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*** These robots weren't even rebelling. Mega Man murdered his own kind [[Moral Event Horizon|that were just doing their jobs]].
*** According to [[The Wiki Rule|the wiki]], they did go crazy, of course, this information should probably be taken with a grain of salt...
** Well, they have decent teleportation technology by that point, so I assume that it's to take down his forces, like in the [[DragonballDragon Ball|Red Ribbon Saga]]. Otherwise, Wily could teleport every single robot, including all eight robot masters, into his chambers the moment you came in. Basically, so you don't have to defeat an army single handed.
*** Wily already tried that. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wRRLu99qKg It failed.]
** The whole point of killing the enemy bosses is for Mega Man to grow physically and/or mentally, so he'll be strong enough to survive whatever Wily/Sigma/boss of the month can throw at him. Otherwise, he wouldn't survive for long.
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** Besides, it's implied those robots are in some way attacking the public from their fortresses/stages, so Mega Man would need to take them out afterward anyway.
* The Metool. It's like the cockroach of the Mega Man universe This little guy has been around for some 700 years. It's seen many wars, and apocalypses. It's escaped obsolencense despite the introduction and evolution of Reploids. Amazing isn't it?
** How do you know they're exactly the same? After all, the Megamen have all looked more or less the same except for some cosmetic differences for the seven hundred years, and even beyond to [[Mega Man Legends (Video Game)|Mega Man Legends]]. They're probably being upgraded regularly, but we can't see it because all the changes are internal. The shield on the top itself is still perfectly good, being invulnerable and all, and it blocks us from seeing any other cosmetic changes.
* What's with [[Exty Years From Now|the Exties]]? This one's confused me ever since the NES games: why set the date as "200X" or "20XX"? Even with the X, there's a limit to the date: the "X" digits can't be more than 9. So if it's to stave off [[I Want My Jetpack|I Want My Rush Jet]] once the real dates come up, then it's no better than just saying the highest possible numbers (like 2009 or 2099); the setting will be dated either way after that. There are more games that do it than Mega Man, but Mega Man's so famous for it that I thought I'd bring it up here.
** It's basically because the gamer only needs a rough idea of when the games take place. There are actually specific dates that can be found at the [http://megaman.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page MMKB], if you really must know.
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** It was never said the power supply was unstable, just the core itself. It's probable that the core wasn't perfect in managing itself (Remember, Proto Man WAS the first of his kind, and people having no prior experience in creating something the first time they ever create it), or it short-circuited and was damaged when he was first activated. And anyways, how are you gonna power your solar batteries when it's a cloudy day or the middle of the night? (Which is also the reason why solar-powered cars and the like are unconventional and nowhere near completion)
== [[Mega Man (Videovideo Gamegame)|Mega Man]] ==
* What happened to the original cast before the ''X'' series began?
** It's a [[Fanon|popular fan theory]] that Zero killed them all.
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***** And, as I said, a year isn't actually an option -- X's testing period makes it 30 years, minimum. I just mentioned that it could be as little as a year going by the listed "dates" alone to demonstrate that the difference between 20XX and 21XX ''isn't'' necessarily 100 years, it could be anywhere from 1 to 199 years. So it's between 30 and 199 years.
****** [[Word of God]] (and, if I remember correctly, the actual game itself, possibly the manual) said 100 years. The 30 years thing was just how long the tests would take. Also, the idea that Zero killed them all just causes plot holes, and there's '''absolutely no evidence whatsoever''' to suggest it's even remotely true. (Sorry. I belong to a Mega Man fan forum, and this comes up a ''lot''.)
******* Let's not forget that Zero, as powerful as he is, couldn't beat the entire Classic cast. Fat chance. If Dr. Light could create the Ultimate Armor while he was still alive, you'd think he'd be able to come up with a weapon to cream Zero, too. Same thing occurred with the Stardroids from the Game Boy [[Mega Man (Videovideo Gamegame)|Mega Man]] IV.
******** Why not? He's about as good as X, X is better than the original Mega Man, and Mega Man took down more or less the entire classic cast by himself. I mean, maybe not if they ganged up, but if he fought them one-on-one, sort of like what Mega Man did? Why not?
******* It works reasonably well in the [[Fan Verse|Ericoverse]].
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** Except in 2, 5, 7, 8, and 10 he actually built these robots himself, but Wily is sort of a lazy sort who obviously likes things the easy way.
* Is Dr. Light and Wily's relationship based on Edison and Tesla?
** Good question: see [[Mega Man (Franchise)/WMG|Mega Man]] for details.
* Why was Light's holographic, posthumous A.I. version of himself so much more competent than he was in life?
** He programmed it that way. =P
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* So now Wily is going back to the old "frame someone to take the fall for his robot assault on humanity" ploy in ''9'', e? Why? Only a true moron couldn't see through the ploy ( {{spoiler|and it ''is'' a ploy, according to the official soundtrack; Wily ''is'' controlling the new robots, ''not'' Light}}), and he had pretty much given up trying such a tactic after it failed him ''three different times in the past''. Does Capcom simply think that [[Viewers are Morons]]? Do they really think we're going to buy Wily's accusation of Light in this game? Seriously...
** Considering that the last time he used such a tactic, he [[Paper-Thin Disguise|put on a fake beard, sunglasses and posed as Mr. X]], this plot at least makes it so that Dr. Light can't help Mega Man. It's quite obvious that Dr. Light didn't even have enough time to reinstate the Charge Shot or Slide to Rock before the police were on his tail. Take note that [[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You|Bass]] is [[Put Onon a Bus|mysteriously absent]]. Wily has gotten [[Genre Savvy]].
*** Take note that in the ending, {{spoiler|Bass' blueprints are shown on a screen. Either Wily deactivated him, or Bass got so sick of the old fart that he left in disgust... Or maybe he left when Wily tried to seem "good" again, on Wily's orders, for the sake of making it look more convincing.}}
**** This troper likes to think that {{spoiler|Bass was just getting a tune-up.}}
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** They're Windows Vista-tipped. Same reason they're an insta-kill in Network Transmission.
** My theory? They're all cone-shaped antennae. Mega Man warps into the bases, so an antennae emitting the right frequency could force Mega Man to warp out, which is why he turns into balls of light that float away instead of just blowing up. Also explains how he comes back seconds later. Lives aren't actual lives, they're just how much power Mega Man has to teleport back to Dr. Wily's Base. Also, the checkpoints are dead zones between the antennae that are so small, Mega Man couldn't see on radar when he warped to the base. This explains why he warps to the beginning of the stage instead of straight to the Robot Master. Why do you think most boss fights take place in a small secluded room with thick walls? I forget; did I answer your question?
** METAL spikes. METAL robot. Anyone who's played ''[[Mega Man 2 (Video Game)|Mega Man 2]]'' will know this is simple [[Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors]] in action.
** The only thing that bugs this troper is why people assume metal can't cut through metal. As pointed out above, although with abit less humor here, it's very likely that the spikes are made of a metal stronger than Mega's armor, and therefore would kill him quite easily if he landed on one without a Spike Guard or [[Mercy Invincibility]].
* If the original six robot masters were created by Dr. Light, why didn't he just GIVE Mega Man their weapons to begin with instead of having him fight all of them with his pea-shooter?
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**** Time. Working from the above, we can assume that either Dr. Wily stole and deleted Dr. Light's data files, or perhaps caused some damage to his lab during his escape. Sure, given time, Dr. Light could rebuild and reprogram the various weapons, but Wily was out causing mayhem with his bots right now, so he had to make do wih Mega Man's weapon absorption ability.
*** The robots didn't originally have "weapons". They were created as public servants, not warriors. Wily modified their tools to become weapons, which Light wouldn't have known about until Mega Man actually faced them.
* Wait, I heard that in the ''[[Mega Man (Videovideo Gamegame)|Mega Man]] 9'' manga, the original 6 robot master were there trying to stymie the robot rampage. Considering the MM9 robots were being scrapped because they were past their expiry dates, wouldn't the originals be well past their expiry dates? Or was it that these "original" robots are technically newer robots, having been rebuilt from being scrapped by Mega Man.
** Expiration dates apply to a specific robot. Doesn't mean you can never produce a robot that's the same. They're probably just robots designed the same way as the original six in a different production series.
** I don't think expiration dates were put in place until much later than the first game's events.
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** {{spoiler|Remember all [[Continuity Nod|the money he hoodwinked people out of in 9?]] :spoiler}}
** {{spoiler|First time I saw it, I assumed the beggining of the dark part just got an antenna that pointed straight up to a geostationary satelite, so most of the line you see forming is just Mega Man teleporting in wave form :spoiler}}
* How come Wily makes levels for Mega Man to jump around in? How come he doesn't just make a world that's just all spikes, or with tons of enemies to kill him? If Wily wants to kill Mega Man so much, and he apparently has enough materials to make all of these complex labyrinths for him to travel through, why doesn't he just make a death trap that Mega Man [[Unwinnable Byby Design|CAN'T GET THROUGH?]] Furthermore, why can't Mega Man just save his time and effort and just '''teleport to the robot master's fortress'''?
** There is no better answer to those questions other than [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpP_BKPa5Oc The Last Days of Dr. Wily]
*** OP: That was a funny video, but it didn't answer the last one, which is a good point. If Mega Man can teleport into the stages, wouldn't it make sense for him to teleport directly into the robot master's fortress and attack him with full health?
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** It looks like a metal or alloy treatment plant considering all the tubes, death liquid, and such.
* Why hasn't Mega Man killed Dr. Wily yet? I'm not talking about ethics or pragmatism. I'm talking about how at the end of every game, Wily attacks from inside a large machine or a saucer (or both), and MM shoots the thing until it explodes with a great deal of force, vaporizing every molecule of the thing and leaving not even scrap metal... yet somehow Wily remains unscathed. There isn't even evidence of an ejector seat!
** I think he has some sort of protecting shield device of sorts. It's not a far stretch. Wily once teleported into the scene like Mega Man does at the beginning of the stage, when Dr. Cossack stopped fighting Mega Man in ''4''. He could have the technology. Also, Wily's pretty damn tough. He survived being crushed by huge hunks of debris at the end of ''[[Mega Man 3 (Video Game)|Mega Man 3]]'' and ''7'' without even getting injured.
* In the ending of Mega Man 7, Mega Man tries to [[Why Don't Ya Just Shoot Him|kill Dr. Wily]], saying "I am more than a robot! Die Wily!" While most think this is [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|really cool]], I questioned it. Mega Man was converted from an assistant robot to a fighting robot to fight other robots by [[Lawful Good|Dr. Light]], who wouldn't break the laws of robotics in a situation like this. I don't believe for a second that Mega Man (who is not a thinking, feeling Reploid and therefore [[Lawful Stupid]] [I mean he didn't even question the concept of expiry dates in Mega Man 9, doesn't believe [[Obviously Evil|Bass]] is his enemy and [[What an Idiot!|have you seen the ending to 9?]]]) would try to kill even Dr. Wily, no matter how futile an attempt at incarceration would be, on top of not trying to kill him in future installments. Basically, no, Mega Man is not more than a robot.
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== [[Mega Man Zero]] ==
* Okay, who the hell thought it would be a good idea [[The Punishment|to give Weil immortality]] and then just let him wander around? Didn't it occur to ''anyone'' that he might come back? Sure, [[Never Say "Die"|they couldn't just kill him,]] but they could at least shoot him into space like they did with Omega or something.
** Actually, I'm pretty sure they ''did''. Except Weil is a scheming bastard, and he got lucky. Go figure.
** Well, they WERE going to [[Mystery Science Theater 3000|send him cheesy movies, the worst they could find]], but then the Neo Arcadians realized that A) they had already pretty much taken over the world, and B) given the necessity, Weil would just cannibalize Omega to make two faster, deadlier, snarkier robots.
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*** Considering that Vent/Aile have just about the same backstory until you get to near the end of the game, it's sort of obvious that they are separate continuities. That said, the Vent/Ashe path seems to be more focused on free will, and the Grey/Aile path seems to be focused on destiny, as neither Vent nor Ashe were really all that important, just schmucks who got Biometals, and Grey/Aile were important figures who were related to Model W and Albert, if I recall correctly.
*** But it's not like it isn't said Vent hasn't got the same blood as Albert either (and Advent practically confirmed that it's a requirement for a Mega Man), and Ashe happens to be Albert's great-great ''granddaughter''. Then you have the bridge in the abandoned lab, which is conspicuously destroyed even in Ashe's story, even though it was blatantly destroyed in the beginning of Grey's story. And don't forget the original profiles in ZX which imply that Vent and Aile exist together, and the anime trailer. I think there is no [[Road Cone]], Capcom just makes it look like one for the sake of re-playability.
*** The same blood thing is because Albert injected them to the Chosen Ones, which contains his DNA, which is supposedly the thing that could make them able to Megamerge. The [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_6QGlvHNP8 anime trailer]? Well I could agree that Vent/Aile can exist together, but... As Mega Men (as in, the ones who can Megamerge)? ''NO.'' [[Cutscene Power to Thethe Max]] indeed; think about it, how can one Biometal can be used to merge with 2 person... ''At the same time?'' (So Vent and Aile, both as Mega Man Model X - and later Model ZX - can exist at the same time? Unbelievable, isn't it?)
*** Of course, it could simply be that Vent and Aile are actually siblings, and one of them dies in the same event that their mother dies in, and in ZX Advent, Pandora might end up succeeding in killing Grey, or Prometheus might succeed in killing Ashe depending on which of the above siblings survived. (you know, a chaos theory approach)
*** Well actually they ARE in the same universe, if you play ZX Advent you actually meet the first character (if you're Ashe you meet Vent, if you're Gray you meet Aile) in a cut scene which basically explains that there are multiple Rockmen using the R.O.C.K. system (which you kind of figured by now) and that model ZX is a unique Live Metal just like Model A (which we all assume is Axl due to copy-power) I do not know if its cut out of the English transliteration of the game as I played it PRIOR to it being released in the UK in the Japanese version. Also ZX takes place about 4 years and 8 months prior to ZX Advent.
** My interpretation is that there are 2 continuities, and both Vent/Aile and Grey/Ashe live in both continuities. But in the first game, consider yourself Girouette, who chooses between Vent and Aile to accompany him to the Biometal escort mission in the intro cutscene. The one you chosen will be the protagonist, while the other will just stay in the Giro Express office (if there is one), never mentioned in the story but nevertheless still exists. And in the second game, if you choose Ashe, then Grey would be dead in the intro stage after beating the boss, [[Dropped a Bridge Onon Him|breaking the bridge]] and falling down to the waterfall, while if you choose Grey, then Ashe would be dead after the Prometheus encounters her and the Hunters. So in Grey/Ashe's case, both exist, but one will die in the another's storyline. (Please note that being dead is not the same as being unexisted.)
** This troper thought that Vent and Aile worked together during the first game, and Grey and Ashe each took care of half the work unknowingly, coming together at the end in both cases. [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]] results from having this interpretation being impractical for gameplay.
* Why did nobody suspect Master Albert of some sort of evil plot? I mean, wouldn't choosing to name himself after the evilest guy in history, the guy who literally introduced the concept of Evil to robot/reploid-kind, be kind of a ''clue'' that he has less than benevolent plans?
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** It's a name. Sure, if you were working with a guy named [[Adolf Hitler|Adolf]], you might be wondering why his parents would choose to name him after a dictator, but you probably wouldn't go "OMG! That guy's evil!" Also, was it ever ''said'' that the Sage Trinity named themselves after the three founding roboticists? It's likely that the events of the original series, while probably still taught in schools, is only of real interest to history buffs at this point. At this point it's likely to just be a coincidence.
*** Besides, the evilest guy in history goes to Dr. Weil at this point.
* One has to wonder why Prometheus and Pandora, when they were half-obeying Albert (they were being [[Stalked Byby the Bell]] themselves, so total disobedience before the end wasn't an option - Mysterious Lab 3 capsules, remember?), rather than plot out how to kill Albert, didn't instead try to figure out how to demolish or sabotage Model W, given how integral it was to Albert's scheme. Hey, if destroying it's good enough for Aile and Vent...
** Because they're sociopaths that don't care if the world ends, so they just aimed for freedom and nothing more. Demolishing his plans would just make Albert start the PLANS from scratch, not everything and anything.
* [http://fast1.onesite.com/capcom-unity.com/user/wilyweil/c15258f6e02706ded3252375ebc7a0b1.jpg?v=252900 Judging] [http://fast1.onesite.com/capcom-unity.com/user/wilyweil/6ff0c729bf8290910017e01510575087.jpg?v=269400 at] [http://fast1.onesite.com/capcom-unity.com/user/wilyweil/79ea3e05a9fa9c5c8046beaa45b77e2e.jpg?v=165150 these] [http://fast1.onesite.com/capcom-unity.com/user/wilyweil/5da72bd096fca99d700159bae54c1427.jpg?v=253800 official artworks], I wonder why Aile always use the Buster form of her weapon, while Vent always use the Saber form. I hate to say this, but I found some [[Unfortunate Implications]] here... Also see their Megamerging process in ''Advent'' for [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OG0ep-C4OAc Aile] and [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l21s-Jh24Ho Vent].
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* Regarding whose storyline is canon and whose isn't, before I'm going on it, I will say that all of the protagonists (Vent, Aile, Grey, Ashe) exists in all storylines. <br /><br />Now I will say that Aile's story is the canon one. [http://www.capcom-unity.com/mega_man/go/thread/view/7461/26607761/VentAiles_storyline_-_Same,_but_different This is my hypothesis.]
== [[MegamanMega Man Legends]] ==
* How does Trigger use things like his vacuum arm? He's practically missing half his arm.
* Been eight years since Legends 2 was released. Think <s>Volnutt's</s> Trigger's experiencing that in real time?
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** Because these aren't humans, or even the human/reploid hybrids of ZX. These are a humanoid-robot slave race known as the "carbons" left behind by the extinction of their human/reploid creators, who were presumably mostly earless.
== [[Mega Man (Filmfilm)|The Mega Man fan movie]] ==
* Why did they make Blues so powerful? Elec Man is more understandable, but he one-shotted the ''Yellow Devil''.
** I'm more annoyed at Blues shrugging off Elecman's attacks. He's supposed to be the [[Glass Cannon]]. Though granted, I would have liked to see the Yellow Devil on its last legs after a brutal fight with Mega Man where he just got the upper hand, when Blues blew him to bits.
*** Well, by nature of being the prototype he would be tougher, his flaw is his faulty power source which unlike the other robots, is unstable and will eventually give out, or even blow up. Not that that helps the JBM.
*** I have a theory why Blues was so powerful. It's commonly known that whenever any Mega Men from any series participate in cutscenes, their power ranges from useless piece of scrap to unbelievable strength. Since this is a movie and there is no gameplay, i think that is the reason why Blues shrugged off Elecman's attacks like it was nothing and then literally punched his head off.
* This one doesn't really bug me ''that'' much, but what was the name of Light's wife? If we're not getting an answer, then I'll just assume [[The Protomen (Music)|Emily]].
** Something like Aiyuka, I think. He said it once and really quietly.
* Why did anyone run away or stop and gasp when the robots attacked the city? That baffles me.
** [[Reality Ensues|Because paying extras to do so is expensive]].
* Yes, it's a hard find to locate Monsteropolis as the name of the city where Mega Man 1 takes place, but was the name changed to Fujiwara city for any reason other than to sound more Japanese-ish?
** A quick search shows it's the name of an ancient Japanese imperial capital, and someone named Keiji Fujiwara is a Japanese voice actor who voiced Gate in [[Mega Man X (Video Game)|Mega Man X]] 6, and Bass in Mega Man Network Transmission. Without asking the writer, it'd be impossible to say why he picked "Fujiwara" in particular, but I really don't think he didn't know it was Monsteropolis, because he had done considerable research before making the movie ''and'' said movie includes tracks from [[The Megas]]' first album, whose third track is "Annihilation of Monsteropolis." The fact remains, that "Monsteropolis" is frankly not a city name that's going to be taken seriously in a feature-length, live-action movie.
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