Survivor (TV series)/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Wangst]]: Too many examples to list, but applies to several characters each season.
* [[Wangst]]: Too many examples to list, but applies to several characters each season.
* [[What an Idiot!]]: Guaranteed to happen at least once in glorious fashion during each season, which means there are enough examples that they have [[What an Idiot!/Live-Action TV/Survivor (TV series)|their own page]].
* [[What an Idiot!]]: Guaranteed to happen at least once in glorious fashion during each season, which means there are enough examples that they have [[What an Idiot!/Live-Action TV/Survivor (TV series)|their own page]].

** Jason Siska in ''Micronesia''. In a 15-day period, he managed to mistake a stick for the hidden immunity idol, give up immunity for a bowl of candy for the tribe, and finally get blindsided while holding a hidden immunity idol - despite coming within one vote of being eliminated at the previous Tribal Council.
** Erik Reichenbach from the same season as well, who is voted off after being manipulated by the [[Femme Fatale|Black Widow Brigade]] into giving up his individual immunity for "redemption". Erik's decision wasn't 100% dumb: the others were only slightly exaggerating how much his double-dealing had irritated them. He'd have been unlikely to get enough votes to win without such a generous gesture.
** Also James, he who got voted out of ''China'' while holding ''two'' unused hidden immunity idols, and at the point he was eliminated, he essentially had a free pass to the final five. Whenever he's appeared since, [[Never Live It Down|people have never failed to bring it up]]. However, due to Erik's aforementioned "sacrifice", [[Take That Me|he said he's no longer the dumbest Survivor ever.]]
** JT in ''Heroes Vs Villains'' gave away an immunity idol. To Russell. Whom he's never met before. Who is on the opposite tribe. The one labeled "Villains". Because of a faulty assumption that Russell is on the wrong end of an [[Amazon Brigade]]. To be fair, they had taped the season before Samoa had a chance to air, thus none of the castaways knew of Russell's playing style, but they could've figured he was on the Villains tribe for a reason. To be fair, he didn't know what we (the viewers and the editors) did about the other tribe...but on the other hand, he ''was'' counter-intuitively surrendering control of the idol.
** Candice went along ''with'' the villains despite that ''one of them'' (Sandra) was telling her to not do so, especially since they had no intentions of taking her along.
** Brandon on ''Africa'' prevented his former tribe from taking control during the merge by switching his initial vote for major threat and [[Cloudcuckoolander]] Lex to total non threat and defector Kelly out of a petty dislike for his former Samburu tribemate Frank. This insured that not only would his tribe be Pagonged, but he would eventually be voted out himself for being seen as untrustworthy and undependable.
** The Galu tribe fall victim to this after the merge, thanks to three factors - a) Natalie managing to convince the tribe to vote for Erik, b) Russell blindsiding Kelly with an immunity idol, and c) Shambo turning on her tribe out of a seething hatred for Laura. This ensures Galu's eventual downfall when Foa Foa take the majority.
** In ''Nicaragua'', Jane was already feeling like she was the odd-man out of her alliance with Sash, Chase, and Holly. Already things weren't going well merely because there were ''four'' and there could only be ''three'' of them. So when Chase brings Sash and Holly along to a reward...not a good idea. Unfortunately, their target Fabio wins immunity. So you have to vote someone else...why not the other person Dan? Nope...guess you gotta blindside Jane. Unfortunately they practically told Jane ''to her face'' that they were going to vote her out, and at the same time exposed their ''entire alliance'' to Fabio and Dan. ''WHOOPS''! Suffice to say, Chase and Sash more or less ''had'' to bring Holly with them to the final three if they didn't want a very ugly attempt on Jane's side to turn the Jury towards Dan or Fabio if they made it to the final three. (However, Jane actually voted for Chase)
*** May also be [[Fridge Brilliance]] from Fabio - he actually suggested getting rid of Jane over Dan to them; and Chase & Sash made the idea their own, while Fabio watched it crash and burn. Still not a good idea to tell someone who ''thinks they're with you'' that you're going to blindside them.
** Russell didn't seem to consider that the jury consisted of the ''entire'' remnants of the Heroes well as two members of Sandra's alliance. Despite Parvati, a past winner, and Danielle, the [[Only Sane Man|Only Sane Woman]] to counter most of Russell's ridiculous ideas, blatantly telling Russell that Sandra would win if she made the finals, he chose to ignore her and took her under the impression she had no chance of winning in his eyes. Sure enough, the jury vote for the one person who survived Russell, which none of them could do.
** Happened to ''[[Magnificent Bastard|Russell]]'' of all people in ''Redemption Island''. It's the first season he was in where people have actually seen him before and thus knew the hard-balling, ruthless game he played both years previous.
*** '''You'd Expect:''' Russell to have wised up after his past two failures and, knowing that his tribemates know his game well [[Creator's Pet|since the producers kept him]] [[Spotlight-Stealing Squad|perpetually in the spotlight]], try to back off a little in the initial stretch, thus making him actually ''likable''. Afterwards, ''then'' he could start picking people off like old times.
*** '''Instead:''' Russell claims to his tribemates that he's gonna play differently... and then plays the ''exact same game'', right down to assembling his typical harem, stealing rice while everyone's out fishing, scrambling for the HII (in ''[[Too Dumb to Live|plain sight]]'' without even knowing that people would have, by now, learned to never let him out of their sight for a minute) as early as possible, and then convincing weak players to flip on their alliances based on flimsy promises. Unfortunately for him, the latter two parts backfired horribly: Ralph got to the HII first (meaning he was [[All for Nothing|drawing all that negative attention to himself for nothing]]), and Julie didn't take Russell's flip bait, resulting in him being the first voted off the Zapatera tribe.
** The Ometepe tribe in the same season. You're put with a [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]] player who is clearly going to be favoured by the production staff, and only ''two'' of them even ''considers'' to get that person out ASAP?
** Dr. Sean's Alphabet first glance. It's been pointed out that Dr. Sean's strategy of voting alphabetically actually put the members of the Pagong tribe on his targets first; meaning he didn't have to form an alliance. It only became as much of an "[[What an Idiot!]]" move in hindsight because at the time, alliances were considered unfair and dirty-handed.
** Matt on ''Redemption Island'' got blindsided by Rob and the Ometepe Five. He then returns from Redemption Island and gets himself blindsided by the same people out of sheer naivete.
** Grant on ''Redemption Island'' never seemed to consider that Rob might actually want to take the people who everyone else in their alliance ''hated'' (Natalie and Phillip) because he wanted to win.
** The women in ''Vanuatu'' had a 6-4 majority with the men at the merge, yet allowed Chris to slip through them and throw out what would have been the easiest victories in the series.
** In ''Micronesia'', the fans basically decided to eliminate some of their stronger players first; which isn't that good of an idea.
** Christine in ''South Pacific'' made no effort at all to be friendly with Coach, going as far as to call him a "temporary player." She then made it almost blatantly clear to the rest of her tribe that she was hunting for idols, and yet made no effort at all to ally herself with anyone except maybe Stacey.<ref>having an idol doesn't make a difference if you're in a ''2-6 minority.''</ref> And yet she's ''surprised'' that Coach and his alliance voted her out!
** Also in ''South Pacific'', Ozzy got the bright idea to get ''himself'' voted out, "blame" Cochran to mislead the other tribe, beat Christine at Redemption Island so she wouldn't rejoin her old tribe, and return to the game at the merge. He's extremely lucky this didn't backfire on him (Cochran even gave back the idol Ozzy gave away), but that's a lot of risk for absolutely no gain (the other tribe wasn't fooled) and wasn't even necessary in the first place (Christine had no love for her old tribe and wouldn't have allied with them, not that they knew this).
** Russell voting out Danielle in ''Heroes vs. Villains'', one of his final three partners along with Parvati. Jealous of the fact that Parvati was closer to Danielle than she was to him (despite the fact that they were a three-person alliance destined for the final three), he tried turning the girls against each other in a spectacularly bad way, and when that failed, rallied the remaining two Heroes and Jerri to vote her out. This huge slip-up not only created an '''''extremely''''' angry juror in Danielle, but also allowed eventual winner [[The Cassandra|Sandra]] to slip into that third spot when everyone else was voted out, where she eventually won in a landslide.
** Coach in ''South Pacific'' voted out ''four'' potential goats (Cochran, Edna, Brandon, Rick) who had more or less been riding on his and Sophie's coattails because he had wanted to honour his original F3 alliance of himself, Albert, and Sophie. This resulted in Sophie being seen as the lesser of three evils.
** In ''One World'', Colton wanted Bill out so badly that he led his entire tribe to ''give up their immunity'' and go to Tribal Council in place of the women. Keep in mind, in order to do this, the decision had to be unanimous, meaning both of the tribe's likely targets - Bill and Leif - agreed to it.
** As mentioned in [[Complacent Gaming Syndrome]], for some reason, people seem to be afraid to upset the status quo and don't seem to have any interest in actually ''winning''. If you want to win, the person "in charge" of your alliance has ''got'' to go or else they'll win the game. Many people seem to be assuming that they'll sociopathically push their way through the game like Russell did, and that they can present themselves as a lesser threat.
* [[What Measure Is a Non-Badass?]]: Any winner who most fans deemed as "undeserving" solely for not being both physically and/or strategically dominating and aggressive compared to their [[The Runner Up Takes It All|runners-up]]. Notable cases are Tina Wesson from ''Australia'', Amber Brkich from ''All-Stars'', Natalie White from ''Samoa'', and Sophie Clarke from ''South Pacific''.
* [[What Measure Is a Non-Badass?]]: Any winner who most fans deemed as "undeserving" solely for not being both physically and/or strategically dominating and aggressive compared to their [[The Runner Up Takes It All|runners-up]]. Notable cases are Tina Wesson from ''Australia'', Amber Brkich from ''All-Stars'', Natalie White from ''Samoa'', and Sophie Clarke from ''South Pacific''.
** Sophie is an interesting case of this because she was both a strategic and a physically capable player. She was just more quiet about it.
** Sophie is an interesting case of this because she was both a strategic and a physically capable player. She was just more quiet about it.