Tales of the Questor/Quotes

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

"There'll be people who want to turn your position into something empty and ceremonial. There'll be people who want to put you under some fool advisory board, "For Your Own Good." There'll even be some fools who'll try to brush you aside, say you're not needed anymore, the world is too "Civilized." Don't you dare let them. So long as this old world turns, I guarantee heroes like you will be needed. And so long as you're there at your post, the Rac Cona Daimh will know that they can be their own heroes, that they are and will be free."
Quentyn of Ridgedale, First Questor and Founder of Freeman Downs[1]
"You want to know who I am? I'll tell you who I am-- I'm Quentyn Son of Quinn, the Questor of Freeman Downs. The gnomes call me "Hunter of Shadows." The Gragum call me "Little God-Slayer." The gangs of the Tumbledowns call me sir, if they know what's good for them. I am one of Oberon's Untouched-- kissed by the White Stag and blessed by two ladies of the seleighe court. I have slain a gragum priest-king and three of his followers singlehanded. I have waded through an army of shadow-wights to lay low a rat-king. I have pulled a house down around the ears of not one, but two gangs of thieves. I have slain a swamp kraken and run before the Wild Hunt-- and won. and before I leave this duchy I will add a dead dragon to that list. I am a rac cona daimh, and I am nothing to be trifled with. do you have any other questions, your grace?"
Quentyn son of Quinn, who took the position after decades of nobody wanting it[2]