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See also the [[Trek Verse]] - a discussion of internal ''Trek'' history as viewed from a real-world perspective as well as how it affected modern culture.
* [[Beam Me Up, Scotty]]
* [[Boldly Coming]]
* [[Captain's Log]]
* [[Deflector Shields]]
* [[Dropped a Bridge on Him]]: Referring to Kirk's much-maligned [[Heroic Sacrifice]] in ''Star Trek Generations''.
* [[The Federation]]
* [[Growing the Beard]]: An [[In-Joke]] directed at Jonathan Frakes, whose character Cmd. Riker grew a beard at the same time TNG improved in overall quality.
* [[He's Dead, Jim]]: McCoy's most frequent diagnosis. No wonder they call him Bones.
* [[Holodeck Malfunction]]: "The Big Goodbye" (TNG)
* [[I Am Not Spock]]: From [[Leonard Nimoy]]'s autobiography.
* [[I'm a Doctor, Not a Placeholder]]: McCoy's [[Catch Phrase]], later to become a franchise [[Running Gag]]. Here's a [,_not_a full list.]
* [[In the Original Klingon]]: ''Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country''
* [[Inertial Dampening]]
* [[Insane Admiral]]
* [[The Kirk]]
* [[Kirk Summation]]
** [[Shut Up, Kirk]]
* [[Kirk's Rock]]: For the British equivalent, see [[BBC Quarry]].
* [[Klingon Promotion]]
* [[Klingon Scientists Get No Respect]]
* [[Klingons Love Shakespeare]]: ''Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country''
* [[Lower Deck Episode]]: Coined by the TNG episode "Lower Decks"
* [[Mary Sue]]: Via a 1973 [[Fanfic]] which parodied the trend of writing these.
* [[The McCoy]]
* [[Mirror Universe]]: "Mirror, Mirror" (TOS) and accompanying episodes.
* [[The Neutral Zone]]: "The Balance of Terror" (TOS)
* [[Nice Hat]]: Worf's introduction his new First Officer (DS9).
* [[Pardon My Klingon]]
* [[Patrick Stewart Speech]]
* [[Red Shirt]]: Referring to Kirk's expendable Security staff. As the uniform colors switched around in the spin-offs, the term "Goldshirt" also applies.
* [[Resistance Is Futile]]: The Borg opening hail, first heard in "Q Who" (TNG).
** [[You Will Be Assimilated]]
* [[The Roddenberry Line]]
* [[Scotty Time]]
* [[Slash Fic]]: From Kirk/Spock.
* [[Space Whale Aesop]]: ''Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home''
* [[The Spock]]
* [[Spock Speak]]
* [[Straw Vulcan]]: The interstellar flavor of [[Screw You, Elves]]
* [[Theiss Titillation Theory]]: Named for the costume designer on ''The Original Series''.
* [[Trekkie]]
* [[Vulcan Has No Moon]]
* [[Wagon Train to the Stars]]: Gene Roddenberry originally pitched his draft as ''[[Wagon Train]]'' <small>[[In Space]]</small>.
* [[We Come in Peace, Shoot to Kill]]: From a [[wikipedia:Star Trekkin|famous parody]].
* [[Whoopi Epiphany Speech]]
* [[The Worf Effect]]
** [[The Worf Barrage]]
** [[Worf Had the Flu]]