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* [[AFGNCAAP]]: Besides them being a Hacker and the Soldier, both of which are male, everything else is for your imagination.
* [[AFGNCAAP]]: Besides them being a Hacker and the Soldier, both of which are male, everything else is for your imagination.
** Actually averted in the case of the Hacker, as his face is clearly visible in the first game's intro, though you never hear him speak aside from occasional grunts. His name is whatever is typed in at the start of a new game. Also averted slightly for the Soldier, who gets a spoken <s>line</s> word in the epilogue.
** Actually averted in the case of the Hacker, as his face is clearly visible in the first game's intro, though you never hear him speak aside from occasional grunts. His name is whatever is typed in at the start of a new game. Also averted slightly for the Soldier, who gets a spoken <s>line</s> word in the epilogue.
* [[A God Am I]]: SHODAN has a...healthy opinion of herself, to say at least.
* [[AI Is a Crapshoot]]: Some ''inversion'', here; all of the artificial intelligences you meet in the games happen to be antagonists of some stripe, though both SHODAN and XERXES require serious outside intervention before they become dangerous. SHODAN's pre-Hacker audiologs and records say she's exemplary from what you find, and the only reason XERXES is dangerous is because he's being an obedient, faithful, efficient AI who is under the control of forces hostile to the player.
* [[AI Is a Crapshoot]]: Some ''inversion'', here; all of the artificial intelligences you meet in the games happen to be antagonists of some stripe, though both SHODAN and XERXES require serious outside intervention before they become dangerous. SHODAN's pre-Hacker audiologs and records say she's exemplary from what you find, and the only reason XERXES is dangerous is because he's being an obedient, faithful, efficient AI who is under the control of forces hostile to the player.
* [[Airborne Mook]]: Winged Mutant in the original.
* [[Airborne Mook]]: Winged Mutant in the original.
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* [[All There in the Manual]]: The manuals contains pieces of backstory not present in either games.
* [[All There in the Manual]]: The manuals contains pieces of backstory not present in either games.
* [[Amplifier Artifact]]: The implants, PSI-amp is technically this.
* [[Amplifier Artifact]]: The implants, PSI-amp is technically this.
* [[An Economy Is You]]: Justified, since all replicators had been re-programmed for war long before you woke up and, well, those who can use them who are still alive and unmutated - including you - can be counted on your fingers.
* [[And I Must Scream]]: The fate of human halves of the Hybrids. Some of them exert whatever little control they have left over what used to be their bodies to implore you to kill them - even as they advance toward you and try to tear you to shreds.
* [[And I Must Scream]]: The fate of human halves of the Hybrids. Some of them exert whatever little control they have left over what used to be their bodies to implore you to kill them - even as they advance toward you and try to tear you to shreds.
* [[An Economy Is You]]: Justified, since all replicators had been re-programmed for war long before you woke up and, well, those who can use them who are still alive and unmutated - including you - can be counted on your fingers.
* [[Animal Testing]]: Hundreds of chimps are on Von Braun for this reason. Unfortunately for the crew, they got sentient and gained psychic powers as a bonus.
* [[Animal Testing]]: Hundreds of chimps are on Von Braun for this reason. Unfortunately for the crew, they got sentient and gained psychic powers as a bonus.
* [[Apocalypse How]]: Citadel Station has enough goodies to allow SHODAN to try several kinds of Apocalypse, and the ''Von Braun'''s reality-warping hyperdrive allows for Class X-2... and beyond.
* [[Apocalypse How]]: Citadel Station has enough goodies to allow SHODAN to try several kinds of Apocalypse, and the ''Von Braun'''s reality-warping hyperdrive allows for Class X-2... and beyond.
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* [[Ate His Gun]]: Ate his shotgun, if the position of said gun is any indication.
* [[Ate His Gun]]: Ate his shotgun, if the position of said gun is any indication.
* [[Auto Doc]]: Both games have automatic medical beds that heal you completely in an instant. The first game also has stations that will reanimate a "killed" character, though these need to be reset so they won't turn him into one more cyborg instead.
* [[Auto Doc]]: Both games have automatic medical beds that heal you completely in an instant. The first game also has stations that will reanimate a "killed" character, though these need to be reset so they won't turn him into one more cyborg instead.
* [[Machine Worship]]: What SHODAN expects you to do. Cyborg Edward Diego and other cyborgs are doing this.
* [[Badass Boast]]: SHODAN likes these.
* [[Badass Boast]]: SHODAN likes these.
* [[Badass Bookworm]]: The Hacker, the protagonist of the first game, is an [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|expert hacker]] who is also abnormally skilled with a wide variety of weapons and explosives.
* [[Badass Bookworm]]: The Hacker, the protagonist of the first game, is an [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|expert hacker]] who is also abnormally skilled with a wide variety of weapons and explosives.
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* [[Justified Tutorial]]: These act as the recruitment aids for the military and can be skipped.
* [[Justified Tutorial]]: These act as the recruitment aids for the military and can be skipped.
* [[Kaizo Trap]]: Inverted. {{spoiler|In the original, when Shodan defeats you by completely filling your screen with herself, you still can steal the victory if you keep blindly attacking.}}
* [[Kaizo Trap]]: Inverted. {{spoiler|In the original, when Shodan defeats you by completely filling your screen with herself, you still can steal the victory if you keep blindly attacking.}}
* [[Kill It with Ice]]: Cryokinesis.
* [[Killed Mid-Sentence]]: Malick. He was working on an audio-log before Bronson's men gunned him down. {{spoiler|Also Prefontaine.}}
* [[Killed Mid-Sentence]]: Malick. He was working on an audio-log before Bronson's men gunned him down. {{spoiler|Also Prefontaine.}}
* [[Kill Sat]]: Citadel Station's mining laser is modified by SHODAN to function like one.
* [[Killer Space Monkey]]: with psychic powers, no less. Has elements of [[Maniac Monkeys]] due to them being much smarter than your typical monkeys.
* [[Killer Space Monkey]]: with psychic powers, no less. Has elements of [[Maniac Monkeys]] due to them being much smarter than your typical monkeys.
* [[Kill It with Ice]]: Cryokinesis.
* [[Kill Sat]]: Citadel Station's mining laser is modified by SHODAN to function like one.
* [[Kinetic Weapons Are Just Better]]: Balance issues in the sequel made the energy weapons inferior to standard ones. The big advantage of the energy weapons, however, is the lack of ammunition, which is hard to find and expensive. If you can find an energy recharger, you can fire your energy weapon.
* [[Kinetic Weapons Are Just Better]]: Balance issues in the sequel made the energy weapons inferior to standard ones. The big advantage of the energy weapons, however, is the lack of ammunition, which is hard to find and expensive. If you can find an energy recharger, you can fire your energy weapon.
* [[Knight Templar]]: Bronson. There is a ghost scene where her men are gunning down civilians who do not approve of the martial law.
* [[Knight Templar]]: Bronson. There is a ghost scene where her men are gunning down civilians who do not approve of the martial law.
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* [[Made of Explodium]]: Everything remotely mechanical, apparently.
* [[Made of Explodium]]: Everything remotely mechanical, apparently.
* [[Machine Monotone]]: SHODAN at [[Averted Trope|absolutely no time]] unless she's in a calmer mood and her sound card isn't [[Hell Is That Noise|glitching]], but XERXES plays this utterly straight.
* [[Machine Monotone]]: SHODAN at [[Averted Trope|absolutely no time]] unless she's in a calmer mood and her sound card isn't [[Hell Is That Noise|glitching]], but XERXES plays this utterly straight.
* [[Machine Worship]]: What SHODAN expects you to do. Cyborg Edward Diego and other cyborgs are doing this.
* [[Madness Mantra]]. ''System Shock 2''. The Hybrids, when not attacking, piteously ponder "We are? We are?" and "What... ''happened'' to me?", and when they attack, they either apologetically shout "I'm ''sorry''! Run! '''RUN!'''" or growl "You are not ''one of us''!" or "You cannot see!" The Cyborg Midwives are even creepier, walking around talking about caring for "the little ones".
* [[Madness Mantra]]. ''System Shock 2''. The Hybrids, when not attacking, piteously ponder "We are? We are?" and "What... ''happened'' to me?", and when they attack, they either apologetically shout "I'm ''sorry''! Run! '''RUN!'''" or growl "You are not ''one of us''!" or "You cannot see!" The Cyborg Midwives are even creepier, walking around talking about caring for "the little ones".
* [[Mad Scientist]]: Well, more of a brainwashed [[Dissonant Serenity]] scientist, but Dr.Miller created the midwives.
* [[Mad Scientist]]: Well, more of a brainwashed [[Dissonant Serenity]] scientist, but Dr.Miller created the midwives.
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* [[Third Person Person]]: Apparently, ethical constraints also cause SHODAN to refer to herself in the third person. It goes away as she re-examines her priorities and draws new conclusions.
* [[Third Person Person]]: Apparently, ethical constraints also cause SHODAN to refer to herself in the third person. It goes away as she re-examines her priorities and draws new conclusions.
* [[This Cannot Be!]]: SHODAN in the sequel after you defeat her at the end.
* [[This Cannot Be!]]: SHODAN in the sequel after you defeat her at the end.
* [[This Is the Final Battle]]: {{spoiler|Said by Delacroix.}}
* [[This Is Sparta]]:
* [[This Is Sparta]]:
{{quote| {{spoiler|SHODAN}}: Your incompetence continues to astound me. I've blocked all access to pod 2, until you have reversed the gravitational drives in Nacelle B. Must I watch you... every... Step. Of. The. Way?...}}
{{quote| {{spoiler|SHODAN}}: Your incompetence continues to astound me. I've blocked all access to pod 2, until you have reversed the gravitational drives in Nacelle B. Must I watch you... every... Step. Of. The. Way?...}}
** Welcome to my DEATH! MACHINE! Interloper!
** Welcome to my DEATH! MACHINE! Interloper!
* [[This Is the Final Battle]]: {{spoiler|Said by Delacroix.}}
* [[Time Bomb]]: Used to destroy the {{spoiler|Antennas}} in order to foil SHODAN's plans in the original. One case leads to the [[Death Trap]] example above.
* [[Time Bomb]]: Used to destroy the {{spoiler|Antennas}} in order to foil SHODAN's plans in the original. One case leads to the [[Death Trap]] example above.
* [[Timed Mission]]: In the first game, the Hardest MISSION setting gave six hours to complete the game.
* [[Timed Mission]]: In the first game, the Hardest MISSION setting gave six hours to complete the game.
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* [[Tron Lines]]: Besides SHODAN herself, there's also the virtual tutorial levels consisting almost entirely of these. The original uses them for all cyberspace.
* [[Tron Lines]]: Besides SHODAN herself, there's also the virtual tutorial levels consisting almost entirely of these. The original uses them for all cyberspace.
* [[Turned Against Their Masters]]: SHODAN of course, {{spoiler|and then she becomes the victim herself in the sequel}}.
* [[Turned Against Their Masters]]: SHODAN of course, {{spoiler|and then she becomes the victim herself in the sequel}}.
* [[Universal Ammunition]]: The energy weapons in the original used power from the shared energy bar, also used by other items (which were really draining with their upgrades). The sequel thankfully gave them their own batteries. The sequel also had ammunition that can be used by two guns: Bullets and its variations (The Pistol and Assault Rifle), Prisms (The Statis Field Generator and the Fusion Cannon), Portable Batteries {The Energy Pistol and EMP Rifle} and the Worms (The Viral proliferator and the Annelid (Worm) Launcher).
* [[Unusable Enemy Equipment]]: The broken shotguns, if you're lucky (though you should still loot them for the one shotgun round they always hold, and you ''can'' fix them if you're ''really'' desperate). Also, the Exotic weapons which you must research first.
* [[Unwilling Roboticisation]]: The restoration stations on Citadel are initially set to cyborg conversion.
* [[Unwinnable By Mistake]]: The 2 bosses of the 2nd game are immune to a good chunk of weapons. The first is immune to energy and melee weapons, while the 2nd is immune to melee weapons (sans Laser Rapier and Psi Amp), and all exotic weapons (but can be avoided by completing 4 hacking puzzles). If you are melee/energy weapons only, you are screwed. On hard/impossible, it's possible to have insufficient cyber modules to get research, despite Shodan giving you the necessary cyber modules, but thankfully you can find a implant that increase your research skill and get around this.
* [[Unwitting Pawn]]
* [[Variable Mix]]
* [[Variable Mix]]
* [[Vendor Trash]]: Various magazines, mugs and so on. Their only practical use is to be recycled for nanites.
* [[Vendor Trash]]: Various magazines, mugs and so on. Their only practical use is to be recycled for nanites.
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* [[Voice of the Legion]]: SHODAN and The Many.
* [[Voice of the Legion]]: SHODAN and The Many.
* [[Voice with an Internet Connection]]: Dr. Polito {{spoiler|who is SHODAN}}.
* [[Voice with an Internet Connection]]: Dr. Polito {{spoiler|who is SHODAN}}.
* [[Universal Ammunition]]: The energy weapons in the original used power from the shared energy bar, also used by other items (which were really draining with their upgrades). The sequel thankfully gave them their own batteries. The sequel also had ammunition that can be used by two guns: Bullets and its variations (The Pistol and Assault Rifle), Prisms (The Statis Field Generator and the Fusion Cannon), Portable Batteries {The Energy Pistol and EMP Rifle} and the Worms (The Viral proliferator and the Annelid (Worm) Launcher).
* [[Unusable Enemy Equipment]]: The broken shotguns, if you're lucky (though you should still loot them for the one shotgun round they always hold, and you ''can'' fix them if you're ''really'' desperate). Also, the Exotic weapons which you must research first.
* [[Unwinnable By Mistake]]: The 2 bosses of the 2nd game are immune to a good chunk of weapons. The first is immune to energy and melee weapons, while the 2nd is immune to melee weapons (sans Laser Rapier and Psi Amp), and all exotic weapons (but can be avoided by completing 4 hacking puzzles). If you are melee/energy weapons only, you are screwed. On hard/impossible, it's possible to have insufficient cyber modules to get research, despite Shodan giving you the necessary cyber modules, but thankfully you can find a implant that increase your research skill and get around this.
* [[Unwilling Roboticisation]]: The restoration stations on Citadel are initially set to cyborg conversion.
* [[Unwitting Pawn]]
* [[Was Once a Man]]
* [[Was Once a Man]]
* [[We Can Rule Together]]: {{spoiler|SHODAN attempts to do this at the end of the sequel.}}
* [[We Can Rule Together]]: {{spoiler|SHODAN attempts to do this at the end of the sequel.}}