defense of their homes and country if it came down to it.
** And none braver than Mainwaring himself, who would be the last man out of a bombed building and once faced down a desperate German prisoner with an unloaded gun. (It turned out that the German's gun was unloaded too.)
* [[Living Prop]]: The majority of the troop.
* [[Lysistrata Gambit]]: Mrs Pike threatens Wilson with this several times.
* [[Madness Mantra]]: Don't Panic! Don't Panic!
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** In one episode, he even literally dreams that he's Napoleon.
* [[No Longer with Us]]: Corporal Jones gets one regarding his mother:
{{quote| "My mother's gone to another place. Angmering."}}
* [[Obsolete Mentor]]: Corporal Jones
* [[Only Sane Man]]: Sergeant Wilson. Pike and Walker also have their moments.
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** Justified somewhat: a [[Missing Episode]] did actually have Walker drafted, and discharged on medical grounds because of the allergy - corned beef was the only rations available!
* [[Second Face Smoke]]: In the episode where the platoon are delegated to guard a captured German submarine crew, the German officer is smoking a cigarette and blows smoke in Mainwaring's face.
* [[Sharp-Dressed Man]]: When out of uniform Walker wore incredibly well tailored suits.
* [[Shoo Out the New Guy]]: Private Cheeseman. Also counts as a [[Replacement Scrappy]].
* [[A Simple Plan]]: The Walmington-On-Sea platoon could produce a chaotic outcome to the simplest of tasks.
* [[The So-Called Coward]]: Private Godfrey, as detailed above.
** Also Corporal Jones in "The Two and A Half Feathers". A veteran of the Sudan War claims that he was saved by a native tribeman after Jones left him out in the desert to die. {{spoiler|The tribesman was Jones dressed in Arab robes; he remained silent about his role in order to cover up a scandalous affair the veteran was involved in.}}
* [[Soldiers Atat the Rear]]: Private Joe Walker's "allergy" to corned beef.
* [[Sound to Screen Adaptation]]: Reversed: there is an original cast radio series based on the TV episodes.
* [[Spin-Off]]: The aforementioned radio series, ''It Sticks Out Half a Mile'', broadcast between 1983-84. It centred around Hodges, Pike and Wilson teaming up to renovate the abandoned pier in a nearby seaside town, and was later turned into an original TV series called ''High and Dry''
** The pilot featured Mainwaring and Wilson. Arthur Lowe died soon afterwards hence Mainwarring being replaced with Hodges. Then, when John Le Mesurier passed away after recording one series, it was decided to just put it to rest (as a direct ''[[Dad's Army|Dads Army]]'' [[Spin-Off]], at least).
* [[Squirrels in My Pants]]: In "Room at the Bottom", Corporal Jones gets ants in his pants and, while trying to remove them, accidentally signals the platoon to advance into an ambush.
* [[Surrounded by Idiots]]
{{quote| "You know, Wilson, over the years that I've come to know the members of the platoon, I've become quite fond of them. But I can't help feeling sometimes, that I'm in charge of a bunch of idiots."}}
* [[That Came Out Wrong]]: Captain Mainwaring manages to get a block of rationed cheese as a surprise for his wife. However, when he telephones her with the good news, things don't quite go as he planned.
{{quote| "Yes, Elizabeth. I think I may have a little surprise for you tonight..."}}
** One episode revolved around the platoon trying to find out whether a parachute that had landed in a nearby field was a British parachute (which are white) or Nazi parachute (which are cream.) Unfortunately, Walker had found it and had it made up into women's lingerie to sell. [[Hilarity Ensues]] as Mainwaring visits each of Walker's customers and has to ask to see their underwear...
* [[Those Two Guys]]: The Vicar and Verger.
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* [[The Unintelligible]]: Ivy, Pike's occasional girlfriend.
* [[The Other Darrin]]: Mrs Pike was recast for [[The Movie]] because the studio felt the original actress wasn't high-profile enough. During the live stage show, several parts were recast while the TV actors had other commitments.
* [[UpperclassUpper Class Twit]]: Wilson exhibits some of these traits, although not as much as Mainwaring would like to think he does. Captain Square also has elements of the trope.
* [[The Vicar]]
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: Mainwaring and Wilson's differences of class and methods often put them at odds with each other but they stick together nevertheless.
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