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[[File:Robby1_9254.jpg|frame|[[Lost in Space|And]] [[The Man from U.N.C.L.E.|Many]] [[Columbo|More]]]]
{{quote|''"I actually recognize this wall. It's been redressed a number of times, most recently for a scene in the ''[[Star Trek: Enterprise|Enterprise]]'' series finale "These are the Voyages...", but it's also been used as a backdrop on a Son'a ship in ''[[Star Trek: Insurrection|Insurrection]]''... This wall, I think, deserves an Emmy for withstanding so much crap."''|''[[The Agony Booth]]'' [http://www.agonybooth.com/recaps/Star_Trek/Deep_Space_Nine/Let_He_Who_Is_Without_Sin___.aspx?Page=5 recap] of "[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine|Let He Who is Without Sin...]]"}}
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