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** Also at one point you use a sniper rifle to take out a number of robots, when you've taken down larger robots with two hits.
** The original ''[[Final Fantasy VII]]'' also contains a short stealth sequence in Shinra HQ, but if you fail often enough you'll just go in guns blazing.
* The PSP [[Turn-Based Strategy]] release ''[[Wild ArmsARMs XF]]'' has obligatory stealth sequences. Fortunately, the game establishes the guards' logic instead of forcing you to trial-and-error it (I'm looking at you, ''[[The Legend of Zelda|Wind Waker]]''), graphically highlights whichever hex tiles the guards are currently observing (I'm looking at you, ''[[Fahrenheit (2005 video game)]]''), and ''knows'' you might have to fall back on trial-and-error, and makes that easy.
* One early mission of ''[[Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings]]'' tasks you with getting from Point A to Point B with Vaan and Vaan alone. Short of obscene [[Level Grinding]], the only only way to survive is not to get noticed.
** Surprisingly and [[Guide Dang It|somewhat unintuitively]], it's possible to give Vaan boots that prevent him from being immobilized by the enemies' lightning-elemental attacks, use an ability that temporarily increases his movement speed that you should already have at that point and have him just run through the level with any enemies in tow either not being able to get close enough to hit him or not being able to do enough damage to kill him before he gets to the goal.
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** Or, you can let a spotlight see Welkin next to one of the shocktroopers while he still has a lot of movement left, and [[Hilarity Ensues|watch the poor sap get mortared instead.]]
* Retrieving the Green Hive in ''[[Overlord II]]'' requires the Overlord to possess a Green Minion and lead a group of them into an Empire base. He and his minions then have to sneak around and [[Back Stab]] the forces guarding the base, including the magic detecting Sentinels and the Eradicators, which are [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]]. This section is pretty forgiving; the Overlord himself can't actually die here (the Minion does, but you can get more) and if you lose a few Minions there are jars with reinforcements scattered about the base. Plus, you get to sic [[Everything's Worse with Bears|Giant Pandas]] on the guards here. One of the more well thought out and entertaining examples of this trope. The mission where you have to rely on the Blue Minions in the sewers isn't so bad either thanks to their ''invisibility'' power. Being invisible makes a '''Stealth Based Mission''' ''much'' easier.
* ''[[Ace Combat]]'' shows that you can have "stealth" in flight action titles; ''3'', ''5'', ''6'' and ''X'' have missions where you have to either fly a plane below a certain altitude, avoid circles on the [[Enemy -Detecting Radar]] representing radar coverage, or both. Getting your style cramped like that naturally makes for [[That One Level|annoying levels]]. The radar circles in 5 however, decrease in radius the lower your altitude is, so it does encourage something resembling real-life stealth tactics.
** ''2'' manages a mission like this that is completely pointless - you're told to stay below a certain altitude to make a sneak-attack on an enemy base, but you can go above that altitude at the very start of the mission, and the only difference made is when the music switches from downbeat to action mode. The reward for doing it the stealthy way however, are two grounded bomber planes that failed to take off due to your stealthy approach, which, if destroyed, unlocks an optional mission right afterwards.
** [[Ace Combat: Assault Horizon]] has a stealth mission on the first half of a Bomber mission when you play Janice Riehl. Not only the radars are placed in very awkward positioning, it is mandatory for you to do so even when you select the already stealthy B-2 bomber.
* Even [[Armored Core]] is not immune to occasionally indulge in this. The first half of a particular mission in ''Armored Core 3: Silent Line'' requires you to stealth your way through a deep ravine filled with AI helicopters. Getting discovered does not equal instant failure, but you only have two seconds maximum to destroy it before it broadcasts an alarm, which ''does'' fail your mission. Adding to the challenge is the existence of a hidden part within the level, and a bonus part awarded for clearing the sneaking part under a certain time limit (they do not, however, need to be obtained in one go). Thankfully, the helicopters are real pushovers; two small missiles will bring down one, and killing them outright before they spot you is a common tactic.
* ''[[Golden Sun]]'' has a portion where the party has to sneak through a thieves' base in order to rescue the mayor of a large city. The second game has a similar mission where the party must sneak past tribal guards.
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* In the ''[[Medal of Honor]]: Frontline'' level "Operation Repunzel", if the guard at the front desk is "asleep"(which may be a glitch), you can sneak your way through most of the mansion, if he's awake, your cover will immediately be blown. You pretty much have to blow your cover anyway if you're going for the medal.
* Pretty much the entirety of the ''[[Fallout: New Vegas]]'' DLC ''Dead Money'', which will often actively penalize you if you run around willy nilly and fight any enemy you want. {{spoiler|Late in the DLC, after Dog/God betrays you, you literally ''have'' to use stealth to disable his traps or else he will immediately subject you to a gruesome [[Nonstandard Game Over]].}}
* At least three instances in ''[[RunescapeRuneScape]]'', all during quests. During Mad Eadgar's Ruse the player must sneak through a heavily guarded storeroom that has the last (until the next quest in the series) supply of the trolls' favourite seasoning herb, getting sent back to the storeroom entrance if caught. In {{spoiler|Branches of Darkmeyer}} the player has to {{spoiler|sneak through the lowest part of the vampyre town in order to find the pieces of clothing they need to disguise themselves as a vampyre, without being caught by the residents or guards who will teleport them back to the entrance.}} And, finally, during {{spoiler|Ritual of the Mahjarrat, the player has to sneak around the plateau where the titular ritual will take place, planting the beacons and heart needed to give their side the edge in the oncoming fight, while avoiding the sniffer beasts that will summon an unavoidable mage who will teleport players to an easily escaped cell.}}
* Several ''[[Rainbow Six]]'' missions have you infiltrate a house or building without being spotted, which means you can't kill anyone either. The two stealth missions in ''Rogue Spear'' are [[That One Level|especially infuriating]], and they [[Remixed Level|later become action levels]] that are no less difficult.
* This is essentially what it's like to play [[You Dirty Rat|Twitch the Plague Rat]] in [[League of Legends]]. He is amongst the frailest characters in the game but can do a lot of damage very quickly and does almost always have the element of surprise due to his ability to become invisible for up to 50 seconds at a time. Twitch's role on a team is to roam the map and pick off wounded and occupied targets without endangering himself in the process.