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| '''{{color|green|Super Weight: 3}}''' || Characters in this weight are no longer normal humans. Their powers, even if they are limited, can be used in a variety of ways. They also have [[Required Secondary Powers]] when they are necessary. Their abilities may be due to using [[Functional Magic]] or having [[Stock Super Powers]]. Most of your run-of-the-mill [[Superhero|Super Heroes]], [[Shounen]] characters, and [[Squishy Wizard|Mages]] will likely start here, possibly being [[Shonen Upgrade|pushed higher as]] [[Long Runner|they continue their adventures.]] || [[Magic and Powers]]
| '''{{color|green|Super Weight: 3}}''' || Characters in this weight are no longer normal humans. Their powers, even if they are limited, can be used in a variety of ways. They also have [[Required Secondary Powers]] when they are necessary. Their abilities may be due to using [[Functional Magic]] or having [[Stock Super Powers]]. Most of your run-of-the-mill [[Superhero|Super Heroes]], [[Shounen]] characters, and [[Squishy Wizard|Mages]] will likely start here, possibly being [[Shonen Upgrade|pushed higher as]] [[Long Runner|they continue their adventures.]] || [[Magic and Powers]]
| '''{{color|springgreen|Hyper Weight: 4}}''' || These characters have abilities that can typically [[Person of Mass Destruction|cause]], stop, or even reverse large scale disasters, or have a [[Reality Warper|reality warping]] power with few limitations. A protagonist of this weight or higher risks becoming a [[God Mode Sue]], because their abilities tend to be [[Story-Breaker Power|story breaking]], making it difficult to give them a [[How to Stop The Deus Ex Machina|plausible challenge.]] That said, a protagonist at this weight can have engaging adventures, the author just has to be careful to scale the [[Sorting Algorithm of Villain Threat]] accordingly. || [[Person of Mass Destruction]]
| '''{{color|springgreen|Hyper Weight: 4}}''' || These characters have abilities that can typically [[Person of Mass Destruction|cause]], stop, or even reverse large scale disasters, or have a [[Reality Warper|reality warping]] power with few limitations. A protagonist of this weight or higher risks becoming a [[God Mode Sue]], because their abilities tend to be [[Story-Breaker Power|story breaking]], making it difficult to give them a [[How to Stop the Deus Ex Machina|plausible challenge.]] That said, a protagonist at this weight can have engaging adventures, the author just has to be careful to scale the [[Sorting Algorithm of Villain Threat]] accordingly. || [[Person of Mass Destruction]]
| '''Cosmic Tier'''
| '''Cosmic Tier'''
| '''{{color|cyan|World Weight: 5}}''' || These characters have abilities that can affect an entire world, either [[World Healing Wave|positively]] or [[World Wrecking Wave|negatively]], or may even be a [[Mother Nature|manifestation of a planet]], [[Gaia's Vengeance|with all that implies]]. [[Reality Warper|Reality Warpers]] that are powerful enough to create separate worlds / planes of existence (that are difficult to destroy) also go here. Many a [[Big Bad]] ends up here, especially if they're [[Omnicidal Maniac|omnicidal maniacs]], though you'll also find their opposite in [[The Messiah]]. || [[World Wrecking Wave]], [[World Healing Wave]], [[Physical God]]
| '''{{color|cyan|World Weight: 5}}''' || These characters have abilities that can affect an entire world, either [[World-Healing Wave|positively]] or [[World-Wrecking Wave|negatively]], or may even be a [[Mother Nature|manifestation of a planet]], [[Gaia's Vengeance|with all that implies]]. [[Reality Warper|Reality Warpers]] that are powerful enough to create separate worlds / planes of existence (that are difficult to destroy) also go here. Many a [[Big Bad]] ends up here, especially if they're [[Omnicidal Maniac|omnicidal maniacs]], though you'll also find their opposite in [[The Messiah]]. || [[World-Wrecking Wave]], [[World-Healing Wave]], [[Physical God]]
| '''{{color|#007FFF|Cosmic Weight: 6}}''' || Characters that are ''this'' powerful aren't so much characters as forces of nature, wielding power beyond observable human science. As a kind of [[Cosmic Entity]], they may be a [[Reality Warper]] with [[Reset Button]] abilites, [[Anthropomorphic Personification]] on a cosmic scale, [[Celestial Body]], or [[Sentient Cosmic Force]]. These characters often go about their business in the universe, [[Above Good and Evil|unaffected by]] [[All Powerful Bystander|traditional conflicts.]] For better [[Cosmic Horror Story|or worse]]. || [[Cosmic Entity]], [[Sentient Cosmic Force]]
| '''{{color|#007FFF|Cosmic Weight: 6}}''' || Characters that are ''this'' powerful aren't so much characters as forces of nature, wielding power beyond observable human science. As a kind of [[Cosmic Entity]], they may be a [[Reality Warper]] with [[Reset Button]] abilites, [[Anthropomorphic Personification]] on a cosmic scale, [[Celestial Body]], or [[Sentient Cosmic Force]]. These characters often go about their business in the universe, [[Above Good and Evil|unaffected by]] [[All Powerful Bystander|traditional conflicts.]] For better [[Cosmic Horror Story|or worse]]. || [[Cosmic Entity]], [[Sentient Cosmic Force]]