Straw Feminist: Difference between revisions

grammar, italics on work names, markup, potholes, replaced redirects, paragraphing, moved "comedy" to "recorded and stand up comedy", merged "opera" into "theater", merged "machinima" into "web original", CAPS to italics, copyedits
(grammar, italics on work names, markup, potholes, replaced redirects, paragraphing, moved "comedy" to "recorded and stand up comedy", merged "opera" into "theater", merged "machinima" into "web original", CAPS to italics, copyedits)
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[[File:snapshot20081221151747.jpg|link=Ouran High School Host Club|400px|thumbnail|[[Putting on the Reich|We swear to purge this earth of disgusting male pigs!]]]]
{{quote|''There are now women politicians, women soldiers, women scientists, women astronauts. But our mission is only half-done: we still haven't prevented men from doing those things!''|'''April June''', ''Chilly Beach''}}
|'''April June''', ''Chilly Beach''}}
A character whose feminism is drawn only for the purposes of either proving them wrong or ridiculing them.
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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* Benio and the Zuka Club from ''[[Ouran High School Host Club]]'' are a troupe of [[Schoolgirl Lesbians|lesbian actresses]] (parody of the real-life [[Takarazuka]] Revue) who advocate female superiority and at one point (pictured above) perform a [[Those Wacky Nazis|Nazi salute]] against a backdrop of a red flag with the Japanese character 女 (''onna'' meaning "woman") instead of a Swastika -- ''literal'' feminazis. Their radicalism is probably just a result of being headstrong teenagers who are just as silly as the Host Club, though, and at the end of the episode Haruhi, whom they'd been trying to recruit, tells them that she finds their viewpoint "interesting and unique" but doesn't feel like leaving her friends in the Host Club. In the original manga, the conflict is eventually resolved with the Host Club's apologetic invitation to one of the Zuka Club's performances, which everyone found very enjoyable. For some reason, probably because of the differences in the story this ending was replaced with [[Banana Peel|banana peel jokes]] in Bones' anime adaptation.
* ''[[Armitage III]]''. The [[Backstory]] is given in snippets, but a key plot element is that feminists have become political powerhouses equivalent to Greens. It is implied by the presence of an Earth "observer" that on Earth, women have gained status equivalent to modern-day South African whites - and few are willing to give that up just because [[Mars Needs Women]]. Space has been colonized, and Mars has been partially [[Terraform]]ed, but has thus been unable to draw enough women to the planet to breed new Martians. Androids known as "[[A Mech by Any Other Name|Seconds]]" were created first as a source of labor, then upgraded to [[Ridiculously Human Robot]]s as a immigration draw; come to Mars and leave the shrews behind for a [[Yamato Nadeshiko|sweet, willing]] [[Mega Corp|conCeption]] [[Sex Bot]]! The long term solution was to {{spoiler|''build'' fertile women - the titular "Thirds"; robots so human that they can be '''impregnated'''. When the Straw Feminists find out about the plan, the threat to their power base pisses them off to no end, resulting in an ultimatum; scrap the baby machines or Mommy will come do it personally, [[The War of Earthly Aggression|along with as much of the landscape as necessary]].}}
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* During the 'Til Death chapter of the [[Star Trek]] [[Comic Book Adaptation|manga]] the Enterprise comes across a [[After the End|ruined planet]], finding two sarcophagi on the surface. After beaming them back up the male and female crew begin acting hostile toward each other, at which point the women begin to behave as Straw Feminist and the men begin to act [[Straw Misogynist|in a similar fashion]]. The sarcophagi open and Spock is able to determine that the planet was [[Apocalypse How|destroyed]] in a [[Gendercide|gender war]], the leaders of which inside the coffins have been [[Mass Hypnosis|psychically influencing]] the crew.
== [[Comic Books]] ==
== Comedy ==
* The [[Capitol Steps]]' "Angry Feminist Nursery Rhymes."
== Comic Books ==
* Taken to a [[Refuge in Audacity|ridiculous extreme]] in [[Frank Miller]]'s ''[[All-Star Batman and Robin The Boy Wonder|All-Star]] [[Batman]] [[All-Star Batman and Robin The Boy Wonder|& Robin]]'', in one issue of which Wonder Woman violently shoves a man out of her way while growling, " Out of my way, sperm bank!"
* The Cirinists and Kevillists in ''[[Cerebus]] the Aardvark'' are straw constructions of the [[wikipedia:Second-wave feminism|second]] and [[wikipedia:Third-wave feminism|third]] waves of feminism, respectively.
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* Diane Di Massa [[Parodied Trope|took this to the extreme]] in ''Hothead Paisan: Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist'', who dreams of "a world without penises".
* The British adult comic [[Viz]] has Millie Tant, a fat, ugly and possibly lesbian extreme feminist who spouts a lot of S.C.U.M.-esque nonsense and many strips end with her turning out to be a [[Straw Hypocrite|hypocrite]].
* Women from [[Marvel Comics|Thundra's future]] fit this trope to a 'T'. After their reality merged with its [[Spear Counterpart]] the result had both sexes living together in peace. Thundra later found another such reality, basically the copy of her original one, lived there for awhilea while and then came back to present leaving there a daughter -- Lyra -- who grew up into another Straw Feminist but [[All of the Other Reindeer|for a number]] [[My Species Doth Protest Too Much|of reasons]] [[Character Development|changed for the better]].
* Parodied in a [[Gail Simone]] issue of ''[[Wonder Woman]]'', in a [[Stylistic Suck|really bad movie]] of Diana's life (actually created by a villain):
{{quote|'''Old Amazon''': I say to you, that beast is man! See its lust for alcohol, and raw meat, and sex!
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'''Wonder Woman''' ''([[Thought Caption]])'': Urgh. Kill the scriptwriter. }}
** ''[[Robot Chicken]]'' portrayed Wonder Woman this way for a parody of ''[[The Real World]]'', where the raging feminist with a chip on her shoulder is practically a stock character. At one point, while comforting Catwoman, she remarks [[Les Yay|"Who needs men anyway?"]], and the sketch ends with her [[Berserk Button|jumping up, shouting "THAT'S IT!" and beating the stuffing out of one of the guys]] because [[Disproportionate Retribution|he coughed (politely) during dinner]].
** Played disturbingly straight in the ''[[New 52]]'' reboot by the other Amazons. Every few decades they go out to sea to find ships crewed by men. They couple with the men, then ''kill'' them. Female children conceived this way become the next generation of Amazons, while the male children are given to Hephaestus to act as his labor force in exchange for his weapons. Diana is appropriately horrified by this revelation and immediately tries to liberate the males—she only stops when she sees that Hephaestus truly loves them as his surrogate sons and they in turn love him as their surrogate father.
* A ''[[Superman]]'' comic had [[Psycho Electro|Livewire]] cause every computer, camera, microphone, and the like to malfunction whenever men tried to use them. Justified in that most of the media of Metropolis was portrayed as [[Stay in the Kitchen|misogynist douchebags,]] less so when completely innocent men were targeted as well.
== Comedy[[Film]] ==
* In ''[[100 Girls]]'', the main character takes a Women's Studies class. Every time we see him in this class, the camera zooms in to the teacher's underarm hair with a dramatic sound effect. Towards the end of the movie, there's an [[Anvilicious]] scene where he tells the teacher that inequality doesn't exist and it's all just a case of men and women misunderstanding each other. The teacher replies by painting men as evil, but the entire class full of females breaks into applause for him.
== Film ==
* In ''100 Girls'', the main character takes a Women's Studies class. Every time we see him in this class, the camera zooms in to the teacher's underarm hair with a dramatic sound effect. Towards the end of the movie, there's an [[Anvilicious]] scene where he tells the teacher that inequality doesn't exist and it's all just a case of men and women misunderstanding each other. The teacher replies by painting men as evil, but the entire class full of females breaks into applause for him.
* Katherine Watson ([[Julia Roberts]]) from ''[[Mona Lisa Smile]]''. She encourages female independence, which ''is'' admirable, but not only are she and Elizabeth (Kirsten Dunst, who ''[[Anvilicious|of course]]'' believes marriage is the ''only'' way to go) are quite the unlikeable bitches, at one point Katherine is an absolute bitch to her pet student Joan (Julia Stiles) and rudely lectures her for preferring marriage over graduate school (and at Stanford, no less)... '''[[Kick the Dog|during Joan's own wedding party]]'''. Thankfully, Joan gets a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] when she [[Shut UP, Hannibal|turns the tables on Katherine and tells her she's full of shit]] - because if women can choose to go to school and do as they wish, then certainly Katherine is an hypocrite for throwing a tantrum because she doesn't like what Joan herself decided to do with ''her'' life, huh?
* ''Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death'': Played for every last laugh the scriptwriters can wring from it.
* The [[Incredibly Lame Pun|campy]] and stereotype-heavy Disney film ''[[Follow Me, Boys!]]'' has one named Vera Miles. She rants that men "are all alike, puffed-up lords of the universe". After the [[Marty Stu|cheerful scoutmaster]] wins her heart, though, she has no quarrel with becoming a [[Housewife]].
* Early in ''[[The Boondock Saints]]'', the brothers show a rather butch female employee around their job (a meat-packing plant). The woman goes off on them for using the phrase "Rule of Thumb," citing the (apocryphal) origin of the term, and things soon escalate to the point where she kicks one of them, Connor, in the balls, followed by the other brother, Murphy, laying her out on the floor with one punch, leading to both of them getting fired for [[Wouldn't Hit a Girl|hitting a girl]].
* Hayley and ''especially'' her mother in ''[[The Sandlot 2]]''. The movie is set during the 2ndsecond wave of feminism and it does not let you forget it. Hayley's mom bitches at her husband for daring to call their daughter ''sweetheart'' since it's demeaning and later gives Hayley boy advice of "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle." They even have a cat named Miss Susan B. Later we find out Hayley grew up to become both a baseball player and a model and her equally feminist friends became housewives.
* Parodied in ''[[Down With Love]]'', in which Barbara, Vicki and most of the other female characters zigzag alarmingly between this trope and 'submissive housewife doll' mode, while the men also frequently veer wildly between stereotypical thoughtless pigs and over-sensitive new age guys. The movie ends with the main characters of both genders [[Take a Third Option|reaching an accommodation]] with each other and settling into happy and satisfying relationships based on equal terms.
* In ''[[Legally Blonde]]'' you have the character of Enid Wexlin, a lesbian who is probably the most annoying character in the film. One scene shows her going around with a clipboard to get people to sign a petition to change the word "semester" to "ovester" because she has come to the conclusion that semester comes from "semen" and is thus another form of male dominance. Elle puts her in her place later though.
* One of the Women's Studies professors in ''[[Sorority Boys]]'', who also doubles as something of a [[Stern Teacher]] based on the absurd amounts of work she assigns. One shot during a montage shows her underlining "THE VAGINA IS ERGONOMICALLY SUPERIOR TO THE PENIS" in [[Zero Punctuation|willy-shrivelingly huge]] letters on the chalkboard.
* A deleted scene in ''[[The Incredibles]]'' has a suit-wearing career-woman visitor to the Parr household criticizing Helen for being a stay-at-home mom, mainly so that Helen can shut her down; this trope is the reason it's not in the movie.
* The plot of the Polish [[Dystopia]] flick, ''[[Sexmission,]]'' is all about an underground society ruled completely by this trope.
* The "Womynists" in ''[[PCU]]''.
* ''[[The Hairy Bird]]'':
{{quote|'''Odie:''' You hypocrite. I thought you hated boys.
'''Verena:''' I know, but I've been thinking, perhaps they are like dogs. If we don't take them in, they run wild and are a danger to society. }}
== [[Literature]] ==
* The character of Miss Western in the novel ''[[The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling]]'' is a proto-feminist who believes women are men's equals. At first this seems to the modern reader to be a remarkably progressive expression on the part of the author, but reading further, it becomes clear that a contemporary reader would have found the idea to be very humorous and inherently ridiculous from the outset. As the novel progresses, it becomes clear that Miss Western is tyrannical and only feels this way because she doesn't have a man of her own.
== Literature ==
* The character of Miss Western in the novel ''Tom Jones'' is a proto-feminist who believes women are men's equals. At first this seems to the modern reader to be a remarkably progressive expression on the part of the author, but reading further, it becomes clear that a contemporary reader would have found the idea to be very humorous and inherently ridiculous from the outset. As the novel progresses, it becomes clear that Miss Western is tyrannical and only feels this way because she doesn't have a man of her own.
* General Jinjur from ''[[The Marvelous Land of Oz]]'' plotted the overthrow of King Scarecrow because she thought the [[Land of Oz]] was ruled by men for too long. May have actually been an [[Affectionate Parody]] of the early women's movement, as [[L. Frank Baum]] was actually the son-in-law of one of the movement's prime movers. [[The Other Wiki]] [[wikipedia:L. Frank Baum#Women.27s Suffrage Advocate|has more on the subject]].
* ''[[Edge of Apocalypse]]'' has the vice president.
* Akasha in ''[[The Vampire Chronicles|Queen of the Damned]]'' by [[Anne Rice]]. Though she does not use politically correct terms, since she's supposed to be an [[ancient Egypt]]ian, she believes all violence on Earth is caused by men. Her plan is to use her near-omnipotent powers as mother of all [[Our Vampires Are Different|vampires]] to [[Gendercide|destroy almost all the world's males]] and create a utopia run by women, with herself as benevolent queen and goddess. In the end {{spoiler|she is destroyed by female twin vampires Mekare and Maharet, for personal reasons as much as to stop her plot.}} She may or may not really be a straw feminist since it's unclear whether or not the author agrees with her (persistent [[Author Avatar]] Lestat seems very ambivalent).
* Sisera Catheter in ''[[Postmodern Pooh]]'', who dissects ''Winnie the Pooh'' from the standpoint of "gynocritical discourse". Though the book is an obvious exaggeration, the footnotes quoting [[Real Life]] academic feminists suggest that [[Poe's Law]] applies to some extent.
* In [[Haruki Murakami]]'s ''[[Kafka on the Shore]]'', two such beings visit the library where Oshima works, explicitly to find how the organization of the library is unfriendly to female patrons. They are shocked into silence when Oshima gives them an interesting [[The Reveal|heart-to-heart]].
* The title character in Tess GerrittsenGerritsen's "[[Rizzoli" & Isles (novel series)|''Rizzoli & Isles'' novels]] shows traits of this. She dislikes beautiful women (partly because she isn't) and is all too eager to assign a negative characteristic to them, and she often expresses disgust and contempt for the men who have fallen in love with them, dismissing them all as shallow and foolish. She also has a chip on her shoulder about being the only female detective in the homicide department and is quick to interpret all criticism—and praise, for that matter—as sexist. And in a scene where she visits a bar, she views nearly every man there as a potential rapist and every woman as an idiot willing to put herself in danger.
* Subverted in J. Courtney Sullivan's ''[[Commencement]]'' with a ''sympathetic'' portrayal of a radical feminist: April, one of the main characters, is a self-described MacKinnonite who sees organizations like NOW as "not doing enough." However, she's shown to be more of a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]], a good person who perhaps is a bit too idealistic {{spoiler|which she's abandoned by the end of the novel after she learns the hard way that some people like to take advantage of wide-eyed young guns}}. (Even the de rigeur anti-male attitude [[Freudian Excuse|is explained]] in April's case: her father [[Disappeared Dad|abandoned April and her mom]], and when April was 13 {{spoiler|a middle-aged family friend [[Break the Cutie|raped]] and [[Crosses the Line Twice|impregnated]] her}}.) The other three main characters, April's friends, each represent more moderate variations on feminism (one even works for NOW). April's [[Complete Monster]] of a boss, Ronnie Munro, could be seen as a straight-playing of the trope, if the novel didn't go out of its way acknowledge that her brand of "feminism" is far from the most prevalent or consistent one.
* In ''[[Half Moon Investigations]]'', the third most crucial group to the plot is a group of pre-pubescent aged elementary schoolgoing midgets who worship some important woman and try to get as many boys as they can expelled from their school. They also are violent and not afraid to do illegal things, like locking the main characters up.
* [[Wife-Basher Basher|Niklas]] from Jens Lapidus' ''Aldrig Fucka Up'' (translated "never fuck up") is a rare male Straw Feminist. He beats up his neighbours boyfriend for hitting her, stalks several men whose names he stole form a women's shelter, shooting one, and torturing another to death, and at the finale, blows up a [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]] who organizes orgies for the upper class. And this is only one of the [[Third Line, Some Waiting]].
* ''[[Percy Jackson and The Olympians]]'' gives us Circe, who believes that all men are pigs, and... considering [[Baleful Polymorph|her powers]], and [[Odyssey|the work in which she originally appeared]], you can pretty much see where she's going with that (though for the sake of convenience, she currently uses guinea pigs). She believes that women are so oppressed that they can only achieve power through magic (a belief later expressed by her niece Medea in the sequel series ''[[The Heroes of Olympus]]''). She's so bad that even [[Soapbox Sadie|Annabeth]] thinks she's a misandrist bitch.
** The Hunters of Artemis are actually ''heroic'' versions of this. They still [[Does Not Like Men|don't like men]], and have sworn off any romantic relationships with them, but unlike Circe, they don't ''harm'' guys unless provoked. (Which isn't very reassuring, considering that Greek deities like Artemis are infamous for [[Disproportionate Retribution]] and often consider small, harmless, and usually unintentional actions to be legitimate "provocation." Artemis claims to have turned guys into jackalopes and other animals just for ''stumbling upon their camp.'') Zoe Nightshade, the lieutenant of the Hunters, hates guys at first, but Percy's actions gradually cause her to respect them.
** The original Amazon tribe is still around, as seen in ''The Son of Neptune''. They appear to be this at first, but it's later shown {{spoiler| that they like men just fine — they're just very matriarchal. Their boyfriends and husbands tend to be the ones in charge of the unskilled labor for the company they founded:}} One of them even {{spoiler|flirts with Percy at the end of the book.}}
* Katie from "''[[The Fabulous Five"]]'' series shows hints of this. She sanctimoniously declares that she would never be a cheerleader, as she find it degrading to women (and doesn't give a crap that she's essentially insulting her two friends who are joining the cheerleading squad). When another friend gushes about her boyfriend, she haughtily insists that the boy's gentlemanly gestures (holding the door for her, etc) are in fact sexist and patronizing, but she later ends up with the most macho guy in school as her boyfriend.
* ''[[Haunted (Palahniuk novel)|Haunted]]'' has [[Only Known by Their Nickname|Comrade Snarky]], her feminist group, and possibly her mother. The mother caused her [[Freudian Excuse]]; as revenge against Snarky's father for getting joint custody, she described to Snarky in graphic detail all the horrible forms of sexual abuse her father might inflict on her. He never did and had never been going to, but it left Snarky unable to trust men at all. When she grew up and joined a feminist support group, {{spoiler|the group somehow became convinced that a new recruit named Miranda was a [[Transsexualism]] - it's never made entirely clear whether she was or not, but the evidence suggests not. They demand she "prove" she's a "real woman", and it escalates until Miranda is effectively raped.}}
* Val from ''The Women's Room'' could be said to be one of these by the end of the book - particularly given the "all men are rapists, and that's all they are" quote - and although she's not written as an object of ridicule, judging by Mira's horrified reaction, it's clear she's gone too far. However, she's not without her reasons, having become thoroughly disillusioned with the patriarchal establishment after the rape of her daughter Chris, and Chris's subsequent treatment at the hands of police and lawyers. It [[It Got Worse|doesn't end well for her.]]
* The title character of ''[[The Postman]]'' is caught between the Scouts (basically this trope) and the Holnists ([[Proud Warrior Race Guy|straw masculists]].) The Scouts come off better, but they're still slightly crazy.
* The ''[[Left Behind]]'' books has Verna Zee, the replacement chief editor for the Chicago office of ''Global Weekly'', who basically presents herself as someone who doesn't outright adore Buck Williams.
* In the ''[[House of Night]]'' series, this is pretty much the defining trait of most of Aphrodite's friends in the first book. Vampiric society in general has shades of it, given that everyone cheerfully accepts [[Unfortunate Implications|that men are primarily suited for]] [[Unfortunate Implications|being consorts and warriors]].
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
** ''[[30 Rock]]'': Liz Lemon uses feminism to cover for her insecurity about being single. She refuses to celebrate valentines day and tells Pete's daughter "I will buy some cookies, but not for Valentine’s Day. Instead, these cookies celebrate the February 14th birthday or Anna Howard Shaw, famed American suffragette. Happy Anna How Shaw Day to you, Evelyn. A happy Anna Howard Shaw Day to us all!"
* ''30 Rock'':
** Liz Lemon uses feminism to cover for her insecurity about being single. She refuses to celebrate valentines day and tells Pete's daughter "I will buy some cookies, but not for Valentine’s Day. Instead, these cookies celebrate the February 14th birthday or Anna Howard Shaw, famed American suffragette. Happy Anna How Shaw Day to you, Evelyn. A happy Anna Howard Shaw Day to us all!"
* Marcy Rhoades (later [[Embarrassing Middle Name|D'Arcy]]) from ''[[Married... with Children]]'' was a proud feminist, but she only showed this side when she was around Al. Her constant bickering about women's rights eventually led him to [[Start My Own|start his own]] pro-male club called '''[[Fun with Acronyms|NO MA'AM]]'''.
** Later after being Flanderised she is shown to be a constant [[Hypocrite]] of her own beliefs. Such as bad mouthing porn as a Male fantasy, only for the clerk to come up to her and tell her the videos she requested earlier had come in.
** The worst case came during the season she was apparently pregnant, Al had turned his garage into a rec room for himself, only for Marcy and other pregnant women to take it over under the name W.O.M.B (Women Owe Men BupkissBupkis) by this point implying that simply being a women gave her the right to do whatever she wanted without any regard to men.
* There's a particularly dreadful example in the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' story "The Time Monster": Dr. Ruth Ingram spends most of her time complaining about men just for the sake of it, and being a hypocrite about it as well. A classic example of feminists being portrayed as just misandrists.
* ''[[Herman's Head]]'' had [[Handsome Lech]] Jay getting gut-punched by a butch member of [[Fun with Acronyms|WAMP]] (Women Against Male Persons), a feminist organization so radical they neuter gingerbread men.
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* [[Granola Girl]] Topanga Lawrence from the first season of ''[[Boy Meets World]]''. In an episode where the class is supposed to dress up as themselves as adults with future careers, Topanga shows up as the President of the United States, which isn't a prestigious job since women eliminated war by moving all men underground to use only for breeding. Fortunately, [[retcon]]ning gets rid of the misandry in later seasons.
* ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'': Anya(nka) and Willow's mom. Anya is a misandrist who dedicated over a thousand years to punishing men. She eventually starts realizing some men are good after falling in love with Xander. It takes her a long time to start feeling guilty, though. Willow's mom is a shrink built on theory who doesn't pay any attention to her kid, and once ranted about the patriarchal content of [[Mister Rogers' Neighborhood|the Mr. Rogers show]]. Because creator [[Joss Whedon]] is a feminist himself, these straw feminists are in a different context than others.
** The initial introduction of 'vengeance demons' implied that they were all, like Anya, devoted exclusively to punishing men for wronging women. Later episodes introduced more diversity while establishing that this approach was largely born from Anya's own personal issues.
The initial introduction of 'vengeance demons' implied that they were all, like Anya, devoted exclusively to punishing men for wronging women. Later episodes introduced more diversity while establishing that this approach was largely born from Anya's own personal issues.
* Parodied in ''[[Big Wolf on Campus]]'' episode, "The Pleasantville Strangler". Stacy attends a feminist rally in honor of "Abigal B. Abbernacky", who was the town's first feminist. Tommy attends the rally as well (mostly as an excuse to cozy up to Stacy). Midway through, Stacy is possessed by the ghost of the titular strangler and begins to wrestle Tommy to the ground, causing the rally leader to shout "Show the man who has the power!" and one of the girls to exclaim "I didn't know this was going to be an anti-men thing!" Before all of this goes down, the girls all seem to just be calling for equal pay.
* ''[[Ally McBeal]]'' played with this trope a fair bit - many of the cases the team handled were accusations of sexual discrimination of some kind, and had an opposing lawyer, plaintiff or witness with a straw feminist argument to back it up. Ally (or, more frequently, her colleagues) would counter with a far more reasoned response along the lines of 'normal' feminist views, based on equal treatment for men and women alike. It's worth noting they didn't always win, mind...
* To some extent, some of the female characters from'' [[Degrassi Junior High]]'' and ''[[Degrassi High]]'' ''might'' qualify, due to their tendency to generally look down on boys and [[Real Women Never Wear Dresses|deem anything where the woman is the victim or otherwise not the hero "sexist".]] For example, Lucy calls Alfred Hitchcock's ''Psycho'' sexist...because the person who gets stabbed in the shower is female. Lucy even creates a movie where the gender roles are reversed to make a "statement" about feminism. Her classmates were too busy laughing at the movie to get the statement (male ''and'' female).
** However, this is justified to a degree given the time period both shows take place in (the eighties, fresh out of the feminism modern movement). They are teenagers most likely ''beginning'' to learn about feminism, and may have skewered perceptions on certain aspects of feminism, making them ''look'' like Straw Feminists. But they all did get the very basic concept (women deserve the same rights as men) about right.
* ''[[Law and Order|Law & Order]]'':
** During the early years, recurring defense attorney Shambala Green alternated between being this and [[Malcolm Xerox]], depending on whether her client was female or a racial minority (the writers never gave her a client who was both, perhaps fearing they might achieve Straw Critical Mass).
** Babs Duffy, the militant lesbian leader in the ''[[Law and Order SVU|Law & Order: SVU]]'' episode "P.C." ''And how.'' There was ''nothing'' that character couldn't turn into an anti-gay, misogynist expression of patriarchal blah blah blah.
*** And it even turns out {{spoiler|she likes MEN!}}
** On ''[[Law & Order: Criminal Intent]]'', Eames will often play this role while being the [[Good Cop, Bad Cop|bad cop]].
* Inverted once in [[Sliders]] episode named "''The Weaker Sex''" where women rule the world. Initially it was described as positive - there were no wars, there were no class differences except; Men were considered the inferior sex, suffering the same injustices faced by women today like sexual harassment in their jobs (if they have any time from housecare), and not suitable for anything remarkable such as becoming a leading political or religious figure (even the Pope was female). Arturo becomes a somewhat unwilling figurehead for a men's rights movement in an election for becoming a Mayor.
* An episode of ''[[The Cosby Show]]'' played this out. Theo offers to plan a bachelor party for Denise's husband Martin. When he offers to get Martin a stripper, Martin tells him "no". Well, this apparently isn't good enough for Denise, who, egged on by her sister Sondra, starts screaming at Martin for not being offended and disgusted at the idea of having a stripper. The scenario degenerates into a "battle of the sexes", with the women basically denouncing everything the men say or do as sexist and patronizing, while the men actually make several valid points about the women overreacting, and their blatant [[Double Standard]]—Sondra outright dismisses male stripping as "different", while continuing to denounce female stripping as degrading and refuses to explain exactly WHY there's a difference. Keep in mind that this all happened ''after'' Martin said "No" to having a stripper, meaning there was no reason for the argument to start in the first place.
* ''[[Glee]]'': In-universe, Sue Sylvester sometimes makes it out like the only reason men don't like her is because she's a strong woman trying to succeed in a patriarchal culture, never mind that she's outrageously evil. And she doesn't mind delightfully shoving Will and taunting "Can't push a woman?"
** The episode ''[[Themed Episode|The Power Of Madonna]]'' has Quinn (who ironically embodied the WORST''worst'' stereotype of woman in the first 13thirteen episodes, what with her use of [[The Baby Trap]]) AND Finn (who says 'It's easy to be a dude' before the guys perform 'What It Feels Like For A Girl'. Um no Finn, not at all. But then again, Finn's not so bright...) by the end of the end of the episode, with [[Dogged Nice Guy]] Artie as the [[Straw Misogynist]].
* ''[[Nightstand]]'', the 1990s parody of daytime talk shows, had the recurring Straw Feminist guest Dr. [[Just for Pun|Sans-Peen]]. A [[Does Not Like Men|man-hating lesbian]], the one time she agreed with her male chauvinist counterpart was wanting to see a nubile female guest jump up and down some more.
* Played with and ultimately averted with the character of Dana Foster (Staci Keanan) on the 1990s sitcom ''[[Step by Step]]''. A [[Dumb Blonde|Smart Blonde]], Dana was proudly feminist and was not afraid to say so. This was portrayed both positively and negatively over the course of the series, with the writers making Dana by turns a [[You Go, Girl!]], a [[Deadpan Snarker]], a [[Magnificent Bastard|Magnificent Bitch]], and (very occasionally) a [[Butt Monkey]]. One episode had her signing herself and her sisters up for a self-defense class, and they all take to the training quite well. Another, though, has Dana absurdly claiming that women can do ''anything'' men can do - even if they lack the physical strength for it - and getting called out for this by her sisters. Overall, Dana was one of the more competent and likable characters on the show in spite of her flaws, and even got some [[Character Development]] by lightening up in the later seasons and getting a boyfriend who was healthily macho - and, remarkably, all this without [[Chickification|running afoul]] [[Reactionary Fantasy|of the usual pitfalls]].
* ''[[Charmed]]'' gives us Penny Halliwell who claims that men are "utensils" that can be disposed of when they're finished. This attitude probably comes from the fact that she was married four times (and engaged twice more) and she even states that something must have gone wrong when the Chosen Child is a boy. She gets a little better though.
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* Jessie Spano in ''[[Saved by the Bell]]''
== [[Music]] ==
== Machinima ==
* Played for laughs in ''[[Red vs. Blue]]''. When Donut is possessed by O'Malley, he mouths off about how bad patriarchal society is.
== Music ==
* Nellie McKay's song "Mother of Pearl" mocks the attitude behind this trope via [[Unreliable Narrator]]: the opening line is "Feminists don't have a sense of humor" and it continues on from there.
== [[Oral Tradition]], [[Folklore]], Myths and Legends ==
== Mythology ==
* The original Amazons from [[Classical Mythology]] may be the [[Ur Example]]s. They were a tribe of all-female warriors who, [[Depending on the Writer]], either [[Gendercide|killed their sons]], enslaved them, or killed some and enslaved the others. The Amazons managed to keep their tribe going by having sex with neighboring men (in versions where they killed all the boys), or their male slaves (in versions where they enslaved them). They were likely created to justify the Greeks' [[Stay in the Kitchen]] philosophy--"Well, we're only oppressing our women because if we don't, they'll rise up and oppress us even worse!"
** Fun fact: since the original Amazons were a [[Values Dissonance|horror story about women who would forsake femininity]], they did a lot of things to drive this fact home which were lost in later, [[Fan Service]]-laden adaptations, such as cutting off one of their breasts (so they could shoot bows without the string whacking against it). Think about ''that'' the next time you read about some literal [[Hot Amazon]]s.
== [[Radio]] ==
* ''[[Royal Canadian Air Farce]]'' did a bit called "Man Bash", a mock [[Game Show]] featuring a Straw Feminist host who made the male contestant's life hell, while overly praising and helping the female contestant.
== [[Recorded and Stand Up Comedy]] ==
== Opera ==
* The [[Capitol Steps]]' "Angry Feminist Nursery Rhymes."
* [[Gilbert and Sullivan]]'s ''Princess Ida'' (adapted from a poem by Tennyson), the Girl Graduates of the women's college at Castle Adamant learn that "Man is Nature's sole mistake." That's right, folks, women's education [[Played for Laughs]]. Of course, when the younger students actually encounter a Man, they find him quite attractive, and even Ida is resigned to her [[Arranged Marriage]] when she realizes that if women never marry, there won't be any children.
== Radio ==
* [[Royal Canadian Air Farce]] did a bit called "Man Bash", a mock [[Game Show]] featuring a Straw Feminist host who made the male contestant's life hell, while overly praising and helping the female contestant.
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* ''[[GURPS]] ''[[Transhuman Space]]'' features an all-female colony that edges this trope, especially with some of its members experimenting with genetic engineering to make males unnecessary for reproduction. It's pointed out in the books that it is in fact obsolete within the context of the setting, as transhumanity has achieved true gender equality by 2100 when the game is set.
* In ''[[Werewolf: The Apocalypse]]'', the all-female Black Furies fit this trope to some extent. While some are into the spirituality of womanhood and/or seek gender equality and reproductive freedom, others are on a sacred quest to castrate every male they come across. But even the more well-rounded Furies have the Tribal Weakness of an easier time frenzying against men due to pent-up frustration against them. They eventually became more well-rounded with later editions, going from man-hating Amazons to a mystical cult of warrior women that worshiped Gaia in her guise of Artemis and provided the Garou Nation with necessary prophecy.
** In ''Apocalypse'', the guidebook that dealt with the end of the world for ''W:tA'', there's a chapter that discusses the possibility that the Apocalypse may begin when another entire tribe of the Garou falls to the Wyrm. The suggested scenario for the corruption and fall of the Black Furies involves all of them changing into... the most stereotypical possible version of the tribe, out to cull the human race by murdering most of the men.
* A more concrete example comes with the [[New World of Darkness]] ''[[Vampire: The Requiem]]''. The Circle of the Crone is a covenant that is rather feminist in its leanings, but not to the point of straw—except for one faction within the covenant, the Daughters of the Goddess, who use for public example of their valuing men and not being misandrist a ritual where they sacrifice a male vampire, ritualistically called the Oak King. This is the only ritual where male vampires are allowed any sort of prominence, and they may only be the Oak King. Needless to say, the other covenants, and indeed most other factions within the Circle, ain't buyin' it.
* The third-party [[Dungeons and Dragons|''D&D'' 3e book]] ''The Slayer's Guide to Amazons''. Quite-literal [[Hot Amazon]]s who view men as only good for [[Lady Land|siring daughters]] {{spoiler|(and for [[Black Widow|sacrificing to their goddess after the fact]])}}, [[Offing the Offspring|bash in the skulls of any unlucky sons]], have estrus cycles like [[Incredibly Lame Pun|bitches]], and are classified as [[Neutral Evil]] [[Evil Is Sexy]]? Not even the fact that they're portrayed [[Straw Man Has a Point|relatively]] [[Villain Protagonist|sympathetically]] [[Even Evil Has Standards|compared]] to a [[Straw Misogynist]] [[Aristocrats Are Evil|nobleman]] really redeems this culture from [[Unfortunate Implications|coming off rather]] like a [[Matriarchy|sexist matriarchy]]. And their canonically [[Stripperiffic]] outfits, and the phrase "hell hath no fury" on the back cover, ''really'' don't help.
== [[Theater]] ==
* A lot of people think that ''[[The Vagina Monologues]]'' are this trope. Actually invoked at one point, where a character admitted that she felt like she was "betraying" women by needing a man's attention to find herself beautiful.
* [ Lashings of Ginger Beer] parody the stereotype of lesbian separatist straw feminists in their song [ "Vagina Dentata"] Warning: this link is not suitable for work as it contains strong language.
* [[Gilbert and Sullivan]]'s ''Princess Ida'' (adapted from a poem by Tennyson), the Girl Graduates of the women's college at Castle Adamant learn that "Man is Nature's sole mistake." That's right, folks, women's education [[Played for Laughs]]. Of course, when the younger students actually encounter a Man, they find him quite attractive, and even Ida is resigned to her [[Arranged Marriage]] when she realizes that if women never marry, there won't be any children.
== Theater[[Video Games]] ==
* One interviewee on the talk radio channel in ''[[Grand Theft Auto]]: Vice City]]'' was one of these, contrasting with hip, somewhat stupid '80s girl Amy. The key comedy aspect in that interviewee was that she'd just spent a year "undercover" as a man and written a book on her findings. Moreover, the interviewee mentions learning various things about men over the process of being disguised as one, including how men find sports interesting, like looking at pictures of naked women, ear hats and smoke cigarettes. She's a pretentious Straw Feminist to boot, lambasting "half-hearted bra burners" in her interview. In a strange turn of events, [[wikipedia:Self-Made Man|this later happened]] in real life.
* A lot of people think that [[The Vagina Monologues]] are this trope. Actually invoked at one point, where a character admitted that she felt like she was "betraying" women by needing a man's attention to find herself beautiful.
* [ Lashings of Ginger Beer] parody the stereotype of lesbian separatist straw feminists in their song [ Vagina Dentata] Warning: this link is not suitable for work as it contains strong language.
== Video Games ==
* One interviewee on the talk radio channel in ''[[Grand Theft Auto]]: Vice City'' was one of these, contrasting with hip, somewhat stupid '80s girl Amy. The key comedy aspect in that interviewee was that she'd just spent a year "undercover" as a man and written a book on her findings. Moreover, the interviewee mentions learning various things about men over the process of being disguised as one, including how men find sports interesting, like looking at pictures of naked women, ear hats and smoke cigarettes. She's a pretentious Straw Feminist to boot, lambasting "half-hearted bra burners" in her interview. In a strange turn of events, [[wikipedia:Self-Made Man|this later happened]] in real life.
* In ''[[Baldur's Gate]]'':
** {{spoiler|Edwin}} briefly becomes one of these thanks to some [[Applied Phlebotinum]] that he [[Be Careful What You Wish For|covets]].
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* ''[[Tachyon the Fringe]]'' has Lakita Ramos, a wingman from the [[Mega Corp|GalSpan]] plotline that you can hire after defeating her in a competition. She treats you like an idiot in dialog because the [[Player Character]] is male. The flavor text attempts to justify it by saying she got tired of being hit on in spacer bars.
== [[Web Comics]] ==
== Web Comics ==
* Susan in ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'' is introduced as a [[Does Not Like Men|misandrist]] female supremacist. A cringeworthy portrayal by itself, but luckily she gets some [[Character Development]] later on {{spoiler|starting with the uncomfortable realization that her general prejudice against men may be serving as a backhanded excuse for her father's infidelity (as in "all men are creeps so Daddy couldn't help it"), as well as a transference of her mother's own issues against men resulting from this onto her.}}
* Jade from ''[[PvP (webcomic)|PvP]]'' once qualified as a Straw Feminist. This was most notable when she left [[PvP]] to start up her own women's gaming magazine, where she even drove her fellow female writers insane.
* No stranger to Strawfolk, ''[[Nip and Tuck]]'' has Hortense, perpetually angry lizard womyn (although she seems to exist less to potshot Feminism, as to piss off the local [[Jerk Jock|Troglajocks]] so Tuck can swoop in play the badass, and to give Tuck's girlfriend Thelma someone to look good next to).
{{quote|'''Tuck:''' '''What?''' Feminism has '''double standards'''? Y'don't say... [\]}}
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* [ Talia/Jen] in ''[[Geebas On Parade]]'' and Jen in ''[[The Devil's Panties|The Devils Panties]]''.
== [[Web Original]] ==
== Web Original ==
* Kitty Ledbetter from the webgame ''The Goat in the Grey Fedora'' is revealed to be one of these when Bounty discovers that {{spoiler|she murdered her father in order to get the deeds to a salt mine, which she was going to use to spread a chemical that would paralyze men worldwide.}}
* Hippolyta in the [[Whateley Universe]] is defined by this trope, to the point of calling Hank a 'traitor' for transforming into a male.
* Played for laughs with Germaine from the [ Foamy Cartoons]. Course, she's not as extreme as others on this page, but that's most likely because [[Department of Redundancy Department|it's being played for laughs]].
* [[The Nostalgia Chick]] plays it for laughs in [[Kickassia]] when she became [[Sarah Palin|Nostalgia Palin]]. She blames the fact that everyone thinks she's a complete idiot now on the prejudice women face in politics.<ref>Of course, this wasn't so much as mocking feminism than it was slamming [[Sarah Palin]].</ref> Plot-wise, it also had to do with the fact that she was ''trying'' to establish herself as {{spoiler|a [[Magnificent Bastard|Magnificent]] [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]], but [[Jesus Was Way Cool|Santa Christ]] proved to be the [[Spanner in the Works]] for that one.}}
* From the [[SCP Foundation]], SCP-2396, aka "Ms. Sweetie"; if SCPs were to form a civilized society, she would certainly be the leader of their feminist movement. She seems to hate men (except, [[Ambiguous Gender|maybe]], her creator, Dr. Wondertainment); if a male is foolish enough to get close enough for her to touch him, the victim will collapse into a state similar to a diabetic coma. Worse, whenever she eats sugar (which she does almost constantly) small pieces of candy appear within a radius of a few miles, and any male who eats them becomes a [[Slave Mook]] made of candy (sometimes also turned into the shape of a unicorn) who slavishly obeys any female they encounter (fortunately, that includes female SCP operatives). SCP-2396 is not averse to using the unicorns as mounts or eating them later. Initially, simply keeping her Contained requires a secluded building and all-female team of operatives (designated [[Amazon Brigade| C.T.F. Lambda- 6, the “Girlie Girls”]]) to attend to her and prevent civilians from coming near the containment area; she was later movesmoved to a regular facility after they discovered they could substitute the sugar for a substitute called “sucrolose”. (This prevents the cursed candy from appearing, but so long as she doesn’t know that, she’s content to stay in her cell.) When asked why she does this, SCP-2396 claims [[Clarke's Law for Girls' Toys| she was designed as a toy for girls]], and girls tend to have bratty brothers who try to wreck their toys. She also states that little girls love unicorns and get bored quickly, [[Orange and Blue Morality| so it's practical to make toy unicorns that are edible]]. She further states [[Just Following Orders|this is what Dr. Wondertainment intended]] when designing her. To be fair, SCP-2396 is [[My Little Panzer| far from the only dangerous plaything]] designed by Dr. Wondertainment.
* Played for laughs in ''[[Red vs. Blue]]''. When Donut is possessed by O'Malley, he mouths off about how bad patriarchal society is.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* ''[[Beavis and Butthead]]'' get maced by some of these after the dimwitted duo misinterpret (as only they can) a speech at a feminism rally as a come-on line.
* ''[[Daria]]'' had Ms. Janet Barch, oddly enough for a girl-positive program. Is the type ''that'' broad?
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** Ms. Barch is actually less extreme than a ''lot'' of fictional examples on here, and the show took care to contrast her attitudes with other forms of feminism. This was a show watched by high school students: [[Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped]].
* ''[[Futurama]]'' gets in a quick shot in one episode; after Old Man Waterfall (a [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|bisexual Satanic polygamist hillbilly lawyer]]) dies under the foot of the [[Humongous Mecha|MobileOppression Palace]], his granddaughter loudly proclaims him (in a [[Cross-Dressing Voices|fake female voice]]) "another victim of the malecentric male-ocracy!" She returned for the fourth movie and lead the other female characters in an (oddly more environmental than feminist) crusade against the Wong family. She's killed off by a [[Running Gag]] about the Waterfall family.
* ''[[The Powerpuff Girls]]'' had [["Femme Fatale]]", a man-hating criminal who only stole Susan B. Anthony coins and convinced the girls to not help men and not arrest her because she was a woman. Her flawed logic was countered by the more mainstream equality-based feminism of Sara Bellum and Miss Keane who convinced them otherwise. Not helping Femme Fatale was the fact that women were also hurt by her actions and that she didn't even know who Susan B. Anthony was (though it did lead to a very good [[Shut UP, Hannibal]] and subsequent beatdown by the girls).
* ''[[Yin Yang Yo!|Yin Yang Yo]]'' has Saranoia, who is an unstable misandrist sorceress and wants to exterminate Yang but likes Yin. Her hatred seems to be based on her feelings towards her own brother, Mark, she indicates she was [[The Unfavourite]] growing up. She has a tendency to call Yang Mark.
* Parodied in ''[[The Venture Brothers]]'' when a parody of the Scooby Gang ([[Scooby Doo|the originals]], not [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer|Buffy and pals]]) show up in the episode "Viva Los Muertos!" Parody-Velma (a Valerie Solanas [[Expy]]) is constantly spouting this talk, going so far as to actually tell Parody-Daphne that men are "walking abortions". Of course, Parody-Fred is a sociopathic gang leader in the Manson mold, Parody-Daphne was kidnapped 30 years ago and is so stupid she still thinks Parody-Fred is going to take her to visit her parents, and Parody-Shaggy is a murderous lunatic who needs to take his "Groovy Treats" to make the dog stop telling him to kill everyone.
* Despite being the source of the opening quote for this page, ''[[Chilly Beach]]''{{'}}s April June is mostly a parody of this portrayal of feminism.
* An episode of ''[[Justice League]]'' had a rogue Amazon taking her people's views of "Man's World" to its logical extreme by developing a plague that will wipe out every creature with a Y chromosome. It's eventually learned that she's not really an Amazon (just a regular human girl granted haven and raised by the Amazons), and her deep hatred of men stemmed from the military coup that drove her from her homeland and washed her up on Themyscera (she balked after learning a man sacrificed his life to save hers, claiming the good deeds of one man couldn't salvage the crimes of males altogether). The incident, ironically, taught her fellow Amazons (who, including Wonder Woman, had displayed tendencies towards Straw Feminism themselves up to this point) to not too soundly preach the inferiorities of men and their own superiority. This trope is [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]] when [[Wonder Woman]] wonders if men are ''that'' necessary and Hawkgirl tells her [[Getting Crap Past the Radar|"don't knock it 'till you've tried it, Princess!".]]
** Also, IIRC ''[[Superfriends]]'' had a one-time villainess who [[Hypnotize the Princess|brainwashes all the women in the world]] (including [[Wonder Woman]] and Jaina of the Wonder Twins) to turn against males.
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* ''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]'':
** The episode "Homer Badman" averts this. The character of Ashley Grant (who falsely accuses Homer of sexual harassment) initially appears to be one of these, but by the end of the episode she concedes that she jumped to the wrong conclusion and apologizes to Homer.
** Rare male example in the Simpsons as well. In one episode Marge is shown to have gone out with one of her college teachers. He is very much a Straw feminist, not liking LIGHTHOUSES''lighthouses'' because [[Freud Was Right|"anything phallic is wrong."]]
** In another episode, Homer and Marge go to a feminist convention because they think Lisa is there. One scoffs "How typically male!" at a news report about an erupting volcano. When they learn that Lisa is at the volcano, Homer says to Marge "I'll go, you stay here" and gets booed; when he says "Okay, you go and I'll stay", he gets ''more'' boos, and finally asks "What do women want?!"
** Then there's the episode where Flanders coaches a kids' football team. Lisa arrives for tryouts not because she wants to play, but just because she wants to show up everyone for thinking a girl can't play football. Flanders immediately deflates her pretentions by showing that there are already four girls on the team.