Super Fun Happy Thing of Doom: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Animorphs]]'' gives us The Sharing, an organization full of nice, friendly people who do charity work and have a great time doing it. And after you are initiated, a parasitic alien crawls into your ear and you are a slave to the invading alien race.
* ''[[The Chronicles of Narnia]]'': [[Town with a Dark Secret|Harfang]] is said to be the home of the only "[[Gentle Giant]]s" of the far north. [[To Serve Man|Don't believe it]] [[I'm a Humanitarian|for one second]].
** The "Island Where Dreams Come True." [[Nightmare Fuel|Night]]-[[Nightmare Sequence|mares]] are dreams.
* In "Little Harmonic Labyrinth" from ''[[GodelGödel, Escher, Bach]]'', the Tortoise was promised by a fortune teller "a stroke of Good Fortune," and it happens to him and Achilles in the form of one "Hexachlorophene J. Goodfortune, Kidnapper-At-Large, and Devourer of Tortoises par Excellence."
* In [[The Grimnoir Chronicles]], the world is protected by "Peace Rays," invented by none other than [[Nikola Tesla]] himself.
* In the novel ''The Tomorrow File'' the United States [[Twenty Minutes Into the Future]] renames the government departments. The Department of Defense is called the Department of Peace. The Department of Health, Education and Welfare becomes the Department of Bliss. Other departments are also renamed.