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** [[Gene Roddenberry]] never liked that he used the Klingons as the "Race of Black Hats" in [[Star Trek: The Original Series|The Original Series]], and thus made Worf as a Klingon main character and the first season episode "Heart of Glory" completely redefined their place as a [[Proud Warrior Race Guy|Proud Warrior Race]].
* [[Base Breaker]]: Captain Edward Jellico from the two-part episode "Chain of Command" is one of ''[[Star Trek]]'''s most polarizing characters. His fans see him as a bold, effective officer who magnificently outwitted the Cardassians. His detractors consider him a huge [[Jerkass]] who had no business [[Replacement Scrappy|filling in for Picard]] and [[Tyrant Takes the Helm|making changes to the way things were run]] on the ''Enterprise''.
* [[Complete Monster]]: Data's brother Lore from ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]'' is a thoroughly unsympathetic android who {{spoiler|kills his creator, reprograms his brother to follow his every command, and threatens to set Wesley on fire}}.
{{quote|Lore {{spoiler|(to Wesley): "Are you prepared for the kind of death you've earned, little man?"}}}}
** {{spoiler|And no, [[Creator's Pet|trying to immolate Wesley]]}} does not make up for all the other stuff he did.
** Oh, yeah, he also {{spoiler|tried to make the Borg (or at least a certain segment thereof) an even greater threat than they already were}}.
** He also {{spoiler|summoned the Crystalline Entity to his creator's colony when the other colonists petitioned Soong to deactivate him out of fear that he would turn on them. It could be argued that he acted in self-defense, but given everything else we see of his true nature it's obvious that he mostly did it for his own sick amusement. He tried to do the same thing to the Enterprise too.}}
*** The closest Lore ever comes to having a [[Pet the Dog]] moment is when he almost breaks down crying [[Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas|when his father is revealed to be dying]]. Of course, considering the content of the first spoiler, it should tell you how that goes.
** Kivas Fajo from ''The Most Toys''. At first, he seems to be just another [[Smug Snake]] villain who thinks [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money|Screw The Rules, I Have ... well, something anyway]]. Then he talks very matter-of-factly about how he'd like to try out a particularly cruel [[Death Ray]] called a Varon-T Disruptor -- illegal in [[The Federation]] because of how it slowly destroys the body from the inside out -- {{spoiler|and later does use it on his broken, codependent slave girlfriend and threatens to shooting as many subordinates as necessary to coerce Data into obeying him}}. When your actions {{spoiler|drive the emotionless android good guy to attempted murder}}, you're a [[Complete Monster]].
*** His [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]] to Data afterwards is particularly devastating. Data's response is to override his own ethical programming, because he knows he cannot desire justice and so must enact it for those who do.
{{quote|Fajo: "Murder me - go ahead, it's all you have to do. Fire! If only you could...feel...RAGE over Varria's death - if only you could feel the NEED for revenge, maybe you could fire...But you're...just an android - you can't feel anything, can you? ''It's just another interesting...intellectual puzzle for you'', another of life's...curiosities."
Data: "I cannot allow you to continue." -Fires- }}
** Armus, the disgusting, hateful thing that killed Tasha Yar. It was actually ''made of hate'' -- He was [[Made of Evil|formed from the evil emotions]] cast off by a race of aliens that [[Ascended to A Higher Plane of Existence]]. He kills, torments, and tortures as a matter of course -- and it's all [[For the Evulz]].
*** Once again, even Data who has no emotions, sees Armus for what it truly is.
{{quote|Data: "You are capable of great sadism and cruelty. Interesting. No redeeming qualities."
Armus: "So, what do you think?"
Data: "I think ''you should be destroyed''." }}
* [[Creator's Pet]]: Wesley Crusher, the former [[Trope Namer]], also [[Exaggerated Trope|an especially severe case]] since, by varying amounts, he fits ''EVERY'' criterion of both [[Creator's Pet]] and [[The Scrappy]].
** He might have been more tolerable if he hadn't been given an "important" role in so many episodes. Indeed, the episodes that actually focus on him are [[So Okay It's Average]], so he's alot better when he's not shoehorned into the spotlight in everyone else's episodes.