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Stealth Pun/Newspaper Comics

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Examples of Stealth Puns in Newspaper Comics include:

  • This [dead link] Mallard Fillmore strip. The punchline sounds almost like a parody of his usual Strawman Political rants; eventually someone figured out it's a Stealth Pun. (Because NASCAR fans are "race-ists".)
  • A late 2009 Housebroken strip had DJ Dog mentioning his plans to expand his empire. His plans include a line of handbags called DJ Doggie Bags, a soft drink called DJ Doggie Dew, and a fashion and lifestyle magazine called DJ Doggie...Fashion Magazine. Maya says she can't think of a better name for the last one without them getting cancelled.
  • FoxTrot sometimes has the characters making references to Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity being on TV—which of course means that the Fox family is watching Fox News.
  • Dilbert: Man, does Scott Adams love this.[context?]

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