Supreme Chef/Quotes

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I am the god of neo-Brahmin cuisine! No, that's not giving me enough credit. I fucking invented edible food. Do you like eating? Good. You owe your entire goddamn garbage existence to me.
Phillipe, Head Chef of the White Glove Society, Fallout: New Vegas

King: No... you can't do this!

Lizzie: Why, Your Majesty... are you afraid?

King: Only a fool would say no!

Lizzie: You will eat it. I can make you.

King: No... NooooooooAWMPH! Ohpf... deaah gawwd. Itsh (gulp) delicious. There's... there's no more, is there?

Lizzie: No, there is not.

King: General! Strike me down, then have every last man, woman and child put to the sword. There's no point going on anymore, not now that it's all gone...

General: At once, sire.

Lizzie: Mwahahhahahahahahahahaaaaaaa!
—Lizzie Shinkicker's mackerel in cream sauce destroys a kingdom, SynthOrange's Let's Play of Princess Maker 2
I intend to marry Agatha myself. She may be a thousand years old, but she makes an incomparable jam tart. Beauty fades, but cooking is eternal.
Will Herondale, The Infernal Devices